How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 2

Chapter 1: Precious Male

The Central Star Adriao Public Hospital admitted a male who had just reached adulthood.

This young male named Yu Mengruo, with his beautiful face and unfortunate experience, quickly became the center of conversation among all female medical staff, patients, and patients’ families.

According to the Zerg who sent him to the emergency center for rescue, Yu Mengruo was sent to the hospital due to an accidental explosion. Although it doesn’t appear to have any scars from the outside, it has always been in a coma. It is initially judged that it may be implicated by the shock wave of the explosion, which has hurt the mental power.

Zerg males are very rare, and the hospital quickly determined his identity should be a C-level sub-adult male through his fingerprints and blood samples for the first time.

But the strange thing is, through the examination of the hospital, the doctors found that Yu Mengruo’s physical condition was already an adult at this time, but her grade was downgraded to D grade.

After repeated examinations, the doctors finally determined that he may have subconsciously burst into adulthood in order to protect himself when the accident happened.

It is a pity that although this forcible explosion protects the body, it severely damages the mental power – you must know that only males above B rank can control their mental power to transform into a form to form a shield to resist attacks in the non-spiritual domain.

When males grow and advance, they are the most vulnerable moment, and they need a lot of energy support and strong protection.

Just like the moment when a butterfly breaks its cocoon, it only needs a little mistake to make it unable to flap its wings and fly. The mental power of the male insect is like the wings of a butterfly that has just broken its cocoon. , Therefore, the young male who was supposed to be an elite and a strong man missed his bright future like this.

After going to the ward for a bed check, Myron, Yu Mengruo’s attending doctor, was immediately surrounded by a group of female worms, and everyone was very concerned about the condition of the young male worm.

“How is he, is there still no sign of recovery?”

Dr. Myron nodded.

“It’s clear that there is no trauma on the body, and the mental strength is still stable, why can’t I wake up? I won’t be in a coma forever!”

The females are very sad.

“The people in his family still haven’t come to see him? Is this about to give up on him? Even if it’s a D-class, it’s still a male after all. Besides, he’s so cute, it’s the first time I’ve seen him in reality. Such a beautiful male, how could his guardian treat him like this?!”

Dr. Myron shook his head and said sympathetically, “They won’t come. His father said, let me contact them when he wakes up.”

Thinking of that young male with a slender figure, delicate facial features, and a complexion that is paler than the white bed sheets of the hospital, lying alone in the ward every day, even the female doctor who is used to seeing life and death, can’t help but sigh, this just The adult male is really miserable, and the elders in his family are so cold-blooded and ruthless that it is difficult for other Zerg to understand.

The females didn’t know that Yu Mengruo, who was the center of their topic, was slowly waking up.

He was surprised to find that a voice said softly in his mind: “Hello, the system J10 will serve you wholeheartedly. Congratulations on your opportunity to cross this time, from now on, you will no longer be the ordinary human being in the past. Male, your new identity is – a precious male who has just grown up in the Zerg world. Now, please choose whether to start receiving information about your original body…”

Yu Mengruo was stunned for two seconds, feeling that the system was not very smart.

No matter what “traveling” and “Zerg” – just kidding, he is not an ordinary human being, right? He is a handsome rich second generation! The handsome rich second generation is already very rare, and he also has an ability to vaguely perceive other people’s emotions towards him. Rounding up is equivalent to being able to read minds.

Coupled with the ups and downs, complicated family relationships, and an unpopular growing environment—a human like him who can directly go to idol dramas as the second male lead is so ordinary, it’s obviously very rare, right? !

System J10 heard his voice, and humbly corrected him: “I’m sorry, Mr. Yu Mengruo, who was super rare when he was a human in the past, may I ask, have you started to receive original body information now?”

Yu Mengruo didn’t expect the system to be so good at listening to opinions and correcting deficiencies, so, based on the tolerance of “everyone has come” and “it’s not easy”, he thought casually: then accept it.

Immediately, a character card appeared in his mind. The young male on it had a face very similar to his, with few words next to it, similar to the character profile in an RPG game.

【Name: Yu Mengruo

Age: 22

gender: male

Occupation: Homeless

Hobbies: eating, drinking and having fun

Specialties: None

You have just suffered an accident. After being stimulated, a C-level sub-adult male unexpectedly grew into a D-level adult male. In order to reduce the difficulty and improve the fun in your next life, the system recommends that you announce your amnesia to the outside world. I wish you a happy life in the Zerg and all the best! 】

Just a little bit of information, what’s the difference?

Yu Mengruo opened her eyes angrily, looked around blankly, and found herself lying in a ward with a strong sense of technology. She couldn’t help being shocked: Hey, did you really travel?

After Yu Mengruo was found awake, his ward was filled with medical staff in a very short time.

Yu Mengruo didn’t know that his appearance when he was in a coma has been generally recognized by the females. When he opened his eyes with a bewildered expression, it was as if the exquisite but ingenious sculpture had been infused with soul, and his attraction to female insects immediately climbed several levels.

After listening to the system’s advice and claiming that he lost his memory, his attending doctor vividly interprets rich thoughts such as “I knew it would be like this”, “God is so pitiful”, etc. The terminal input the symptoms of “amnesia caused by mental trauma”, and showed extraordinary sympathy and love for him.

