How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 4

Somewhere, deep in the forest on the outskirts of the Land of Fire all was calm and all was peaceful. Suddenly, a glowing yellow sphere appears, the sphere quickly disappears to reveal a hooded, cloaked figure covered in blood and heavily wounded. The figure scans his surroundings and after confirming that he is both safe and alone, he begins to heal his wounds and then takes out an unusual device.

“Huh? It would seem that we were off by a couple of years.” The hooded figure says, staring at the device.

“My apologies, master, that last attack altered my intended path.” The device responds. “I can take you to your proper destination after a few days of recharging.”

“It doesn’t matter, I can wait out a couple of years. After all, there’s no real threat to me in this era.” The cloaked figure explains. Even so, take your time and recharge, Karasuki, there’s still a chance I may need you later.

“Understood, Master.” The device responds before shutting down.

“Now then, it’s time to get to work…” The cloaked figure says, tucking the device into a pouch in his cloak. The cloaked figure then proceeds to walk off into a destination known only to him.


Okay, I have a heaven scroll, so I just need an earth scroll to pass this exam. Jin thinks to himself as he pockets the scroll, carefully making sure that no other genin can see what scroll he has. Once the second exam begins, I’ll find a safe spot to hide and have shadow clones search for background characters all the while, avoiding the main characters And when they do find a background ninja team, they’ll telepathically alert me and the other clones.

Still, I need to be on guard, everyone I come across will be after me, assuming I have the scroll they need. Jin thinks as he sorts through the ninja tools he has on hand. Ten kunai, six paper bombs, seven shuriken… and this little guy. Jin thinks, looking at the seal wrapped around his wrist.

So, Ayanami was able to participate in the Chunin Exams as well... Jin thinks as he takes a brief, cringing glance at the overly excited kunoichi prancing around near the gate. Hmm, she must have more skill than I thought.

Moments later, Anko gives the signal to start the second exam. Jin charges into the Forest of Death, hopping through the trees. After fifteen minutes Jin stops and survey’s his surroundings.

This looks like a good spot… Jin thinks to himself as he prepares to make shadow clones. Before even gathering chakra, Jin notices potato chips on the ground. “Choji! If you can hear me, don’t leave food behind when hiding.”

The young genin proceeds to tree hop further into the forest.

Okay, now I can start my plan. Jin thinks to himself, creating six shadow clones of himself. The clones scatter, each searching for fodder genin to ambush. All I have to do now is sit back and wait…

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'ll give me love, that's how we'll live! Your courage won't fade, if you're with me my enemies will never win! Jin sings in his head as he sits on a tree branch, waiting for an hour now.

Hey, real me? Get over here, I found a group of background characters.” Says an excited clone telepathically. “And you’re never gonna believe who it is!

Really? I’ll be there shortly.” Jin telepathically reponds. “Tell the other clones to converge on your location and don’t do anything until we’ve arrived.

“Got it!” The clone says before severing the connection.

Jin then uses the Body Flicker technique to quickly make his way towards his clone and the intended target. By the time Jin gets to the clone, three clones have already arrived.

Where are the oth--? Nevermind… Jin questions in his head as the remaining three arrive. Jin takes a few steps forward and takes a closer look at the enemies one of his clones found. What the fuck?! Is that Karin…? If she’s here then that means this timeline is following the anime’s canon… and I'm free to take her earth scroll because her group doesn’t make it past this exam!!

As Jin prepares to take action, he notices that his body is shaking. It’s shaking in fear and he feels sweat running down his body.

Keep it together man, I’ve been in a couple of fights in my past life, but this is different. This is my first real fight in this world, I could actually die... Jin thinks, trying to both reassure and psych himself up. I think I can do this, I can do this… I WILL DO THIS!!!

Now fired up, Jin has one of his clones descend to the forest floor and throw two shuriken at one of Karin’s teammates, but that genin evades them by jumping into the air. In that instant, the real Jin then attacks the one that jumped using the Fire Style: Flame Bomb Jutsu. The jutsu hits its mark and the enemy falls to the ground, unconscious from the burns.

