How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 55

Mecha-Kurama and the Three-Heads continue to rip and tear at each other with their fangs and claws. As the robotic fox’s claws came crashing down, the guardian beast quickly countered, throwing his claws off. With an almost imperceptible movement, the beast thrust its right head at the right side of Mecha’s rib cage just beneath its arm. It took all of the duplicate’s strength to stop and reverse its hands and parry the Three-Head’s strike.

Their clash was something of a martial hurricane of attrition, both combatants striking and parrying; nothing else matters except who would emerge victorious. Mecha-Naruto struggles to gain any ground against the Three-Heads while Echo watches from afar, the Jin from a dead world waits silently, anxiously for a weakness to reveal itself. Echo continues to observe with his Byakugan activated when Rito walks up from behind. The boy’s eyes are wide in awe, his transfixed expression amuses Echo to a degree.

“...W-What is that?!” A shocked Rito can’t help but point.

That is the final boss of Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive for the PSP, the Three-Headed Guardian Beast--Three-Heads for short…” Echo stoically crosses his arms as he elucidates. “Frankly, it is to the Dream Village what the Nine-Tails is to the Leaf.”

With great effort, Mecha-Kurama manages to raise the Three-Heads into the air by its throat, Mecha hurls the beast some distance away. The Three-Heads recovers and lands on all fours; the Cerberus-like creature lunges high into the air, chakra gathers in all three of its mouths. The Three-Heads fires a power beam of purple-pink chakra.

“TAILED BEAST BOMB!” The machine’s monotone voice echoes across the battlefield.

The machine quickly gathers and balances chakra in its mouth, shapes it into a sphere, and then fires it with great force. The two jutsu clash with sparks coming off the point of collision, a bright light is generated from their struggle. Due to neither gaining any ground, both jutsu cancel each other out by detonating; the massive explosion causes earthquakes that can be felt for miles.


The battle between the two warring kaiju is so intense, so grand that it catches Tobi’s attention. The masked man is distracted just enough that an opening reveals itself, a tiny miscalculation, a flaw big enough for Naruto and Ayanami to exploit.

Like raging flames, golden chakra erupts from Naruto’s body and encompasses both himself and Ayanami. The shape of his chakra cloak alters to resemble a full-length haori, his pupils become slits, and the whiskers markings on his face become thicker t resemble the ☰ trigram. The translucent, golden chakra around Naruto manifests in the form of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

“This is amazing…!” Ayanami says with astonishment.


Naruto and Ayanami find themselves hovering inside the constructs head, Kakashi and Guy are pulled into the avatar as well. With his newfound Kurama mode activated, Naruto rushes at the tailed beasts under Tobi’s control, Naruto’s tails wrap tightly around each of their necks.

An excited Naruto shouts, “I grabbed all their rods!”

Naruto had clones hidden in each of the tails wrapped around the tailed beasts, the clones grab hold of the rods and tug at them with great effort. As all the receivers are plucked out, the Nine-Tails chakra around him disappears and he returns to normal.

Tobi has the Gedo Statue spew out a swarm of purple chains, the chains fly to the downed beasts and plunge into them; it sounds incredibly painful. The chains quickly haul the tailed beasts away and into its mouth, sealing them away.

“Naruto? The battle’s not over yet, why are you smiling?” Ayanami detects an even stronger resolve in the Hero of the Leaf.

“Because…” Maintaining his rambunctious smile, Naruto clutches his stomach. “I just learned a whole bunch of really difficult names all at once.”


“Dang, Sasuke, you really tore up the place… good thing the eye room is still largely intact.” Mileena investigates the laboratory as she enters.

At the center of the lab is the operating table and to its west is a massive wall decorated with the Uchiha clan symbol on top of it, which stores a large collection of eyes, which are each individually suspended in fluid inside built-in labeled glass containers.

Not needing him anymore, the black mass releases the White Zetsu she bonded to and reverts back to her feminine physique. Zetsu falls to the ground dead, he has completely shriveled up as a result of Mileena siphoning him dry of all his chakra and nutrients.

Mileena walks down the lab, her perceptive eyes observing each Sharingan as she passes by them. Upon reaching the other side of the room, Mileena stops dead in her tracks. She sees a crushed eye floating aimlessly in the bottom corner of the wall; due to possessing her creator’s sensory abilities, she knows she has found what she has been looking for. The crushed eye’s residual chakra feels the exact same as the one on her person.

Mileena eagerly taps the glass. Shisui’s other eye… father will be pleased. …Hmm?

Jin’s will senses multiple chakra signatures enter the room. Seconds later, a horde of White Zetsu reveal themselves; based purely on their expressions, they’re all here to fight.

“Who are you and why do you look like Black Zetsu?” One of the Zetsu ask in a demanding tone.

“Where’s Sasuke and our original?!”

Mileena doesn't respond to any of their questions, she just eyes them all up. A menacing smile creeps onto her face, revealing her monstrous, pearly whites. She takes a battle stance with tendrils tipped with axes and maces growing out of her back.

Her mouth begins to water as she finally speaks. “Not only do I get to complete my first ever mission, but I also get an all-you-can-eat buffet too? This is a great day!”


In another part of the continent, Jin and Itachi tree hop through a dense forest. It has been raining for over ten minutes, the pelting droplets feel cold against Jin’s face. Itachi brushes the cold water off due to him being stoic by nature, but Jin is not enjoying it at all. The Onikage feels the need to activate his sage mode to even tolerate it.

…He’s like a running man, in his world, more is less… Jin sings internally to help pass the time. …Where one is all. In this world, never fear the fall…!

At some point it stops raining. The two ninja continue traversing through the forest for their intended destination, Kabuto’s hideout. Both remain dead silent, the only things that can be heard are the rustling leaves and a flock of crows in the distance.

It’s almost time then… Jin senses a familiar and powerful chakra close by.

The strong chakra gets closer and closer until Jin, with his peripheral vision, sees that he and Itachi have just passed by the powerful chakra signature, a very familiar face. Jin is so amused, he can’t help but smile. The chakra quickly chases after them at breakneck speeds.

“Wait!” Their pursuer calls out from behind. “Is that you, Itachi? I told you to WAIT!”

A purple hand made entirely of chakra reaches out to grab Itachi, Jin quickly backhands the susanoo hand away with his own susanoo’s fist. Jin’s display of power is so unexpected that their pursuer’s eyes widen with shock.

“Jin, you’re not of the Uchiha and you have the Rinnegan, how did you acquire this power? Answer me!”

Jin looks back with a smug grin. “Like you, I was off gaining even greater strength and in my own way. That’s all I’m telling you, Sasuke.”

“...” Sasuke glares at Jin in frustration.

“I’m impressed, I didn’t know you had mastered the susanoo as well, Sasuke…” Itachi joins the conversation.

“What’re you even doing here…?! You’re dead.”

Itachi responds with, “Kabuto’s jutsu, I’ve become a reanimated shinobi. No time to talk right now, there’s something important I have to do.”

”So what? I don’t care, I still have questions for you!” Sasuke snaps back.

Hmm… It appears that Sasuke’s body has finally fully acclimated to the gelel stone I gave him. Jin analyzes Sasuke.

As the two brothers continue the conversation, Jin senses gelel energy coursing all throughout Sasuke’s body. The gelel energy synchronizes with the younger Uchiha’s chakra in perfect harmony.

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