How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 142

Chapter 140: Young Star

Yu Mengruo’s spiritual connection has always been stable. But now, his spiritual world is crumbling, and the spiritual link built on it is inevitably affected.

Sharka tightened his nerves, still trying to manipulate the flying shark, looking for weak points in his mental attack, trying to ease Yu Mengruo’s pain. His thoughts were so focused that there was no noise, so even when the mental link was unstable, it could still pass through clearly and was hardly affected.

Therefore, Yu Mengruo didn’t realize that he couldn’t even maintain the link until the intermittent and indistinct voice of Eros suddenly sounded.

[Your Highness… Your Highness… Please hold on for a while… J10 and I are working together to **** the signal source… We will disclose your identity… There will be reinforcements… Please hold on for a while…]

But the central star is so far away from B612, even if you make a space jump, you have to go to the transfer station or the military camp first… Even if there are really Zerg willing to help, it can’t be too late, right?

Yu Mengruo didn’t feel that he could count on the reinforcements that Eros said, but luckily the third wave of attacks had already passed. He picked himself up a little, raised his hand weakly to wipe the sweat from his brow, rubbed his tearful eyes, and tried to open them.

【Xiao Er… You are really fine… I thought Xiao Shi was lying to me, you have already been formatted… 】

[His Royal Highness…I want to format the main star’s main brain…not as simple as you think…if something happens to you…I will close all channels…from now on, I will run with the goal of destroying the Zerg…]

Yu Mengruo was originally stimulated to cry only because of a headache, but hearing Eros say this, he somehow really wanted to cry. But even at this time, Yu Mengruo was still a little timid in the face of the blackening of the main brain: [Uh…Thank you…but I don’t need to exterminate the clan…]

Even if he really died this time, Yu Mengruo didn’t resent the Zerg to the point of wanting to drag this race to the burial. Although these higher male insects are planning to let him die, there are many Zerg who have left their homeland to protect him in the past, and many more Zerg have also guarded his ancestors… Besides, his favorite Sharka is also a Zerg!

At this moment, Yu Mengruo vaguely heard some faint noises in the mental link. He suspected that he was hallucinating because of his headache. After focusing his distracted attention on this sound, he could barely distinguish the “noise”. There are many small voices saying different things at the same time.

【His Royal Highness, we are revealing your identity, please support for a while! 】

[Although the network is temporarily blocked, we are contacting offline! 】

[His Royal Highness, I have given all the mechas that can be mobilized to the Zerg who can play! You must wait! 】

[His Royal Highness, I have a private custom fighter plane, wait for me! 】

Yu Mengruo was stunned for a while before realizing that these were the central star males he had marked. He hadn’t given them any orders, but they still risked being arrested and took the initiative to reveal his identity, raising mechas and fighter planes for him in far-flung places. They are in a sober state, and they may know better than him that there is little hope of being able to catch up, but they are doing their best to disregard their own safety for this slim hope.

The young royal family regained some energy, reluctantly opened their sore eyes, looked out into the universe through the mecha control screen, and murmured: “What are they… Restart the attack?”

Sharka said softly, “Because a new fleet is approaching behind…”

Yu Mengruo suddenly opened his eyes.

“Master, don’t worry,” Sharka said. “The new fleet should not be on the other side… Look, the enemy ships that split up to intercept our fleet are retreating.”

On the back of the Combined Fleet, an elite fleet of the Second Army was approaching rapidly. The flagship command center sent a call to the Combined Fleet. After the call was approved, the Second Army Major General Yalves appeared in front of the camera, sipping his mouth. Mouth, said with a gloomy face: “Second Legion Major General Yalves, greeting you. Excuse me, why didn’t you say hello and entered the Second Legion’s jurisdiction without permission to attack the pioneers who were sheltered by the Second Legion? ”

The major general did not allow time for the commander of the opposing combined fleet to answer. When speaking, he turned to the camera to give his subordinates a moment to prepare to fire, and then said: “However, the completion procedures have fully proved their legitimacy. Previously, the II Corps had the right to expel any intruders. Now, withdraw from the II Corps immediately! Anything else will be considered a declaration of war on the II Corps!”

With that, he cut off the video.

“Yarvis, is he crazy?!” The high-ranking male commander on the combined fleet who had planned to communicate with him was furious. “Do you want to be a royalist? Don’t see if you have such a person. Life! There can be a few high-level males in the normal legion establishment, and they dare to think that they can be a savior, okay! Leave him here today and open fire!”

The fleet in the rear and the enemy fleet began to exchange fire, but when dealing with ordinary high-level males, the males in the enemy ship would not use the trick of encircling the royal family. Although the commander who fired the first shot had a plan, the higher males who participated in the previous rounds of spiritual attacks were still resting and could not enter the battle. At the end of the fleet, there were only a few ships in good condition to protect the ones who retreated to the abdomen in the previous rounds of attacks. The spaceship, and the elite henchmen brought by Yalves just came to a draw.

The huge combined fleet is gradually becoming loose in formation. However, the spaceship that moved to the front was still ready for the next round of spiritual attack, and was confident in defeating the enemy’s resistance in this round.

