How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 110: The Last Part 1; Divergence

“Heh heh-heh… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Fools, all of you! I have the Jibakugan and now the Demon Shinki!” Shinga, a rogue shinobi, cackles maniacally; he looks down on his adversaries, gloating. “I must be the strongest being in the world now, I’m invincible…! No one can defeat me!!”

Shinga was once a ninja of the Hidden Leaf, a member of the anbu black ops, a scientist under the command of the Third Hokage. When Orochimaru abandoned the Leaf, Shinga had found a number of experiments the legendary Sannin left behind, and continued them in order to make powerful, new forbidden jutsu; he only wanted to make the Hidden Leaf stronger.

Shinga is an antagonist from Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 for the PSP.

However, when the higher-ups caught on to what he was doing, they sent a team of their best anbu to put a stop to him; they thought Shinga was dealt with, but the crafty fellow survived and went into hiding for all these years, biding his time. Now all he feels for the Leaf is an intense, unyielding hate that can only be felt by the betrayed; he desires to crush the Leaf Village.

“All I want is to destroy the Hidden Leaf. Nothing more… But if the other 5 Great Nations’ villages get in my way… THEN YOU WILL ALL DIE AS WELL!!!”

The rogue ninja has already begun his attack on the Land of Fire; he merged with his greatest creation, the Demon Shinki to accomplish this. Demon Shinki is a grotesque and demonic cherry blossom tree that is tall enough to reach past the clouds; this tree sprouted out of a temple, using it as a foundation and support. Its roots will spread and spread, absorbing all chakra in the area.

The newly formed Shinobi Union response was to send a team composed of ninja from all five villages to stop him once and for all; the team consists of Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuga, Temari, Matsuri, Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi, Chojuro, Chino Chinoike, Darui, and Buryu Lee. Unfortunately, half the team was put under the Jibakugan’s powerful genjutsu.

“Fools… You’re all fools! Do you think you can beat me!!” A sneering Shinga growls, drunk on his own power. “Slaves! Eliminate your former comrades!!”

“Darui, snap out of it, man! You’re really gonna let this punk control you?!” Buryu shouts at his fellow cloud shinobi as he engages him in a sword fight.

“Fight it, Lady Temari!! Fight i--AAAARGH!!!” Matsuri is blown away by her mentor’s Cyclone Scythe Jutsu.

The rogue ninja watches with glee as the girl lands on the hypnotized kunoichi’s fan with a loud thud; she has become motionless. Shing then looks to his right and sees Shikamaru holding the mind-controlled Neji in place with his Shadow Possession Jutsu; seeing the leaf strategist struggle makes him want to laugh.

“Heh heh heh… You are even less than ants to me. You are nothing more than–!”


Suddenly, a patch of floor shatters apart as someone is sent hurtling up into the canopy of the Demon Shinki; he flies right past Shinga, crashing hard into a branch, it’s his subordinate and medical ninja Hakui. The medical ninja is in an unsightly state; his body has become dark and shriveled, almost like all the water in his body has evaporated.

“Hakui! How could you lose?!” Shinga shouts in disbelief.

“L… Lord… Shinga… Forgive me… ughhh……...” The medical ninja trails off; he is dead.

A beat of sweat runs down the rogue ninja’s brow. A-Am I… perspiring?


“Wh-What in the…?!” A perplexed Shikamaru mutters; he is unable to move due to putting everything he has into paralyzing his fellow leaf shinobi. …Did the others take him down… or did the Shinobi Union send reinforcements?

From the hole in the ground, someone else enters the canopy, a kunoichi Shikamaru doesn’t recognize in the slightest; to everyone’s confusion, her arrival causes pause to all in the middle of combat.

The new arrival is a fairly tall woman with fair-skinned and pupilless brown eyes. She has green hair tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it and one short and long strands of hair with orange tips framing each side of her face. Her attire consists of a sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two lapels on the front and the back; she wears an obi around her waist, as well as purple arm-warmers which extend up to her shoulders and has bandages around her tights and ankles.

