How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 21

As Gaara’s sand returns to his gourd, Kankuro and Temari save the samurai that was being burned by Sasuke’s black flames.

“All you samurai stay back, this is a problem for the shinobi world…” Gaara remarks as he takes a few steps forward. “There is no need for samurai to become casualties.”

“Why’d you interfere, Kazekage? Your answer will determine your punishment!” Ay demands.

“If you’d continued your attack, the black flames would’ve further injured you.” Gaara answers. “ Besides… I wish to speak to Sasuke Uchiha.”

There is a moment of pause, tension is still thick in the air. The Raikage takes the moment to have Cee stop the bleeding from his missing arm. Jin braces himself for what he knows is about to happen.

“Your eyes are still as they were in the past…” Gaara continues, breaking the silence. “I’ve come to realize that making vengeance one’s bread of life does not resolve anything. It’s not too late for you, don’t withdraw into your own world, obsessed with hatred… or you won’t be able to return.”

“If I were to return, what is there for me on your side?” Sasuke asks, unconvinced.

“Gaara, they became international criminals the moment they broke into the summit, they have no future.” Kankuro reasons.

“He’s fallen to the likes of the Akatsuki, he’s not like you…” Temari adds.

“No future? HA! We’ll see about that.” An amused JIn giggles, pointing his Vacuum Blade at the Kazekage and his two guards.

“Sasuke, you and I are quite alike.” Gaara continues, ignoring Jin's remark. “We both walked in the darkness of this world, so your eyes should pick up even the faintest glimmer of light.”

“I shut my eyes a long time ago, the things I seek now lie only in the darkness.” Replies a smug Sasuke.

I know Sasuke is a revenge obsessed edge-lord right now, but I still think that line’s pretty cool. Jin thinks after hearing Sasuke’s words again. I’ll just hide behind Sasuke for now...

Sand erupts from Gaara’s gourd and Sasuke reactivates his susanoo ribcage and arm. Sasuke uses the Amaterasu on Gaara, but the Kazekage is able to block it with his sand.

“You block my Inferno Style well, I’m impressed.” A still menacingly smug Sasuke comments while both he and Jin jump back. “Your ultimate defense is in good shape.”

“I’ll join you, sand guys!” Darui says as he runs to stand beside the sand ninja. The cloud ninja clasps his hands together and fires several beams at Sasuke. “Gale Style: Laser Circus!”

“Secret Red Move: Puppet Triad!” Kankuro yells as he commands his Sasori puppet to fire several triangular blades with explosive balls attached to them from the neck and palms of the puppet.

“Wind Scythe Jutsu!” Temari shouts as she uses her Giant Folding Fan to cause many currents of wind to collide with each other, creating vacuum pockets aimed at Sasuke.

“Sand Shower Barrage!” Gaara says as he rapidly fires bullet-like sand at Sasuke.

As all four attacks fly at Sasuke, Jin takes the opportunity to take a large jump back to where his back is against the wall. When all four attacks reach Sasuke an explosion occurs.

“Let me show my darkness!” Sasuke says as a large, purple, glowing silhouette creeps out of the smokescreen.

Now that is pretty damn cool… Jin thinks as he watches the susanoo in action from behind.

Unknown to Jin, a tear silently and suddenly appears right behind the red-haired rogue and slowly, but surely it increases in size. Sasuke’s skeletal susanoo swings its massive sword, destroying all the pillars and causing the ceiling to collapse. As debris from what was the ceiling falls, the tear has grown into a portal the size of a person. A hand reaches from out of the portal and grabs Jin by his ponytail and pulls hard.

“OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!” Jin yelps in pain and shock as he is dragged through the portal by his ponytail, dropping his Vacuum Blade which turns back into a normal kunai. WHAT THE--?!

The portal immediately closes the instant Jin fully passes through and the red-haired rogue is thrown against a wall. After getting up, Jin quickly checks his surroundings and finds that he is in a cave and two figures blocking his exit, one is cloaked with his face covered and the other is very familiar to Jin.

Mecha-Naruto?! But how-- nevermind, doesn’t matter…! Jin thinks as he creates a Rasengan in each of his hands. “I don’t know who you are, but you messed with the wrong ninja…!”

“Jin--dude, it’s okay! They're on our side!” Rito says as he runs from deeper in the cave to his red-haired friend.

