How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 63

“Relying on quantity won’t win this fight.” The masked man taunts as he impales one of Naruto’s clones with a kunai.

Naruto retorts with, “Is that so? I’m ending this right here, right now!”

The new enemy is surrounded by a squad of sage Narutos, but he is undeterred. Two of Naruto’s shadow clones try to rush the masked man in a pincer attack; however, the masked man extends his arms and the two Narutos are blasted away by an invisible force. Another Naruto leaps into the air for a flying kick, but the masked man easily catches Naruto’s leg with one hand; a powerful dark aura is emitted by the mysterious figure. With no effort the masked figure casually throws Naruto at another one of his clones with a flick of his wrist.

“Who are you? Tell me.” The last Naruto asks.

The masked man coldly stares his adversary down with clenched fists. “You really… disgust me. Your very existence makes every hair on my body stand up! But at least the solution’s easy…”


Unbelievable… un-FUCKING-believable!! Jin shoves a Rasengan into one of the nine masked beasts. “These things are so damn annoying…!”

The jutsu grinds into the masked beast and launches it across the battlefield.

“You’re angry. I can see that. If you wanna take it out on anyone, it should be Tobi and Menma.” Echo points toward the other side of the battlefield.

“You sure? I don’t wanna feel like I’m ditching you guys…”

“Get going, Jin! We’ve got--” Ayanami replies.

Echo interjects, “You’re going with him. We need Naruto to survive so we have more bodies to throw at Moryo and Kaguya.”

“Help him…? Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?!”

The young Hyuga is currently engaged in a struggle with another of Menma’s masked beasts; the beast resembles a grim reaper. Ayanami uses her new sword to match blades with the puppet. As the puppet’s scythe came crashing down, Ayanami quickly counters, throwing the blade off; with an almost imperceptible movement, she jumps into the air while performing a 360 degree spin. The kunoichi uses the momentum from her rotation to add power behind her sword swing. The masked beast struggles to parry and swings its scythe in a wide arc.

Just before the blade could strike her body, Ayanami feels an invisible force pull her away from Menma’s masked beast. As Ayanami is pulled through the air, she feels the force’s similarity from her fight with Pain. A tinge of annoyance creeps into her heart as she is forced back.

“Go help Naruto.” Echo catches Ayanami and proceeds to throw her in Naruto’s direction.


“Lightning Blade!” Kakashi strikes the masked beast that resembles a massive serpent.

The puppet is sent into the air. With inhumanely swift and precise movements, Kakashi repeatedly hits the puppet with that one Lightning Blade in a zig-zag formation into the air, back and forth. Once high enough, the leaf jonin briefly hovers above the masked beast before finally slamming his second Lightning Blade into his opponent, cutting through the stream of electricity and driving it into the ground.

“Twin Lightning Shiver!”

Hatake looks down at his defeated enemy when something peculiar occurs. The masked beast emits a small smoke cloud; the cloud quickly dissipates to reveal a masked fox kit that possesses a single tail.

Perplexed, Kakashi reaches down and picks it up. “What is this supposed to be?”


On another section of the battlefield, Might Guy is in combat with two of the nine masked beasts; the two puppets have the appearance of priests. The two priest-like puppets stomp their staffs against rocky terrain, a glowing, jutsu violet formula appears under the taijutsu master in the form of a ring; the formula emits a purple, cylindrical light, in the form of a barrier.

However, the barriers entrap nothing, but thin air as Guy has disappeared in the blink of an eye. Dust begins to circle around the two masked beasts, the dust circles around faster and faster until it turns into a small, localized whirlwind. Even though Guy is nowhere to be seen, both puppets are suddenly kicked into each other and then uppercutted into the air. The whirlwind immediately disperses with the Noble Blue Beast appearing right under the masked beasts.

I need to finish this quickly and help my comrades!! A determined Guy places a palm facing forward in front of their face with one hand and taps it with his other hand, formed into a fist. “Howl! Youth! Hirudoraaa!”

A massive amount of air pressure begins to form around Guy’s hands, he forms a unique hand sign resembling a tiger and then throws an incredibly fast punch. This one punch launches the air pressure at the two falling puppets in the shape of one by leaving a gigantic tiger-shaped impression into the initially built-up air pressure with the hand seal.

The tiger bites down with its powerful jaws. Both masked beasts are helpless as they are stuck between the tiger’s massive, sharp fangs; the sheer weight of its fangs alone are crushing them.

Still holding the puppets firmly in its mouth, the tiger composed entirely of condensed air pressure flies into the air. It ascends higher and higher with each passing second.


