How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 49

In the aftermath of the Rasenshuriken’s detonation, the Third Raikage slowly gets back on his feet; his Lightning Cloak reactivates and concentrates chakra into his finger tips.

Holy shit! If I had gotten here earlier, I could’ve taught him the signs needed to rescind the contract… Oh, well. Jin cautiously waits for the reanimations next move. “Hmm?”

“All of you men?! Get back, Lord Raikage’s going to use his Four-Fingered Hell Stab!” Dodai appears behind Jin and grabs his hair. “And you, earth style shinobi? Get a wall up immediately!”

“Let go, I know what I’m doi--OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!”

As Dodai pulls a now extremely irritated Jin back to safety, a number of stone ninja move to the front of the group. They link up side by side and begin weave hand signs.

“””Earth Style: Great Mud Wall!”””

Simultaneously, the stone ninja all expel a stream of mud from their mouths, which solidify into multiple columns of earth. These columns grow upwards from the ground and together, form a hard, defensive wall.

Dodai presses his hands on the ground from behind the mud wall. “Lava Style: Rubber Wall.”

An enormous torrent of lava materializes from the ground directly in front of them, which then forms into a wall possessing immense durability and fortifies the mud wall.

The reanimated Raikage races towards the wall and thrusts his Hell Stab into it. The Hell stab breaks through the wall and it hits the rubber, it makes it clear to the alliance where he’s about to appear due to the ever-stretching bulge in Dodai’s rubber wall.

“The hell, man? That was completely uncalled for.” An annoyed Jin rubs the back of his head. Asshole threw off my mojo…!

Both Jin and Dodai leap back to Temari’s position. They watch a number of headstrong ninja foolishly charge at the rubber bulge; as the Raikage breaks through the rubber with devastating force, Jin performs the Universal Pull technique. The brazen shinobi are tugged toward Jin before they can be decimated by the reanimations Hell Stab.

…I’m surrounded by ignorant dumbasses!

“What should we do now, Lady Temari? I mean if Jin couldn’t take him down…” Matsuri, a kunoichi of the Hidden Sand expresses her concerns.

“What--Jin’s here? The rogue ninja who worked with Sasuke? Where? Which shinobi is he? I want to get a good look at him!” Matsuri’s friend and squadmate, Yukata frenetically looks all across the battlefield; her eyes dart everywhere.

“I’m right here…”

Both kunoichi awkwardly look back and see Jin just stare at them in disbelief. “What, how can that be…? You’re about the same age as--”

“You’re not close-range wind style users. Get back to where it’s safe.” Annoyed, Jin’s tone is full of contempt.

“”Right!”” Both girls quickly move to the back of the group

…Stupid, idiot kids… dipshit girl didn’t even know what I looked like? They have fucking wanted posters of me… Jin mutters in his head as he claps his hands together. “Alright… I’ve run out of patience. Sage Art: Purple Lightning!”

Jin sprints through the crowd toward the Third Raikage who in turn charges at the Onikage with the intention of goring him with the One-Fingered Hell Stab. Time slows down as the two get within arm’s reach of each other; the Raikage thrusts his finger forward to Jin’s head. Jin ducks his head down and weaves a bit to the right, the Hell Stab barely misses him and snips some of his hair; the now grinning Uzumaki quickly thrust his hand upward toward the scar on the Raikage’s chest. Jin’s Purple Lightning manages to pierce the Lightning Cloak, but only causes a minor wound; his fingers are stuck in the reanimation’s chest.

The Third Raikage grabs Jin by the shoulder and raises his free hand. The reanimation swing downward to cleave Jin in two.

“Celestial Prison Flame Sword!” Jin’s embedded hand ignites, turning into a longsword.

As the Raikage’s hand makes contact with Jin’s shoulder, Jin’s fire sword blasts out of the Raikage’s back. Both ninja pause, freezing in place; the shinobi forces wait intently for the outcome. The reanimated Raikage’s Lightning Cloak dissipates, cracks begin to form all over his body. Jin removes his hand in one quick heave and the Raikage collapses.

“Nice work!”

“Yes, he did it!”

The onlookers roar in celebration. Their cheering is so loud, Jin is starting to get a headache.

“So you deduced Lord Raikage's weakness was that scar? He must’ve done it to himself when he fought the Eight-Tails… well done Jin.” Dodai walks up to congratulate Jin. “We’ll have someone patch you up.”

“Don’t waste chakra and resources on a shadow clone…” Jin clutches his wounded shoulder. Hmm… I wonder how Rito and Ayanami are doing?


“Crikey, that was bloody tedious!” Rito sighs with relief.

The boy takes a moment to sit down and relax, he gives the Second Mizukage’s exploding clone a brief glance as it is now completely crystalline. A few yards away Ayanami has the real Gengetsu pinned to the ground; the dragon bites into the reanimation, absorbing his chakra. Gaara has just arrived and begun the process of sealing him with the sand slowly taking the shape of a pyramid.

“You there, boy--no, young man? How did you subdue my clone?” Gengetsu asks with sand swirling around his body.

Rito lifts his head to the Mizukage and replies, “Your clone is made of water and oil right? I can convert any matter into crystals, from physical material to moisture in the air. I can even crystallize living creatures down to the cellular level. At the end of the day, I’m just a bad opponent for you.”

“What is your name?”

“I was given the name ‘Rito’.”

“Well, Rito… you are a gem. Polish out those rough edges and you’ll be a diamond in no time!” The reanimated Mizukage gives one final smile before being sealed away.

Rito stands up and salutes the sealed kage. “Thanks.”


Meanwhile on the other side of the battlefield, the debris and rubble from Naruto and the reanimated Mu’s brief skirmish begins to make noise. A large piece of debris is lifted and tossed to the side, revealing the Second Tsuchikage, Lord Mu; dust swirls around his body and repairs his injuries.

“How naïve of you Onoki… you were my student and you didn’t even notice my fission.” The Tsuchikage has fully regenerated.

Like a puppet, Mu is forced to quietly and cautiously walk away to a more secure location.

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