How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 109: Preparations Part 3; Satisfaction

“Let the 5 Kage Summit commence.” Kakashi announces to the group.

It is now the end of May, a little over seven months removed from the Fourth Great Ninja War. All of the Hidden Village leaders of the Five Great Nations, not to mention their guards, have gathered in the Leaf Village to discuss matters affecting their respective countries as well as the world at large; they all sit around a table with stacks of papers worth of topics to discuss.

“I believe we should begin by addressing the elephant in the room…” Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage, speaks up; the elder Kage sits up straight with a small pillow supporting the curve of his back. “Jin Uzumaki and his so-called ‘Hidden Storm Village.’ We’ve tried sending in spies, but they always return days later with portions of their memories missing.”

“The same can be said for the Hidden Mist,” Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage, leans forward with one arm supporting her head. “All we know is that they’ve been on the move, recruiting ninja from various villages and taking down any dangerous shinobi they come across.”

“The Leaf has also had issues with them; Ayanami and a number of other Hyuga clansmen have defected over to the Hidden Storm. Yes, Jin offered us information on an island the deals in slavery and illegal gambling some time ago, but the prisoners we’ve caught have all claimed that he had participated in the Colosseum before he contacted us; he, in actuality, used us to tie up loose ends for him.”

Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage adds on, “We of the Hidden Sand too have had our fair share of dealing with them…”


“What business do you have in the Land of Wind?” Suspicious, Gaara’s eyes squinted.

Two months ago, in a rocky area of the Land of Wind, the Kazekage stares down the Onikage; he is tense, but Jin appears to have a very cordial demeanor, jovial even. The other two Sand Siblings are at Gaara’s side; all three have begun infusing their chakra, preparing themselves should a fight break out

“Well, if it isn't Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara of the Desert. Of what do I owe the pleasure?” Jin greets them; he uses an arm to cover his face from the sand billowing in the wind. “Can I get you anything? A drink perhaps?”

“We just asked you a question: what are you doing here?” Temari reiterates with a fiercely stern tone and look.

“Oh, we’re just mining. Nothing more.” Jin gives a coy grin while shrugging.

“For what? What exactly are you mining?” Remaining stoic, the Kazekage folds his arms; he looks to his left and sees some ruins nearby. “There are no gold or jewel deposits here. Are you saying there are other valuables buried here?”

The smug Onikage pulls out an official document and waves it in front of them. “If you don’t know, it’s like they never existed. Besides, we made a deal with your feudal lord for the underground mining rights save for those used as currency and the tax exemptions to go with them. You got a problem with it? Take it up with your lord. If that’s all? Be seein’ ya.”


“We’ve also encountered them in a completely different set of ruins within the Land of Wind; our historians have found several mentions referring to them as the Kingdom of Roran.” Gaar continues.

Ay, the Fourth Raikage, speaks up, asking, “What were they doing at these ruins?”

“Good question, Lord Raikage,” Gaara responds. “Our recon team found the one they call Jaeger there; he was communicating with some sort of handheld device. We couldn’t fully understand what they were discussing, but what we do know is that they were talking about some odd creature named ‘Lugia’ as well as the tailed beasts and jinchuriki.”

“That’s it?” A somewhat frustrated Mei questions. “That’s all we know?”

All five of the Kage silently contemplate on their lack of intel on this new ninja village; Onoki sighs while Mei hangs her head low.

Leaning back in his chair, Kakashi quietly skulks, …Jin, Ayanami, just what is going on in your heads? What are you two doing now?


“She’s been gone for too long.” Kuroma complains, tapping his foot on the ground with his arms folded. “We should go in after her.”


Later that very same night, while the Kazekage is away on the Five Kage Summit, the two storm ninjas are stationed a safe distance outside the Hidden Sand Village; they are waiting on the symbiote, Mileena, who has infiltrated the village in search of something.

Pacing back-and-forth, Kuroma wraps himself in a cloak to keep warm. “Must be nice, being immune to the temperature.”

“I WOULDN’T KNOW. THIS IS SIMPLY THE EXISTENCE I LIVE.” The robot gazes at his own hands.

The two are alerted to the sudden appearance of a familiar chakra; they watch as a liquid black mass with glowing red eyes slowly emerges from the ground, taking on a feminine physique, it’s Mileena.

“WELL?” Mecha queries.

“It’s done,” The symbiote responds, holding up a scroll. “I have what we came for.”