Sharka saw a little hope of victory, and after instructing his subordinates in the channel to find a way to bypass the spaceship with male insects to attack the enemy’s mid-section, he asked with a slightly trembling voice: “Master, are you okay? ?”

Yu Mengruo was wiping tears while watching the exploding flames of the fleet’s exchange of fire in the distance. After being asked by Sharka, he used his elbows to prop up a little limp body, and responded with a heavy nasal voice.

Just when he thought he was about to meet the next wave of attacks, another group of spaceships was approaching, making the enemy have to shrink the formation again.

This team of spaceships doesn’t seem to be a fleet. Although they fly together, they are of different models, different paints, and they don’t have any formations. The warship Yu Mengru confronted opened fire.

Yu Mengruo sensed it for a moment, and Anthony’s playful mental power was sticking up, and he shouted excitedly: “His Royal Highness! I saw on the news that the old immortals from the Central Star said that you are an alien spy and will come to encircle and suppress you! As soon as I thought how could this be possible I came right away! 】

Anthony was so noisy that, miraculously, not only did Yu Mengruo not feel uncomfortable, but he relieved his headache a lot. Even if he is not good at fighting, he can see that Anthony is messing around without any rules, and he hastily asked him to obey Sharka’s command, don’t rush too much and directly kill him.

[Very…dangerous…] Watching his spaceship jumping sideways repeatedly on the verge of death, Yu Mengruo couldn’t help but say with trepidation.

Anthony said lightly and fearlessly: [I came because of danger, and it is my honor to serve His Highness! 】

Although Anthony’s arrival gave Yu Mengruo a lot of comfort, to be honest, his strength was far worse than the elites that Yalves brought, and it was impossible for the combined fleet to be so terrified of not launching another attack. Yu Mengruo’s mental strength was severely overdrawn, and he could no longer maintain a large-scale exploration scan. Not to mention that he couldn’t compare to ordinary higher male insects, maybe even the technology radar of spaceships and mechas. Fortunately, he could hear a lot of eager voices in the spiritual link.

【His Royal Highness, fly to the transfer station! 】【Transfer station! 】【space station! 】

This is almost the opposite of the escape route planned by Sharka and J10…

Yu Mengruo raised a finger and touched Sharka lightly: “Shasha, go to the transit space station…”

Sharka nodded and immediately turned the direction of the flying shark.

With the Second Corps, Anthony and the others under control, the huge fleet forward wanted to adjust the direction to align with the flexible flying shark. fly away.

Unfortunately, a few minutes later, the fleet adjusted its formation, and the fourth wave of attacks caught up.

Yu Mengruo once again gathered her mental strength.

This time he didn’t think about giving up, but he wasn’t as angry as before. At such a dangerous time, there are so many Zerg who could not have been implicated willing to help him, he felt satisfied, the grievance just now has almost dissipated…

Maybe it’s because calm is really not as powerful as anger, maybe it’s because he is too tired, the time to resist the new wave of attacks has become extremely slow, every second makes Yu Mengruo feel that he has reached the limit and can’t hold on any longer. In a second, his mental barrier would shatter and disappear, and he and Sharka would be exposed to those ulterior motives of the higher male insects.

Yu Mengruo realized that he could not accept the higher males who handed their fate to the enemy ship, and neither he nor Sharka should be captured alive.

It was meaningless to think about why they suddenly faced a desperate situation. Yu Mengruo clenched Sharka’s hand and bit his cheek.

J10 never taught him how to burn himself to get the last power, but this skill may be a gifted skill engraved in the royal family’s genes. When he told himself that this was the last time, the broken spiritual world gradually stopped. After the collapse, it gradually stabilized—although he knew from a young age that he had a special ability, but Yu Mengruo has always used this ability to observe others, and it seems that he has never looked into his own spiritual world like he is now.

His spiritual world is almost a replica of B612. It is an asteroid that keeps spinning in the universe. There are fields, forests and lakes, mining areas and deserts, and various houses are built on the grass. The most important Zerg and intellectual brain to him look as cute as a fairy tale. Now, his world is gradually burning up, and the colorful asteroids are gradually starting to light up, and the rays of light emerge from the meadows, lakes and farmlands, converging into a dazzling light, drowning everything on the surface…

In the real world, his mental barrier is also glowing and hot. In the face of so many high-level male insects, he miraculously completed a successful counterattack, causing dozens of high-level male insects in the fleet to cover their heads and send out Painful screams.

But for the royal family, Yu Mengruo was too young. The star in his spiritual world is too small to provide much nourishment, and it is impossible to keep burning like a star.

Yu Mengruo turned his head and looked at Sharka with nostalgia. He never thought that he would encounter such an accident suddenly, and he never thought that he would have no chance or time to say goodbye to Sharka.

But it doesn’t matter, the first time he saw Sharka, Sharka is like now, driving the flying shark, fighting invincible in the universe…

It is far better to end with a star battle on the frontier than to die weak and hopeless on the central star.

Therefore, it is not meaningless for him to return to his hometown.

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