Meanwhile, Menma has lifted Naruto into the air by his neck; his grip grows tighter as Naruto struggles to free himself. Both Naruto and Menma feel an intense, hot, pulsating pain coming from their stomachs.

“Grrk!” Naruto winces from the pain. His teeth grit and his eyes close. W-What is this awful feeling?

“There’s something horrible coming from you. I can’t let you live! Something horrible…”

Menma squeezes his grip further and gathers chakra in his free hand, he rears his arm back and takes aim for Naruto’s chest.


Hearing someone call out to him by his true name, the masked man stops mid thrust and looks to his right; a confused Naruto also turns his head in the direction of the one yelling. Four Jins are seen running right for the two.


Menma throws Naruto at his new assailant. “Pathetic fool, who’re you supposed to be?”

“I AM JIN UZUMAKI, THE SHIT KING OF FUCK MOUNTAIN!! REMEMBER IT!!” The front most Jin shouts, catching Naruto before leaping away to safety.

The three remaining Jins pick up the pace and sprint right for Menma, each of them holding their own black rods. The first Jin goes to strike Menma, but he pulls out a black rod and quickly throws it off Jin’s attack by countering it.

What the hell…? Menma doesn’t do that in the movie! …Oh, shit!

The second Jin swiftly circles around to impale the right side of the masked man’s waist; with a quick and precise movement, Menma parries Jin’s rod and knocks him away. The final Jin takes advantage of the opening and jumps right over Menma, swinging his receiver at the masked man’s shoulder. However, Menma moves fast enough to reverse his weapon and block it; sparks fly off from their rods clashing.

Their fight is something of a violent tornado, all the combatants striking and parrying. All three Jins steadily grow annoyed by the stalemate and change their tactics, they lunge for Menma, prepared to stab him simultaneously.

Menma quickly stretches out his arms and utters the phrase, “Almighty Push!”

A repulsive force surrounds the masked man and blasts all three Jins away, they all disappear in a puff of smoke. At this point, Ayanami makes herself known by falling from several meters right above Menma; the light from her Thunder God Sword brightens the entire area. She uses the momentum from her plummeting to increase the power of her sword swing. Menma bends over and nimbly moves the block her sword, he grabs the other end of his receiver and holds it firmly over his neck and back.

Menma feels something collide with his rod, yet it wasn’t a blade. Menma looks up and witnesses Ayanami standing on top of his receiver while holding her lightning sword aloft, it shines brightly.

Because Ayanami’s sword is shining so brightly, Menma is unable to see what is further above. In the sky, there are scores and scores of Jins and each of them is holding their own orb of spinning chakra; there are so many that their light makes the sky glow a bluish-green color.

“”””””Roaaaagghh!! Sage Art: Massive Gelel Rasengan Mega Barrage!””””””

Ayanami crouches down, building up as much energy in her legs as she can to the put that they bulk up. She jumps away with the force of her leap causing Menma to stagger. All of the Jins focus their aim at Menma and rain down on him like a swarm of raging wasps, continuously driving each and every Rasengan they had into the masked man. They continue to impel and plunge their Rasengans into him.


What fools they are, they don’t even realize that what they’re fighting is nothing but a mere shadow clone. The real Menma broods from a good distance away.

As he watches the Ninja Alliance squad do battle with his clone, his Nine Masked Beasts, and Tobi, two massive explosions occur. One had the appearance of a tiger before it detonated high in the air while the other glows bright blue-green on the ground. In the distance, a bright red, cylindrical barrier erupts from the ground surrounding the Gedo Statue; the statue’s silhouette can be seen through the barrier.

Menma coldly dismisses the battle and turns away to face his current, number one priority. What lies in front of the masked man is Ayanami’s wooden kaiju and the downed Three-heads; without Ayanami to pilot the golem, it is nothing but a glorified statue made of wood.

The unconscious Three-Heads lies under the statue's heel. The beast starts to emit violet sparks of lightning and a dark black smoke; it fades in and out of existence until it finally disappears altogether, leaving behind a wounded and insentient Mizuki. Menma towers over the defeated rogue ninja with a sinister smile forming under his mask.

“I remember you… In my world, you were a pitiful failure who died a fool’s death, but here… you have value to me.” Menma kneels down and weaves three hand signs. “In a way, you’re not really dying. You’re just making me stronger. Chimera Jutsu.”

Menma places a hand on the insensible Mizuki, the hand exudes a large mass of deep blue, viscous fluid that quickly spreads across the rogue ninja’s body, coating it completely.

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