How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 141

Chapter 139: The Duel Of The Males

The fleet, which originally existed only in perception, approached quickly and gradually emerged from the shadows of the vast universe.

Yu Mengruo had never seen so many spaceships and such a large fleet. He sat on the co-pilot of Flying Shark and sighed: “It’s like a meteor shower!”

At this time, maybe I should make a wish, I hope everyone is all right.

Several ships on the B612 are still being loaded as quickly as possible. Only one or two spaceships lifted off and circled around the flying shark. However, a large number of primitive Zerg carrying female insects constantly vacated, like a dark cloud behind the mecha.

Yu Mengruo still remembered that the influence of the royal family’s spiritual power was farther than that of ordinary high-level male insects, so she asked: “I can try to control a little enemy first?”

“Okay, you can try it first.” J10 reminded seriously, “but be careful not to go deep and not get hurt.”

Yu Mengruo spread out his mental power to sense the Zerg on the front-end spaceship. He carefully began to penetrate the corners, trying to control the weaker female first, find out the position of the spaceship commander, and then control him in one fell swoop. Everything went smoothly at the beginning, but when Yu Mengruo found the captain, he found out that it was a high-level male.

Yu Mengruo immediately shared this discovery. He remembered that neither J10 nor Eros allowed him to mark the military’s higher male insects at will, so he asked: “You guys remember this spaceship first, and I’ll try another one.”

Yu Mengruo probed several ships one by one, and found that the captains were all high-level males without exception.

Sharka’s face sank, reminding Yu Mengruo not to waste his mental energy: “Master, if you find a female captain, don’t act, I’m afraid it will target your trap.”

When facing the enemy, there is no single male, but when persecuting the royal family, they can form such a luxurious high-level male camp.

J10 also said: “In this case, don’t attack first. After they are close to the range, you need to control the base’s heavy weapons to fire, and use your mental power to protect the female insects and the primitive Zerg to ensure that they will not reverse. Controlled by those higher males.”

Yu Mengruo nodded obediently and said, “Okay.”

Sharka turned on the fleet’s public broadcast and said to his subordinates: “All attention, there are too many high-level male insects on the opposite side! All combat units must strictly abide by the order, and if they violate the order, they will be dealt with by the enemy!”

The females complied.

J10 didn’t comment on Yu Mengruo’s decision to break up before, but at this time he suddenly said: “Your Highness, it has always been my dereliction of duty for not taking good care of you and making you have to grow up so fast. I wish you a prosperous martial arts. ”

When the fleet got close enough, there was no prior communication, and the two sides went to war naturally.

As a tool royal family with no overall view and lack of military literacy, Yu Mengruo obeyed the orders of Sharka and J10 and did what he wanted to do.

The female insect and the intellectual brain are experienced, and will not let him face the enemy head-on, but create attack opportunities for him through physical attacks. The flying shark flew at full speed under the cover of the base’s firepower, bypassed various artillery fire, and cut through all the enemies in front.

More and more spaceships on their side have successfully launched into the air with full load, accepted scheduling, or joined the battle, or followed those spaceships that drove away first.

Although the firepower of the base is about to run out, Yu Mengruo is not afraid, because all the spaceships have been merged into the fleet and maintain a good formation. Judging from the news from my sister, the loss of the original Zerg is not too big. When the base defense system was about to lose its effectiveness, Sharka asked Yu Mengruo to increase the firepower output, and gave up the B612 to retreat under the cover of the last wave of large heavy weapons.

At this moment, Yu Mengruo encountered the first round of unexpected mental attack.

Yu Mengruo never thought that a high-level male would waste his mental power like this. At the distance where the most effective attack has not yet been reached, I don’t know how many higher male insects twisted their mental power into one piece.

High-level males are good at fighting alone, and they are all arrogant and self-reliant. They can’t cooperate well when they gather their spiritual power in one place, and even attack each other and consume them. But at this time, they didn’t care about wasting and hurting their output. Unlike the previous small-scale attack that could flexibly escape the peak with flying sharks, this round of attack was like a tsunami of waves of dozens of meters, overwhelming the sky and the sky.

Although the pusher that caused the waves was also attacked, it was a disaster compared to the enemy in the downstream. Yu Mengruo found that since his team had already assembled, he could neither hide nor avoid it, because if he avoided, the spaceship behind him and a large area of primitive Zerg would be controlled, becoming an enemy army and making them vulnerable. He only had time to tell all the spaceships to flee at full speed, so he concentrated on erecting a barrier and faced the attack.

This mottled and discordant spiritual wave kept slapping on Yu Mengruo’s spiritual barrier, with the strength of a natural disaster. When he found that he couldn’t knock the barrier in front of him temporarily, he quickly spread around, trying to find any cracks that could invade.

These mental powers are not as pure and admirable as the original Insect King, but like a stream of water that was completely polluted with countless garbage, because it was so disgusting that it gave Yu Mengruo another layer of magic. harm. Some mutually exclusive mental powers poured in, and they would sharply cause unexpected scars to Yu Mengruo’s spirit.