The scroll she holds contains the instructions for a very particular ninjutsu, the very same jutsu that Lady Chiyo used to bring back Gaara of the Desert; an underwhelmed Kuroma simply scoffs at the glorified piece of parchment.


“Yeah… Let’s get on with it.” Mileena’s head droops, solemnly.

Curious, Mecha-Naruto asks, “WHAT’S WRONG? YOU LOOK DISAPPOINTED.”

“I-I’m… I’m upset that we’re missing the party…” Mileena sighs, shaking her head. “I know *I* was the one who put in the request for this mission, but still…”


“““HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, JIN AND AYANAMI!!””” The group roars in celebration.

The group is partying the night away at a restaurant, honoring the Onikage and Heroine of the Leaf’s special day; Rito slaps a party hat on Jin’s head, Itsu is cutting up the cake, Ayanami is conversing with Jaeger while she sits on his lap, and Nanashi is off to the side, drinking tea. Everyone is having a jolly-good time.

“Thank you, guys, really. But… My birthday is in July.” Jin makes it clear to them. “And it isn’t even Ayanami’s birthday either, hers was back in April.”

“Yeah, but we’ve all been super busy these last few months and this was the only period of time that we all happen to have off so…” The young genius explains. “It’s ‘Nami’s belated birthday party and your early birthday party.”

“2 birds, 1 stone.” Jaeger clarifies.

“And I love you for it.” The giggling Hyuga leans in and kisses him.

“I can’t believe Jaeger made the first move.” Jin whispers to Rito.

“I can. Now pay up!”

Both young men knew it was only a matter of time until Ayanami and Jaeger became a couple, so they made a little wager; Jin bet on Ayanami making the first move while Rito bet on Jaeger.

“Yeah, yeah, here you go.” An annoyed Jin hands over his winnings.

With a smug grin the young genius accepts it. “Heh heh heh… Totally worth it.”

As Rito counts his new money, in the corner of his eye, he spots Nanashi; she hasn’t said anything, just kept quiet and close to him, still sipping her tea. The boy curiously taps her shoulder.

“You okay?”

“Hmm? Oh, I’m fine.” the girl replies.

Relax, you’re at a party. Mingle,” Rito tries to convince her. “Have some cake. Live a little.”

“I’m having fun. I’m joining in.” Nanashi retorts.

While they’re talking, Rito notices someone staring at them from several tables away, a certain Hidden Cloud jonin they encountered in the war, a tall, fair-skinned woman with a curvaceous figure. She has blue eyes and straight, shoulder-length blonde hair cut in an asymmetrical bob style; she is currently sitting down with a meal at her table.

What’s Samui doing here? Is she spying on us… or is she checking Jin out? Only one way to find out…! A mischievous idea goes through the young genius’ mind; he elbows Nanashi and whispers, “Hey, watch this.”

“Yo, Jin? So, what do you usually do on your time off?” Rito asks.

Jin finishes off his slice of cake before answering. “Read and draw, that’s all I can do here. And you know this, man.”

“You know what you need, Jin?”

“A new jutsu?” The Onikage responds. “No, wait… a lightsaber.

“A date.” Rito confers.

“What?” Jin stiffens; he is left stunned by that unexpected suggestion.

The boy helps his friend up and moves him away from the group; their friends all watch what’s going on, curious as to where Rito is going with this; he pushes him all the way to the cloud kunoichi’s table; Jin tries to shirk away, but Rito prevents him from doing so.

“Excuse me. I saw you checking out my friend here. I thought you two should meet.” The young genius greets her with a charming smile.

“Oh, umm… Hello.” Samui says awkwardly, maintaining her stoic expression.

“Yeah, so umm… uhh… H-Hi. And… uhh…” The stiff Jin trails off, stuttering.

This is fucking priceless… Rito covers his mouth to keep from laughing; he looks back and sees that their friend group are all giggling at the sight of this scene.

Jin Uzumaki, the Onikage, their dear friend, is not in his element; sweat pours down his stiff face as he moves awkwardly; they all can practically see his mind buffering at the seams; his head must be a blank canvas at this point.

“Tell the sheila she looks nice.” Rito whispers, giving some advice from behind him.

Jin nervously rambles, “You appear to be a nice person. Maybe a little cold. Inquisitive. But decent overall.”

“Oh. Thanks… I think.” The unimpressed Cloud Kunoichi’s body language makes it very clear that she is uncomfortable.