What a minute… that hair and outfit… Shikamaru recalls something.

The strategist remembers hearing about some of the reanimations the 3rd Division fought in the war, a squad of shinobi with bloodline traits; he remembers Kakashi and Guy told him about Pakura, a sand ninja who possessed the Scorch Style kekkei genkai.

The Leaf Jonin’s confusion only increases. …B-But… Kabuto released the Reanimation Jutsu… How–?!

That’s when the shinobi notices no cracks on her body, no dark sclera in her eyes; she has been fully revived. Shortly after, his gaze travels to her head band; the insignia is a circle with a lightning bolt going through it.

“I am Pakura of the Hidden Storm and I’m here to aid the Shinobi Union’s strike force in putting an end to your madness, Shinga.” The kunoichi boldly declares for all to hear; she reaches for her pouch and pulls out a food pill.

“Is that a fact?!!” Shinga roars.

As Shikamaru watches Pakura take the pill, a particularly large branch begins to move as if it was alive; its movements are reminiscent of a serpent with glowing-yellow pustules serving as the eyes; it lunges for the storm ninja and slams hard against the ground where she once stood, kicking up a dust cloud.


The kunoichi appears unharmed next to the branch, folding her arms and opening her eyes; they have changed from brown to a glowing red hue with three tomoe circling around both of her pupils.

More offshoots come for Pakura, forcing her to leap into the air. Fortunately, the storm shinobi can read their movements with the Sharingan; she performs a barrel roll to avoid the first branch and quickly uses it to platform away from the next two. Pakura nimbly twists her body around, evading the fourth branch and runs down its pitch-black bark, closing the distance between her and her foe.

While this drug’s still in the final stages of the testing phase, it's quite impressive…! Pakura marvels at her enhanced power and vision. “Are you finished? Alright then, it must be my turn now… Scorch Style: Super Steam Kill.”

Several ethereal flaming orbs that resemble small suns form out of thin air which revolve around the kunoichi in a synchronous orbit; they burn away each and every branch that attempts to spear her. Shinga decides to change his tactics by having a whole swarm of boughs try and run the kunoichi through from all sides. However, Pakura has all her spheres merge, creating a single massive one.

Weaving the Tiger seal, the storm ninja chants, “Scorch Style: Evaporation Blast!”

The kunochi’s colossal flaming orb violently detonates, releasing a furious heatwave which evaporates the moisture in all of the branches coming for her; the sheer intensity of the heat forces Shinga and the Shinobi Union Strike Force to all back away.

The rogue ninja grits his teeth. “You… miserable wench! There’s no way you can--Gagh! Arghhhhhhh!!”

The screaming Shinga recoils in pain; he trashes around wildly to the strike force’s confusion while Pakura grins with satisfaction. While the rogue ninja continues to bellow, the demon tree shakes violently.

“Wh… What is this…?! What have you done?!!” Shinga snarls.

“I froze your tree at its roots.” Says a new voice.

The air gradually grows colder when the newcomer, Haku of the Ice Style, arrives at the scene; he spontaneously appears at Pakura’s side, readying three senbon placed between his fingers on each hand; a thin mist engulfs the entire area just from him flexing his chakra.

The ice user dons his usual pinstripe outfit which stops at his knees. Over this, he wears a green haori with white trimmings, and around his waist a brown sash with a fringed trail wrapped around his waist twice. He sports light-brown platoon sandals with straps in the same color as his kimono and nail polish on his fingernails and toenails in matching blue-green color; he dons a hunter-nin mask on top of his Hidden Storm forehead protector, which was white with thin, curved eye-holes and a red wavy design in place of the mouth, as well as the Storm Village symbol etched in the top. He also happens to be shrouded in translucent red bubbles of chakra reminiscent of boiling liquid forming along it with three tails.

The rogue ninja’s rage flares. “Impudent brat, don’t think I’m–”

“It is a delusion to think you can still win,” Haku interrupts, calmly. “Your ‘Demon Shinki’ is dying. Lord Zabuza’s hunting down your remaining subordinates as we speak. And this place will be your grave, Shinga.”

