How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 140

Chapter 138: The Strongest Break

Sharka had already said so, and Yu Mengruo felt that if he didn’t agree, it was no different from a bear child who didn’t know the importance. Although he didn’t want to leave, he still nodded obediently.

[Alright then, let’s go. 】

Sharka hugged Yu Mengruo and said gently, “It doesn’t matter if I give you ten minutes to pack up, or a little longer, do you think it’s okay?”

Yu Mengruo said cooperatively: “Of course.” Facts have fully proved that even if Sharka gave him a few days, he still couldn’t pack his luggage, so there was no difference between ten minutes and fifteen minutes.

After agreeing, Yu Mengruo immediately turned around and ran towards the base, rushing into the building and turning around from the inside to the outside. There are a lot of things in the house that he brought from the Central Star from thousands of miles away, and other things he and Sharka bought together, each of which can evoke a pleasant memory, and Yu Mengruo likes each one very much.

When he was packing his belongings in Central Star, the young male felt that he could not give up any daily necessities, but this time was completely different – Yu Mengruo found that he had nothing to take with him – maybe because he only had these in the past, so It is very important, but now that he has Sharka, J1O, his sister, a large group of primitive Zerg, and Sharka’s subordinates, these are more important than things.

Yu Mengruo found a bag, just stuffed as many clothes as possible into it, and ran out of the base without looking back.

Sharka and J10 are busy preparing for the retreat. Yu Mengruo heard J10 very skillfully telling Sharka how much food and how much weapons each of their few spaceships should pack, how to arrange the little sister of the insect king to control the primitive Zerg, and orderly line up to follow their fleet-because there are too few spaceships. The load is limited, and all military females who can survive in the universe first ride the primitive Zerg, leaving as much space as possible for supplies and energy.

Sharka was a little surprised when Yu Mengruo ran back so quickly. He paused his work, reached out to take Yu Mengruo’s bag, opened it and frowned, “You don’t need to be in such a hurry. It takes a certain amount of time to supply the spaceship equipment. Even if you pack slowly, you won’t waste time…”

At such a critical time, even the younger sister, who has not broken her shell, was acting as a microphone for Sharka, Xiao Shi and the queen of insects, but Sharka naturally made time for Yu Mengruo, thinking that he should pack more things to bring with him. go. Yu Mengruo remembered that he told Sharka not long ago that he resembled his female father… Even though the situation was not good, he couldn’t help but laugh, he was right, Sharka really did look like him.

“It’s okay,” Yu Mengruo raised his head and said seriously, “I can use my mental power to manipulate nanorobots to move things!”

A few minutes after he left, the military females on the tarmac had already been assigned tasks, and they were doing their own work nervously but not in a panic. Seeing them, Yu Mengruo suddenly thought of a question, and asked in the spiritual link: [Shasha, are all your subordinates going with us, it would be dangerous to follow us? Why don’t you give it to a spaceship that is not in good health and doesn’t want to follow us. 】

Sharka smiled, “Master, they came here with me and accepted your protection, they are your females. Now that you are in danger, they will not abandon you.”

Yu Mengruo noticed that Shalkat deliberately spoke aloud. There was a feeling of emotion in his heart, but he cautiously continued to say in the spiritual link: [Let’s ask them. Tell them the current situation, just say that the Central Star said that I am a spy and will come to encircle and suppress…]

“Then tell them to follow you if you want, and leave without guilt if you have any doubts, right? You are so gentle…” Sharka sighed, “I’m really sorry, I already told them that you are a royal family. It’s over. They all believe in me, and it’s too late if you want to deny your identity now.”

Sharka understood Yu Mengruo’s thoughts. Even though His Royal Highness has matured a lot now, has changed a lot, and learned to believe and not doubt, when he faces slander, he still doesn’t want to explain. But he didn’t want to test the female’s loyalty, he just wasn’t used to the sacrifice and dedication of the female as a matter of course like other males.

