Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 6.2 – The Winged Menace and the Ferocious Brawler

After they had gone their separate ways, the cold seemed to bite deeper into her bones. Aura was already out of breath, but she had to keep going. To her weary eyes, the road appeared to stretch without end. There was still so much ground between here and the Royal Cassun. Her Kingdom was in danger. 

Just when everything was going well, it had to take a turn. She prayed that her fledglings were alright. That Vic made it to Deena and stopped her from getting herself killed. On the other hand, Aura had it easy. She needed to warn Taish and Piper, and get a courier to Father. In order to do that she had to make haste.

But would she make it?

"Just… hahh… a short rest…" Aura bent over catching her breath. She couldn't stop here. Deena and Vic weren't resting. She couldn't afford to either. 

Strange. A pleasant warmth caressed her back. Her firestone should have depleted by now. How nice would it be to bathe in the hot water with a bottle of Darcien spiced wine? That was a thought for later. For now...

"Princess Aurora? What are you doing out here?"

She spun around expecting an enemy, but saw instead a flaming horse peering down at her. "You…!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic ran as fast as her legs could carry her, but she was no match for Deena's bestial speed. At this rate, her subordinate was going to get eaten. There was no mistaking the dragon they saw was none other than Draxis. 

She remembered the terrible aftermath when she and her mother were fleeing Orcus. Draxis had laid waste to five cities before retreating. Entire families were erased, homes reduced to rubble, siege machines littered the field without a chance to retaliate. Nearby rivers had dried and stopped flowing, and the air became thick with the ashes of the fallen. Even now those lands were uninhabitable. Not even weeds could find sustenance from the scorched soil.

The worst was yet to come. Draxis was the Harbinger of Calamities not for the destruction left in his wake, but for the impending approach of the Draconids. A single dragon could incinerate an army, but a whole flight could bring the world to a holocaust.

Their return was inevitable. This very act was the Draconids' declaration of war on Cassun. Was this the Loyalists' doing? Was the Kingdom of Cassun prepared for such an attack? 

It didn't matter. This is what she and her companions trained for. Draxis' sudden appearance  was unexpected, but not unplanned for. With Aura by their side, the scales should tip in their favor. Defeating him before too much devastation could be done to the lands should delay the coming of his kin.

"Argh— not now!" Vic's vision went white as pain wracked her entire body. Unseen claws tore at her. She felt her brain being pricked by a thousand needles. "Not again… damn it…"

It was another headache. The same ones she'd been having night after night. This one was worse than the others. Her lungs were on fire and every breath she took made her seize. It wasn't just the pounding headache, every muscle in her body tensed and her leg joints locked up. She didn't see an oak's overgrown root protruding from the soil and ran into it.

Vic collapsed to the ground, face half-buried in the snow. She tried to lift herself upon trembling arms but succeeded only in intensifying the pain. The blood coursing through her boiled.


Blistering fingers dragged her to the tree she tripped over. She grinded her horns against its trunk. The pain wasn't subsiding. She slammed her head against the massive oak over and over. 

Then something snapped. The tree began to splinter where it was repeatedly struck. It groaned and creaked until it toppled over its own weight, crashing down on the tree next to it.

When silence returned to the forest Vic, too, had fallen silent. 

Blood trickled from her head but she was no longer in pain. She sniffed the air, growled at whatever lingering scent clung to the air, and then took off running on all fours.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Taisha had just finished replacing the bedsheets for every room on both floors. These two days were especially taxing. Though they didn't receive any guests today, there were those who stayed the night that needed looking after. She had to suspend her VIP services but that wasn't an issue.

Though the number of patrons was fewer than usual, there was no shortage of work since the Royal Cassun was four hands down. With Piper below handling the cooking and laundry, it still left Taisa with cleaning the springs, replacing the linens, delivering the food, answering requests, mopping the floors, keeping the hearth alight, feeding the horses, and clearing snow off the road.

If she had known there was so much to do, she would have urged Aura to stay behind at the very least. Thankfully, the three of them should be returning by sundown. Even so, it didn't stop her from worrying. This was the first time in years she and Vic had been apart. 

The tray she was carrying tilted too far and all of its content spilled to the floor. A sloppy mess of carrot and tomato soup mocked her from the maplewood floor she had waxed earlier.

