How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 54

“Woah--the forest is just… gone.” Rito mutters, surveying from Mecha-Kurama’s left shoulder.

What was once a forest, brimming with trees and bushes has been reduced to a rocky, barren wasteland. It’s gone dark due to the sun being completely blocked out by clouds with a mild dirt fog covering the area.

Echo calls out, “Don’t take your eyes off your opponent, especially these ones.”

The reanimations and Mizuki slowly rise to their feet, the renegade chunin staggers for a moment before composing himself. The jinchuriki all glow red before being enveloped in v2 cloaks, their massive power up causes the very air to tremble and the ground shakes; Like a specter, Tobi rises from the rubble with no visible damage taken.

The jinchuriki all rush at Naruto and Bee, their increased strength and speed begin to overwhelm the two Allied Shinobi jinchuriki. While rushing toward the Eight-Tails, Han fully transforms into the Five-Tails and gores him with his horns. The Five-Tails then begins to sprint right for Mecha-Kurama.

“Jump!” Echo leaps off of the mechanical fox.

Rito and Ayanami follow suit; as the tailed beast gets closer and closer, Mecha-Kurama springs into the air just as the Five-Tails almost connects. While still in the air, the robotic duplicate grabs the Five-Tails by the sides of its head; in one swift motion, Mecha-Naruto performs a front flip and throws the tailed beast at Tobi.


The Five-Tails crashes onto the ground where Tobi stands, creating a seismic event in the process. Undeterred, Tobi walks out of the beast like a phantom with no signs of damage. He takes a running start and jumps toward Naruto and the Eight-Tails.

“It’s not over yet!” Ayanami leaps into Tobi’s path with electricity crackling in her hand. “Lightning Beast Running Jutsu!”

The leaf kunoichi launches in the form of a hound to attack Tobi, but the Akatsuki leader simply passes through the jutsu and Ayanami and continues straight for Naruto.

“Is that all?” Tobi mocks as he lands beside Naruto, he reaches for the downed hero. “Looks like I win.”

“Leaf Superhuman Hurricane!”

From out of nowhere, a kick passes through Tobi just as he was about to touch Naruto; Kakashi of the Sharingan appears next to Tobi and grabs Naruto, he leaps away to safety with Naruto in-hand.

The Akatsuki leader looks back and mocks, “Two more makes no difference--not against my visual prowess and power of the tailed beasts.”

“We have a Sharingan too, you know.” Kakashi points out.

“That’s right and don’t forget we have the Noble Blue Beast of the Leaf as well…”


The tension surges once more as both sides stare each other down once more. Despite the serious situation, Ayanami can’t help but feel a degree of hope and relief; she smiles with renewed vigor.

“Kakashi-sensei, Bushier Brow-sensei, you both came!”

“You know that I can’t sit back and relax. Not while my student is working so hard.” Kakashi smiles back. “Ayanami, where’s Jin? I don’t see him.”

Hearing what Kakashi just asked, Echo awkwardly looks away.

“He left with… Itachi to go and undo the Reanimation jutsu.” Ayanami meekly replies.

“Itachi? He’s been reanimated too?”

“Yeah, but he freed himself from Kabuto’s control and he’s on our side now.” Naruto adds.

Guy butts in, saying, “Interesting… You can tell us the whole story after we win.”

A recovered Five-Tails rushes at them, Guy quickly breaks off the coral on Naruto’s back; the Five-Tails leaps into the air. Tobi raises his hand and a violet chain blasts out, quickly wrapping itself around the beast's neck and slams it on the ground.

“So painful… can’t believe… I’m letting him…” The Five-Tails groans as it reverts back to a v2 cloak.

Tobi’s paths of pain make a dash for Naruto’s group, they clash and trade blows with each other. Ayanami runs to help, but bones erupt from the ground and stop her in her tracks. Dismayed, she looks back; the sight of Mizuki walking toward Ayanami makes her growl in frustration.

“We’re not finished yet…!” Mizuki mutters with powerful chakra flowing off his body.

