How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 5

Just two weeks left until the finals of the Chunin Exams… Jin thinks to himself as he runs laps around the training field. The young genin while still running, looks around and sees his clones also training, two are sparring together, one is walking laps on his hands, and another is practicing his chakra control. Jin grins with satisfaction. Thank god I copied Naruto’s Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, it really does increase my gains and shortens the time needed to train.

I should also thank my father for passing on his Uzumaki genes to me, the strong life-force and large chakra reserves are also a big help! An elated Jin thinks as he continues to run. After two hours of training, all the Jins stop upon seeing three people, two stand some distance away in the background while a bandaged girl walks up to the Jins with a basket in-hand. Why is she here…?

“Why are you here Ino…?” A now soured Jin questions.

“...Hello Jin...” Ino says timidly, darting her eyes from Jin’s face to her feet. Her body shakes with fear. “...W-what’re you doing, training out here...?”

“It’s our rest day.” A Jin responds indifferently.

“Rest day…?” Ino says puzzled.

“Yes, a rest day, the real me is reading at the library while we shadow clones train. And when we get dispelled, the real us gets all of our gains.” Answers another Jin. “Why are you here?”

“O-oh, right…! Here!” Ino says with both fear and determination in her voice. Ino bows and holds out her basket. Jin sees that the basket is full of fruit with a bouquet of flowers. “I’m here to apologize for everything I've done to you…!”

The hell?! She’s NEVER been nice to me, ever…! Jin thinks to himself as he remembers all that she has done to him, the name calling, rock throwing, belittling, and the occasional cruel pranks. Suspicion begins to creep onto Jin’s face and he begins to scan his surroundings before facing Ino again. “Is this a trick…?”

“It’s no trick, I-I really am here to apologize!” Ino claims while still bowing, still holding out the fruit basket.

“...Uh, t-thank... you…?” A confused Jin says awkwardly as he takes the fruit basket. Ino slowly lifts herself up and smiles a little.

“G-great…! Good luck in the finals!” Ino says in timid excitement. The kunoichi runs back up to her friends and the three walk off.

“D… Did that really just happen…?” Asks a puzzled Jin shadow clone.

“It would seem so…?” responds another Jin clone who is equally confused.

“You guys get back to training, I’ll hand this over to our true self.” Orders the Jin clone that’s holding the basket. The Jin clone runs back to the village while the other clones resume their training.


Interesting… so this world isn’t just the anime’s canon, but a composite of the anime, movies, and some of the video games. Jin thinks as he reads a geography scroll, sitting by himself in the library. Jin smiles and looks towards the pile of scrolls to his right. After I finish this scroll, I’ll next read the--.

“Hey, real me?” Says the shadow clone as places the basket on the table Jin sits at. “Here.”

“Uh, what is this?” Jin questions with a puzzled tone, tilting his head to one side as he looks at the fruit basket and then back at his shadow clone.

“You’ll know soon enough.” The clone replies. He punches himself, disappearing with all of his memories and experience instantly flowing into the real Jin.

Huh? If she had been this kind when I was adopted, we could've been friends--family even. Jin thinks to himself as he processes his clone’s memories. Jin takes a bite out of an apple from the basket and continues to read. Now, I almost feel sad that I’m going to leave the village, almost…


So… I’m fighting Ayanami in the last of the first round of matches… Jin thinks as he watches Naruto create a platoon of shadow clones to fight Neji. Naruto and Neji’s fight reminds Jin of Ayanami and Sakura’s fight back in the preliminaries, shuddering in horror at the thought of facing the reincarnated kunoichi. Ayanami beat Sakura thirty seconds after their match started, she used the 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation to deflect Sakura’s kunai, an Air Palm to stun Sakura from a distance, and then finished off the pink-haired kunoichi with the 64 Palms technique. Ayanami must be just as strong as Neji if not stronger.

Kishimoto, the god of Naruto? If you can hear me please let Sasuke get his ass over here and fight Gaara so that the Sand and Sound villages can begin their assault on the Hidden Leaf… Jin prays in silence as Naruto who is engulfed in tailed beast chakra clashes with Neji’s 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation. Their clash causes an explosion, resulting in a smoke screen. PLEASE, I have neither the power nor the techniques capable of countering the Hyuga Clan’s Gentle Fist taijutsu…

Naruto wins the match and begins his trek back up to the waiting area, blowing kisses at the applauding audience. After a few minutes, he knocks Shikamaru down to the arena to begin his own match with Temari.

“Please get here Sasuke, I don’t want to fight Ayanami and I need to leave the village…!” A worried Jin mutters quietly, still praying as Shikamaru uses his jacket as a balloon to create another shadow, increasing the length of his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

Sometime later, Shikamaru successfully ensnares Temari in his shadow possession, but forfeits, explaining that he’s out of chakra.

“We’ll give Sasuke 5 more minutes and if he doesn’t show, he’s disqualified.” The proctor of the final Exam, Genma Shiranui announces.

Come on, come on…! hurry, hurry, hurry… Jin thinks with his fingers crossed. As it was nearing the five minute mark, two individuals appear in the arena and Gaara makes his way down to the arena. Upon seeing Sasuke and Kakashi’s arrival, Jin is overcome with relief and begins to quietly cheer. FUCK YEAH, SAFE!!

Not much longer now… Jin thinks as he watches Gaara and Sasuke’s fight. Gaara has just entered his sand cocoon while Sasuke scales a wall and unveils his Chidori. Sasuke pierces Gaara sand and injures him. Moments later, leaves begin to fall in mass and Temari and Kankuro jump down to the arena to aid their brother. Noticing this, Jin begins to infuse chakra and performs a hand sign. Finally, it’s time… RELEASE!

Free from the genjutsu, Jin watches Sasuke and Shino chase after the Sand Siblings. Minutes later, Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru jump out of the colosseum and into the forest in pursuit of Sasuke. Jin himself jumps out into the rest of the village, roof hopping.

Now’s my chance! Jin thinks as he makes his way to the forest. Ahead of him is a group of Sand and Sound ninja, they throw a horde of kunai and shuriken at Jin, but the genin dodges them all and blitzes past the ninja using the Body Flicker technique and continues his way to the forest. Can’t afford to waste any time on unnecessary battles.

Fuck yeah, off to Ryuchi Cave…! An excited Jin thinks as he begins to tree hop through the forest. ...It's time to go learn Sage Mode!

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