One down, one t-- “AAARRGHH!!” Jin was interrupted from his thoughts due to being kicked down from the branch he was on. Jin gets up on his knees only to find the other enemy genin standing over him.

The enemy swings down with his kunai and stabs Jin in the collar bone. Jin disappears in a puff of smoke, revealing that he was a shadow clone.

“A Clone?! Then where is he?” The enemy genin says aloud, looking at his surroundings. Two Jins use the Body Flicker technique to appear on either side of him and hold him in place by the arms. Another Jin appears right in front of the enemy genin holding a spinning sphere of chakra in both hands.

“LIKE HELL I’LL LOSE HERE!!! RASENGAN BARRAGE!!” Jin yells, shoving both rasengan into the enemy genin. He crashes through several trees before finally hitting a large boulder, knocked unconscious. I won…? I WON!! It felt silly yelling out my attack’s name, I’m never doing that again…

Now I just need to collect the earth scroll… Jin thinks as he walks over to the burned and unconscious genin, searching through his belongings, and acquiring the scroll. Before heading to the tower, Jin turns to face the cowering Karin. “Girl, both of your comrades are unconscious and you no longer have any scrolls, I suggest you take your team back out of the forest and into the village.”

When I get to the tower at the center of the forest, I’ll probably end up fighting Ayanami in the preliminary matches… Jin ponders as he begins to tree hop to the tower, finishing the test within three hours. Regardless if I win or lose, I fully intend to desert the Leaf Village during Orichimaru’s attack.


“...for the next match, Ino Yamanaka vs Jin Yamanaka.” The jonin, Hayate Gekko announces.

THE FUCK…??!!! Jin thinks while dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events. Jin begins to cautiously walk down to the arena floor. He faces his cousin with a serious, yet confused look on his face. This isn’t right, Ino is supposed to fight Sakura… could either something I did or Ayanami did must be having an affect on the events of the story…?

“Begin!” Hayate announces.

“Get ready to lose like always Tomato-head!” Ino shouts, pointing at Jin with a cocky grin. “What kind of flower would you like to send you away?”

This bitch…! I take back what I thought, this has been a LONG time coming. Jin thinks, scowling menacingly with vein bulging on his forehead. “Allow me to clear up a misconception, whenever you and the other Yamanaka kids bullied me, I never fought back against you specifically out of reverence to your father for raising me. You reaped what you sowed.”

“I’d like to see you try!” Ino dares, throwing kunai at Jin.

Jin casually blocks all the kunai with his armguards, sighing in annoyance. Ino rushes at Jin, throwing punches and kicks, but Jin evades them all. Taking advantage of the situation, Jin clenches his fist and backhands the kunoichi hard. Ino is sent flying and lands on her stomach. Just as she’s getting up, Jin walks to Ino’s side, kneels down on one knee and grabs her by the hair.

SHALLOW! WEAK! FILTHY! WENCH!” Jin shouts aloud each time he slams the kunoichi’s head against the floor. After repeatedly bashing her head against the floor, pressing two fingers on her neck to check her pulse. Calm down, calm down... I can’t kill her due to the fact that she plays several important roles later…

“The battle is over. Jin is the winner.” Hayate announces while coughing.

“Someone clean up this trash, it’s just unsanitary.” Jin callously calls out, tossing the unconscious, beaten, and bloodied Ino to the side. Shikamaru and Choji jump down from the stands and catch their defeated teammate. Jin begins to walk back to the stands, but stops when he hears someone call him out.

"How could you do that to Ino…?!" Naruto growls, bawling his fist at an indifferent Jin. “Ino’s your fam--!”

“Make no mistake, Ino and I may share blood, but that thing is not my family.” Jin coldly explains, continuing his way back to the stands. “She never will be.”

“For the next match...” Hayate announces as the medical ninjas take Ino away. “...Sakura Haruno vs Ayanami Hyuga!”

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