How I became the Empress of Hell

3.32: ❤️Hana

“This castle is quite impressive! How many clan members did you say you had again?”

“With the addition of Ash, Kyra, and now you, we’ll be up to 16 clan members.”

“That’s actually far fewer members than I was expecting for the size of this place, but that’s not surprising considering you are so strict with your recruiting.”

As we walked through the halls of the clan castle towards my “lesbian orgy room,” I chatted with Hana about the inner workings of my clan and anything else that popped into her brain. It surprised me with just how intuitive she was, and the deadpan way she said certain things made it impossible to tell if she was being serious with half of what came out of her mouth. 

“How did you know about how strict I am when it comes to recruiting new members? I don’t recall anyone ever mentioning it. I mean… you’re not wrong, of course, but how did you know?”

“You’re the highest level player in the game by at least 60 levels. That alone is an impressive feat, but considering that the second highest person level player in the game is also in this clan, it speaks volumes about the overall strength of your members. Then, you have to take into account that before he became a demon, Niall was the highest level Angelspawn in the game. You obviously have an eye for talent, and the fact that your clan is still considered quite small emphasizes just how much time you spend focusing on your individual talents instead of trying to expand rapidly. Quality over quantity. Which just further cements my decision to join you.”

As we arrived at the door to our destination, Hana gave me an inquisitive look as she glanced around.

“Is this going to be my room?”

I gave her a playful grin and shook my head.

“No. This is my lesbian orgy room.”

I was half-expecting to see the Angelspawn woman’s mouth drop in shock, but she merely took my declaration in stride and nodded once.

“That makes sense.”

After she opened the door and walked in, I was left dumbfounded and wondering what I had gotten myself into. The fact that she seemed so blasé about the fact I took her somewhere I called an orgy room had turned the tables on me and made me suddenly struggle to find my words. I shook my head several times in an effort to clear the confusion that was tumbling through my mind, and I entered the room and shut the door. As I thought about what we were about to do, I seemed to regain my confidence and I felt my demonic instincts kick in almost instantly. I gave the beautiful woman a predatory stare and she looked back at me with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. 

“How does this work?”

I held up my right hand and twisted it in the air dramatically as I removed my clothing in an instant. Hana’s eyes grew slightly wider, but otherwise her expression remained unchanged. I closed the distance between us and reached out to pull her into me. A notification appeared on the peripherals of my vision and glowed a faint red. I selected it and exhaled loudly out of my nose after I read it.

Hana – Level 84 Angelspawn – This player has disabled all adult content.

My hands moved down her body and she tilted her head to the side as she watched my fingers trace the outer curves of her body. The further my palms explored, however, the brighter the notification in my field of vision glowed. Finally when I was just about to take her the globes of her pert ass in my hands, my entire vision was flooded with red and the words from the notification suddenly became the only thing I could see with any kind of clarity. I pulled away in an instant and saw the faintest trace of the corners of Hana's lips curling upwards. 

I narrowed my eyes at her and she merely arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow in response. I let out a low throaty growl and drummed a single finger several times impatiently against my bicep as I stared at her. She exhaled softly through her nose, opened her character menu, and then after a few seconds she closed it and looked back at me. Something shifted in the air. A scent. Or… A feeling. I knew without a single doubt that she had done what I needed her to do. I licked my lips hungrily and for the first time since I met her Hana looked genuinely concerned.

I fought against my instinct to surge across the room and tear this beautiful woman's clothing off her body. Instead, I walked calmly up to her and held up a single finger. She looked at it curiously before I extended the claw as far as it would go. I moved closer and began to circle around her slowly like a bird of prey.

“Don't. Move.”

When I was behind her, I reached out my hand and ran my clawed finger from the nape of her neck down the length of her spine. I felt the razor sharp tip effortlessly slice through the thick cloth of her robe, and savored the sight of more and more of her flawless creamy-white skin being revealed as the clothing peeled away from her body. I stopped just above the swell of her ass, and then pulled my hand back and stood motionless. Despite her calm demeanor, I could hear the sound of her heartbeat slamming in her chest, and as I walked to the side of her, the sight of my predatory gaze caused her heart to race even faster. I watched her eyes dilate and her nostrils flared slightly as I took her hand in my own. 

With my other hand, I used the back of my finger to trace the top of her middle finger upwards to her wrist, until my claw caught on the fabric covering her arm. I let the smooth side of my claw brush across her skin as I effortlessly cut through her sleeve up towards the crook of her elbow. And then up to her shoulder. When I got to the spot just above her collar bone, I let her feel the point of my claw pressing against her jugular vein, before I swiftly and precisely sliced through the last few inches of fabric.

