How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 37

With its thunderclouds rendered useless, the lightning genryu flails about in outrage, its deafening roars annoy the two rogue ninja to the point that they have to use ear plugs. More mugonhei begin to spawn around the dragon.

“Wow, it’s so dumb that it doesn’t realize we can still see it.” An unimpressed Jin watches glowing yellow lines move through the thick mist. Even with the mist in the way, my Rinnegan can still see its chakra.

Rito weaves more signs. “Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Mirror! Jade Crystal Clone Jutsu!”

Crystal materializes by Rito’s side, taking the form of a mirror. His reflection grabs the edges of the mirror and walks out, this occurs six more times.

“Jade Crystal Blade!” Blue crystal blades form on each of Rito’s forearms. “Leave the cannon fodder to us!”

Rito and his clones charge at the mugonhei, the clones create various weapons from crystal as they begin their assault. Jin watches his friend’s battle for a minute before returning his attention to the lightning genryu. He makes two shadow clones, they quickly dash toward the dragon, ignoring the mugonhei that try to stop them while evading the dragon’s lightning breath.

“Crystal Style Jade Crystal Prison!” One of the eight Ritos completely encases a group of mugonhei archers that were about to blindside Jin with a volley exploding arrows.

As the three Jins get closer, the lightning genryu musters all the chakra it can and fires a powerful beam of lightning from its mouth. The Jin in front picks up speed and jumps in the way of the attack, countering with a Gelel Rasengan. The two jutsu clash, resulting in a massive explosion. The dust clears to reveal that all three Jins are gone, the lightning genryu notices an orange light above it and looks up.

“Fire Style: Demon Lantern!” One Jin says as the many floating fireballs with demonic faces hovering around them fly toward the dragon in a swarm.

“Wind Style: Vacuum Blast Barrage!” The other Jin exhales several blades of wind at different angles.

As both jutsu fly straight toward the dragon, they merge, becoming one raging inferno blast. However, as the attack is about to make contact, the lightning genryu disappears in a puff of black smoke, leaving Jin puzzled.

The hell? That didn’t happen in the game… Jin’s head tilts to one side as he stares at the scorched earth.

“Even if it was anticlimactic, a win’s a win.” Rito walks over to Jin to congratulate him.

“But I didn’t win, it just… ran away…”

Both ninja turn their gaze to see Mecha-Kurama fighting the water genryu off in the distance. The giant mech punches the aquatic reptile and then quickly grabs ahold of its tail before it can be sent flying. Mecha-Naruto slams the dragon against a cliff and throws it high into the air before firing a Tailed Beast Bomb, but the dragon vanishes in a puff of black smoke before the attack can hit it.

A squad of White Zetsu emerge from the ground around them with one stating, “No one betrays the Akatsuki and gets away with it!”

As both shinobi begin to infuse chakra and weave signs, something grabs Jin’s attention. Looks like he real me is getting sick…


Miles away in the depths of a grotto, Kabuto sits alone in darkness as he stares intently at his igo board. His snake tail moves from side to side.

“So Jin has come out to play… and for the other side? Well, I know just who to use for him.” The second coming of Orochimaru has a sinister grin on face from ear to ear, licking his lips.

The snake sage places a new piece onto the board. “Make sure to survive long enough for me to get plenty of data, Jin.”


At sea, Kinkaku of the Gold and Silver brothers runs at Jin with a lariat while saying, “Here’s my thanks for taking care of those lizards, you brat!”

Hold it in, Jin… Just hold it in… The real Jin thinks as he just barely evades Kinkaku’s Kokinjo while clutching his stomach.

The scent of blood and salt in the air combined with the sight of countless bodies littering the land and sea are making the Onikage’s stomach turn with nausea. Also, motion from the sea and Jin’s dodging isn’t helping him either.

“I don’t know what’s more uncool: the Gold and Silver brothers calling us comrades or that this terrorist is helping us!” Samui exclaims as she fights a group Zetsu with her brother, Atsui.

Jin pulls out a kunai and throws it, passing right by Samui’s head and hitting a Zetsu that was trying to sneak up on her. “Blondie, you should be angry with yourself for being so weak that you need my help… nice rack by the way.”

The cloud kunoichi gives Jin a confused glance “Rac–GAH?!”