I know you’re an introvert, Jin, but this is bonkers… Rito shakes his head, whispering, “Try small talk.”

“Come here often?” The Onikage questions.

“No, this is my first time here. I’m here to unwind before I have to return to the Cloud Village.” Samui rectifies. “Yeah. Well, listen. I should probably return…”

As the kunoichi speaks, a waiter walks right past them. The sly Rito perceives the pair of drinks he’s carrying and swipes them off his bar tray without him noticing; he sneakily sets them on the table, beside Jin.

The Uzumaki gives a side glance before grabbing them and handing one over. “I’m sorry. Let me start over. What I’ve been meaning to say is: the name’s Jin, and I would love to have a drink with you.”

As the two toast, Rito struts back to his table, brimming with pride and satisfaction for his friend.

“Good man.” Jaeger applauds.

Ayanami pats him on the back. “Well done, Rito!”

“Smart AND a matchmaker?” A smiling Nanashi giggles as she walks up to him. “Is there anything you can’t do?”

Grinning, Rito puffs out his chest. “Stick around and find out.”


“Don’t look so pleased with yourself.” Samui says, blushing.”

Jin proudly shrugs. “What? I can’t help it, last night was divine.

Due to the amazing night, they had, Jin is feeling epic; after the party, they went on to spend the remainder of the night at Samui’s hotel room where they would “tango” against the wall, on the bed, and on the ceiling. It will be a magical night that Onikage will always remember; he felt all his fears and anxieties melt away if only for a brief period.

“You’re insufferable.” The kunoichi rolls her eyes.

“I know.”

The two have just exited the hotel; they embrace each other, kissing before parting ways; her lips taste sweet like strawberries. As a waving Jin watches her walk away, he senses a very familiar chakra appear right behind him.

“Yes, Mileena?” Jin asks, turning to face his creation.

“I have the scroll,” The symbiote excitedly bounces, handing it out. “And I have a bunch of people to use as sacrifices, dangerous criminals and terrorists that no one will miss. Oh, and how was the party?”

“Shit, it was fucking awesome! You just can’t buy that kind of fun!!”


“Ten hut!” The Symbiote shouts.

An hour later, Jin, Mileena, and Malice are currently in the forest just outside of the Hidden Storm Village; he is casually leaning against the wall when he sees movement just ahead, it is the rogue ninja and domestic terrorist, Kagura, and eleven members of her band of rogue shinobi, twelve enemy ninjas in total; they all stand at attention in an orderly manner, under the influence of Mileena’s Sharingan.

Huh. The Onikage strokes his chin. “So, where’s Bando?”

“I sent him over to help Rito with… that other project.” Mileena informs him.

“I see.”

This is the first time Jin has crossed paths with Kagura; he know that this version of her is not the one that killed Rito in Echo’s timeline, but he cannot help but feel his blood boil at the mere sight of her; he wants nothing more than to tear her apart a thousand time over, but he takes a deep breath and manages keeps his cool.

The Onikage turns his attention to the medical ninja. “Do you have it?”

“Yes, yes, I have it…” Hands shaking, Malice anxiously pulls out a small, rectangular box. “It’s mine and Yuto’s umbilical cord.”

Jin pulls the Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation scroll out of his sleeve and opens it up; he holds it up so that Malice can smear the dried, shriveled up handful of flesh onto the scroll; the medic shinobi takes a step back and the Onikage gathers up his chakra, weaving the Tiger, Snake, Dog, Dragon, and Clapped Hands hand signs.

“Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation.”

Dust begins swirling around six of the possessed terrorist ninjas before clinging tightly to them, coating their entire bodies transforming them; the six that were changed have now become Zabuza Momochi of the Hidden Mist, Haku of the Ice Style, Nagato of the Hidden Rain, Konan of the Hidden Rain, Pakura of the Hidden Sand, and Malice’s son, Yuto.

“Yuto, my boy!” The medical ninja gasps; tears well up in her eyes as her trembling legs walk over to her son’s reanimation.

“I’m not done yet.” Jin says while now weaving the Ram hand sign.

The Onikage uses the Mind Transmission jutsu to telepathically force feed the remaining shinobi an education on how to perform the reanimation ninjutsu Lady Chiyo used. After that, a satisfied Jin uses the Mind Eater Jutsu to put them under his thrall.

“Now then… Perform the One's Own Life Reincarnation jutsu on the reanimations.” The Uzumaki commands.