Pakura weaves the Tiger hand sign once more. “Scorch Style: Super Steam Kill.”

As flaming orbs take form around the kunoichi, scores of large mirrors composed of ice are erected, surrounding the canopy like a massive cage. Haku dashes toward one of his ice mirrors and enters it; his reflection appears in all of them. The two kekkei genkai users unleash a potent wave of killing intent, aimed entirely at Shinga.

“And so, it begins.”


“Does… the moon look bigger to you?” Ayanami asks.

Meanwhile, on that very same night, the kunoichi is on the outskirts of the Land of Ogres, stargazing with Jaeger; the two had just spent the whole day training the newer members of Priestess Shion’s palace guard. Later, they went on to make snowmen in the sunset; they immediately noticed something was off when the moon appeared in the sky.

Nodding, Jaeger points at the waxing crescent. “Ja, it does… und it looks like it has a green tint to it, too.”

The kunoichi takes her boyfriend's hand and holds it tightly; they both feel a strong sense of foreboding as they try to comfort each other. The events of The Last movie are going to begin soon if not already, and they are completely unaware of how much the future has changed due to their prior actions.

Ich wünschte, es könnte wirklich friedlich sein… A brooding Jaeger sighs. “We should probably head ba–!”

“Ayanami Hyuga, hear my proclamation!” An interrupting voice commands.

Startled, the reincarnations are now back-to-back only to find themselves completely surrounded by enemy shinobi dressed in dark clothing with a moon symbol on their foreheads; their forearms and faces are covered in bandages; their eyes are blank white just as Ayanami’s. Their leader is a young man with pale skin, shaggy white hair; he wears a white, high-collared kimono with a black obi, over which he dons a pale green sash tied at the right shoulder. On the back of his kimono is the Otsutsuki Clan branch family emblem of a yellow crest depicting a sun enclosed in a crescent moon. Beneath his robes he wears black fingerless gloves, long black pants, and black shinobi sandals.

Wait, shouldn’t he be after Hanabi and Hinata? Why is he here…? A perplexed Jaeger quietly ponders.

The pale-skinned man hovers above them ominously with his eyes shut. "This is a celestial decree bestowed upon the Hyuga–”

“I know who you are, Toneri, and my answer is NO. I never will!” Ayanami adjourns, firing an Air Palm.

The kunoichi’s attack seamlessly goes right through the Otsutsuki with no visible signs of him being harmed; his small army of puppet ninjas swarm the two reincarnations. Incensed, Jaeger quickly channels lightning chakra throughout his body, enhancing his taijutsu; he throws a left jab just as the nearest enemy closes in and counters by throwing a sphere of glowing yellow chakra.


Days later, in the afternoon, Jin finds himself hovering over the ledge of a rooftop outside in a meditative position, trying to get in some chakra control training while he has a clone stationed back at the office, handling all his paperwork for the day; he has his eyes closed to help keep focus.

Relax your shoulders. Keep your breath slow and steady. Concentrate… Jin tells himself as he weaves the Tiger hand sign, infusing his chakra.

The Onikage harnesses two chakra nature in particular, Fire and Wind Style; he channels them evenly throughout his entire body in an attempt to make them merge; seeing no headway being made, he alters his chakra ratio.

Focus… Focus… Jin continues thinking to himself. …You saw Sasuke do this in the Sasuke Shinden: The Teacher's Star Pupil light novel…

Jin grins when he finally sees some progress being made; he feels his Fire and Wind Style slowly coming together. Blending. Merging. That is until a certain sound breaks his attentiveness, forcing his chakra natures to separate.



The Storm Village leader opens an eye and peers down, spotting a handful of tiny faces waving at him with eyes full of wonder and awe; he can’t help but smirk at their brimming, little smiles. A mischievous thought creeps into his mind, and he runs with it; he ceases hovering and allows himself to fall several stories to their horror. Just as Jin is about to fall on them, he suddenly halts, hovering just a couple of feet above them.


