How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 24

As Echo settles and straps the three young shinobi into the machine to begin the modifications, Jin begins to infuse his chakra.

Since I have to wait, I might as well use that jutsu… Jin contemplates as he feels the machine pumping the material through the tubes into his left forearm.

Jin weaves signs with his right hand, activating the jutsu and then everything goes black.


“HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE??!!!” Rito shouts into an infinite, black abyss. “WHERE THE HELL AM I?!”

“Rito is that you?!” A familiar voice shouts from behind.

Hearing the voice, Rito turns around and smiles with relief as he sees his ally appear behind him. Ayanami uses backstrokes in an attempt to get to the young boy and after a minute of swimming through nothing, Ayanami hugs Rito in fear and happiness.

“I’m so glad to see you, where are we?” Ayanami wonders with concern.

“I don’t know…” Rito replies as he looks around again.

“Just relax and calm down--both of you.” Jin remarks as he appears, laying on a hammock that floats about two meters above them. “We’re in no danger, I used a derivative of the Mind Transmission Jutsu to link our minds and use our memories to create our own little mindscape.”

“What? Why?” Ayanami asks as she lets go of Rito.

“Yeah, what she said.” Rito adds.

“So we can all watch movies and shows we’ve each seen together, play video games, or read books while we wait for the surgical grafting to finish.” Jin explains as the infinite darkness begins to transform.

The void twists and turns changing from infinite nothingness into a large room. A large flatscreen tv is attached to the north wall with an assortment of consoles and handhelds lining the floor under the tv. The south wall is one large bookshelf that seemingly goes on forever, the self is filled with magazines, novels, comics, and manga. The eastern wall is a glass window with a gorgeous view of a mountain and valley. The western wall has a long table with three computers, in the top left corner is a door with an exit sign hanging above it. Lastly, in the center of the room is Jin, Rito, and Ayanami who’re all sitting on a couch with a coffee table in front of them.

“Can we please watch Dr. Stone first?!” Rito begs Jin while kneeling with praying hands.

“Only if we watch Tokyo Ghoul next.” Jin answers.

“Deal.” Rito agrees as they both shake hands.

“Hey guys, do you have Dragon Quest VIII…?” Ayanami asks, interrupting the two rogue ninjas.

“Did you play it?” Jin asks.

“Yeah, when I died, the game had just come out and I was--I dunno, maybe two hours into the game.” Ayanami explains.

“Didn’t that game come out back in 2004?” Asks a puzzled Rito.

“Yeah, the game had just come out a week before I died.” Ayanami adds.

“This place is built from our collective memories; because you played the game, it is here…” Jin says as the game disc appears in his hand. He gives the disc to Ayanami before continuing. “But, since you didn’t actually beat it, the game will end once you’ve reached your stopping point.”

“Well that sucks!” Ayanami whines in disappointment. “Okay… I’ll just take what I can get...”


Meanwhile at the Bone Graveyard, Kabuto has just made contact with Tobi. Kabuto stands on top of a large ribcage as he stares downward at the masked Akatsuki leader.

“You were one of Sasori’s spies, you’re a traitor to the Akatsuki.” Tobi says just before he begins to run and jumps at Kabuto.

However, before Tobi can even touch Kabuto, another individual with white hair makes himself known; he in turn lunges at Tobi in an attempt to stab the Akatsuki member with a sword made of bones. The new arrival simply passes through Tobi as he continues to jump at Kabuto who claps his hands together and several coffins erupt from the ground, they open to reveal that most of them contain deceased Akatsuki members.

“Reanimation Jutsu.” Tobi mutters as he eyes widen with minor surprise.

“Kabuto set all this up to prove our power and that you can trust us.” The white haired individual chuckles as he transforms, taking on a more tiger-like appearance. “The name’s Mizuki by the way.”

“What do you want?” Tobi asks with clear annoyance in his tone.

