How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 11

Jin, Kabuto, Orochimaru, and Sasuke are now making the long trek to the Land of Sound’s Hidden Sound Village. However Kabuto halts the group to confirm something.

“Did you have fun on your little detours Jin…?” Asks a mocking yet suspicious Kabuto using one hand to adjust his glasses.

“What? What are you talking about?” Jin asks with unease in his tone.

“Yes, Kabuto, go on.” Adds a curious Orochimaru as he gives Jin a glare. “We’d all like to know more...”

“The intel I received shows that Jin here has been taking side trips on each of his missions to escort various individuals to the Land of Demons.” Kabuto informs the group. “Well, Jin? Is there anything you’d like to tell us…?”

The Land of Demons...? Isn’t that the setting for the first Naruto Shippuden movie? Nevermind that, I have to clear this up. Jin thinks as his skins crawls due to Orochimaru and Kabuto’s killing intent being focused on him. “I admit that I have helped a few people on the way to my missions, but I never went out of my way to escort them anywhere. That would take too long.”

“Oh? So there’s no reason to think you’d betray us?” Orochimaru continues questioning. Snakes begin to slither out of the Sannin’s sleeves.

“NO! I’ve done absolutely nothing to undermine you. It must be some imposter.” Jin continues to argue his innocence. The tension is so thick, one could cut it. I don’t have to do shit against you, Sasuke will do that for me. It’s only a matter of time now…!

There’s a pause, Orochimaru and Kabuto continue to give off killing intent while Sasuke is off to the side, indifferent to the situation. Jin’s neck hairs begin to rise and he begins to infuse chakra, prepared to defend himself.

“AHA HA HA HA HA HA HA!” Orochimaru cackles menacingly, breaking the tension. The snakes retract into his sleeves and he continues walking with Sasuke close behind. “He is no traitor, you can tell from the fear in his eyes. Come on now, let’s go.”

“Yes, Lord Orochimaru.” Kabuto responds as he follows.

Orochimaru… by the time you come back during 4th Great Ninja War, I’ll have more than enough power to make you fear me, you shit eating, cow fucking, COCK SUCKER!!! An embarrassed, fearful, and furious Jin mentally declares as he continues traveling with his reluctant allies.


About two weeks after Naruto and Sasuke’s reunion, the mysterious cloaked figure is wandering the Land of Sound, searching for something.

“This looks like the right place.” The figure says as he stares at what appears to be a destroyed lab, covered in rubble. “One of Orochimaru’s secret laboratories.”

The mysterious cloaked figure begins to sift through the rubble in a hurry, expecting unwanted company to arrive. After a few minutes searching, the cloaked man discovers a hand sticking out of the rubble. He digs at where the hand is and finds a body under all the rocks, a mechanical body.

“So this is the amazing Mecha-Naruto?” The cloaked figure says as he lifts up his hood a bit to reveal that he has a Rinnegan. He uses the Naraka Path to summon the King of Hell. “Orochimaru was going to have you interfere with the Akatsuki’s plans and Akatsuki were going to use you to capture the Nine-Tails.”

“*I*, on the other hand, have much bigger plans for you.” The cloaked man announces as the King of Hell uses its tongue to grab the robotic ninja, puts it in it’s mouth, and begins to chew.


Meanwhile, Jin is seen helping Rito with his science project. They’re outside on a bright and sunny day.

“Hey, Rito? Didn't it take Senku and his friends months just to create the individual parts needed to make a pair of telephones?” Jin asks while finishing off his cotton candy and while he and his clones finish making eight hundred zinc-carbon batteries.

“Senku had to make all his devices all the while rebuilding society itself from scratch, acquiring the raw materials needed, and fighting a war with olympic-level athletes.” Rito answers while he works on the vacuum tube. “When it comes to our situation, there’s already a society, some of the parts and tech we need already exist, we’re not at war, and magic ninja powers exist in this world. We could probably build an entire airplane in less than a month if we really worked at it.”

It’s at this moment, the sky begins to change, it becomes cloudy and flows in an eerie motion. The two friends look up and see a vision of a young man appear in the sky. He has white hair with red eyes dressed in an over-sized, high-collared coat wrapped with three leather straps. Most of his body was covered in bandages, including his mouth and arms, revealing only the upper half of his face and hair.

“I am a ninja originally from the Hidden Leaf, my name is Hiruko.” The vision explains in a calm, but ominous tone. “Thanks to my Chimera Jutsu, four of the kekkei genkai from each of the Great Nations are already mine.”

“Soon I will obtain the fifth and final kekkei genkai and once I possess it, I will become invincible, a perfect, immortal ninja that none can stand against.” Hiruko continues to inform. “With it, I will start the Fourth Great Ninja War and I will rule over everything.”

The vision of Hiruko disappears and the sky returns to normal, the two ninja proceed to stop, pack up their items and equipment, and head back inside the hideout.

“It’s a shame that you’re under house arrest for the time being.” Rito says, getting back into character. “You’d probably like to steal this Hiruko person’s jutsu.”

“Yeah… that Chimera Jutsu would’ve been useful…” Jin sighs as they both walk through the dimly lit halls of the hideout.


I can’t believe the events of the third Naruto Shippuden movie are happening and I have to miss it! Jin laments as he walks through the halls of the hideout, recalling the vision he saw yesterday.

As Jin continues to walk aimlessly, he hears loud sounds, senses chakra in use, and feels vibrations on the ground. A battle is taking place in the hideout and Jin proceeds to walk towards the commotion.

AH, I remember now… Jin thinks as he continues walking. As he gets closer the fighting dies down. The Will of Fire movie came out around the time Sasuke began his own agenda.

Jin stops walking when he sees Sasuke. The Uchiha walks up to Jin while maintaining a cool and indifferent expression. Sasuke gives Jin a request he wasn’t expecting.

“Jin, I want you to join my team.” Says a cool Sasuke.

“What?” Jin responds with surprise in his tone. He uses a finger to clean out his ear before asking, “I’m sorry, but could you repeat that?”

“I want you to join the team I’m building.” Sasuke repeats. “I won’t ask again.

Hmm… if I join Sasuke, eventually we’ll briefly partner up with the Akatsuki and in that short time I’ll be in close proximity to Obito and all his spare Sharingan eyes... Jin mulls over as he plots and schemes. “Alright, I’ll join you, but I need to take care of something real quick. I’ll meet you at the Southern Hideout when I’m done.”

“Very well.” Sasuke replies as he walks away.

“Wait! I need to give you something first.” Jin says, stopping Sasuke from leaving. Jin pulls out a scroll hidden in his clothing and uses it to summon his old backpack. He pulls out a stone in the pack and hands it to Sasuke. “Here...”

“What is it?” Sasuke asks as he stares at the stone.

“It’s a Gelel Stone, have Karin surgically implant it into your body.” Jin answers as he places his left hand over the right side of his chest. “Once in your body, the stone enhances all of your jutsu and physical abilities as well as granting a minor healing ability.”

“Oh, really? Thanks.” Sasuke retorts as he continues walking, placing the stone in his sleeve.

TIme to go check in on Hiruko…! Jin mentallly declares as he begins to walk, putting his backpack on.

Jin turns right at the corner of the dimly lit hall. He walks to the third room on the left and proceeds to knock.

“Rito, my man? Orochimaru is gone now, we’re free to enact our own plan now.” Jin shouts through the door.

“Okay, I’ll be out in a moment. Just need to pack some things!” Rito shouts back from inside his room.

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