““““Hahahahahahahaha!!”””” Squealing once more, the children scatter in all directions; their laughter fills the air.

“So, you do have a playful side.” A voice says, teasingly.

Boots on the ground, the Onikage stiffens, freezing in place; he looks back and to his chagrin, sees Pakura standing behind him; his pale white face gradually turns pink at the mere sight of her.


“So… How did the drug perform?” A flustered Jin asks while taking a seat, pinching his nose bridge. …Why did she of all people have to see that…?

The Onikage is back at his office with Akari and Kido on either side of his desk; they are in the middle of debriefing Pakura and Haku with Zabuza nowhere to be seen. The Uzumaki takes a deep breath and puts on a brave face before hearing their report on both the drugs and their mission.

“The tailed beast and Sharingan drugs were almost perfect.” The Ice Style user replies.

Kido, the creator of the drugs, has his clipboard ready to take notes. “‘Almost?’

“The increase in power they provided was quite significant,” Haku continues. “However, the drugs’ effects have a limited duration. And when time ran out, it had the unintended side effect of draining our chakra pools.”

“I see… still need to work out the kinks then…” The scientist jots down the results as he’s hearing them.

“And what of Shinga and… *urgh* his ‘Leaf Anbu’?”

“The rogue ninja formerly known as Shinga has been dealt with and his subordinates have all either been killed or captured.” The Scorch Style user speaks, reporting on the mission. “As for the Union’s strike force, there were no fatalities… a Hidden Sand ninja was seriously injured though.”

“A-A… A ninja from th-the Sand Village?” The Onikage asks awkwardly, avoiding eye contact; he feels his own heart rate increase.

Jin clumsily shifts his elbows, knocking over a stack of papers on his desk; he quickly reaches for the papers, grabbing them before they can hit the ground. Unfortunately, however, he could not get them all as some pages scattered.

“Heh heh… A kunoichi by the name of Matsuri.” Pakura covers her mouth while she snickers.

Blushing even more, the Uzumaki facepalms; his heart pounds rapidly. “…And the other part of your mission.”

“Oh, yes, it’s right here.” The Scorch Style user responds, reaching into her bag.

The diligent kunoichi pulls out a scroll and hands it to Jin who opens it, reading the parchment's contents; it contains the instructions on how to perform the forbidden jutsu, a type of genjutsu called the Jibakugan.

“Well done. Now, hit the showers.”

As Pakura, Haku, and Kido leave, Jin watches the Scorch Style user from behind.

*creak* *shut*

“You know… if you like her, just ask her out.” Akari speaks up.

The Onikage’s eyes grow wide like saucers as he turns to face her. “Was it really that obvious?”

Akari replies curtly with, “Worse.

Leaning back in his chair, Jin buries his head in his hands; he quietly groans, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. The village leader focuses on his breathing, with each breath he feels his heartbeat return to a normal and steady state.


Suddenly, the door bursts wide open, slamming against the wall; to Jin and Akari’s befuddlement, a seriously wounded Jaeger stumbles into the office; the floor is painted red with every step he takes.

“Jaeger!” The Onikage shouts as he hops over the desk and hurries to his friend. …B-But… he should be with Ayanami at Shion’s palace…!

Coughing up blood, Jaeger collapses from his injuries, but Jin catches him before he can even hit the ground; he holds up his fellow reincarnation by his head.

“Jaeger… What happened? Who did this to you? And where is ‘Nami?!” A worried Jin shouts, his voice reeks of fear and rage.

A weak Jaeger slowly reaches for the Uzumaki, grabbing him by his collar and utters, “T… T-T-T… *cough* T-Toneri…”

Jin’s friend can’t say anymore due to him passing out from his hefty injuries. The Onikage is left silent as his blood boils, intensely.

“L-Lord Jin, what are your orders?!”

With a cold look in his eyes, Jin bares his fangs and growls, “Call Rito. Now.

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