How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 29

There’s a flash of light, Karasuki sends the group to their intended destination; the cool wind causes a few members to shiver a bit. Concentrating chakra to his feet, Jin walks up a tree and makes his way to the canopy as the rest of the group look around.

“So are we at the right time and place or what?” Ayanami asks as she admires a patch of flowers.

“This is the place, just come up and see.” Jin calls out to his team.

The rest of the group each make their way up to the top of some trees. Jin points to their Northeast and the group sees an extremely large tree in the distance, the tree is tall enough to touch the heavens. The terrain surrounding the tree is completely desolate almost like bedrock.

The starry sky illuminates two figures running toward the God Tree, the two figures appear to be women and further behind them is an army chasing after them. The army is lining up their shots.

“So that woman is Kaguya?” Rito points at the ladies getting closer to the trees.

“Let’s see… long, sweeping white hair and an ancient, white noble gown… yeah, that’s her.” Jin assesses before covering his eyes. “We’re really going through with this… excuse me if I don’t want to watch.”

Rito and Ayanami both look at their friend with perplexed looks. “Don’t watch what…?”

“Trust me, you guys’re about to find out.”


“Aino…!” Kaguya calls out to her personal attendant and friend.

The Otsutsuki watches as her friend falls to the cold, dark ground with several arrows in her back, her blood paints the ground a beautiful scarlet red. With a heavy heart, Kaguya makes her way to the God Tree as arrows continue to rain down.

Just as Kaguya arrives at the base of the tree, she feels a sudden jolt go through her body. Shortly after, she feels something wet and warm on her chest. Confused, she looks down and sees that she’s bleeding from the center of her chest. Before she can even guess what happened, she feels another jolt, this time blood trickles down her face.

Quickly growing weak, Kaguya falls to the cold ground and as everything gets darker, the last thing she sees is the Chakra Fruit descending with five figures standing over her.


“Ultimate power, in the palm of my hand…” Echo caresses the fruit like it’s either the holy grail or the cure for cancer. “Mecha-Naruto? Transform and scare off the oncoming army until they make a full retreat.”

“IT WILL BE DONE, MASTER.” The robotic duplicate walks off to face the army of Kaguya’s former lover, Tenji.

“I can’t believe you really did that, Echo… I-I don’t feel so good…” Jin feels his stomach turn and his muscles tighten.

“Why are you so hung up on her death?” Rito looks at his friend, still confused.

“Yeah, isn’t she the final villain?” Ayanami adds.

Jin massages his temples as he meekly responds with, “She was p-pregnant… with t-twins…”

They both go dead silent with tears coming down Ayanami’s face and Rito’s complexion going pale as he holds his jaw, covering his mouth. All three young shinobi have their heads down as Mecha-Kurama rampages in the distance. Sensing their collective guilt, Echo tries to comfort them.

“I know this looks cruel, but it’s a hell of a lot better than the alternative.” Echo explains as he offers the fruit to Jin. “Trust me and take power for yourself.”

Not looking up at his face, Jin slowly takes the fruit from Echo and examines it. It’s about the size of the world’s largest apple, weighing four pounds. The fruit bears a striking resemblance to a pomegranate, but with a few extra details.

Still guilt-ridden, Jin looks up to Echo and asks, “What about Rito and Ayanami…?”

“You’re first, we level up Ayanami as soon as you eat the fruit.”

“I wish there was coffee to wash it down… bottoms up…” Jin winces as he holds his nose and after taking several bites, inhales the fruit in its entirety. “Huh, the taste was surprisingly--GYUGH?!”

Jin’s whole body begins to glow as he slowly floats into the air, his mind is flooded with knowledge on chakra. Not only do his eyes feel warm, they also feel like they’re now overflowing with power. A new eye forms on Jin’s forehead, he looks at his arms and sees that his skin has turned bleach white and that he’s now wearing a white cloak made of chakra.

Still in the air, Jin presses his hand against the God tree and thinks, Madara held his hand out like this, right?

In a matter of seconds, the entire God Tree is absorbed into Jin. The newly transformed rogue descends back down to his allies on the ground, overflowing with power. Ayanami and Rito both stare at him with awe.

“Y-your eyes are just like Pain’s and you have a third one on your forehead.” Ayanami points at Jin’s face.

Rito even adds, “You look alien and human at the same time--it’s bloody weird…”

Jin takes out a kunai and examines his reflection. In the blade, Jin can see that his eyes have purple sclerae and irides, with a ripple pattern spreading over the eyeball and that his new third eye has a red sclera and iris, with a ripple pattern spreading over the eyeball and nine tomoe.

So I have two Rinnegan and a Rinne Sharingan, huh…? Jin contemplates as he places his hand over his chest, infusing chakra. “Shadow and Light Style: Creation of All Things.”

“What’d you just do?”

“I just permanently merged all the power I’ve acquired to myself so that it can’t be taken in a chakra tug-of-war.” Jin answers as he creates several black chakra receivers. “Echo, have Mecha-Kurama return and give me Karasuki, I’m not waiting another day for it to recharge.”

Now mutilating Kaguya’s corpse, Echo responds with, “It would be my pleasure.”

“Look alive, Ayanami. I’m pretty sure my future counterpart is going to graft Kaguya’s remains onto you.” Jin pulls out two of his three remaining gelel stones from his backpack.

Ayanami flinches away in both shock and disgust upon hearing this. “Wait--wha--EWW!! WHY?!”

“Didn’t you watch The Last: Naruto the Movie back when we were in the mindscape…?” Rito asks while tapping his head with one finger.

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with--OH, nevermind…”

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