How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 143

Chapter 141: We Like You

Although Sharka also felt Yu Mengruo’s state and gaze, he had to pay close attention to ensure that the flying shark would fly without any problems. He wasn’t planning to give up, so he couldn’t take his eyes off the console and the observation window even if a tenth of a second.

Yu Mengruo thought that this was the end. His discomfort gradually faded as his spiritual world dimmed.

His head no longer hurt so much, his eyes were able to open smoothly, and his spirit seemed to be separating from his body… At this moment, Sharka tightened his hand suddenly, and the always stable female worm said loudly: ” Lord, look ahead! We have new reinforcements! Look!”

Yu Mengruo turned her head subconsciously and looked at the universe ahead. He saw more and more cluttered spaceships than Anthony’s swarm. Anthony’s ships are all picked by at least one male and have a consistent aesthetic in some respects, but not the vast fleet of ships – they’re old and new, big and small, and some may look like star thieves. Ships, some are cargo ships at all.

Yu Mengruo couldn’t maintain a spiritual connection with them, but from the direction they came from, he felt the trust, respect, and enthusiasm that he could never forget and deeply moved.

The speed of the interstellar spaceship is beyond imagination. The flying shark and these spaceships face each other, and Yu Mengruo’s dazed time has already crossed. Sharka tightened his nerves and raised his guard – he told Yu Mengruo that they were reinforcements, but he didn’t trust them completely. But in the brief staggered moment, Yu Mengruo was completely relaxed. He didn’t expand his mental power, but his five senses seemed to have broken through the limitations of his body. He could clearly see the Zerg busy preparing for battle in these spaceships, and could hear their voices.

“We’re not the idiots from the Central Star!”

“We can see more alien races on the border. We can distinguish males and aliens. Unlike pampered nobles who have never seen Shanfatar people in their lives, when they see males stronger than them, they must be mutated. powerful.”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness, you saved us last time, this time we will help you!”

Yu Mengruo blinked, a little surprised – he suddenly realized that what he heard was not the voice, but the voice of the heart.

After crossing the complex spaceships at the transfer station, Fei Sha passed a small and sophisticated fleet again.

Yu Mengruo’s spirit was no longer so weak that it seemed to disappear at any time, Sharka became calmer and his voice lowered. He reminded softly: “Master, that is the **** of Andro’s voyage ship.”

Yu Mengruo’s feeling of peace disappeared instantly, her eyes widened and she said in disbelief, “But… they are all females!” What’s the use of rushing in front of him? !

Sharka laughed and continued to drive towards the space station without looking sideways: “Yes, did you just find out? Did you forget what you said to me? When I was in the space station, it was also because there were all female insects around, so I stood up. from.”

Yu Mengruo woke up suddenly, “Yes… the ones who passed by just now were all females!”

Yu Mengruo suspected that he was experiencing the return of light and light, and in an instant, a new power rose up, patted Sharka’s arm weakly and said, “Turn around! Go back, go back!”

Yu Mengruo was worried that Sharka would disagree, but he didn’t expect that he would execute his request without hesitation, and then he remembered that it was himself who was going to the space station.

The Flying Sharks were faster than most ships, and they quickly caught up with the fleet ahead. Everyone didn’t seem to be surprised by his renegade behavior, and gave way spontaneously without any communication.

Yu Mengruo is still in a state of infinitely enhanced five senses, and has been looking forward, looking for Sharka’s subordinates who were almost intercepted just now. But before he could confirm the safety of those female insects, his attention was drawn to the primitive Zerg group that was approaching him. In the dark primordial Zerg, there is a golden ball of light. It was really small, but every time it got closer, Yu Mengruo felt a little more warmth and comfort.

【…younger sister? 】

For the safety of the little bug king, Yu Mengruo let her board the first batch of spaceships that took off. Yu Mengruo didn’t expect that he would miss such an important moment when his sister broke her shell, let alone that she would fly in the universe as soon as she broke her shell? ! Because he was too shocked, Yu Mengruo didn’t realize how he spread out his mental power and reconnected to the mental power of the little bug king. But the spiritual power of the original insect king was carried, which immediately brought him a clearer sense of comfort than the link Anthony just now.

It was as if in the dark universe, he no longer needed to burn himself alone to illuminate the surroundings, and his sister was also a shining star. Through her, Yu Mengruo’s mental power spread to those hatchling queens whose mental power was comparable to that of higher male insects, and then continued to extend to every primitive Zerg. This never-before-seen experience made Yu Mengruo feel dizzy. He seemed to be himself, and he seemed to be countless war worms with strong bodies.