After cleaning up the mess, she had some time to herself and descended to the servant's quarters. Piper was nowhere to be seen, but the distinct sound of her humming echoed from the laundry room. 

Taisha was about to head into her room when an idea came to her. She reached for Vic's door and found it unlocked. She opened it slowly so as to not creak and alert Piper, then slipped inside.

Vic had a simple room furnished with only a bed and drawer. This was in contrast to her own room that had a closet full of clothes tailored by the finest seamstresses in Orcus, a trinket tree of jewelry, an even an enormous bed for her to accommodate company. Her superior never did have a taste for the finer things in life, and that may be true decades down the line.

She jumped onto the bed and buried her face in the pillow. It smelled just like apples and gardenia, a shampoo mix Vic kept around in her private spring.

"I'm going to need to tease her for leaving me alone."

Taisha got up to leave and locked eyes with Piper who was staring from the doorway.


"Uwawawa! I didn't see anything!"

She slammed the door closed. Taisha ran out of the room after and picked her up.

"How much… did you see?"

"I saw you jumping onto Captain's bed. Sorry!"

First Deena, now Piper. Maybe she wasn't cut out for sneaking around.

"Piper, I'll put you down but first promise me you won't tell Vic."

"O-okay, I promise!"

She let the girl down and patted her head.

"You miss Vic, too?"

Taisha cleared her throat. "It's not what it looked like. I was just checking… her room… for…"

"Hehe. Sometimes I sneak into your rooms, too."

"You… do?"

"I miss when we all used to be roommates in the barracks. Having a room to myself is nice, but there's too much empty space."

"Oh, Piper." Taisha knelt down to pinch her chubby cheeks. "How would you like if we had a sleepover tonight?"

"Really?? I miss sleeping with you since you're so squishy!"

"Squishy, she says… We'll reminisce about our academy days and drink hot chocolate. Sounds good?"

"I love your hot chocolate!"

"It's settled."

The two of them sensed it at once and turned their head to the stairs. Aura's mana field was approaching at incredible speed.

"They're back already?"

Taisha and Piper went up to the lobby just as Aura threw open the doors looking worse for wear. Behind her, Theradis came through not in his usual formal attire but in chainmail and armed with a black spear-like staff made of abyssalwood.

"Mr. Theradis?"

"Master and I received the terrible news that Draxis was flying south. He could not come himself, and sent me in his place to warn you. It appears I was too late."

"No time…" Aura explained through labored breaths. "Draxis is already here."

Piper gasped. Taisha felt her heart nearly jump out of her chest. That name rang much louder than it was spoken..

"What happened to Vic and Deena?" Taisha asked, preparing for the worst.

"They are fine. We need to evacuate the Royal Cassun, and find me a courier this instant!"

They went to work right away. Although exhausted from the day's work, Taisha had her strength renewed by Aura's revelation. 

In a matter of minutes, Taisha had gathered all of the patrons to the lobby and explained the situation. Panic set in immediately upon the mention of a dragon, but her coercion soothed their hysteria. Theradis and Aura helped the guests onto their horses and wagons and sent them south towards Greenwick.

"Your Princess asks of you in these trying times be vigilant. The king, my father, must be warned of the impending attack. Who among you will serve the crown and deliver word of what transpired here?"

A young light elven male stepped forward. He wore his fair hair in a braid that framed a rugged face, and had a tan complexion worn by years under the sun. There was a disposition of duty that emanated from him. 

"My steed is Felucian-bred. I know Cassun like the back of my hand, Your Highness."


"Damien. I have no family name to give."

"Cassun is both your mother and father. Today you are a son of Cassun." She pulled a golden bracelet studded with emerald and citrine from her wrist. "King Teo will understand when you give him this."

"What shall I say?"

"Tell him," She swallowed hard and spoke softly so others wouldn't hear. "Prepare for war."

Not even half an hour had gone by and the Royal Cassun had been vacated. There was resistance to the sudden evacuation from the VIPs, but a little urging from Aura set them on the run. Only Theradis and the staff remained.

Taisha took off her necklace and wrapped it around her hand. Each silver link glowed a different color in her palm. "I'm ready. Piper?"

"Ready!" Piper took one last look at the Royal Cassun, but something caught her eye. She thought she had seen a figure in one of the guest room windows on the east wing.