Hana’s skin was covered in a thick layer of goosebumps, and as I moved my body very close to hers she trembled slightly as she felt my hot breath against the bare skin of her shoulder. I ran my finger up over her jawline, then across her face, until the back of my claw rested above her full pink lips. I inhaled her scent as I slowly shifted my head so that my mouth was inches from her ear. My own pulse raced as I heard her breath hitch from feeling my lips brush against the top of her neck. As I let the Angelspawn woman hear every detail of the sound of me licking my lips, I had to again get my instincts back in check from the urge to push the smaller woman onto the bed and claim what was so rightfully mine.

As her robes began to fall away in the two places I had cut them apart, without moving my face away from its place at the top of her neck, I tore through the remaining stubborn pieces of cloth that were doing their best to keep me from seeing every inch of her perfect body. As my eyes flicked downwards to drink in the sight of her, I admired the yellow and black bra and panties she was wearing. They were both simple and sexy. The bra hugged her breasts in a way that emphasized their curve and drew my gaze towards the little X strap just above her amazing cleavage. I exhaled loudly and let out a very faint satisfied laugh as Hana gasped from feeling my breath on the edge of her ear. I retracted the claw on my finger that was still lightly pressed against her lips, and I bent it slightly so that it was pushing between her pillowy lips. She unconsciously opened her mouth and I slid the finger forward ever so slightly, further and further. I felt her tongue swirl around my fingertip and as her mouth closed gently I felt her start to absentmindedly suck on it like a lollipop. Her eyes fluttered as she lost herself briefly for a few seconds and it was only when I laughed softly through my nose did she stop and blink her eyes several times.

I slowly pulled my finger out and then trailed the wetness from her saliva down her chin, down her throat, over the ridge over her collarbone, and then carefully hooked it around the strap on the front of her bra. I grabbed the band with my other fingers and then just like I had done with her robes, I effortlessly sliced through the lacy material with my claws. The tattered bra fell to the ground and I licked my lips again as I saw her breasts jiggle and settle into place on her chest. Her puffy pink nipples were fully erect, and it took a tremendous amount of willpower not to instantly move my head down and wrap my lips around the swollen pink nubs.

I planted soft noisy kisses from Hana’s earlobe down her neck. I took my time, ever so slowly going down further and further, letting her feel and hear every single kiss I pressed into her skin. Hana’s breasts were rising and falling quickly in response to her heavy breathing, and when my lips were mere inches away from them, she sucked in a breath sharply and I looked up to see her eyes watching me intently. I started to kiss up the side of her left breast, but I stopped just before my lips could come into contact with her nipple. She groaned softly and I chuckled as I did the same thing to her other breast. This time, however, I hovered my face barely out of reach of her nipple, so that she could feel every time I exhaled on it. I could see her body trembling in desire, but I remained in place only until I saw her push her tit forward so that her nipple would have come into contact with my lips. I moved my head a fraction of a second before she was able to press herself into me, and she let out another exasperated groan.

I stood up my full height and then pressed my own breasts against her arm as I moved very close to her. I reached up and grabbed the opposite side of her face and gently turned her head so that she was facing me. I moved my face so that my lips were less than an inch away from hers. I stared into her eyes and I could see the hunger that was beginning to consume her. I started to shift like I was going to pull away before I moved back and pressed my lips against hers. I may as well have fired a starter pistol to signify the start of a race, because the second our lips met, she returned my kiss with such ferocity that I hadn’t been fully prepared for it. She eagerly pushed her tongue into my mouth and I felt a moan rising from her throat as I started sucking gently on it. As I felt her start to wrap her arms around my shoulders I pulled away suddenly and pushed Hana backwards with a small bit of force. As she started to fall backwards, I focused on my demonic speed and rushed behind her. As she fell against my chest she let out a startled cry, and I gripped her tightly in a bear hug around her arms so she wouldn’t slide down any further. 

When I felt her relax again, I let my arms slide underneath hers and then move downwards. One of my hands grabbed her boob, and I started to gently squeeze and caress it with my fingertips. The other hand roamed down her abdomen until it came to the silky material of her panties. I ran the edges of each of my fingers down the front of her panties, and just as I came into contact with the spot where her clit would be I used my other hand to grab her nipple and start to rub and pinch it gently. I traced my fingertips along the wet fabric, brushing against her incredibly sensitive outer folds as I moved up and down slowly. As I felt her start to lean back against me for support, I moved my head so that it was in the crook of her neck and I started kissing and sucking her neck in several different spots. As she turned her head to the side and began to kiss me deeply, I laughed breathily through my nose as her eyes shot open widely when she felt my fingers slip underneath the waistband of her underwear. I teased her clit with my fingertip for a couple of seconds before moving downwards and spreading her lower lips apart to play with her inner folds. As I continued to roll and tweak her nipple, she moaned loudly as she felt me pressing against her entrance with my other hand. She was absolutely soaked, and I was able to slip into her tight tunnel without much difficulty. I finger fucked her for all of five seconds before I pulled out and quickly used the fingers that had been inside of her to tease and play with her other breast that I had neglected. I slid my other hand down her front and my fingers quickly found a home back inside of her warm welcoming wetness. 