His perception range has expanded a lot, and he no longer needs to exert force deliberately to feel the shaking of some high-level male insects in the hostile fleet.

【My God! What are those little things surrounded by primitive zerg, is it the worm king? ! 】

[Didn’t you say that the royal family will always only protect the royal family? ! 】

【Who are we attacking? ! 】

[Can a Shantafa spy really be so strong? 】

【impossible? ! Unless Shantafa wills the body, but the body has always been hidden in the safest place, how can it be possible to come to the Zerg as a spy? 】

[It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense, we were deceived! 】

Oh, it turns out that not all the high-level males on the opposite side know what they are encircling and suppressing… Because of the appearance of my sister, the combined fleet has never had large-scale operations, and the formation is not as neat as before. I feel that it may be messy after flying for a while into a pot of porridge.

Yu Mengruo didn’t want to try to link the hostile higher male insects, but said to himself: “Yes, I am not an alien, I am a Zerg.”

Then, he unexpectedly ‘saw” some of the higher males who had begun to doubt show their shocked eyes, as if he “heared” his self-defense.

– Of course, there are also some higher males who are screaming and lining up to attack. It’s as if this will drown out his voice so he won’t be heard.

But some higher males have begun to disobey the orders. As a result, the spaceship that was still insisting on attacking could no longer organize a long-distance and large-scale spiritual attack, and could only be forced to rush out more and more. Yu Mengruo knew that they wanted to seize the last chance to kill him before he reunited with the primitive Zerg, and while he was the only one on his side, the rest were all females.

It’s a pity they have missed the last chance.

Yu Mengruo pulled Sharka back, and the rushing warship didn’t pay attention to it, and didn’t pay attention to the scattered star pirate ships and cargo ships around, and only chased the flying shark and rushed over.

After they got deep enough, a dozen of the most advanced mechas were saved from the cargo ship they looked down on, as well as smooth-line combat aircraft—just when Sister Insect King appeared and attracted all the attention, one after another There are new ships coming from the direction of the transfer station, hidden inconspicuously among the previous ships. But Yu Mengruo “heared” that they were the central star reinforcements that he thought was too late to support, and they were the most advanced concept models sent by the Suo family and other scientific research families.

As long as the mecha pilot is strong enough, even female insects can pose a threat to starships with higher male insects. After all, males are not as strong as females, and can continue to fight unaffectedly while their bodies are exposed to the universe.

Yu Mengruo intends to persevere a little longer, try to cheer up, and protect these most advanced mechas and fighters with mental power. But beyond his expectations, his extended mental power actually came into contact with the mental power of the higher male insects in this strong mixed fleet – Yu Mengruo was startled, his first reaction was: there is an enemy hiding in his. Reinforcement! Except for Yalves, he can’t think of any high-level male who can fly a fighter to help him…

But this mental power didn’t hurt him, and it didn’t show any hostility. It is both pure and powerful. When he came into contact with it, Yu Mengruo felt a similar warmth when connecting with Sister Insect King, as if a new light source and fuel had been injected into his heart, and it was lit up in his spiritual world. new flame. Yu Mengruo’s eyes widened in surprise, and “looking” into the fighter plane, he saw the young and handsome female pilot and the high-level male on the co-pilot.

The male worm keenly felt Yu Mengruo’s gaze, turned his head naturally, and smiled in his direction. Yu Mengruo recognized him, as well as the female pilot—they were the major that Sharka had always been optimistic about and worried about, and his charismatic hero.

Yu Mengruo “heared” a nice voice, which should be the male worm’s heart sound. But the amazing thing is that his heart sound is not the language of the Zerg, but like a non-stop music. Yu Mengruo suspected that this might be the language of some magical race, but what was even more amazing was that he could understand the meaning of the music.

That is ‘saying”: [Hello, nice to meet you. 】【We like you, you are not alone. 】

Yu Mengruo was extremely shocked – the mecha and fighter jets rushed towards the surrounded fleet. The major’s flying skills were astounding, but even more shocking than his flying skills, he carried his hero without the slightest tendency to be conservative and steady. , but slammed into the command room of the starship at full speed. With the blessing of the fighter weapons and the spiritual power of the male insects, it passed through the huge hull tyrannically and terribly, and quickly destroyed the starship thousands of times larger than their fighters from the inside. , which flew out of the explosion and rushed to the next prey.

The other mechas and fighter planes cooperated with this charging sharp knife tacitly, and they were able to harvest the enemy ships efficiently.

Yu Mengruo discovered that the major’s hero was not the only male in this mixed combat unit. He knew a few of them, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen them, and there were even a few he had never seen before.

They greeted him, charged him, met the enemy fearlessly, and lit up new stars in his spiritual world.

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