“We’re offering to provide more military might.” Kabuto answers while keeping a poker face.

“And in exchange?” Tobi continues to question with suspicion and annoyance.

“I want both renown and even more power!” Mizuki roars pridefully.

“And *I* want Sasuke Uchiha.” Kabuto adds.

“What are you plotting?” Tobi further asks.

“I’m only interested in unlocking the secrets of nature and jutsu.” Kabuto answers while parting his hands.

“And if I refuse?” Tobi threatens.

Keeping silent and maintaining his poker face, Kabuto clasps his hands together and another coffin erupts from the ground. The last coffin opens and Tobi’s eye widens with complete shock and surprise.

“Why you… Where did you get that?” Tobi growls.

“Heh heh... Kabuto has his ways.” Mizuki chuckles.

“No one else knows about this.” Kabuto adds.

“Hmph, arguing with you now will only weaken our side.” Tobi remarks, coming to a decision. “So be it. We will join forces with you.”

“But I’ll only hand Sasuke over to you after victory is assured. You are not to see Sasuke until then.” Tobi continues as he turns to walk away. “I’ll reformulate my strategy after I confirm your battle strength. Follow me.”


As the procedure to graft genetic material onto Ayanami, Jin, and Rito completes, Jin pulls the tubes out of his forearm and jumps to his feet. When he tries to infuse chakra, he can feel a surge of power flow through him, they all shake in awe of their newfound strength.

Weird, I’m actually starting to get excited for the final to happen…! Jin contemplates as he admires his new strength.

“HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE HASHIRAMA AND MADARA’S POWER?” Mecha-Naruto asks, snapping everyone back to reality.

“I feel great.” Jin answers, grinning.

“What’re you talking about? What do you mean great?” Ayanami asks, confused as she turns to face Jin. “Getting a perfect score on a test is ‘great,’ this feels ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!

“I feel like I can do anything--one of you, punch me!” Shouts an excited Rito as he performs jumping jacks. “I want to see if I can tank th--OW!!!”

“Why’d you do that?!” Rito yells angrily as he rubs his face.

“What? You said to punch you…” Jin reasons. The red-haired rogue turns to face his future-self and asks, “So, what next?”

Echo reaches into his robe and pulls out a small device and shows it to the group. The device has the appearance of a pink turtle with a blue shell and a red rope wrapped around it like a bow.

“The time-travelling Otsutsuki artifact, Karasuki?” Asks a perplexed Jin. “Where--or rather, when are we going?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.” Echo replies as he activates the artifact. “Send us back--back to the past, way back.”

“Your will is my command, Master.” Karasuki responds as its shell opens up and a bright light engulfs the entire group.

It’s even more beautiful than what the anime displayed. Jin thinks as he and the rest of the group time travel.

They stand on a glowing golden platform made of an unknown material. Jin stares into the distance and sees a blue and purple cloud pattern blending into each other with light particles and three dimensional pixels flowing through it.

After waiting a few minutes another bright light emerges from Karasuki and engulfs the group once again. The light fades and Jin opens his eyes to the fact that he and his allies are surrounded by a group of onlookers, they all are wearing high-collared, white kimonos held closed by dark sashes. The collar of each of their kimonos are adorned with magatama.

“Uh, Echo…? When and where are we…?” Ayanami and RIto ask with concern.

Jin’s group and the onlookers all take stances, prepared for a fight. The tension is thick in the air and a droplet of sweat runs down Jin’s brow.

“Sorry, Master… I was off by several decades…” A disheartened Karasuki informs the group.

YA THINK?!!” Both Jin and Echo yell, full of maniacal rage.




  • Is one of the many prisoners freed by Moryo.
  • After being freed, he sought out Orochimaru.
  • Was given a perfected Animal Curse Mark by Kabuto.
  • Had Kabuto modify his body
    • He now has Kimimaro’s bone kekkei genkai, Shikotsumyaku.
    • ???
    • ???
  • ???

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