How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Side Chapter 4

After that fateful reunion and confrontation with Sasuke and Jin at Orochimaru’s hideout, Ayanami began her training as soon as she returned to the Leaf Village. However, her training is different from her usual regiment; she is currently running through a forest with weights on her ankles. The young Hyuga tries to maintain a steady pace, but the weights make that difficult. Ayanami doesn’t mind the struggle because she knows that her hard work will pay off later. She’s even managed to get both Might Guy and Jin’s former teacher, Hanzo Mishima to oversee her training.

“...So, why did you ask us to train you?” Hanzo asks as he runs alongside Ayanami.

Ayanami wipes the sweat from her brow and continues to run. “Me, Kazuya, and Team Kakashi all fought them, but it wasn’t really a fight. Jin and Sasuke were toying with us like we were nothing.”

“I heard the debrief report… the way you and everyone describe Jin and Sasuke’s strength, it’s unnatural. Orochimaru must’ve modified their bodies and even given them drugs.”

“I know, that’s why Naruto’s training with Kakashi-Sensei and Yamato-Sensei now… I can’t afford to fall behind them.”

“Which brings me back to my first question: Why ask for Guy and I specifically… and not your clan?”

Ayanami stares off ahead, looking at an unknown and ominous future. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud to be a member of the Hyuga… but recent events have made me doubt that the Byakugan and the Gentle Fist will be enough in the coming battles.”

Because Ayanami's attention was split between running and carrying on a conversation, she failed to notice a tree root in her way. She trips on the root and begins to fall, but Hanzo is able to catch her before she hits the ground.

Hanzo helps the kunoichi back to her feet and tells her, “Hey, take it easy. Don’t push yourself so hard.”

*huff* *huff* I have to, otherwise… *huff* I won’t be able to catch up to him.” Ayanami sees an image of Jin with his back turned towards her.

“YOU TWO ARE STILL IN THE SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH, PICK UP THE PACE!” Might Guy shouts as he hand walks at hysterical speeds, lapping both Ayanami and Hanzo. “AFTER THIS IS WALL CLIMBING WITH ONE ARM TIED BEHIND OUR BACKS~!!!”

An amazed Ayanami stares at the dust cloud Guy left behind and chuckles, “Heh heh… I’m not sure if I’ll surpass Guy-Sensei though.”


The weights are making this a lot harder…! Ayanami thinks as she struggles to climb up the cliff.

Ayanami has one hand behind her back and she’s barely even halfway up with the sun setting behind her. Guy and Hanzo have already finished and are watching the kunoichi’s progress. As Ayanami reaches for a jug just above, her footholds break. The young Hyuga falls with her hand skidding against the rocky wall.

She ignores the sharp, burning pain due her frantically searching for something to grab onto. The ground gets closer and closer with each passing moment, Ayanami grits her teeth and quickly grips the wall and digs her fingers in.

I can do this, I can do this…! The young Hyuga grips the wall with all her might.

She can feel the dirt and rocks dig into her nails as her descent slowly decreases in speed. Noticing that she’s no longer falling, Ayanami opens her eyes to see that she’s only two yards off the ground. With her hand still welded to the wall, the kunoichi propels herself several more yards in the air.

“Ow ow ow!” As she’s in the air, a wincing Ayanami realizes her hand is in a lot of pain. Okay…! Let’s try this again. With my other hand.

Sighing with relief, Ayanami grabs a nearby sloper with her good hand and puts her wounded hand behind her back. She recommences the slow and difficult climb back up; this time, she does it slow and steady.

“WAY TO SAVE YOURSELF, AYANAMI!!” Guy cheers her on from atop the cliff.

Huh, I wonder if I can introduce baseball and basketball to this world? You know what? I'm just gonna do that! Ayanami ponders as she continues smiling.


“Who…?” Curious, Ayanami looks back down again.

The one who was just shouting is none other than Rock Lee, he quickly climbs up the cliff with one hand, leaving a dust cloud in his wake. Not only does Lee catch up to Ayanami, he passes her up. Not wanting to be shown up, Ayanami begins to pick up the pace.

Lee always makes training fun, it must be his never-give-up optimism. Ayanami smiles as she races Lee up the cliff.


Days later, Ayanami is continuing her taijutsu training in the forests of the training ground, she is kicking a tree by herself. She’s been kicking the tree repeatedly for so long that most of the bark on the trunk is gone and leaves are piling up. Slowly, but surely more and more of the tree gets carved away with each kick.

I won’t stop… not until I catch up to them! Ayanami begins to kick at the tree with greater force.

“Huh, Ayanami? I thought you were with Bushier Brows-Sensei and Hanzo-Sensei?” Says a familiar voice from behind.

Ayanami looks back and sees Naruto with Asuma and one other person with bluish-gray hair. “Guy and Hanzo-Sensei were called away on a mission. Why is a…. Fire Temple monk(?) here?”

“This is Sora and he’s--”

“I’ve come here to take over this stinkin’ village.” The monk interrupts the leaf genin and gives the kunoichi the stink eye. “Who are you, little girl?”

Rude much? Ayanami bows respectfully and introduces herself as, “A pleasure to meet you, I’m Ayanami. Ayanami Hyuga.”

The monk responds by walking up to her until they are face to face. Sora stares her down with his brown eyes in an attempt to intimidate her. Ayanami forces a smile while her right eye twitches with annoyance. Asuma facepalms, sighing while Naruto swiftly intervenes and puts himself between them.

“Sora, stop picking fights with everyone! Ayanami is a comrade and a good friend.” Naruto tries to push Sora away from Ayanami.

The monk proceeds to push back and the two end up wrestling each other to the ground in a comedic fashion. A dust cloud forms and overlaps them as they continue to fight.

Ayanami turns to Asuma, taking in a deep breath and exhales. “So, Asuma-Sensei… what were you planning to do with them in the first place.”

“I was just to help them with the wind nature training, you’re welcome to join us.” Asuma awkwardly scratches the side of his head.

“But I don’t think I have an affinity for wind style jutsu…”

“You can still learn wind style, but it’ll take more time and be weaker than your actual affinity. Here…” Asuma hands Ayanami one of his trench knives. “It’s made with a unique metal that absorbs the user’s chakra and reacts to its nature. Try running your chakra through the blade.”

Ayanami does as she’s told and channels her chakra through the knife. The blade begins to vibrate with sparks of electricity.

Asuma stares at Ayanami in awe. “Amazing! Your level of chakra control is just amazing.”

“Honestly it’s not that great… advanced chakra control is a requirement to even attempt to learn the high-level gentle fist techniques. Any chunin and jonin of the Hyuga can do this much, so what now?”

“Now? We’re going to throw them at that tree you were kicking at the same time, got it?” Asuma takes a few steps back with Ayanami right behind.

Ayanami takes aim. “Ready when you are.”

“Ready… GO!”

Ayanami and Asuma throw the trench knives simultaneously, Naruto and Sora stop fighting to watch. The blades make contact with the tree and burrowing, the knife Asuma throws goes straight through the tree and into the boulder behind it while Ayanami’s is embedded in the tree with the blade sticking out on the other side.

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