How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 22

“So, is it safe to say that you’re the one who made Jin into some hero who shepherd's people to the Land of Demons?” Rito asks Future Jin as they group makes the trek towards the Samurai Bridge.

“Yes, that was me.” Future Jin says as he puts his mask and hood back on. “By the way, for the time being--call me ‘ ‘Echo.”

I bet some cool new movies and games came out back in my old world… Jin thinks as he draws a picture of Commander Shepard shaking hands with Anakin Skywalker in his little book while he partially pays attention to Rito and his future self’s conversation. “Hey, fu--Echo, just so you know, your shenanigans nearly got me killed by Orochimaru.”

“Oh, really? Sorry…” Echo says with sincerity.

As the group arrives towards the crater in the bridge that has just recently become Danzo’s death bed. After a moment of waiting, Jin is still drawing in his book when he hears a very familiar voice call out to him.

“Jin!!” Someone calls from behind Jin’s group.

“Well, if it isn’t Hanzo Mishima…” Jin sighs as he turns to face his old sensei, putting his book away. “...and I see you’ve brought the rest of Team 1 and Team 3 too. Is this a class reunion, where is everyone else…?”

“It’s been a long time, Jin…” Hanzo says full of disappointment.

“So it has.” A casually indifferent Jin agrees. “So what brings you all here?”

“We’re here to bring you back to the Leaf.” Ayanami boldly answers.

“Alternatively, we’re here to eliminate you.” Byakuya of Team 3 adds. “Your choice.”

“You talk like you can honestly crush me at any time, Byakuya Hatake--stop acting like I’m still a leaf shinobi.” Jin says with his sage mode still activated. “The only one in your group strong enough to even fight me is Ayanami.”

“We’re on a tight schedule, could you all please get out of our way?” Rito asks, gesturing to them to leave.

That reminds me… if Ayanami trained with Naruto to learn sage mode then she must know Frog Kumite… Jin ponders as he uses his Probe Jutsu on the Hyuga kunoichi. The red-haired rogue smiles with satisfaction. ...and now I know it as well.

An annoyed Takeda takes a few step forward while shouting, “I don’t know who you are kid, but stay o--”

“No, the boy is right, you’re not getting Jin.” An impatient Echo interrupts as he points at the leaf ninja. “However, you will hand the Hyuga girl over to us.”

So, our team’s final member is Ayanami? Figures… Jin broods as he begins to infuse chakra, preparing for a fight.

“You’re not laying a hand on my friend!” Mikasa shouts as she pulls out her Giant Folding fan and prepares to launch a Wind Style jutsu.

“NARUTO BEAM!” Mecha-Naruto says as he fires eye beams, blowing a large hole into Mikasa’s fan.

“You’re going down you traitor!!” Takeda yells as he runs at Jin.

Echo blitzes to Takeda’s side, intercepting him by grabbing him by the head and throws him into a wall creating a massive crater in the process. Echo then turns to face Mikasa and knocks her out with a knee to her jaw, Mikasa is sent up into the air for a few seconds then lands hard on the ground with a thud.

“Don’t you think you’re being a little too brutal…?” Jin asks, feeling some concern for the leaf ninja.

“They’re just going to interfere, so I’m removing them from the equation.” Echo coldly answers as he uses his six-tomoe Rinnegan to put Ayanami under genjutsu,picking up the kunoichi and begins to carry her on his shoulder.

“DON’T TOUCH MY COMRADES!!!” Byakuya yells as runs at Echo with his own Chidori Blade, preparing to cut the cloaked ninja down.

“Oh no you don’t.” Jin mocks as he blitzes right in front of Byakuya, casually clashing the Chidori Blade with his Vacuum Blade. “Believe it or not, I used to want to fight you, used to...

“Should’ve come quietly.” Byakuya growls, struggling to gain the upper hand.

“I’m standing my ground.” Jin declares rebelliously as he breaks the clash by kicking the leaf ninja off the bridge. He falls into the water and resurfaces unconscious as the current carries him away. WOAH, Frog Kumite is epic--just epic…!

