How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 3

Chapter 2: First Impression

From Dr. Myron’s point of view, the young male must have been extremely aggrieved, and he couldn’t help but stand up to stop it, “Your Excellency, your child has just woken up, please don’t…”

The male father, who was originally “Yu Mengruo”, glanced at the female scornfully, and said sternly, “Shut up! Female! The male is talking, so why don’t you interrupt!”

Dr. Myron was frightened by the male insect’s reprimand, and involuntarily took two steps back. Seeing the shape of his mouth, he seemed to want to apologize…

Yu Mengruo felt as if she had a new understanding of the status of male and female Zerg insects. He definitely can’t let the doctor who speaks for him bear the anger from the original male father! But at this time, he asked the original male father not to be angry with passers-by. If the old father insisted on spraying some trash, the doctor would be even more embarrassed.

Fortunately, as a senior unfilial son, Yu Mengruo has rich experience in activities such as diverting the old father’s attention and repeatedly jumping at the limit of the old father’s tolerance.

He said innocently, “Hey, male father, can you not digress? You just said that you are very disappointed in me? Why?”

Compared with the unfamiliar female doctor, the unfilial son is more annoying. The original male father’s volume tripled and shouted:

“Why are you still asking me?! Run out at the critical moment of promotion! Such an important promotion opportunity, not only did the level drop instead of rising! Have you ever thought about how much resources your family wasted to train you?! Waste! If these resources didn’t go to waste on you, use them to train your younger brother, your younger brother may have been promoted to A-level! What use are you now?! D-level, you are not even qualified for marriage, if I Dare to ask my D-class male to marry a friend’s female, my old friends might think I’m humiliating his family!”

The male scolded him angrily, panting, and when he saw Yu Mengruo still tilted his head and opened his round eyes, he didn’t feel any pain, no itching, and no remorse, and he almost turned his back.

“I’ve been completely disappointed with you. Now, listen carefully, you won’t be kept at home anymore. I will package and mail all your things. After you leave the hospital, find a place to live by yourself! Don’t come back. Home is here to disturb our lives! Yu Mengruo, don’t think I’m a ruthless male father, you are an adult, you are still a male, no matter what you say, you will not starve to death, and I will give you one last suggestion, do you want to listen to me? It’s up to you, remember, the master brain Eros will issue the mating quest for D-rank males. Now you only have D-rank, and there is no hope of promotion, so you can only choose low-level females. I will help you run it again, in your equipment Stuff as many rich females as possible on the list. Money will make your life a little better when you don’t have power! Having said that, I don’t want to see you again—!”

After yelling, the male cut off the video connection.

Dr. Myron shrunk to the corner of the ward just now under the anger of the male insect, when he suddenly found out that even if Yu Mengruo woke up, he was still abandoned by the family and kicked out of the house, and he couldn’t help being stunned.

But the young black-haired male was strong and did not show too much weakness. Instead, he turned his head and said with a smile, “Thank you just now, doctor.”

This thank you from the male worm was even more shocking to Dr. Myron than when he saw Yu Mengruo being kicked out of the house.

He blushed, extremely ashamed of his retreat.

Yu Mengruo soon received personal belongings packaged and mailed to him by the original male father. It seemed that Yuan Shen’s family wanted to drive him away, and it was definitely not an impulse in the video contact.

The male’s room is spacious, and he doesn’t have many things mailed to him from home. He piles boxes against the wall, and none of the medical staff complains that they get in the way. Every day, Yu Mengruo played news and dog blood dramas while packing the original owner’s things. If he was tired, he would lie on the hospital bed and watch the original owner’s smart terminal.

The Zerg’s smart terminal contains more comprehensive and richer information than human mobile phones, allowing Yu Mengruo to understand both the Zerg and the original body, and live a very fulfilling life.

It turns out that all Zerg have to go through many tests and ratings from small to large, just like humans need to keep testing. For the Zerg to continue to advance upward, it needs the support of the family, which is very expensive and resource-intensive. Therefore, every test rating after the Zerg becomes an adult is the last elimination system. Only the better Zerg are eligible to be cultivated by the family to continue their studies. They are not excellent enough. Those who do not automatically give up promotion, enter the society, and engage in various labors.

– Of course, it is very rare to directly drive out a male who is not good enough like the original father.

During the days in hospital, Yu Mengruo learned more and more about the original body. There is also a male younger brother in Yuanshen’s family. The two little males seem to have a bad relationship, and they have to stay far away when taking group photos at home; Yuanshen is very hardworking and wants to continue his studies in a good school. He has collected a lot of Famous school information; the original body has a female idol, a young major general in the Star Fleet, wearing a military uniform and armed with a wide shoulders and a narrow waist, she looks very good, and her ice-blue light eyes look cold, full of sharpness and sharpness .