“Heh! Ginkaku, get the Shichiseiken ready.” The Gold brother tells his sibling.

“Already on it, Kinkaku.”

Samui and Atsui have both been punched by Kinkaku, knocking them back by several meters. As the two cloud ninja get back up, they both lurch forward with blobs of chakra coming out of each of their mouths. Ginkaku makes a quick dash for them both, specifically the chakra they regurgitated.

“CURSE THEM, SHICHISEIKEN!!” The Silver brother shouts as he swings his sword at their spirit words.

*burp* I don’t think so.” Still nauseous, Jin is able to jump in the way, blocking the attack and kicking him into his brother and into the water. Wait… weren’t those cloud ninja supposed to be sealed away for the rest of the war? Eh, who cares.

Ginkaku drops the two treasured tools he was using, leaving them for Jin to take for himself. Once the silver brother recovers and gets to his feet, he dumbfoundedly drops to his knees with a blob of chakra containing his spirit word coming out of his mouth. Jin runs toward the reanimation with both treasure tools ready.

“Curse them, Shichiseiken.” Jin slashes the reanimation’s spirit word before taking aim with the gourd.

Realizing what’s about to happen, Ginkaku trembles while still on his knees. He looks at his adversary with abject horror and a gaping jaw.

“Wha-?! How dare you…?!”

“You two rely on each other far too much, that's a weakness… Now record them, Benihisago!” Jin’s new gourd immediately sucks up Ginkaku’s spirit word like a powerful vacuum.

Overwhelmed with despair, the reanimated ninja turns to his brother and calls out, “Kinkaku, help me…! KINKAKU~!!!

Upon uttering the word he’s said most since birth, Ginkaku is sucked into the Benihisago and sealed away. Seeing his brother sealed away, the sea water swirls around Kinkaku and red chakra oozes out of his body in the form of bubbles.

“WHY YOU… Y-YOU, WHELP!! HOW DARE YOU!!!” Kinkaku’s tone is filled with rage and hate.

The red chakra completely envelops the reanimation’s body and darkens with six tails sprouting from his lower back. Kinkau’s Version 2 transformation causes a series of powerful tidal waves that reach the shore and drag many ninja, Zetsu, and mugonhei out to sea, Jin leaps back to shore with the three cloud ninja, using his own chakra arms.

“Jin, right? How are yo--?”

“I found small traces of tailed beast chakra and took them for myself.” Jin curtly answers as he gently sets the three down.

“How dare you do such a thing to Ginkaku. You’re going to pay!” Kinkaku roars, creating shockwaves that can be felt all across the battlefield.

“Huh…?” Puzzled, Jin's attention focuses on a new chakra signature that has just entered the field. What the… this chakra feels off, but oddly familiar…

Just behind the raging Kinkaku, a new figure emerges from the water, his black sclera and cracked skin show he’s a reanimated ninja. He appears to be in his thirties with his hair and beard being black, wild and long. He has a bulky muscular physique with only shreds of sleeves around his wrists. The man steps forward with a look of great confusion.

“W-where am I? The last thing I remember was…?!” The man freezes in place for a moment before taking a confident yet flippant posture with . “Jin, the Hidden Sound Village thanks you for all the hard work you’ve done, but now I need to contain the situation.”

Kabuto… What have you done? Jin is put on edge by the reanimated Shinno’s dark chakra.

“For your final mission, I’ll have you help me test the limits of this ‘dark chakra.’ Body Activation Jutsu!” Shinno’s body with dark chakra.

The dark chakra flows out of Shinno’s body as an aura visible to everyone, some ninja with weaker wills even become sick and fall to their knees after sensing his malicious chakra. What Shinno does next makes Jin’s eyes widen in horror.

HOLY SHIT…! Jin immediately activates sage mode and slams his hands against the ground. “SAGE ART: INORGANIC REANIMATION!!”

Like lightning, spikes of water erupt from the ocean only to pierce empty air. In less than a blink of an eye, all Jin can see is a crimson red fist mere inches from his face. With one punch, Shinno cracks Jin across the face and into the cliff.

While dazed and winded, Jin pulls himself out of the fresh crevices of the cliff. A sharp and pulsating pain courses all throughout Jin’s head and his vision is cut in two, one eye sees the crimson monster in front of him and the other, his trembling feet.

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