How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 50

Ladies and gentlemen, we made it to the big 5-0. I think I put more effort into the latter half of this chapter out of respect for... you-know-who.

After Nineteen episodes worth of filler, the Second Tsuchikage finds himself alone in a secluded area of the desert, safely hidden away from the Ninja Alliance. The reanimated kage gets down on one knee and weaves a hand sign.

“Time to make a comeback… Summoning Jutsu…”

Like lightning, a coffin bursts out of the ground in front of the Tsuchikage. The casket’s top begins to crack, the reanimated kage swiftly leaps out of the coffin’s path as its top is sent flying a good distance away, the dust clears to reveal a man walking out of the coffin.

The man has spiky black hair at waist-length that has a slight blue tint to it. He’s wearing crimson armor with numerous metal plates, forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders, and thighs.

“Finally… it seems you’ve managed to successfully groom that brat, Nagato…” The man’s tone is cold and detached.

“I never imagined the next summoning would be… heh heh…”

“If I’m not mistaken, you are…?”

“The caster of the Reanimation Jutsu has a keen understanding of war to think of using you.”

“Did you say reanimation?” The reanimated shinobi looks down at his hands in confusion. “Isn’t that the Rinne Rebirth Jutsu?!”


Jin, Ayanami, and Rito find themselves surrounded by several dozen reanimated ninjas sprawled on the ground. Most of them have black receivers embedded in some part of their body. Jin and company’s labor allows the sealing team to take their time to seal all the defeated ninja away.

“This just felt like one big chore. Why did Kabuto summon a bunch of weaker ninja?” Ayanami leisurely wipes her hands.

“Just be thankful they're all low-level chunin and jonin. After all, we don’t have to waste much chakra on them!” Rito has already turned several into crystalline statues.

One of the remaining reanimations disputes, “Who ya callin’ weak? I’m the Red Cloud of Dust, Daimaru of the–”

“You’re a nobody who died on a C-rank mission and you know it.” Jin interrupts as he instantly appears from behind. He stabs Daimaru in the back with a receiver.

The helpless reanimated shinobi falls to the ground, his body twitches, indicating his struggle to break free. As Jin begins to walk away, he feels something grab his leg; he looks down to see the reanimated sand ninja clinging tightly, Daimaru stares up at the towering Jin with the determined eyes of a man with nothing to lose.

“Wait--before you seal me away, I have a favor to ask…” Daimaru’s grip on Jin grows tighter. “There’s this girl--her name’s Temari… tell her that I’ve always loved her…”

“Okay.” Jin simply shrugs. Simple enough, why not?

“Thank you, stranger.”


Ayanami, Jin and Rito make the relatively short trek back to the bulk of the Fourth Division. They all find the desert heat annoying as they’re starting to sweat running off their brows. As they get closer to their destination, a coy and bubbly Ayanami slaps Jin on the back.

“What’s up?”

“You know what’s up.” The kunoichi says with a cute smile.

Jin looks at her confused. “No, I really don’t. What’re you talking about?”

“You’re helping a dead man fulfill his dying wish.” Ayanami nudges Jin. “It’s sweet.”

“Shut up.”

“Are girls really into this sappy stuff?” Rito interjects.

Ayanami pulls Jin and Rito closer and wraps her arms around them. “I like it because I can bond with my friends over it.”

“Enjoy this moment while you can because things are about to get serious.”

Jin points at the Fourth Division as they get closer, he breaks away from his friends and walks through the crowd of ninja. He peers through the menagerie of alliance shinobi, scanning for Temari; Jin has a sudden realization and facepalms.

Jin, you dumbass… Mind Transmission Jutsu. The Onikage telepathically searches for Temari. “Temari, this is Jin, do you read?

Oh, it’s you… Well what is it?” Temari’s mental voice sounds annoyed.

“A little earlier, I came across a reanimation by the name of Daimaru.”

“Daimaru? He was an old friend…” Temari’s tone turns a bit out of sorts.

Feeling like a third wheel, Jin awkwardly scratches his neck. “Daimaru asked me to tell you that he–”

“Wait, what is that?!” A leaf ninja shouts, he points at a rocky outcrop in the distance. “It’s right over there!”

Okay… let’s get serious. Jin senses the new chakra as well and begins to channel his own.

Two figures walk into view, they both look down at the alliance forces; the one in red armor has his arms folded, he wears an unimpressed expression. A thick and heavy Tension fills the air as various shinobi in the alliance have widened eyes, and sweat begins to run down Onoki’s face. Even Jin can’t help but take a step back due to the powerful presence the newcomer gives off. His very glance makes everyone feel like they're being crushed.

I know I’m stronger than Madara as he is now, why am I so scared? Dammit! Jin trembles with sweat running down his face.

As the main cast all have their conversations, Jin desperately tries to build his nerve back up when sand rushes toward the two reanimations in an attempt to blindside them. However, they easily evade the sand and Madara lands on the ground. The instant Madara makes contact with the sandy ground, everyone in the alliance is put on edge. Jin looks back to see Ayanami struggling, trying to fight off the reflex to vomit and a trembling Rito is encasing himself in very thick crystalline armor.

Madara takes a step forward and starts walking, each and every step he takes feels like a nightmarish eternity to Jin. Madara walking slowly becomes a jog, a kunoichi from the Hidden Mist is seen praying as other ninja pull out their weapons in a nervous sweat; Madara then begins to run.

“Whatever happens, don’t look directly into his eyes!” Onoki shouts, warning the Alliance.



Countless shinobi give a loud, screeching, curdling battle cry before they all charge toward the ghost of the Uchiha. Jin however remains where he's standing, paralyzed by fear.

I’ve killed megalomaniacs hell-bent on world domination, fought the kage, fought the Eight-Tails, I even beat down a fucking dragon! Why am I so afraid… of him?! Move! Goddammit, bitch, I said MOVE! Jin brings his right hand up to his mouth and bites down hard.


As Rito and Ayanami run with the rest of the division, they feel someone tightly grab hold of their arms. They look back and see that it’s Jin stopping them, they notice the blue blood on his mouth and hand.

“Jin what’re you doing, have you lost your mind?!” A confused Rito shouts.

Ayanami tries to pull herself free. “Let go! We can take him!”

“Trust me, we’re going to fight him…” Maintaining a tight grip, Jin informs them both. “But not win.”

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