How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 25

I can’t believe that damn turtle sent us to the era of Ninshu…! Jin broods as he liquifies his body to avoid an attack by one of the disciples. “Karasuki fix this or I swear I’ll turn you into turtle soup!”

As soon as the ninshu disciple’s punch passes through Jin, he quickly solidifies and counters by kicking the disciple in the chest. As two more disciples run at Jin with swords drawn, the red-haired rogue quickly creates a Vacuum Blade from a kunai he pulls out and with one sweeping motion, cuts each of the three disciples’ blades in two.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll need at least 24 hours to recharge and make another jump…” Whines a forlorn Karasuki.

“Great! Just great–someone get me a pot and some boiling water!” Jin shouts in anger as he roundhouse kicks another disciple through a wall, rendering him unconscious.

“AAAAARRGHHH!!!” Karasuki screams in horror as it squirms back into Echo’s cloak.

“Jin, just calm down–we can just wait out the 24 hours, but first…” Ayanami says trying to pacify Jin as she knocks four other disciples by striking their chakra points.

As Jin has a disciple pinned down, he checks on the rest of his group. Rito has already encased a number of their assailants in crystal from the neck down, Echo has already placed several under genjutsu with no difficulty, and Mecha-Naruto has few disciples frozen with fear as he opens up several of his compartments, revealing his weapons.

It’s a good thing that the practical applications for chakra are still in their infancy. Jin contemplates as he knocks one more ninshu disciple out with a chop to the back of his neck. Good, their numbers are thinning–just a little longer and–

“What’s going on here? Who are all of you?” Asks a proud and commanding voice.

Upon hearing these words, everyone stops fighting and looks towards the direction of the voice. Jin’s eyes widen when he sees a newcomer enter the hut-like dojo. He is an older man who bears a resemblance to Jin.

God fucking dammit… it’s him… Jin groans in his head as he stares at them with clear annoyance and frustration in his eyes. And based on his seasoned appearance, we’ve been sent back to a point after Indra’s fight with Asura…

“I asked you a question, who are all of you?” One of the newcomers asks again.

“Master Indra, these strangers appeared out of nowhere in a flash of light!” Says one disciple whose body is encased in crystal.

“And the one wearing the mask has a magic, talking turtle.” Says the disciple that is still being pinned down by Jin.

“Hmm…?” Indra grunts as he activates his Sharingan.

Before anything else can happen, Echo throws a smoke bomb down and as the dojo filles to the brim with a thick gray smoke, Jin and the rest of his group slip out and dash through the courtyard. While stealthily avoiding the guards and other disciples, they make it to the edge of the village and proceed to jump through the trees.

“I say we keep running until we reach another country, find somewhere to hide, and wait out the 24 hours.” JIn suggests to the group. “Any objections?”

“I’m down with that.” Rito agrees.

“Ditto.” Ayanami utters, nodding in agreement.

“WE’RE BEING FOLLOWED.” Mecha-Naruto informs the group.

“And he’s catching up fast.” Echo adds.

Ayanami, Rito, and Jin all take a look behind and see that Indra is in hot pursuit of them and is quickly gaining ground. Jin slows down a bit and creates twenty shadow clones.

“You guys–go on ahead, I’ll catch up!” Jin tells his allies.

“What? Are you crazy?!” Rito shouts at Jin with worry.

“Do you even think you can win…?” Ayanami asks.

“What a stupid question, I don’t have to win.” One replies as all the Jins stop jumping through the trees.

Several Jins scatter around the area and hide themselves within the forest. The leaves rustle as their pursuer catches up. As soon as he enters Jin’s view, Indra goes on the attack. Jin and his clones all jump to the side to avoid Indra’s attack that is similar to the Chidori. The attack ends up hitting a tree, completely eviscerating it in the process.

“You’ll make things easier for yourself if you just submit to my power.” Indra warns as he turns to face Jin with the remnants of the tree falling to the ground behind him.

“Try harder.” One Jin says as he attempts to perform a flying kick to Indra’s right side.

Indra dodges the kick by simply tilting his torso backwards. Another Jin takes advantage of the opening and delivers a solid left hook to Indra’s face, knocking the Otsutsuki on his back. The Jins that were hiding in the surrounding area reveal themselves and proceed to pile on Indra, the real Jin grabs the legs of one of his clones that was in the pile and pulls hard. The clone that was pulled out is holding the legs of another clone and is also pulled out, this process continues until Jin makes a chain whip made of his shadow clones with Indra on the other end of the whip. While still holding the make-shift chain whip of his clones, Jin spins around violently and after gaining enough momentum, Jin and his shadow clone chain whip slam Indra into the ground, causing a small seismic event in the process.

There’s no way that was enough to stop him… Jin laments as his clones disappear in a puff of smoke.

As if to prove the red-haired rogue right, Indra pulls himself out of the ground, dusts himself off, and activates his Mangekyo Sharingan. After a brief standoff, Jin infuses chakra and weaves signs, Indra uses his Sharingan to copy Jin. Both end up hurling giant Fire Ball Jutsus at each other. After the fireballs collide and stalemate each other, they smoke each other out.

“It’s time to end this outsider…!” Indra declares as he jumps high into the air.

Indra then fires another Fire Ball Jutsu at Jin, the fireball burns down every tree in the surrounding area to ash, leaving nothing, but a large cloud of smoke and silence. The smoke immediately begins to violently rotate and a glowing blue light begins to pierce the spiraling smoke screen.

Please don’t let me lose an arm this fight… or y'know die…! Jin prays in silent distress as he forms a Rasengan in his right hand.

Indra in turn prepares his lightning style jutsu and dives down at Jin who takes a running jump to shove his Rasengan at Indra. As the two get closer together, time seems to move slower, Jin sees both his previous life and current life flash before his eyes. Realizing he’s about to die, Jins begins to smile.

Protecting my friends ain’t a bad way to go. Jin thinks as his and Indra’s attacks are about to make contact.

The two close-range attacks are inches away from each other when Indra pulls back his attack and a large purple ribcage forms around Indra, an arm sprouts out of the ribcage and grabs Jin faster than he can react.

Goddammit, he pulled out his susano’o…! Jin thinks as he struggles and fails to break free of its grasp.

The father of ninjutsu and the progenitor of the Uchiha clan, Indra Otsutsuki stands within the forehead of his now formed perfect susanoo, staring down at Jin with a curious and intimidating expression on his face. At this moment, all Jin could do was sweat profusely.

Bail…! BAIL!!! Jin panics as he liquifies his body, seeping through Indra’s susano’o hand.

As the puddle of water falls, it solidifies back into Jin and the very instant he makes contact with the ground, he creates several shadow clones. They all scatter in every direction in order to escape Indra’s wrath.

As Jin runs at his top speed in the direction his allies fled, he gets flashes of himself dying by either being crushed, impaled, electrocuted, or even set ablaze.

You’ve got to be shitting me, he’s already destroyed most of my clones! Jin anguishes as he passes by strong and healthy trees, entering a section of the forest that was untouched by his and Indra’s fire style jutsu.

Shortly after, Jin feels intense heat and senses strong chakra coming from behind him, he hears trees falling down in loud thuds. While still running at top speed, Jin decides to look over his shoulder and sees a colossal wave of black flames headed in his direction.


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