I felt her body start to tense and her walls started quivering against my fingers. I pulled out and shifted my entire body so that I was now standing a few feet behind the gorgeous Angelspawn woman and she let out a loud grunt of exasperation as she turned around to face me. Her typical emotionless expression had completely morphed into one of hungry desperation.

“What the f-”

I cut her off by closing the distance and pushing my lips against hers. I rubbed the front of my body against hers and enjoyed the feeling of my nipples brushing up against hers. After I gently bit her bottom lip and let her feel the points of my sharp fangs, I pulled away again and smiled widely at her. She was panting heavily and I could see the near savage look in her eyes as she tried to figure out what I was going to do next.


The second she opened her mouth to speak I swept her off her feet and tossed her onto the plush mattress in the middle of the room. She let out a startled yelp but before she had a chance to react I had burst onto the bed and was now laying halfway on top of her.

“Oh fu-”

I kissed her again passionately, and she melted back against the comforter. I circled one of her breasts with my hand and then slowly toyed with the nipple before doing the same thing to her other breast. Then I slid my hand downwards and shifted it to her side until I came to the thin band of her panties. I extended a claw and hooked it in the silky fabric, before lifting it slowly. The slight pressure was enough to cut through the material effortlessly, and then I slid across her lower abdomen and did the same thing on the other side. I grabbed the waistband and then lifted it free from her body in one strong tug. She let out a sharp gasp as the air hit her bare pussy. The gasp warped into a moan as I wasted no time and quickly began to tease her outer folds and the edge of her clit. When I felt her push against my hand in an effort to get more stimulation, I obliged by spreading her with my fingers and seeking out her tight entrance. Once two of my fingers had slid inside of her, she let out a satisfied moan while continuing to kiss me eagerly.

From the way she continually writhed from my nimble fingers hitting the most sensitive spots within her, I could tell she was getting close again. So, I pulled out until just my fingertips remained inside of her. I slowed my kissing and went back to teasing her outer folds, while every once in awhile brushing against her clit. When I felt like she had moved back away from the edge of orgasm, I pushed back inside of her and started hitting those same spots again while using my thumb to rub small circles on the swollen nub of her clit. And again, when I felt her start to tremble and clench around me, I eased back and let her calm back down. I did this again. And again. And Again. And then once more. And one final time for good measure.

By the time I had ramped her up again and stopped just before she could hit that release that was just out of reach, she was practically shaking with unbridled lust and rage. I shifted back on the bed so that I was now kneeling beside her and I grabbed her hand and pressed it just below my pubic bone. I made sure she was looking where I had placed her hand, and then I focused on willing my demon cock out of my body. She let out a surprised gasp that was quickly replaced by a soft grunt of desperation. I walked on my knees so that I was now between her legs, and she let out a cry of what sounded like anguish as she felt the tip of my cock press against her outer folds.

“Tell me what you want, Hana.”

“F-fuck me. P-Please. I n-n-ne-need to cum. Please. Pl-Please.”

I slid my cock up and down her slit and toyed with her clit several times until she let out a sharp irritated sigh and gave me a look that was begging me to give her what she so badly needed. As I lined myself up with her entrance I held myself in place and stared into her eyes. I arched an eyebrow and laughed softly through my nose. I let the seconds tick by and I could feel her starting to push closer to me in an effort to have me inside of her. I pulled back just enough so that she could barely reach me, and then shook my head very slowly. I pretended like I was going to move away from her, and she gave me a panicked look, before I reached down, grabbed one of her hips, and pushed my entire length into her in a single stroke. Instead of letting her adjust to the sudden intrusion, I started pounding into her, hard and fast. At the same time, I started rubbing circles on her clit with my other hand. I ramped up the intensity more and more and it wasn’t even five seconds before she exploded on my cock. Her entire body arched and her knees, ankles, and toes all clenched tightly. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she let out an ear piercing screech so loud it sounded like her soul was leaving her body. Her inner walls clenched my length like the strongest vice in existence, and I felt liquid gush out of her like a geyser. Her orgasm lasted a full minute, but as she started to descend from it, I began to slam my entire shaft in and out of her in a ruthless frenzy. She ramped up immediately and I felt her cum again. And again. And again. As I plowed into her over and over I lost count of the number of times she was brought to a mind blowing orgasm. After what felt like an hour of keeping her in this heightened state of bliss, I finally let myself release deep inside of her, and the sudden rush of blooming heat within the deepest parts of her pushed her over the edge one final time. After my earth shattering blast of orgasmic euphoria ended, we both collapsed onto the bed in a heap with her back snuggled against my front. When I had finally recovered enough to be able to form coherent thoughts, I shifted upwards slightly so I could kiss her cheek, and I chuckled as I whispered in her ear.

“Was that efficient enough for you?”

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