But Yu Mengruo still gritted his teeth and held on.

But the firepower of B612 was also exhausted and completely stopped at this time, and the enemy fleet successfully crossed the fire blockade of the planet.

Yu Mengruo couldn’t help clenching the safety bolt of the mecha that covered him, his hands spasmed constantly because of weakness and nervousness – his planet is now defenseless, completely exposed to the fire of the enemy fleet, as long as there is a spaceship, Sending a bomb can make his star disappear from the universe forever.

Fortunately… Compared to him, the living prince, they all ignored the dimmed star.

The enemy’s fleet also stopped its fire attack and adjusted its formation during the short interval. The spaceship that took the lead just now slowed down, and the second row jumped to the front row.

Yu Mengruo realized that they wanted another round. He raised his hand and tugged at Sharka’s sleeve. Because of the excessive use of mental power, his head hurts very much, and his eyes are wet from the severe headache.

[We change direction and fly alone. 】

Sharka stretched out a hand and held Yu Mengruo’s hand tightly.

The young prince’s palms were wet and cold.

Sharka was heartbroken. Although he has rich combat experience, he has never had the opportunity to participate in such a battle that has invested a lot of high-level male insects… This fleet came well prepared, and clearly knew what it was hunting. There was a problem with his command, and it should not be Let Flying Shark fly with other ships according to past experience.

No, no, it would be meaningless to divide the troops at the beginning, because he misestimated the strength of the enemy and the enemy – this fleet of high-level male insects is too strong, and it is difficult to retreat as long as the exchange of fire begins. From the very beginning, he shouldn’t have thought too far, and should have taken the hero away directly after eliminating the small team of pathfinder strikers. Didn’t he also sense at the time that the fleet was not quite right? !

But in this case, Sharka didn’t even have time to think about self-blame, so he quickly restrained his thoughts, obeyed Yu Mengruo’s instructions, stabilized the fleet, and drove the flying shark to the other direction quickly.

[My sister arranged for a few worm queens to ambush on the spot, and I would wait for two more rounds to lure them over, and wait for the next time they switch formations to attack and shoot down all the spaceships that the male worm captains couldn’t participate in the battle. 】

The flying shark left the fleet and flew diagonally forward. The second wave of mental attacks turned and followed behind them. The position to be held was reduced from a small fleet to only a small mecha, and Yu Mengruo’s pressure was reduced a lot. He ignored the headache and squeezed out as much mental power as possible from his body to meet the attack. To help him, Sharka kept changing the flight direction of the mech to avoid confrontation.

By the time the second wave of attacks passed, Yu Mengruo had a headache to the point that she couldn’t open her eyes.

Moreover, under the influence of the mental power of so many higher male insects, he couldn’t help but begin to suspect that he had done a lot of wrong things – where did he start to do wrong? Is it because he shouldn’t feel that he has the ability to break off? Or shouldn’t he think that he can protect Sharka’s subordinates and bring them here? Or should I have applied for reversal earlier, thinking that I can give Sharka back justice? Or many things earlier and earlier?

If he made the right choice, wouldn’t everyone be able to live well without facing this siege?

Sharka was still carrying out his plan to lead the fleet back to where they had fled. The flames exploded in the dark universe. Some spaceships in the enemy fleet were exploding and disintegrating. Many individual aircraft and female insects that directly unfolded their wings rushed out of the explosion flame.

Yu Mengruo saw all this through physical tears, but also saw the fallen queen, and felt her sister’s grief in the spiritual link… The sister has lost her mother. But not long after she became conscious, the mother of the insect king had already fallen into a deep sleep to save her energy to wait for Yu Mengruo. Her younger sister had always been accompanied and taken care of by the queen insects. Of course, she would be sad when the queen insects sacrificed. If he doesn’t return to the Zerg, at least the original Zerg including his sister can live freely…

The enemy fleet also began to divide, and several spaceships chased in the direction where the other females fled. Without the protection of the higher male insects, those military females cannot escape the fate of being controlled once they are caught up.

But Yu Mengruo couldn’t do anything, and could only be forced to scavenge the last bit of mental power from his body to form a shield to meet the third wave of attacks. He hopes to have more power to protect Sharka’s subordinates, protect the original Zerg, and clarify his identity. But he was slapped and crushed by the filth wave after wave, and he was completely breathless.

My head hurts so much…

Unfamiliar spiritual power began to penetrate into his spiritual world, and countless unfamiliar voices kept clamoring in the world that originally belonged to him.

【do not need you! 】

【monster! 】

【Why are you still stubbornly resisting? 】

【Go to hell—! 】

Yu Mengruo noticed that his spiritual shield was being disintegrated little by little.

If it wasn’t for Sharka sitting beside him, he might have given Flying Shark a new order to turn it around and rush into the fleet behind him, pulling as many enemies as possible to their deaths.

—What’s wrong with wanting to go home? !

– Don’t you deserve to live without being needed? !

– It’s not enough to be treated as a monster by humans, why even the Zerg treat him as a monster?

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