In the original smart terminal, Yu Mengruo saw many photos and videos about the major general, as well as related news reports. Among personal items, I also saw his large poster photos. He tried to connect the smart terminal to the virtual imaging player in the ward, and played the video. He saw that in the dark universe with twinkling stars, the silver mecha rushed towards the enemy, constantly destroying the enemy in the blink of an eye. Fang’s mechas and small warships, like beasts rushing into the flock…

The realistic imaging effects and the exciting grass-cutting battle made Yu Mengruo unable to recover for a long time. After seeing the doctors rounding the wards in groups, he turned off the player as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Ever since he was kicked out of the house by the original male father in front of Dr. Myron that day, Yu Mengruo felt nothing, but Dr. Myron was embarrassed. Apart from asking about his physical condition and fulfilling his duty as a doctor, he had been avoiding him.

However, when he saw the battle scene that Yu Mengruo was watching, he stayed after the other medical staff left. As if he had found an organization, he suppressed his excitement and asked, “Well… don’t you like Major General Sharka too?”

Yu Mengruo explained: “I’m watching the video I originally saved.”

Yu Mengruo had a good impression of Dr. Myron. He knew that Dr. Myron avoided him, not because he was a low-level male and was abandoned by the family. He felt that day that Dr. Myron was very sad for him. Out of friendliness, Yu Mengruo said, “I may have liked him in the past, but now I have lost my memory.”

Dr. Myron finally found the switch to start the topic smoothly, “I dare say, you must have liked Major General Sharka in the past. Major General is simply an idol of our civilians. Without the support of the family, I only rely on myself. When I graduated, I was A-level. , won so many legendary victories, and always tried his best to protect civilians and rescue captives…”

Speaking of this, the excited doctor gradually fell down: “Unfortunately, without the support of the family, it was just a failure, and almost went to a military court. If the major general hadn’t rejected those noble males again and again, he would never fall here now. step by step…”

Yu Mengruo felt Dr. Myron’s depressed mood, so she suppressed the smile from the corners of her eyes and tried her best to show her understanding and empathy for the doctor’s point of view.

Dr. Myron misunderstood and asked in a low voice, “Would you like to visit the Major General? Let me tell you a secret. In fact, he is currently living in the intensive care unit of our hospital.”

Yu Mengruo was surprised, “Intensive care unit?”

Dr. Myron said: “Well, he was wounded in a coma after that battle, and he has just regained consciousness, but he is still very weak. If it was the past few days, even if you wanted to see him, I couldn’t bring you close. , but the decision on the punishment of Major General Sharka recently should have been decided, and the military police guarding him have all withdrawn. Although you still cannot enter the ward, I can take you to the door and see him through the glass. ”

Yu Mengruo stayed in the ward every day, and at most went for a walk in the courtyard. Although he was not a fan of Major General Sharka, after hearing what Dr. Myron said, he was very willing to follow him to visit the man who once stood on a high place and now fell to the altar. civilian idol.

The next day, Dr. Myron arranged everything. He put Yu Mengruo in a wheelchair, pushed him all the way, and came to the intensive care unit after being questioned by other medical staff.

Yu Mengruo really saw the brilliant female Major General in the original video through the glass.

The gap between him and the hero in the video was so big… that Yu Mengruo could hardly recognize that they were the same Zerg.

The powerful and invincible female worm in the video looked very thin when lying on the hospital bed at this time, with sunken eye sockets and cheeks, leaving only two or three points of handsomeness.

Although separated by walls and glass, Yu Mengruo is very miraculously able to clearly perceive the emotions of the female Sharka. When Yu Mengruo is a human, to understand other human beings is like trying to identify the outline under the moonlight; To understand other females is to read paper books by candlelight. The major general was looking at the number three on the computer screen.

The female worm’s spiritual world is worse than his appearance. Like a pool of stagnant water, and like ashes after a dazzling flame burns, there are only a few flames of hope that have not been extinguished, but they are also annihilated by strong despair.

Even Yu Mengruo, who could feel his emotions, felt as if he was being swallowed and suffocated by the cold sea… This feeling is too bad…

“Why are you crying?!”

Dr. Myron’s surprised voice awakened Yu Mengruo, causing him to break free from Sharka’s emotions and find himself again.

He raised his hand to wipe away his tears, lingering in fear. Even on a hospital bed, the female shalka is still very dangerous, like a rusted sword that can still easily pierce the skin, and it is also dangerous for tetanus.

But Yu Mengruo didn’t show weakness, he forced himself to be calm and pretended that nothing happened.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, doctor.”

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