How I became the Empress of Hell

3.31: Maximize Efficiency

“So, in order for me to become a full demon I would have to have sex with you?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up. I’m sure there are other ways to do it, but take it from me… none of them would be particularly pleasant. The amount of shit I had to endure was something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”

“Hmmmmm… While the offer to increase my own skills and possibly gain ridiculously overpowered abilities is extremely enticing, unfortunately I am not attracted to other women. As such, I’m not sure if that’s something I’d be able to go through.”

“Makes sen-”

“That being said, if the other methods of becoming a demon are as bad as you suggest, I suppose I could enable the sexual content so you can corrupt me. It… would be just you doing the corrupting?”

As she said this, her eyes drifted over to Emelia. I followed her gaze and then looked back at her.

“Yes. It would just be me. Why do you ask?”

“I always keep over a dozen enchantments cast on myself in order to better demonstrate the depth of my skills to those seeking enchantment services. One of those enchantments greatly enhances my hearing, smell, and sight. Even had I not heard what you and she had been talking about, your body language towards each other and the metal collar around her neck indicate some sort of relationship between you two. Given the nature of what she said to you earlier, I wasn’t sure who would be involved.”

“Ohmygod, Hana, I’m so sorry… I had no idea you could hear me! I promise I was just doing it to tease Allie! I wouldn’t have said it if I had known you could hear me.”

Much to my surprise, Hana appeared slightly crestfallen upon hearing Em’s admission. She must have noticed me staring at her with confusion because she turned towards Emelia and gave her a serious look.

“Are you suggesting Allie doesn’t, in fact, find me sexy and you were just saying that to tease her?”

“I-Uh… Ummm… That’s not- Uh… Allie… help me out, babe.”

“Hey, don’t drag me into this, you’re the one who said it. And… for the record, Hana, I do find you super sexy.”

“Is it because I’m Asian?”

“OK. That’s it! I would like to make something INCREDIBLY fucking clear. Yes, I like Asian women. But… I also like Black women, and Native American Women. And white women! I fucking like women of all shapes, colors, and sizes. While my dating history does tend to lean towards one specific type of women, I want it known that it’s not their ethnicity I am attracted to. It’s… so much more than that.”

“Boobs. Those are a huge deal for her.”

“Yes. Wait… No!! Goddammit… OK… Let’s all back up a step. Hana… are you sure you would be alright with me… corrupting you… knowing that it would involve having sex with me?  Only me?”

“While it's not the most ideal solution, it does seem to be the simplest one. Given that this is just a game, and you seem like a nice enough person, I can subject myself to a little lesbianism should I need to in order to both join your clan and to obtain full demonhood.”

My eyes practically bugged out of my skull at the pragmatic view she was taking with regards to having sex with me despite her objections to it. I also disliked the way she thought it was something she would have to subject herself too, instead of something to be enjoyed. Considering my own cavalier attitude towards sex, I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised… but this was so far beyond my normal realm of thought that I was at a complete loss for words. Which is likely the reason I spoke without fully thinking about what I was saying.

“I have a magic demon cock.”

Instead of blushing or even acting surprised, Hana nodded in understanding like I had merely told her my favorite color was blue. (It’s not, by the way. Lime Green all the way!)

“I assumed as much given the earlier comment about your… girldick. At first I thought maybe your primary sex characteristics did not match your gender, but… other things made it obvious that wasn’t the case.”

I started to arch an eyebrow before Hana merely tapped her nose twice with her finger and gave me a faint smirk. I quickly realized what she was indicating and felt my cheeks burn a fiery red for the fraction of a second my body allowed it. As I considered the fact she could literally smell how turned on Em’s comment had made me, I also realized just how powerful that enchantment really was and how much more powerful it would be when used on someone with demonically enhanced senses. This only solidified just how invaluable she would be to my clan, and if her enchantments were used in conjunction with Kyra’s insane crafting skills… we would have gear that would be the envy of everyone. Another thought wormed its way into my mind and my eyes went wide as I thought of a question I needed the answer to.

“Hana, what’s the highest tier of Enchantment magic that’s not considered World Tier.”

Upon hearing my question, Areandra, Emelia, and Tesrif all turned towards the Angelspawn and she briefly looked at each of them before glancing back at me with curiosity.

“Tier 5. Theoretically higher tiers are achievable, but I have not discovered any so far. I spent hours combing through possible skill combinations to create stronger enchantments, but the best I can do is Tier 5.”

Areandra quickly realized where my question was leading and she moved very close to Hana, opened her skill menu, and then swung it around for her to see. As she read the description for [Corrupted Radiance] I saw her eyes go nearly as wide as mine had and her mouth unhinged and hung open in shock. She turned back towards me with a look of eagerness and excitement and it seemed like she was practically jumping with happiness.

