How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 30

Okay, one stone is in my chest, I gave one to Sasuke, and I just used two more to power up both Karasuki and Mecha-Naruto. Jin broods, watching Ayanami and Echo walk back into Orochimaru’s abandoned hideout. I have one gelel stone left, I need to keep it safe for my own personal use…

Leaning against a tree with his arms folded, Jin feels a tug on his left sleeve. Jin turns his head to see the blue eyes of Rito staring right back at him.

“Yeah, Rito?”

“You know about the Land of Snow movie, right?”

“Yep, watched it when it first aired on Toonami back in 2007, why?” Jin turns his whole body, giving his friend his undivided attention.

Rito makes praying hands and asks, “Can ya please go to that time period and get the bad guys’ chakra armors? I need them for a side project.”

“Sure, but you’ll owe me a solid.” Jin shrugs.

“Thanks, mate!” Rito heads into the hideout, but stops and turns around. “When ya done, I suggest time traveling to two days from now to skip the wait.”

The events of that movie took place about four years ago, right…? Jin thinks as he pulls Karasuki out from his sleeve. “Send me back by about a little over four years.”

“It will be done, Master.” Karasuki responds as its shell opens up and a bright light engulfs the rogue ninja.


In a flash of light, Karasuki sends Jin four years into the past in the Land of Snow. Jin feels the cold, snowy air, but isn’t affected at all. The rogue gets down on one knee and places two fingers on the ground, molding chakra to sense his surroundings and is overcome with shock at what he sees.

“Oh my God--I can sense the whole planet now! Heh heh… I can sense that past me is meditating in Ryuchi Cave.” Jin chuckles as he returns his attention back to his objective. Lets see here… based on their distance and speed, Naruto and friends won’t be here for another day, Doto’s three snow ninja are waiting along the coast to ambush them, and Doto himself is lounging around in his little castle…

I want to test out my new powers, but they’re all so weak. I guess I’ll just have to… kill them off one at a time? Jin broods, getting to his feet and dusts the snow off.

The Ten-Tails Jinchuriki creates a shadow clone and is taken aback by now seeing himself twice.

“I can see through the eyes of my shadow clones now?!”

“Apparently, yes and I can see through your eyes too.” The clone shrugs.

Nodding, Jin responds with, “Badass…!”

The clone hovers for a minute and then flies off in the direction of Doto’s castle. With ten Truth-Seeker Orbs appearing behind his back, Jin turns in the direction of the snow ninja and runs at the speed of light, stopping just a few yards behind them.

“WELL HELLO THERE~!!” Jin shouts, giving a curt and pompous bow.

The three snow ninja turn to face Jin, jumping back several meters. Their leader steps forward to question the young rogue ninja.

“Identify yourself, stranger…!”

“Nagare Roga, the leader, Mizore Fuyukuma, the strong man, and Fubuki Kakuyoku, the token female member of the team.” Jin points out one by one.

Angered by Jin’s remark, Fubuki shouts back, “Who and what are you, what do you want, and how do you know us?!!”

Jin gives a devilish grin. “I am Jin, Jin Yamanaka Uzumaki and what I want is your chakra armors--give them to me and I’ll let you live.”

“Heh heh heh… whoever this brat is, he sure as hell has a death wish!” Mizore hops on his snowboard and charges at Jin to punch him.

To Mizore’s surprise, Jin catches his punch. Mizore tries to punch him with his other hand, but the young rogue catches that one as well and they enter a grappling match. In less than a minute, Jin casually, effortlessly forces the brute to his knees. One of Jin’s Truth-Seeker Orbs appears right in front of Mizore’s face, it alters its shape and size to that of a quarter before entering the snow ninja’s forehead, slowly but surely, burrowing through his skull, coming out the back.

Mizore’s body goes limp, falling to the cold, and snowy ground much to the shock and horror of his teammates.

“MIZORE!! You’ll pay for that…!!!” Nadare howls, weaving hand signs. “Ice Style: Wolf Fang Avalanche!”

The snow ninja pours most of his chakra into the jutsu, a pack of wolves made of snow form and charge at Jin. The attack results in the entire area being covered in more snow and the wolves jump into the icy depths of the ocean. Panting, Nadare smiles triumphantly, completely unaware that Jin is unharmed and standing right behind him.

“That all ya got? Don’t make me laugh!” Jin taunts, placing his left hand on the snow ninja’s head who begins to shake and sweat profusely.

“J-just… just wh-what are you…”

“Your worst nightmare.” Jin uses his Rinnegan’s Human Path to pull out and absorb Nadare’s soul, taking the snow ninja’s knowledge for himself. Huh, So that’s how the snow ninja are able to use Ice Style… too bad there’s no ice where I’m going.

Jin releases his hold on the now deceased snow ninja's head, letting the body collapse on the snow. He turns to face the snow kunoichi as his shadow clone returns, carrying what they came for.


“Dead, wasted him with one Gelel Blast and annihilated most of his forces.” An excited clone explains while waving the two objects in his hands. “Look, I have his chakra armor and then I found their chakra disruption device!”

Jin returns his attention to a terrified Fubuki and retorts, “Hear that? Your boss, your team, and your army are all dead. Please, just give me your armor, please, I really don’t wanna kill a woman right now…”

“...This isn’t over!” The kunoichi yells as wings sprout from the back of her armor.

Fubuki leaps into the air and flies away at top speed to get away. However, Jin holds his hand out in the direction of the snow ninja’s rapidly retreating back side and performs the Universal Pull technique. The flying snow kunoichi is sent hurtling back towards Jin who catches her by her back. Jin creates a black rod and is about to impale her head on it, but stops due to the image of Kaguya’s corpse suddenly flashing in the rogue’s mind. He holds his mouth shut, feeling his lunch coming back up.

Hmm… what my future self did to pregnant Kaguya must’ve really traumatized me, goddammit…! Jin broods while swallowing, trying to keep it all down.

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