“Please believe that their choices are not forced by the situation, but are made from the heart.” Sharka looked at Yu Mengruo sincerely, “I hope you can understand that for female insects, fighting to protect the royal family is a supreme thing. Glory. They would definitely prefer to fight for you to the end of your life than to keep your life alive when you are in distress. If you hide this today, in the future they will know the truth and what they have betrayed, and they will It was painful.”

Yu Mengruo was stunned for a while, then with difficulty he looked away from Sharka’s icy blue eyes and looked at the busy females around him. Wherever his eyes swept, the females would stop immediately. salute him. Yu Mengruo knew that they could hear Sharka’s words, and could also feel that they really didn’t plan to leave, as Sharka said.

Although they were just for the king, it might not matter if the king was him or another male worm, but Yu Mengruo was still deeply moved – if he was surrounded by these zerg from birth, then he could understand why his ancestors even suffered Willing to endure hurt…

“All right.”

Yu Mengruo whispered in a low volume, and tried to give the females a non-standard military salute.

“thank you all.”

Yu Mengruo also joined the busy team and used her mental power to help bring food, water and arms onto the spaceship. Because they have to leave the Zerg-controlled border area as soon as possible and enter the neutral chaotic galaxy. There is no way to stop at any space transfer station to add supplies for a long time, so even if the time is tight, they cannot leave directly, otherwise they will escape. face a huge crisis.

It was a pity that the assembly had not yet been completed, and Yu Mengruo felt that a large number of fleets had entered his perception range in the distance. He immediately told Sharka and J10 of his new discovery. J10 estimated the time when the enemy ship would arrive, and immediately urged Yu Mengruo to board the fully loaded spaceship and leave immediately with the most elite primitive Zerg cavalry.

Yu Mengruo sensed that something was wrong, and asked doubtfully: [Wait little ten, if all the elites leave with me, and the female insects left behind continue to pack things and set sail one step later, can they really run away? 】

Sharka said calmly, “If you mind, you can say goodbye to them before leaving.”

Yu Mengruo was shocked by Sharka’s words. If the remaining females were likely to escape, Sharka certainly wouldn’t waste his precious time saying goodbye. Yu Mengruo found that he was still too naive, and there was nothing to ensure the safe evacuation of everyone – when his father and mother left the Zerg with loyal and powerful subordinates, they didn’t even pursue soldiers, but at the end of the journey, only He was left alone on Earth.

Agreeing to leave may be to take into account the overall situation, but Yu Mengruo’s overall situation is that everyone survives as much as possible, but Sharka, Xiao Shi and these military females feel that the “big picture” is equal to him.

For them, taking the overall situation into consideration is equivalent to letting him escape first every time there is danger, and letting waves of military females and primitive Zerg break him off. So when the Eros of the Central Star is really captured, does he have to keep his troops in order to protect himself?

After all those who could be sacrificed were sacrificed, he gradually took on more and more things. Even if he was left alone again, he would no longer have the right to be willful, so he must live strong?

Yu Mengruo once again realized the differences with other Zerg and Zerg-made intellectual brains, but he pretended to accept Sharka’s suggestion without objection, and after a few seconds of silence, he calmly said, “Okay, Shasha, you Let the Zerg who want to stay temporarily gather as soon as possible, and let me say goodbye to them.”

When Yu Mengruo felt that what he was about to say might shake the military’s heart, he chose to discuss with Sharka and J10 first in the spiritual link. But this time, when the female worms put down their work and gathered in front of him, either flying or running, Yu Mengruo spoke directly according to his wish without first obtaining the consent of Sharka and Xiao Shi.

– He is a royal family, and he is the most qualified to make decisions.

