How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 27

Outside of Rito’s crystal labyrinth, Echo is in the process of dispelling Indra’s black flames and the King of Hell has its mouth full, chewing. Upon finishing its chewing, the King of Hell spits out a completely rejuvenated and repaired Mecha-Naruto and returns to the land of the dead.


“Don’t worry, we will soon enough...” Echo continues to absorb the remaining black flames with his Rinnegan.

Echo pauses for a moment and turns to face the colossal labyrinth made of crystal. He can see flashes of light and can feel the tremors occurring from within the labyrinth, a feeling of satisfaction washes over the masked time-traveler.

“Yes, their procedure is already bearing fruit.”

“I BEG YOUR PARDON?” Mecha-Naruto cocks his head to one side.

Echo pauses and points at Rito crystal labyrinth. “The whole point of grafting the cells of Madara, and Hashirama to their bodies was for them to unlock Sixth Paths chakra or at the very least, an extremely significant power boost.”

After a few minutes pass, Echo notices the trembling begins to die down and a ominous calm fills their air. Sensing that four chakra natures are still emanating from within the labyrinth, Echo knows everyone is still alive.

The satisfied time-traveler places his right hand against the crystal wall, assessing the situation. Looks as if the battle is reaching its conclusion…

“Mecha-Naruto, it’s time to join the party…”


“And I really liked this blade too…” A battle damaged Ayanami tosses her now-broken Konoha chakra blade away. Her flak jacket is completely destroyed and her long sleeved shirt in tatters, exposing some of her large breasts.

“I’m pretty sure the Leaf will just give you a new one.” An exhausted Rito reassures the kunoichi with blood in his mouth, dripping off his chin.

“Rito! Stay behind me and Ayanami, this ends now…!”

Jin and Ayanami both charge at Indra who charges at them in turn. However, the Otsutsuki quickly circumvents the two and appears behind Rito, holding the young crystal style user by the neck.

“Jin, Ayanami… please help me…” The fear in Rito’s voice, in his eyes, makes both Jin and Ayanami’s blood boil.

Ayanami bites her lip in order to keep from baring her fangs. “Let. Him. Go.”

“How ironic that you who prides himself on his strength and talent would take a hostage.” Jin rebukes with an ice, cold tone.

“I can’t die yet, not until I destroy ninshu, the ninja creed.” Indra stares down the two. “N-no matter what the means… I must survive.”

Throughout the whole conversation, Rito continues to struggle to get free. “Jin! P-please do something…!”

“Just stay calm and don’t move.” Jin proceeds to infuse chakra. Ninja Art: Mind Transmission Jutsu!

Ayanami, can you hear me? Don’t speak--use your thoughts.

Jin?! How are you–?”

I’m part of the Yamanaka Clan--anyway, just follow my lead.

Another Jin steps out from behind some trees several meters behind Indra

Jin begins to facepalm. “This is stupid.”

“What?” Indra grows confused.

“I must admit, it’s sadly anticlimactic. Behind all the power and bravado… you’re just a little boy crying and throwing a tantrum just because daddy didn’t pick you as his favorite.” Jin removes his hands from his face, smirking to see Indra shaking with rage.

Jin let’s his words sink in before continuing. “It'd be funny, if it weren't so pathetic. Oh, what the heck! I'll laugh anyway. AHA HA HA HA HA!!!

Indra’s rage grows more and more as Jin cackles like a hyena. “Shut. up! S-stop laughing!”

“Heh heh heh…Why? It’s funny.” Ayanami tries to hold back her own laughter as she points at Indra. “You’re a joke, you wouldn’t last two seconds against Hagoromo! Heh heh heh heh…!”


“Be silent, the both of you!”




“Heh heh heh… Ha ha ha ha ha!!” Even Rito begins to laugh as he’s still the Otsutsuki’s hostage.

“All of you shut up. SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!

The Jin clone proceeds to spring the trap. “Sage Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu!”

Indra jolts and after a few seconds, releases Rito who hurries out of the way. Indra then looks up.

“Ayanami! Shut down this idiot’s chakra points while I still have control!”

Ayanami takes a stance and rushes to Indra. Unbeknownst to the kunoichi, trees begin to grow with each step she takes.

Ayanami proceeds to deliver a series of fast, consecutive strikes. “Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms!!”

Indra is sent flying across the labyrinth and slams hard against the wall and falls to the ground. Jin blitzes to where Indra landed. The defeated Indra looks up at Jin and groans.

“Are you here to finish me off…?”

Not bothering to answer, Jin kneels down and puts his hand on Indra’s bare chest. “Fire Style: Celestial Flame Prison.”

Marks appear around Indra’s neck, chest, and abdomen. The burning sensation causes Indra to wince.

“Mold any chakra, perform any jutsu and this formula will burn you to a crisp.” Jin’s cold tone causes Indra to tremble. ”IF you continue to pursue us, know that your end will be a slow and painful one.”

After hearing Jin’s threat, Indra falls unconscious. Jin checks to make sure the Otsutsuki truly is knocked out, after confirming it for himself, Jin walks back to his friends.


“Thanks mates… for a second there, I thought yous were gonna do to me what Sasuke did to Karin.”

Ayanami happily slaps Rito on the back. “Like we’d leave you behind.”

“You guys were the coolest.”

Making his way back, Jin replies with, “No, the three of us are total badasses. What’s cool is that Ayanami has Wood Style.”

The three ninja look in the direction of the trees that were now growing in the desolate area that was their battle. Suddenly, the labyrinth shatters, becoming dust and scattering in the wind. Echo and Mecha-Naruto hover toward the three youths.

“So you won? Good, we should make camp while we wait for Karasuki to recharge…”

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