“How soon are you able to corrupt me? If this effect works like how I’m guessing, I would be able to cast the highest tier magic obtainable. I might even be able to cast World Tier Enchantments with this.”

“That does involve sex… remember?”

“Yes. You’ve made that clear. Areandra, have you been able to confirm that all of your enchantments are boosted by two tiers?”

Areandra nodded eagerly and I looked at the Angelspawn woman with utter amazement. Not even five minutes ago she was hesitant to have sex with me, now she was practically begging me for it. But the way she was doing it felt like it was just another box for her to check so she could go about her day. I felt Emelia’s arm snake around my shoulders and I looked at her with a confused expression still painted on my face.

“It seems we’ve found someone with an even more cavalier attitude towards sex than you, babe. Looks like you gotta woman-up and give the girl what she wants so she can get busy making our clan some badass enchantments.”

“Wait… how the fuck did this get spun around to me being the hesitant one? I am a sex demon, remember? I melt the hearts of men and women alike with just the wave of a hand.”

Em gave me a quick peck on the lips and then tapped the tip of my nose with her finger as she gave me a very sly grin.

“No… that’s just it, my love. She’s not attracted to you. She’s literally just using you to get what she wants. The great and powerful Allexus is just a means to an end, and you don’t know how to handle that.”

“OK… first off… I’m not that full of myself.”

“You may not be, but Allexus is. Allexus… is… Allexus. Is. Damn! Now you got me doing it! But… you’re the one with a boss room that is literally a shrine to yourself. I know my future wife may not be that egotistical, but my demon Mistress sure as shit is.”

“Wait. You guys know each other in real life?”

Em and I both turned towards Hana and Areandra who were now close to 75 feet away.

“Yes, Allie and I are engaged. Actually… The majority of our clan members know each other in real life. So far Nialla, Ash, and Kyra are the only ones we haven’t met IRL. Well… plus Judas and Tesrif. But they’re NPCs.”

Areandra turned towards the huge warrior woman and looked at her with surprise.

“You’re an NPC?”

Tesrif looked at me like she was unsure how to respond and I simply gave her a nod and a faint smile. The blue-haired demon turned back towards Hana and gave her a single nod.


“How very fascinating. I don’t suppose you would indulge a few more questions I have after I become a demon?”

Tesrif looked to me again with pleading desperation.

“Hana, if you have questions, Judas would be the one to talk to. He’s my retainer, but we also call him our walking game encyclopedia. He’s the older dark gray skinned demon with the black leather and trenchcoat. After you become a demon he will help you pick out a room in our castle and get you set up with enchanting supplies.”

“Excellent. Allexus, approximately how long does this corruption process take? I am eager to start experimenting with this enchantment buff. Not to mention casting the enchantments necessary so Angelspawn can participate in your PvP challenge.”

I narrowed my eyes at how dismissive she was being with regards to having sex with me, but Emelia placed a hand on my arm and gave me a smirk.

“Hana, have you had sex before?”

“Yes. Not in this game, but I have several times in other games and in real life.”

“And when you have sex, is it typically something you rush through?”

“I typically achieve orgasm rather quickly, more so if I take measures to maximize my own pleasure. After I climax I endeavor to return the favor to my partner as efficiently as possible. While having sex for extended periods of time could lead to a more pleasurable experience, I neither want to tax my or my partner’s stamina, nor do I want to let it interfere with other the activities I enjoy or my sleep. On average, sex from start to finish usually lasts no more than ten minutes. Slightly longer if my partner doesn’t use a condom since it requires additional time to clean up afterwards.”

Both Em and I blinked wordlessly as we stared at Hana and fully digested her views on sex and how “efficient” she made the entire endeavor. I wasn’t sure what astounded me more, the fact that she was so open and carefree about her sex life, the fact that she had taken steps to ensure it didn’t last very long, or the fact that ten minutes was the typical length of time she had sex. 

Ten minutes?! That’s a fucking quickie… and even then… that’s like… maybe one orgasm each? You know the best thing about lesbian sex? It’s not like with cis men where they get off and then just roll over and fall asleep. There is literally no end to it. You only stop when you’re too tired to keep going. And then you go pee, rehydrate, and keep fucking going! To date, the longest I’ve ever had sex is eight and a half hours. We had plenty of restroom breaks, a brief interlude for eating something small, and then going back at it right where we left off. I was so goddamn sore and my thighs and ass were so fucking bruised the next day… but it was so worth it. 

…and this chick wanted me to “maximize efficiency” and keep things limited to ten minutes…

 I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to do, but I knew one thing for certain… she’d be begging for a hell of a lot more than ten minutes after I was done with her.

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