"What is it?"

"I thought I saw something…"

Aura joined them and followed Piper's gaze. "Impossible. I did a thorough check. No one should be inside."

"Behave, curse you!" Theradis was having trouble controlling his dreadsteed. "Wrath, we must help Master Vic!"

"What's going on?"

"Wrath, she suddenly started pulling away from the reins."

Piper noticed the dreadsteed was pulling against Theradis in the direction of the stables. "Could it be…? Mr. Theradis, let her go!"

"Are you sure?"

Piper unlocked the stable doors and ran to the molten egg. There were deep fissures all around its shell, steam billowed from every crack, and its thick crust began to splinter. Wrath, the mare dreadsteed, brushed her horns against the egg and nickered quietly.

The others had come in to witness the rare event of a dreadsteed's hatching. Piper pressed her ear and hands against the egg. She heard it. Valor was whinnying.

"Should we help??" Aura watched helplessly.

"No!" Piper put a hand out. "He has to break free himself. Come on, Valor… Vic needs your help!"

Pieces of the shell broke loose from the top and fell into the egg. A snout poked through from the opening. The foal grunted, kicking the rest of the way free until finally the shell crumbled away. A final burst of heat erupted from the core. Pieces of the shell showered the onlookers. Piper didn't flinch. Her heart filled with joy.


Valor, though a foal, stood taller than Theradis and Taisha. Wrath licked her offspring affectionately and pushed his head towards Piper. The two dreadsteeds rubbed their warm heads against her.

"Stop! That tickles! Ahaha!"

For the others it was an enviable sight as it was incredible. They watched in silence as the steeds, once vicious creatures from the abyssal depths, lavishing thanks on Piper the only way they knew how.

Piper cupped Valor's head between her small hands. "Vic will be so happy to see you. Do you want to go find her?"

Valor neighed. It was a strange sound. A whinny that softens into a low howl. He lowered his head and body enough so that Piper could climb on. With no reins or saddle, she pulled herself atop the dreadsteed like she had done many times before. 

"Good boy!" She cooed, brushing his mane. She turned to the others. "Sorry for the wait. We're ready to go!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Draxis, Harbinger of Calamities, herald of his kin. Itsuki stared into the gaping chasm of its jaws. How could they hope to defeat something that sounds like the final boss of one of his video games? What would Vic do in this situation?

"You do not scream as the goat-vermins do? I commend the adequate silence."

"Sarrul… what do we do…?"

"A black dragon is a rare commodity… Draxis is the only one of his kind with such a color."

"Now is not the time to think of crafting ingredients. We're going to die!"

"Enough whispers." Magma dripped from Draxis' mouth. "Die."


The trio blinked and missed it. Something had impacted the dragon's head with enough force that it nearly touched ground. A figure landed at his rear and raced up his tail. It went in for another punch. Draxis swung his head, throwing his assailant off balance. The fist missed its mark but cracked one of his horns.

"Miserable rodent!"


Itsuki saw clearly that their rescuer was none other than the half-dragon brawler. She landed on her feet and winced upon hitting the ground. She charged the dragon again, but there was a small limp in her gait. Did she not notice them?

"Sarrul, how do we kill a dragon?"

"We don't. Not without Dracobane… it's the only way to break through its scales."


"Dragons were thought invincible until the Alchemist's Guild formulated Dracobane. It's hopeless."

"We can't leave Deena to fight alone." He said, drawing his sword.

"Itsuki! Get down!"

Sarrul grabbed him and threw them flat on the ground. A black tail swung across the field, carving a wide swathe and uprooting every tree within range. What was once a field lush with trees has become barren.

Deena had also dodged the swipe, but she was forced into the defensive. Draxis lunged at her with his claws and gnashing teeth, and slammed down with his tail whenever she tried to close the distance. There were no more openings. Her two surprise attacks at the start were all she got in.

"Wretched foul-spawn, the thought of consuming you is revolting. The very sight of you sickens me. Be cleansed by my flames!"

Thick magma spilled from his mouth and shot forth like a geyer, setting aflame everything it touched. Deena out ran the inferno but didn't see the tail swing around her blindspot. The blow slammed her into a tree so hard it cracked the trunk.

"Hahhh— ack!" She coughed up blood. "I'm not done. I'm going to tear your throat out, you fucking lizard!"