Jin turns to see that the rest of his former team has already been defeated by Mecha-Naruto with Rito using Crystal Style to encase them from the neck down. The red-haired rogue slowly approaches his former teacher with a look of concern mixed with determination.

“Hanzo, once you’re free and collect your defeated team, return to the Hidden Leaf.” Jin says with an ominous tone. “War is coming…”

“What are you talking about?” Asks Hanzo with a mix of disappointment, anger, and confusion.

“Speak with Kakashi, he’ll explain it all…” Jin continues before returning to his group.

“Please, Jin, come back to us--we’re all worried about you!” Yuno pleads with tears in her eyes, still encased in crystal. “I don’t understand why you’re doing this?! Please tell me!!”

“The path I walk is different from yours.” Jin says, continuing to walk back to his allies as he cracks his fingers. “The things I seek are beyond your comprehension.”

Jin proceeds to draw some of his blood and performs the Summoning Jutsu. The smoke clears to reveal a large hawk, but it's wearing a blue scarf.

“Hey, Kuchibashi? Where’s your mother, Tsume?” Jin asks the giant hawk under his feet.

“Mom was busy, so I came instead.” Kuchibashi answers with gusto as the rest of the group climbs on. “So, where 'ya headed to?”

“Yeah, where are we going?” Jin asks Echo.

“The Waterfall of Truth on the Island Turtle.” Echo replies. “I know it’s current location and it’s next destination.

“You heard him.” Jin remarks to Kuchibashi.

ALL RI~GHT, LETS GO~OOO!!!” Kuchibashi roars with excitement as he begins to flap his wings and flies away.


“...I get that you need my help to save the world, but you didn’t have to put me under genjutsu!” Ayanami mutters with anger after hearing Echo’s exposition dump. “I mean seriously, what the hell?!!”

“I know right? Me and Jin were saying the same thing to Echo just a little while ago.” Rito reassures the kunoichi as Kuchibashi flies over the ocean.

“Echo, earlier you said that Moryo also merges with the five elemental dragons of Mt. Koryu to become the legendary light dragon.” A curious and worried Jin states. “Where exactly is the dragon blade…?”

“I don’t know all the details, but apparently Moryo (while possessing Kazuya) took it from the Tatsushiro siblings and managed to destroy it…” Echo explains to Jin. “...then for sadism's sake, he sold Akari and Kuroma to a band of bandits. Later, we came along and saved them...”

“While I’m glad we were able to help them, I can help but think ‘what the fuck?!” An anxious Jin remarks from hearing this new information. “How in the hell are we supposed to fight him? The only way to fight any of the dragons in that game was the Dragon Blade--it was the only weapon that could hurt them!”

“That’s why we’re headed to the Waterfall of Truth…” Echo calmly answers. “I’m thinking that sage mode combined with sixth paths power will be enough to destroy him.”

“It’s nice that you have so much faith in us, but…” Ayanami chimes in.

“But, what? Out with it.” Echo demands.

“What she means is, we’re just background characters…” Rito adds, turning his head away from the wind. “How can we save the world when we could die from just a random encounter with a no-name rogue ninja, disease, or a monster…?”

“Hmm… I had time to postulate on this…” Echo begins to answer. “My best bet is that it has to do with us being reincarnations--we may live and be a part of this world, but we’re not subject to its plot. Isn’t that right, Jin?”

A confused Jin can only respond with, “Say wha--?”

“Think about it, Jin. You--we have defeated several movie villains when Naruto was supposed to with a movie-exclusive super Rasengan…” Echo explains while pointing at the red-haired rogue. “We breezed through the Chunin Exams with little difficulty, we’ve acquired power that no background character should have, and we even severed the Raikage’s left arm when Sasuke was supposed to set it ablaze with the Amaterasu.”

“Ayanami acquired sage mode and helped Naruto defeat Pain.” Echo continues to prove his theory. “Even Rito possesses both a curse mark and Crystal Style, he’s even able to recreate technology from our--oh, we’ve reached our destination…”

The group look on as Echo points towards the slowly moving island on the horizon. The fins and tail can barely be made out.

So, this is the Island Turtle…? Jin thinks to himself as he watches the living island swim. It’s actually pretty cool in person!

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