How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 26

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!” Jin screams repeatedly with pure, unadulterated terror as he jumps through the trees, attempting to escape from the black flames.

No matter how much faster Jin leaps away, he is unable to gain any ground, the black flames keep pace. Jin begins to sweat from both the heat of the flames and the absurdity of his situation.

If I ever reincarnate again, I want to be reborn in a harem anime!!! Jin whines silently as he continues to hop through the now burning forest.

The flames stop for a moment and then suddenly at light speed, they circle around a large swath of land. Realizing he’s been trapped, Jin stops in his tracks, he turns around and looks up to see Indra and his susanoo up in the sky, looking down on the red-haired rogue.

Damn, he really isn’t gonna let me run away from this…! Thinks an anxious Jin, seeing the large ring of black he’s ensnared in.

“Any last words, stripling?” Indra asks as his susanoo points its sword at Jin.

“Yeah… FUCK YOU!” Jin yells in defiance while giving Indra the middle-finger with both of his hands.

“When you see my father, tell him he was a gutless fool and a failure.” Indra coldly responds.

The susanoo spreads its massive wings and dives downward, preparing to swing its sword at Jin. As Jin braces himself for the end, three massive spheres of chakra hit Indra’s susanoo, blasting him away. Standing there, dumbfounded, Jin turns to the direction of where the blasts came from and in the distance, sees a giant mechanical fox with nine tails made of pure flames.

Huh? Mecha-Kurama…? Is all Jin can think at the moment, cocking his head to one side.

“HOW’D THAT FEEL?!” Mecha-Kurama roars, wagging his tails.

Indra’s susano’o picks itself up and swings its sword, creating a powerful shockwave. Mecha-Kurama jumps into the air to avoid the shockwaves and lands in the center of the ring of black fire. The shockwaves end up destroying an entire mountain range in the distance, sending multiple mountain tops high in the sky before crashing back down.

“Just what are you?” Indra yells as his susano’o flies straight at Mecha-Kurama.

The susano’o swings its sword downward, but the mechanical demon fox blocks the attack with its tails. Mecha-Kurama tries to throw a punch only for it to be countered by a punch from the susano’o. The force of each of the titans’ attacks causes earthquakes and uproots trees, sending them flying in all directions. Several of Mecha-Kurama’s tails wrap around the susanoo's right leg and pull hard. The robotic titan begins to spin in circles as it continues to hold Indra’s susano’o with its tails. After gaining enough momentum, Mecha-Kurama lets go, sending the susano’o flying.

“YOU FORGOT SOMETHING. NARUTIMATE TORNADO!” Mecha-Kurama remarks as it points both of his hands at Indra.

It’s hands begin to spin at high speeds, sending a tornado-like blast at Indra’s susano’o, crashing it into another mountain. Mecha-Kurama proceeds to run, leaping high over the black flames and as it lands, Meacha-Kurama proceeds to pummel Indra’s susano’o into the ground.

In order to protect himself from collateral damage, Jin created an Earth Style: Mud Wall and hunkers down behind it. As the red-haired rogue sits and waits for the chaos to end, the wind and shockwaves carry embers of the black flames to Jin’s location. An ember lands on Jin’s sleeve, he immediately jumps to his feet to tear his shirt off and throws it into the roaring winds as it sets ablaze.

As Jin goes back to sitting behind his mud wall, pink crystal surrounds Jin, forming a dome. Jin hears a loud crash behind him, he turns around to see his mud wall destroyed, and a boulder reduced to a pile of rocks.

“I’m so stoked you made me watch that one filler arc back in the mindscape!” Says a familiar voice. “Crystal Style: Crimson Fruit.”

Jin turns back to see the wall of black flames part with Rito, Ayanami, and Echo walking through safely. Jin can’t help but smile, feeling some relief.

“Must be nice having a Rinnegan?” Jin mocks his future counterpart as the dome around him begins to disintegrate into dust particles.

“Yes, yes it is nice.” Echo replies with casual indifference as he continues to absorb the black flames.

