How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 38

My right eye popped out of its socket and I think he shattered my skull…! A trembling Jin laments as he tries to gather his bearings. “Ngh… Aaaugh!”

Shinno blitzes right in front of Jin and delivers another powerful punch. “This power, I must test it. I have to know how strong dark chakra and the Eight Gates really are.”

Shinno proceeds to brutally beat Jin into the cliff, each blow results in tremors that can be felt all across the beach. Several Alliance shinobi try to blindside the reanimation, but Kabuto has Shinno’s body unleash a black, widespread wave of dark chakra, killing them all where they stand.

Shinno ends the constant assault by running Jin through with a powerful dark chakra enhanced jab. As the reanimation pulls a handful of intestines out of Jin’s torso, bluish-green liquid pours out of Jin’s wounds.

“Hmm? What is this…?” Using Shinno as a proxy, Kabuto examines the strange substance. “The Rinnegan and now this? I’ll have Shinno drag your body to my hidey-hole so I can dissect you and learn your secrets.”

As Shinno reaches for the injured Onikage, crystals suddenly erupt from the ground and completely encases the reanimation in a column. Rito jumps down and lifts his hurt friend up.

“I’ve got your back.” Rito assures Jin as he carts him to safety behind friendly lines.

“W-won’t… hold him f-for long…” Jin warns.

“Pfft… I made that pillar as dense as steel, he’s not going anywhere.”

A team of ninja surround the crystalized reanimation, preparing to seal him away. However, Shinno bursts out, shattering his crystalline prison like it was nothing but a minor inconvenience and kills the sealing ninja with the Asakujaku technique.

A reanimated body, dark chakra, the Body Activation Jutsu and the Eight Gates… this guy’s a fucking Kaguya level threat. Jin reasons as he looks on while still being carried away. “Rito, take me to the far end of the beach--away from everyone, I can’t hold anything back against that monster.”

“You can’t fight this guy…! He punched a hole through yo--oh wait, you're already regenerating.” The young genius sees the smoke emanating from Jin’s wounds as they fade away.

“… …less…” Jin mutters under his breath as he puts his eye back into its socket. Gross and weird.


“I was stupid and careless. Of course Kabuto would pull something like this and I didn’t even think to properly dispose Shinno’s body.”

“Mate, don’t blame yourself. We all make mistakes, no one can plan for everything.”

“Stupid and careless!”


Rito has set Jin down and they’ve just made the short trek to a deserted portion of the beach, away from the fighting. The sound of the crashing waves are the only thing helping Jin calm down as he mentally prepares himself.

“I have to ask: what is this blue-green crap?” Rito stares at the new stains on his clothes in disgust.

“I… dunno.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“Yeah, I don’t know--the only thing that comes to mind is… the gelel… stone.” Jin’s eyes widen as he has an epiphany. “Oh, so when I ate the fruit… it merged my stone with me on a deeper level.”

“Are you telling me you’re a homunculus like Greed and Lust now?”

“Dude, I don’t know, this is all new--Rito, run to safety. Now.” As Truth-Seeker Orbs appear on Jin’s back, one of the orbs goes to the Onikage’s hand, morphing into a scythe.

At high speeds, something crash lands several meters ahead of Jin, the dust clears to reveal Shinno with a sinister grin. “Don’t think you can run away from this fight, Jin.”

“Rito, you need to go.” Jin’s transformation is undone, revealing his true form.

“But I ca--”

“GO, NOW!”

Before Rito returns to the main battle field, he turns back and tells his friend, “...Don’t lose.”

“Now that the distractions are gone… let's finish our test.” Kabuto says with Shinno’s body as he takes a fighting stance. “You have an unusual body… I can’t wait to dissect your remains!”

“YOU WILL KNOW YOUR PLACE, YOU FILTHY SNAKE!!” Jin’s body surges with chakra as he flies at the reanimation swinging his weapon.

The reanimation, Shinno runs at Jin as he pulls his right arm back. “Sekizo: First Step!”

Jin immediately creates a protective shell using three of his orbs. The shield seemingly holds, but the cannon of pressurized air blast through, slamming Jin into the ground and making a deep tunnel in the process.


What the hells going on over there…?! Shikamaru braces himself as a powerful shock wave passes through the coast.

Weaker combatants are sent hurdling away like they’re grains of dust in the wind.

“I think one of the chakra fighting is… Jin’s?” Ino senses two absurdly powerful chakras fighting where the shock wave originated.


“...Third Step, Fourth Step!” Shinno repeatedly spams his attack, burying Jin further into the ground.

With each of Shinno’s mighty blows, a loud thud occurs followed by a shock wave. It’s as if explosions of pure wind are happening right in front of Jin. The force of each attack is so great, Jin can’t escape the tunnel and is buried further and further into the ground.

“Sixth Step!”

Dammit! He has me pinned…! All I can do is mitigate the damage… Jin coughs up blood as he keeps creating shields out of his orbs to soften the blows, his chakra begins amassing in his eyes on an instinctual level. …And my eyes are acting up again!

“Is this the best you can do? You disappoint me, Jin.” Shinno gathers dark chakra in his hand, creating a dark orb with two dark rings around it. “Don’t worry, after I kill you, the crystal style boy is next. Super Activation Fist!”

Prepared to deliver the coup de grâce, the reanimation falls head first all the while, kicking the air to gain momentum. One the way down, Shinno’s chakra manifests as a burning, black and red dragon around his body.

Even as he continues to make shields out of his orbs, Jin’s perception of time slows down as Shinno inches ever closer. He begins to hyperventilate as he is overcome with terror and despair, the space around Jin begins to distort as Shinno is less than a meter above him.

I don’t wanna die here, not like this… I can’t accept this…! I WON’T ACCEPT THIS!! Jin sees a bright light as his Truth-Seeker shield shatters and he is plowed by Shinno’s jutsu.


“What is this, World War III?!” Rito shouts as he surrounds himself in a crystal barrier to shield himself from the shockwave.

A massive explosion in the shape of a beam that pierces the sky with several rings around it. The explosion is so large and bright, it can be seen for several miles.

Rito has to make his crystal barrier take root deep underground just to anchor itself in order to keep from being blown away. He even creates more barriers to protect various Alliance ninja.


“Aha ha ha ha…! Oh my, that was so easy!” Kabuto cackles as the dust begins to clear. “If I incorporate Jin’s Rinnegan and Rito’s crystal kekkei genkai, I’ll become a being that transcends even--hmm?!”

The blast dissipates, leaving behind a large smoldering crater. The dust clears to reveal that Jin is still alive, he’s missing an arm and a leg and he’s breathing heavily.

Still possessed by Kabuto, Shinno peers closer to see that not only is he still alive, but is also surrounded by a golden yellow rib cage that is covered in cracks with sections of it completely shattered and Jin’s Rinnegan have changed from being violet in color to now having a scarlet hue. Jin himself stares blankly into the sky as he is deeply bewildered as to what has just happened.

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