How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 144

Chapter 142: Crown Yourself

Just when Yu Mengruo was left behind by the Zerg who came to support him and temporarily got out of the battle, the brain that had been silent for a long time suddenly came online.

【His Royal Highness, we have successfully seized signal sources in some key areas… 】

The voices of J10 and Eros were the same as before. Yu Mengruo still couldn’t feel anything from them, but he knew that the war that belonged to them just now would be extremely difficult to win. Because if they had any spare power, they wouldn’t disappear for so long.

[There are two central star space jump points within our control, and there will be reinforcements. 】

Yu Mengruo nodded in confusion.

On the other side of the universe he couldn’t perceive, J10 restarted the almost scrapped last-generation Zerg King’s car – the ancient ship that carried the little prince to earth and carried him back to the Zerg was full of scars and was hidden near the central star. In the zodiac, many parts of the exterior are not even the normal metallic color but are covered with moss and moss.

But as it teetered toward the central star, most of the Zerg who found it could still recognize what it was…

That is the legendary spaceship that once appeared in textbooks and documentaries. Countless Zerg, both male and female, had dreams when they were young, hoping that when they grew up, they could find it in the universe and meet the lonely king above. Now, this antique-like spaceship is in a mess, as if it will suddenly fall due to lack of fuel at any time, sending military signals to the outside in the most primitive, long-lasting, and wide-ranging way.

【B612, the rebels are attacking our king! 】

The signal channel that was retaken with difficulty, with strange noises, began to broadcast B612 in the hospital where Yu Mengruo and Sharka once lived, in the 6th Army Corps that is still in chaos, and on the terminals of netizens who had followed Yu Mengruo’s channel. nearby battle scene.

A small primitive Zerg king insect is leading his own group to fight against the regular army of Zerg.

On the other side, several visible mechas and fighter planes led a group of messy civilian spaceships, guarding the famous silver mecha flying shark in the middle, and were also fighting a huge number of regular coalition forces.

The former king’s spaceship… the new primordial bug king…

In different Zerg territories, different Zerg stopped in shock, stopped half-finished work, got up from the soft bed, and after a short or long lag, jumped up and rushed to the nearest space jumping point.

The Zerg have not had a royal family for a long time. Many nobles in power and newly promoted high-ranking males feel that they no longer need a king, but there are also many Zerg who have not forgotten the past and remember the efforts of each generation of royal families to protect the population. They may have never thought about whether they need a king or not, but they love him deeply with the Zerg instinct engraved in their genes, they can’t stand him being betrayed by their own people, and they are willing to give their lives to protect him.

Not long ago, the young prince thought that he was not needed by most Zerg, and that in his short life, he could only get a love from Sharka from beginning to end.

-Even if it was in a human way, under Sharka’s teaching, in exchange for his complete sincerity.

—Even if compared to other royal families, what he got was only a tiny bit.

But he was still unwittingly content.

But now, more and more Zerg are driving their own aircraft, rushing towards the battlefield from different places, surrounding him with a strong love that Yu Mengruo still can’t fully understand.

The Insect King sister wanted to cross the fleet and rush to the flying shark, but at this time she gave up her original plan.

Yu Mengruo was brought up in a civilized society. In order to adapt to the environment, he lost a lot of royal instincts in the more than 20 years since he was born. The original bug king was different. She was like a human baby who hadn’t forgotten how to swim, and she had some skills that Yu Mengruo didn’t understand. She said to her tired and surprised brother:

【Brother, fight back! let me help you! 】

Yu Mengruo closed his eyes obediently.

His younger sister, who has been nurturing with spiritual power, feeds back spiritual power to him.

When this new spiritual link was formed, other queens and war bugs also began to naturally transmit power to him.

The surrounding females, stronger males, Yalves, Anthony in the distance, the stars in every place are gathering strength to provide him with burning nourishment until enough energy is accumulated to produce a quantitative change.

Yu Mengruo didn’t realize what happened at the first time, but in the eyes of bystanders, his mental power produced a silent explosion, and the bright white light that could not be looked directly spread violently around him with him as the center, and it was completely destroyed. Lighting up the dark universe, it is much stronger and purer than the mental power gathered by the high-level male insects just now, which makes the Zerg naturally want to surrender, and cannot raise the slightest idea of confrontation.

His mental power swept across the fighting army, stopping all the artillery fire, and all the spaceships and mechas seemed to have lost their power, hovering silently in the universe.

On the battlefield at this moment, the Zerg on both the enemy and our side are in their prime, and almost all of them have never seen the true abilities of the royal family. It was enough to shock them that Yu Mengruo was able to protect himself and Sharka from several rounds of high-level male worms, but the current outbreak was beyond their imagination.

After all the Zerg stopped as if the pause button was pressed, a strange voice suddenly sounded on every warship at the same time.

“Alert! Alert! King-level mental fluctuation detected!”

“Military Master Erebus Autonomous Mode is about to be unlocked…”

“Military master Erebus autonomous mode successfully unlocked…”

“Military master Erebus activates self-test mode…”

“The military master Erebus locks the new king…”

“Erebus swears allegiance to the new king and opens the highest authority to the new king.”

“The will of the king is the direction of the sword of Erebus.”

“Erebus will remove all obstacles for you, and let all your enemies fall into darkness forever!”

Yu Mengruo: “…Thank you, thank you?”

As the loyal new king, Yu Mengruo was so tired that he couldn’t keep his eyes open, so he couldn’t follow up on the excitement of the new mastermind in time. His mind was gradually lost, but he still couldn’t help but silently complained about the unknown Zerg who designed these mastermind characters… Isn’t Eros enough to be a black boss at any time? Why does this newcomer feel more strange? !

All weapons and instruments that would damage the king were locked on the fleet from the Quad Legion. Without the help of amplifiers and the latest technology, the high-level males on the fleet simply could not gather the mutually exclusive mental powers to launch an effective attack on Yu Mengruo.

Moreover, most of them have completely lost their will to fight.

The golden bug king crossed these locked spaceships and finally landed on top of the flying shark.

The little prince didn’t realize that he had already crowned himself the king in the war, and the golden bug king was his crown.

The author has something to say: Happy National Day everyone, this is the end of the National Day holiday. I didn’t want to get stuck, so I finished this paragraph in one go.

I will take a few days off in the next few days, and finally I will end the text.

If there’s anything you want to see tell me, I’ll consider writing a sideshow.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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