“Did you bloody think that we were going to let you take on this miserable git by yourself?” Asks a rhetorical Rito.

“Thank you for saving my ass, I was being an idiot.” Jin replies.

“No dramas.” Rito says as his body begins to change.

Rito’s skin changes to a shade of dark-gray and his hair grows and turns dark blue. His irises turn yellow and sclera turn dark gray, and a dark, star-shaped mark appears across the bridge of his nose.

“So you’re gonna use your curse mark?” Ayanami asks as she’s sitting down, orange pigmentation forms around her eyes as she activates her Byakugan.

“Can’t afford to hold back.” Rito shrugs before he weaves signs. “Crystal Style: Burst Crystal Falling Dragon.”

Crystals begin to form, taking the shape of a pink Chinese-like dragon. Rito climbs on top of the dragon’s head and uses its horns to steady himself.

“So, what’s the game plan?” Ayanami scratches the back of her neck.

“Oh, I have some ideas…” Jin, with a sinister smile, begins to rub his hands together. “First, we go for the head…”


Both Mecha-Kurama and Indra’s susano’o have begun to grapple each other with Mecha-Kurama making several attempts to bite down on the susanoo's neck, but to no avail. Realizing it's losing headway, Mecha-Kurama begins to charge up its chakra.

“ULTIMATE BLASTER.” Mecha-Kurama fires a purple beam of electricity from its chest plate.

At point blank, the beam causes a massive explosion, the dust clears to reveal that the area behind Indra is completely destroyed and smoldering. The susano’o is still standing, but has received great damage evident by the cracks beginning to form all over its body.

“I will not fall to some odd beast!” The Otsutsuki seethes in the forehead of his susano’o.

The damaged chakra avatar lifts the metallic fox spirit up and throws it some distance away to its left. A few seconds after crash landing, Mecha-Kurama reverts back to Mecha-Naruto.

The ground begins to tremble, Indra looks to his right and sees a giant adder-snake has erupted from the ground. The snake sticks its tongue out twice before slithering its way to the susano’o at high speeds. While using his susano’o as a medium, Indra fires a multitude of fireballs from the construct's mouth. The snake however is able to zig-zag past, evading each fireball with the last one grasing the left side of the snake’s face. The snake coils around the susanoo’s right leg as it makes its way up the body, constricting it in the process. The snake then strikes in an attempt to bite the susanoo’s jugular. However, Indra’s susano’o is able to free an arm and grabs the snake by the throat. Keeping its mouth open the snake coughs out both Ayanami and Jin, the two ninja are sent hurtling at the susanoo’s forehead..

“Sync with me, Ayanami!” Jin begins to form a Gelel Rasengan with his right hand.

“Alright, Jin!!” Ayanami creates the Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists.

Ayanami holds her Lion Fist out and Jin puts his Rasengan in the lion’s jaws.

“SAGE ART: GELEL TWIN LION FIST RASENGAN!!!” Jin and Ayanami ram their collaboration jutsu into the susanoo’s head.

Indra can only look on with a mix of amazement and horror as their attack drills through his susano’o. The very instant the jutsu makes contact with the Otsutsuki, he is blasted out of his construct and into the ground where he detonates in a giant dome explosion as Jin lands safely away from the blast with Ayanami.

“Now that’s beauty bonza!” Rito descends from the air on his crystal dragon.

“Did you set it up?” Jin crosses his arms.

Before answering, Rito smiles and weaves several hand signs. “Yeah, Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Labyrinth.”

Large, red crystals erupt from the ground, circling the entire area. The crystal pillars then spread out and merge, creating a large dome labyrinth, trapping Indra and the three in it.

“Now that we’re trapped in here with him, let's finish this.” Ayanami deactivates her Byakugan and reaches for the scabbard on her right thigh to pull out a Konoha Chakra Blade, letting her chakra flow into it.

Before responding to her statement, Jin takes a moment to blow wind chakra onto his kunai, turning it into a Vacuum Blade “You’re wrong, we’re not trapped in here with him… he’s trapped in here with us.

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