How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 62

As the battle continues to rage on, Jin is left completely stupefied due to the spectacle in front of him. He is dropping his jaw at the sight of a wooden statue of the king of monsters roaring victoriously over a vanquished Three-Headed Guardian Beast. Jin is left speechless with his mind racing with so many questions; while the Onikage would normally be in awe of this scene, the situation they’re in only leaves him confused.

“Why’s the Three-Heads here? Why’s Godzilla here? And why are they fighting?!” Jin shouts into the ether. “Someone please explain this to me!”

“I do believe I can explain. What took you so long, Jin?”

The one to answer Jin is Echo, the time traveler appears right behind Jin and circles around until he is at Jin's side. He turns his gaze towards the wooden kaiju.

“Well…? Start explaining.” Jin orders his alternate future counterpart.


“Huh…? Who’s the new arrival, is he friend of foe?” Might Guy asks as he steadies himself on the shaking ground.

Due to having chakra from all of the tailed beasts, the Gedo statue roars as if it is in immense pain. The statue’s roars are what make the earth tremble and debris rise into the air.

“That’s Jin, you wanker! Remember people’s faces!” Rito yells from Naruto’s side.

Naruto continues to question Jin’s arrival, “But why is he here?”

“He helped Itachi undo the reanimation jutsu, remember? He must’ve reverse-summoned himself when it was over.”

While Rito answers their questions, Kakashi keeps his eyes fixed on Tobi and the Gedo statue from the Eight-Tails’ arm. However, he multitasks and listens to the conversation; he runs many scenarios in his head, trying to come up with the best strategy to win.

That answers who defeated Kabuto… but it doesn’t explain how and why Jin has his own Rinnegan, we’re missing something… Kakashi molds chakra, ready for the next stage of the fight.


So that traitor has joined this battlefield as well… Tobi observes Jin’s arrival with cold calculation.

The masked man has completed all the requirements for the Ten-Tails to revive, all he has to do now is wait and protect the statue. At least that is what should’ve been the case, but due to Jin’s arrival and Ayanami’s display of power, Tobi feels a seed of doubt being sewed into the depths of his psyche.

Ever the crafty ninja, the Akatsuki leader reaches into his robe and pulls something out, it appears to be a red crystal ball, the crystal is roughly the size of a cantaloupe; any fears and doubts Tobi had are quickly assuaged when he stares down at the marble.

Jin’s Rinnegan and Ayanami’s wood style complicate things, but should tip the scales in my favor… Tobi throws the crystal ball into the air and weaves several hand signs. “Summoning Jutsu: Limited Tsukuyomi!”


“We can emulate other fictions?” Jin asks after being given the rundown.

Echo shrugs and gestures toward the wooden reptile. “Well… apparently. Didn’t you create a Zetsu symbiote?”

“Yeah, to protect me from Black Zetsu… but I didn’t think--never thought we could outright copy oth--oh yeah, almost forgot…” Jin's attention falls on his injured path of pain.

During Mecha-Naruto’s scuffle with the Three-Heads, Mecha-Naruto attained extensive damage. There are holes and tears riddling all across the robot double’s chassis, electricity and sparks occasionally fly off from those tears, and the cords that Jin thinks are Mecha’s synthetic muscles are now loose and hanging from the holes.

As Jin summons the King of Hell to repair Mecha-Naruto, Ayanami jumps high into the air; the leaf kunoichi descends and gracefully lands a few yards away from Jin with a smile on her face.

“Hey, Jin. What took you so long?”

“The fight with Kabuto took longer than I thought it would.” Jin watches the King of Hell chew on Mecha while he reaches into his sleeve. “...Oh, that reminds me… got something for ya.”

Jin pulls out the vajra-shaped hilt and tosses it to Ayanami; confused, the leaf ninja examines it closely. Unable to make sense of what Jin gave her, Ayanami sheepishly looks at friend.

“W-What is it…?”

“Hold it like a handle and pour some chakra into it.” Jin Instructs.

“Okay, but I don’t see--woah!”

Ayanami tilts back in surprise as a blade made of pure lightning ignites from the hilt, the kunoichi stares at the sword with sparkling eyes. She waves the sword and trembles in awe at the sci-fi sounds it makes, the blade leaves a very brief trail of electricity with each swing.

“Is this a lightsaber?!” Ayanami asks.

“Close… it’s The Sword of the Thunder God, a weapon created and wielded by the 2nd Hokage, Tobirama Senju.” Jin goes on a tangent. “Kabuto had it, he must’ve stolen it when he was grave rob--what the hell?”

Jin is interrupted as a blinding light suddenly appears out of nowhere.


The crystal ball Tobi threw into the air emits a light so bright that all of his opponents are forced to cover their eyes. The light grows brighter and brighter, but then quickly disperses as soon as it comes.

“You know what to do.” Tobi tells the mysterious figure that has appeared at his side.

The mysterious figure sinisterly mutters, “Yes.”

The new arrival is another masked man with white kitsune mask, a dark blue-gray robe with gray lining and a fur collar, and a tattered gray-blue cape emblazoned with his personal emblem: a mandala comprised of nine reddish-brown circles of varying sizes atop a larger green-gray circle. He’s also wearing fingerless opera-length black gloves wrapped in studded red-brown leather straps, baggy black pants, and red-brown sandals.

Behind the masked man are nine puppet-like entities, five of them are bestial in appearance while the other four are priest-like. All nine of these masked beasts hover around the masked man menacingly like they are protecting him.

“You…” The masked man points his finger directly at Naruto. “I sense something repulsive in you. I chose you to be the first of my victims.”

The presence the masked man gives off is one that is powerful, cold, ruthless; everyone is put on edge, they all feel the need to brace themselves for another fight.

Naruto stands his ground. “You wanna fight? I’m right here.”

“Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched just yet.” Rito takes point, right in front of Naruto. “After all… it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

“I wasn’t talking to you, weakling.” The masked man is quick to dismiss Rito.

The masked man’s puppets fly into the sky, arcing through air from their present location and scattering to engage all of Tobi’s opponents.

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