Echo lands between Ayanami and Mizuki. “Go. Help Naruto and leave this moron to me.”

“Right!” Ayanami leaps over the wall of bone stalagmites.

The young Hyuga runs towards the nearest Pain and punches it with a fist full of sage chakra; She continues to dash, making her way to the Four-Tails as it regurgitates numerous Naruto clones. She evades the many chakra arms coming at her with great finesse and agility.

“Looking for the rod that controls the beast?” Ayanami asks the Naruto closest to her.

“Yeah--how do–”

“Because Tobi’s obviously using the same technique that Pain used.” Ayanami curtly answers. “I’ll pull on it from the outside, you send a clone down its throat and push.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Naruto gives a thumbs up.

Both ninjas dart side-by-side toward the Four-Tails who punches the ground in an attempt to stop them; Ayanami and Naruto jump and scurry up the giant monkey’s arm. The Four-Tails tries to swat them away with his other arm, but Ayanami leaps onto his shoulder; she meticulously searches for the rod until she finds it on the neck. The Hyuga kunoichi tries to pull it out, however the rod creates chakra chains that wrap around her.

This damn thing is in there! Ayanami strains to pull the rod out. Huh…?

The kunoichi senses the sudden build up of sage chakra, she notices that it’s coming from the Four-Tails’ mouth. The chakra goes down the Four-Tails’ body until it’s directly on the other side of Ayanami’s location, she feels an abrupt jolt coming from the inside. The rod becomes loose and Ayanami pulls with all her might.

Ayanami smiles in victory. One down, six more to go…

As Ayanami lands, she watches the Four-Tails be sucked into the Gedo Statue’s mouth. Roshi, the Four-Tails jinchuriki lays motionless on the ground in front of her. Naruto lands beside the young Hyuga, his heavy breathing and sweat inform Ayanami of his exhaustion.

“You look like you're about to pass out after stopping just one tailed beast. You cannot defy me.” Tobi mocks from the top of the Gedo Statue, he weaves a sign. I shall take the precious tailed beasts that you possess.”

The remaining six jinchuriki all grow in size and morph into their respective tailed beast. They tower over the motley crew and build up chakra for their Tailed Beast Bombs.


Echo continues to battle Mizuki, he is truly baffled by how much stronger this Episode 1 villain has become. An eruption of bright orange chakra gets both of their attention.

“AHH HA HA HA HA HA!!!” Mizuki cackles maniacally

Did my time traveling cause this change or is the plot fighting back in some way? An irritated Echo broods. “What’s so funny, smartass?”

“Heh heh… Because… That Fox brat isn't the only one with a monster inside him!”

Mizuki weaves a sign and moments later, black and purple chakra explodes from his body and creates a towering pillar; the pillar’s light can be seen for miles. The chakra sends out violent shockwaves in all directions. From within the pillar, Mizuki’s silhouette grows in size and changes shape; Mizuki’s transformation causes everyone to stop fighting as their attention is drawn to the pillar of chakra.

“Is that…? No. Th-This can’t be…!” Echo recognizes the form Mizuki takes.

A chill runs down the time traveler’s spine as the beam vanishes, the dust settles to reveal Mizuki is gone and in his stead stands a giant monster with a body similar to that of a lion and three heads. Its skin is mostly white and has dark purple on several places, including the underbelly. It has beige-colored armor above the main head on which there are several small, red markings and a row of spikes. The other two heads come out of each side of the armor. It has light yellow-green markings under each head's small eyes and thin and sharp teeth.


With many fierce, red electrical sparks constantly surrounding its body, the beast releases a deafening roar. The very battleground under everyone’s feet trembles for miles and the clouds part.

“The Three-Heads? Interesting… Mecha-Kurama, put this scum in its place!” Echo calls out.

With ferocious gusto, the robotic tailed beast leaps over Echo and charges at the monster; its icy, metallic fangs dig into the monster’s flesh. The Three-Heads lashes back with a vengeance, both kaiju rip and tear at each other. The battle quickly escalates into a clash of titans.

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