The mind controlled ninja follow Jin’s orders to the letter, placing their hands on the dead as a pale-blue chakra is emitted; like puppets, they use their chakra as an intermediary to transfer their own lifeforce into the reanimations, bringing them back to life in exchange for the mind controlled shinobi’s lives; the cracks on the reanimations gradually vanish and their sclera all turn white.

In a matter of minutes, the deed is done; the terrorist ninjas fall to the ground dead while the six newly revived individuals collect their bearings; they are confused as to what just happened.

“Yuto!” Malice screams with joy.

The medical ninja excitedly runs up to her revived son and embraces him, lifting him into the air and spinning around.

“What? I’m… back in the living world?” A perplexed Zabuza asks, gazing down at his hands. “Is the 4th Great Ninja War still ongoing?”

Nope, the war has been over for months now.” Jin answers, getting everyone’s attention.

“Who’re…? Are you Jin Uzumaki?” An appalled Konan questions, eyes wide as saucers.

Nagato clutches his empty eye sockets; his eyes disappear upon returning to life. “Konan, did you just say Jin?”

“The one and only.” The Onikage coyly answers. “And I bet you’re all wondering why I brought you back?”

“Do you plan on using us like the previous caster?” Haku queries; he draws his senbon and infuses chakra, ready for a fight.

“Use you? Oh, God, no.” Jin shakes his head laughing. “For starters, I want a diplomatic relationship with the Land of Rain, and what better way to achieve that than to bring back their two greatest leaders… Which reminds me, Mileena?”

The symbiote plunges a hand into her abdomen and pulls out a small container with a pair of eyes suspended in incubation liquid, a Rinnegan and a Byakugan. Mileena hands the container over to Jin who opens it up and takes out the eyes; he walks up to the former Akatsuki leader and places them into his sockets, using medical ninjutsu to attach them to his brain.

Nagato opens his new eyes to the world, astonished. “I can see!”

“Zabuza, Haku? I want you to know that your old village went through a bit of a regime change. The Blood Mist Village is nothing, but a bad memory now. And the same can be said for the Hidden Sand Village, Pakura.”

“What?” The sand kunoichi takes a step back in shock

“Yes, the Hidden Sand has seen much improvement under Gaara’s rule.” Jin reaffirms what he has already said. “I brought Nagato and Konan back for diplomatic reasons. As for you three? Let’s just say I’m a sympathizer…”

Full of sincerity, the transparent Onikage holds out his hand. “I’d be thrilled if you three would join us, but you can also return to your respective villages or continue as rogue ninjas. If… IF you join my village, I swear that I will protect you as if you were my own. Interested?


One week later, on a bright June morning, Jin and Ayanami find themselves in the middle of a forest clearing in the Land of Ogres; the tree leaves rustle in the warm, gentle summer breeze. Unfortunately, the Hyuga kunoichi is not happy in the slightest.

“I can’t believe you brought back 2 Akatsuki members,” Ayanami chastises her friend while weaving the seal of confrontation. “Even though I’m no longer with the Leaf, I still hate those damn terrorists for what they did to my friends and teammates.”

Annoyed, Jin too makes the seal of confrontation. “We needed allies, we had to start SOMEWHERE! Stop crying over spilled milk and focus on the future. Don’t forget we have a little over a year until Toneri shows himself.”

The two stand perfectly still as they take in the surrounding nature energy; markings appear around both of their eyes.

“So, what’s gonna be our training curriculum going forward?” The young Hyuga sighs, changing the subject.

“The Otsutsuki and most of Kara’s leaders all have some way of nullifying most ninjutsu and genjutsu. We need to focus on training up our chakra control, taijutsu, and Sage Modes. Oh, and… if I teach you how to breathe life into inanimate objects, would you mind helping me master Frog Kumite?”

“That’s fine with me.” The kunoichi retorts.

The two storm ninjas take a deep breath and clear their minds; they’ve become so silent that the only things to be heard are the wind moving through the trees and the chirping of birds. Two vicarious leaves break off a branch and fall; they swish back-and-forth through the air as they make their slow descent downwards.

The very instant those leaves make contact with the ground, the shinobi dash toward each at ludicrous speeds; reading the other’s movements, both shinobi wind back their arms and throw fierce punches; intense shockwaves are sent out the moment the rivaling fists collide.

For the next year, Jin, Ayanami, Rito, and Jaeger will train together extensively whenever they have free time; they will put each other through hell, making each other much stronger than they were during the battle with Kaguya.

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