"You are an aberration of perverted experiments unfit to serve as livestock. That your kind has continued to propagate is a foul reminder that you must be destroyed." Draxis lifted his tail to strike. "This is a mercy."

Itsuki shook off Sarrul's grasp and ran in to help. The tail came down on her like a guillotine, crushing everything in its path. His heart dropped, and his grip on the sword weakened. Then he saw the end of its tail wasn't completely flat on the ground.

"You…" Deena, battered and bloodied, lifted his tail with both hands and clamped down on it with her claws. "Talk too much… ITSUKI, DO IT NOW!"

He didn't need to think twice. His hands moved on their own. A single thought did cross him. He had to save Deena.

Itsuki lifted his sword and swung. A harmonic tune of crackling energy sung across the charred field. Draxis tried to wrench his tail free, but Deena wasn't budging. He stretched out his wings and summoned a mighty gust, shifting the blade of energy enough that it only severed the end of his tail.


"I did it!" Itsuki raised a triumphant fist. "I cut a dragon's tail! When do I get to carve—?"

"Too early to celebrate!"

A great conflagration engulfed him in a ring. Eve had intervened in time to conjure a barrier around them. The blue gem on her staff was shining more than it ever did. But even while protected under the shield, the heat was cooking them alive. The sapphire began to crack.


Deena swung the severed piece of Draxis' tail, bludgeoning the side of his head and knocking several teeth from its mouth. Itsuki and Eve's own mouths fell open.

Draxis righted himself. Instead of going in for another attack he simply observed. "Hopelessly, you resist. Why?"

"You're damn right." Deena yelled back, still clutching the tail. "I'm glad. I was getting antsy sitting around the Royal Cassun. I can finally pay you back for what you did to my home!"

"We merely cleansed your kind. By simply existing, you corrupt and debase the Draconids' glorious bloodline."

She took a large bite out of Draxis' tail and wiped the blood dripping under her mandible.  "The only thing glorious about it is that you don't need seasoning to taste good."

A surge of pain brought Deena to her knees. She tossed aside the tail to prop herself up on a bruised arm, clutching her chest with the other. She felt as though her abdomen could cave in. That tail slam earlier took a lot more out of her than she thought.

Fire billowed from his mouth. "I am unimpressed by your bravado. Annul yourself from existence, abomination!"

"Grab her now!"

A barrage of knives were flung at Draxis and clattered against his scales. More knives came flying across the field.

"Was that meant to tickle—?"

All of which exploded into a cloud of smoke.

Itsuki, Eve, and Sarrul wasted no time grabbing Deena before a column of magma fell down upon where she was just standing. They met up with Maya who had an unconscious Rust on her back.

"You guys went up there to rescue this asshole and couldn't even do that right."

"I thought you were leaving."

"We are leaving. Now. Before that dragon finds us."

At the bottom of the ravine, Shade was already awake and waiting. She rushed to Rust as soon as she saw him.

"Rust!" Shade grabbed his head and poured a healing potion into his throat.

He stirred to consciousness groaning. "Nnh… What happened? Shade?"

"We've been rescued. What happened to the others?"

"I was the last one standing… I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm so glad you're alive."

"Oi. Can you walk? Get off me."

Sarrul produced his last healing potion and addressed the group. "This is the last one I have… who shall take it?"

Deena snatched it from him without hesitation and gulped it in one go. Her wounds were closing up, but the potion didn't heal her completely. She cracked her neck, and then her fists. "Draxis is out of your league. Make a run for it. I'll buy you time."

"We have a better chance of winning if we fight him together."

Sarrul agreed. "We've just discovered Itsuki's blade can cut through the dragon's scales… we may have a chance."

Deena grimaced. "He cut through the softscale on his tail. Ain't anything special."

"Then how do we kill him? I'm out of tricks, and my knives are depleted." Maya threw her bags upside down. Nothing but lint fell out of them.

"It's the neck we need to aim for, but you won't get another chance. I'll do it alone."

"I'm not leaving you." Itsuki declared.

"Then you will all die together.

A powerful gale assaulted them from above, ripping branches and topsoil into the air. Draxis flew just under the canopy, mouth opened, preparing to unleash magma. But this breath was different. A halo encircled his jaws, and the color of the flames shone a deep blue.

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