Since the spiritual power is derived from the power of the soul and thought, Yu Mengruo replaced the original male worm, and the spiritual power has also become completely different from the original “Yu Mengruo”. After doing various tests, Dr. Myron found this too.

Even so, under the strong blessing of goodwill, Dr. Myron still did not have the slightest suspicion of Yu Mengruo, and added a message: “The patient’s mental strength has changed dramatically. For the male worm Yu Mengruo.”

After the examination, the doctor personally brought Yu Mengruo a well-digested patient’s nutritious meal.

While eating, Yu Mengruo tried to use his ability to carefully feel the emotions of the busy doctors and nurses crowded in his room.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that his golden finger not only did not disappear due to crossing, but instead became stronger.

In the past, he could only perceive other people’s particularly strong and strong emotions towards him, such as strong hatred and fear…

And now, as if a man who was originally short-sighted had put on glasses, he could more clearly feel the hearts of these passionate Zerg around the bed: they all seemed to like him, a few were a little nervous, and a little… eager to try?

Using her supernatural powers while eating, Yu Mengruo seemed too obedient and silent to the female medical staff.

The food he ate was just a nutritious meal distributed by the hospital. Although it was exclusively for male worms, it was tasteless. Before Yu Mengruo, the female worms had never seen a male worm who could endure and not complain about being unpalatable.

Dr. Myron couldn’t help picking up the terminal, and tried to use easy-to-understand questions to understand Yu Mengruo’s amnesia situation, hoping to make his meal not too difficult: “You said you lost your memory, may I ask, did you forget yourself? You still have lost your memory for a period of time, do you still remember your name?”

Yu Mengruo thought that the information the system gave him mentioned that he was a precious male, and the high initial favorability of the medical staff for him, as well as all kinds of affection and coveting, he said curiously: “I remember my name is Yu Mengruo, It’s a male, so our Zerg is divided into males and females, right? The males are like me, what about the females?”

Hearing that Yu Mengruo’s memory loss was so severe that he even forgot the basic knowledge of distinguishing male and female worms, Dr. Myron’s eyes widened in shock. But in order not to arouse the patient’s anxiety, the doctor immediately covered up his gaffe and began to popularize Yu Mengruo: “Look, I am a female worm.”

This time, it was Yu Mengruo’s turn to widen his eyes. He looked at the tall and strong doctor in charge. From the outside, he was so manly that he was no different from a human male.

Yu Mengruo’s surprised look is really cute, Dr. Myron couldn’t help laughing, “What’s wrong? Why are you so surprised, I’m a standard female.”

He began to popularize Yu Mengruo – in the Zerg, male insects are rare and have a higher status than female insects, and female insects naturally like to obey male insects. Female Zerg are generally tall, strong, and powerful in combat. High-level female insects can even survive and fight in space without relying on mechas. On the contrary, the males are thinner and thinner, but their mental strength is stronger.

Although the males and females of the Zerg can be roughly distinguished by their body size, in fact, a more accurate way of judging is to directly perceive whether the same clan is male or female, how old they are, whether they are strong or weak, whether they are from the same family, etc. information.

Listening to Dr. Myron’s explanation, Yu Mengruo pondered secretly in his heart: The ability of the Zerg is probably similar to the ability of the lion to distinguish the opponent’s information from the urine left by the same clan on the border of the territory?

After Yu Mengruo finished eating, he began to take a bath with the help of the nurse. And his attending doctor, Myron, picked up the terminal and contacted Yu Mengruo’s parents again to report on Yu Mengruo’s situation after waking up.

When Yu Mengruo finished taking a bath, was clean, and started blowing his hair fresh, Dr. Myron mentioned to him, “I just contacted your guardian and reported your situation to him. He heard that you woke up. Now, I want to video call you. I said you are still checking your body, so… when you are ready, you can send a video application to your male father, he is waiting for your reply.”

Although Dr. Myron understands intellectually that he should not talk to each other, but looking at Yu Mengruo’s cute and ignorant appearance, and recalling the ruthlessness of his guardian to him when Yu Mengruo was unconscious not long ago, it is still He couldn’t help but reminded vaguely, “Your male father doesn’t seem to be in a hurry. If you feel that you are not ready, you can rest for a while…”

Although Yu Mengruo could feel Dr. Myron’s entanglement, he didn’t get what Dr. Myron wanted to express. He did not delay in contacting his relatives. After he raised the smart terminal on his wrist and asked the doctor how to operate this thing, he directly dialed the video contact application to the original body in front of the doctor. ‘s male father.

Dr. Myron had already told him the reason why the original body was in a coma and was hospitalized, and Yu Mengruo suspected that the original body might have died in an accidental explosion. Although Yu Mengruo did not take the initiative to occupy the identity of the original body, but since he inherited his identity, he must fulfill his responsibilities and obligations. Yu Mengruo wanted to take good care of the parents of the original body.

After the video was connected, the terminal projected a 3D male Zerg in the open space of the ward. Although it was similar to Yu Mengruo, it didn’t have his amazing feeling at all. Instead, it looked mean and arrogant.

Yu Mengruo waved his hand and wanted to greet the original parents in a friendly way.

But the male father didn’t mean to greet each other. After confirming that the video was connected, he said straight to the point: “You, I am really disappointed.”

Yu Mengruo slowly put down the hand she just raised and tilted her head slightly in confusion.

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