Rito stands in between Jin and the two figures, using his ten-year-old body as a shield to protect the two.

“Wait what…?!” Says an unconvinced Jin as he still holds his two Rasengans, prepared to attack.

“He’s right, Jin. You should trust in your friend’s judgement...” The cloaked figure says coyly as he removes his hood and mask, revealing a very familiar yet aged face to Jin. “Afterall, who else can you trust?”

Jin’s eyes widen with surprise as he gazes at the figure’s face. He has a Byakugan in his right eye, a Rinnegan with six tomoe in his left eye, and the rest of his features are all too familiar to Jin, only aged, rugged and somewhat depressed. He calms down and takes a deep breath, now realizing what’s happening.

“Okay, I’ve seen all of Dragon Ball and a fuck ton of other shows, movies, and games that’ve used the same trope.” Jin remarks to the group in front of him. “So, what the fuck happened in the future that was so bad that I had to travel back in time to fix?”

“You may want to sit down, this exposition dump could take a minute.” Future Jin beckons as he, himself gets comfortable. “Do you remember Moryo…?”

“Moryo? You mean the demon from the first Naruto Shippuden movie?” Jin questions with Future Jin nodding in response. “Yeah, I remember him--what about him?”


Meanwhile, within the deepest cell of the Leaf Villages Maximum Security Prison lies a scroll. The scroll suddenly begins to twitch and shake profusely so much that it falls from the pedestal that it rests on. Once it hit the ground, it opens up and black miasma erupts from the pages.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!” Hiruko cackles as he breaks free of the scroll that was used to seal him away. “It’s a shame that I had to rely on filthy humans to get this far, but oh well…”

“Hey! Who’s there?” A leaf ninja announces peering into the room. “This is a restricted area-- who are y--?!”

A single tan coloured arm shoots out of Hiruko’s right shoulder and grabs the leaf ninja by the throat, hoisting him in the air. Hiruko proceeds to drain the leaf ninja dry of his chakra and tosses the lifeless body away.

“My loyal minions have already captured the priestess and feudal lord of the Land of Ogres by now…” Hiruko thinks out loud as his skin and hair change from a pale white to dark purple and his emaciated body begins to grow muscles. “So, I’m free to merge with my true body and then I can merge with the legendary light dragon of Mt. Koryu…”

“...This Kaguya Otsutsuki will be nothing before me and once I absorb her I will attain true godhood!” Hiruko continues as he breaks out from the depths of the Leaf Village’s maximum Security Prison, freeing a menagerie of other prisoners in the process as he uses Quick Style to run towards his destination. “I THE GREAT LORD MORYO WILL RULE THIS ENTIRE WORLD!!!

“I don’t know who that guy was, but I’m grateful…” A prisoner with white hair says in the ensuing chaos of the prison as he clenches his fists. “Now I can seek out Lord Orochimaru and gain even more power then this village will be in for a rude awakening...!”


“Let me get this straight, Moryo possesses Kazuya, and uses Kazuya's knowledge to acquire the powers of various movie and videogame characters in the Naruto franchise…” Jin says, abbreviating his future self’s long-winded explanation. “He does all of this so he can absorb Kaguya with the Chimera Jutsu and become a demon-god…?”

“Yes, he then easily defeats Sixth Paths Sage Mode Naruto and Rinnegan Sasuke--and goes on to eliminate the remaining shinobi and rule the world.” Future Jin asserts with a somber expression. “The world did resist for a time but… well, the lucky ones died fighting…”

“I alone survived--a rat in the walls of Moryo’s construct.” Future Jin continues as he stands up with a look of determination. “I have traveled through time to warn you... This is my past, but your future and it means the end of humanity, so together, we must change it!”

“Well I’m convinced. What about you, Jin?” Rito asks with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

“If I don’t do anything, the world gets royally fucked, we don’t get to accomplish our goals, and I end up like this guy.” Jin says calmly as he points towards his future self. “It’s in my best interest to help. So, let’s go save the world!”

“Excellent! First, we need to go to the bridge where Sasuke fights Danzo.” Future Jin remarks.

“Why the hell do we need to go there…?” Queries a puzzled Jin. “What’s there?”

“We need to recruit one last person to our little band.” Answers the time-traveller in a joking manner.

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