The young male raised his voice and said to the females who were going to sacrifice themselves for him: “Shalka said, if I want, I can say goodbye to you, so good, goodbye for the time being, everyone— ”

The male’s goodbyes were not sincere, nor were the words sincere. When he pretended to be stupid and cheated money in the live broadcast room, he could perform a hundred times better than now, but the females in front of him accepted it without objection. Yu Mengruo glanced at them… The Zerg has a long prime of life, and the female insects in front of her have a young appearance.

They rush to the front when facing foreign enemies, and are pushed to the judgment seat when they fail. After accepting all the injustices, they were finally rescued by their past bosses, thinking that they could live peacefully at the border, and then suddenly this shelter turned into a battlefield again, and they were to be left again.

Yu Mengruo could feel what they were thinking – they were not reluctant to fight for the king, but they were not too reluctant either.

Yu Mengruo has felt what it is like to support and love with true enthusiasm and sincerity-on the space station, when he took the lead in repelling the invading enemies and stood on the flying shark to receive the cheers and applause of the Zerg there, those Zerg were the only ones. Really want to follow him.

He could accept that the females would follow him on a dangerous journey because he was king, but he did not want to accept the sacrifice of their peaceful appointment.

Yu Mengruo took a deep breath and continued: “Now the farewell procedure is over, I order you to board the ship immediately! Zhinao will send the planned route to the console of each spacecraft, and take off immediately after boarding. All give me full speed ahead, and strive to reach the destination in the shortest time!”

The female worms lined up in front of him suddenly burst into an uproar. An army known all over the universe for obedience and discipline, but there was a loud hum, all the females seemed to be talking, but none of them obeyed the order and turned to board the ship. Saying goodbye means that the young males will be separated from them, and what does it mean to let them leave first in a boat full of supplies? If you want to divide the troops into two ways to attract artillery fire, how can you disguise the higher male insects in a fleet?

Sharka did not stand up in time to defend Yu Mengruo’s authority, but turned his head and stared at Yu Mengruo intently. Yu Mengruo looked back quickly, feeling a little guilty: he knew that even if Sharka did not agree with his decision, he would not openly disagree with him at this time.

He avoided Sharka’s line of sight, and instead glanced at the females, who had become much more alive – more pleasing to the eye than the solemnity and obedience just now, dumbfounded and involuntary whispers.

Yu Mengruo laughed, and for the first time, when facing so many female insects, he made a joke freely: “So, don’t think that Sharka and I tricked you into coming here as cannon fodder! We have this custom here. , when there is danger, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled go first, and the strongest can be broken, understand?”

The young royal raised his head proudly, pointed to himself with a thumbs up, and said, “I’m stronger than you all put together, so you go first.”

Although the females didn’t obey his orders just now, it didn’t matter, because in the Zerg, the insect king never had to worry about the females disobeying orders. The strongest higher males may be able to resist the king’s orders, but certainly not the females. After explaining, Yu Mengruo immediately unleashed his mental power, clapped his hands, and directly issued an order with control: “Okay, don’t linger, keep quiet, and execute my order immediately!”

The females fell silent for a moment. Although they seemed to have a lot to say, and their expressions were not very happy, probably because they were called “old, weak, sick and disabled” by the royal family, they had stabbed their self-esteem as warriors, but they couldn’t disobey Yu Mengruo’s orders and could only maintain In the state of being banned, he ran to the spaceship at the fastest speed.

One by one, spaceships loaded with energy and water took off from the B612 and sailed into the distance.

The enemy’s combined fleet is approaching at full speed, and has already moved close to it, and began to spread out the formation to flank.

Yu Mengruo turned her head and looked at Sharka, who had been silent for a while, and she justified her actions without reason: “Shasha, I don’t think I’m doing this as a willful drag on you. You said it yourself, As long as you are in danger, no matter who it is to protect you, you are always the one who breaks up, right?”

Sharka couldn’t help but want to sigh, but he didn’t know why, but he finally curled his lips and smiled: “Yes, and you happen to be like this all the time. Let’s go to the flying shark.”

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