How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 75

“What? No one wants to fight me? You can at least make this fun for me before you all die!” Menma jeers at the Ninja Alliance’s expense.

However, the evil Naruto’s taunts fall on deaf ears as they are all too afraid to even move. When they all look at the doppelganger, they all see the visage of death overlapping onto him; with its right index finger, the cloaked Shinigami beckons them all over. The Grim Reaper gazes at them all with desire; the nearest shinobi, a Hidden Grass ninja stumbles and falls on her rear, she sweats buckets.

“If you won’t come to me, I’ll come to you. The slaughter continues with… YOU!”

Faster than the Alliance can even react, Menma suddenly appears right in front of the cloud ninja, Omoi. The doppelganger is holding a new jutsu up to Omoi’s stomach; Menma accesses the Four-Tails’ power, creating a Rasen Ring with a lava-infused nucleus, the heat of which causes the planetary rings themselves to emit steam.

“Lava Style: Rasen Ring.” Menma shoves the jutsu into the cloud shinobi.

GYAAAAAAGGHHH!!” Omoi screams.

Omoi is sent flying through the air with the jutsu; the rings align into one disc-like shape around the orb, cutting into him as the nucleus roasts him alive, his skin is scorched off of his body. After traveling high into the air, the central sphere of the Rasen Ring detonates; the explosion is massive and lights the night sky. All that remains of poor Omoi are ashes that scatter in the wind.

“You there, girl, you’re next…” Menma reaches for the nape of his neck and pulls out his spine. “Clematis Dance: Vine.”

The evil Naruto’s removed spine goes limp, becoming flexible enough to be used as a whip with each of the vertebrae modifying themselves to possess spikes. Menma cracks his new whip before lashing it at the Hidden Leaf’s weapons expert, Tenten. In one quick, fluid motion, the bone whip wraps around her faster than she can even react.

NNYAAAAAARRGHHH!!!” Tenten releases a blood curdling scream as she feels the spikes pierce her flesh.

Tears run down the kunoichi’s face as her screams of agony echo across the battlefield, her expression becomes distorted, contorting with anguish, her entire body spasms from the pain. The vertebrae spikes dig into her body, hooking themselves in place and immobilizing her, Tenten is in so much suffering that she doesn’t pay attention to what the doppelganger is doing.

“Clematis Dance: Flower!”

Menma releases his staff which reverts back into an orb; the orb goes back to its proper position, floating behind the doppelganger. Bone protrusions slowly grow out of Menma’s hand and forearm, the bones continue to grow and grow. They eventually connect and form around his hand resembling a large, drill-like lance.

“Now then… just DIE!!”

Naruto’s evil twin dashes forward, fully prepared to make the kill; reveling in his newly acquired strength, Menma smiles without a care in the world. From out of nowhere, Minato suddenly appears directly between Menma and Tenten with his arms stretched out. It’s obvious to everyone that the deceased Hokage is trying to shield the endangered kunoichi.

“I won’t let you!” Minato declares.

“So, you’re this world’s Minato? Hey there, ‘Dad’!” Menma gleefully continues his charge.


Minato is puzzled as to why this demon would refer to him as his father but is able to dwell on the subject as Menma runs him right through. Menma impales Minato’s torso and continues rushing forward, carrying the reanimation on his lance. The doppelganger’s aim is true and he pierces Tenten with his lance; Menma’s bone whip shatters the moment his lance plunges through Tenten’s flesh, pieces of bone scatter in all directions, littering the surrounding area.

“Ggf! Gggkkk…”

Minato looks back and is horrified by what he sees, Tenten’s warm blood drips off the lance, painting the ground red. Her eyes are dilated, and her face is expressionless. The weapon’s experts' skin slowly turns pale; her body grows colder by the second.

“You couldn’t save her. You failed.” Menma sneers.


Calm down. Don’t be a pussy, Jin… Jin thinks as he bites down on his hand.

The sharp pain of his own teeth sinking into his flesh has already begun to distract him from his fear, but his fear is quickly replaced by a sudden and strong feeling of despondency. Menma’s actions had resulted in the ruination of the Onikage’s plan and the unforeseen deaths of certain characters.

You can do this, Jin… The Red-Headed ninja gives himself a mental pep talk. You trained to survive the war and a future version of yourself helped you become strong enough to fight Kaguya level threats. You. Can D–


Jin looks to his side and sees the one who called out to him; it is his friend, Ayanami, but something is different about her. The air she gives off has changed from warm and approachable to be icy cold and distant. Jin looks her in the eyes and sees pain, tears, and a patient fury in them, she has bawled up her fist so tightly that blood drips from her knuckles.

“Menma rendered your plan moot and I just lost two friends. New plan: We go all out and kill Menma.” Ayanami’s voice is eerily calm, her body is shaking.

As he has never seen this side of Ayanami before, Jin is somewhat alarmed. He is intimidated to the point that he avoids direct eye contact with her.

“Oway…” Jin takes his hand out of his mouth. “...I was building up the nerve to do that anyway. ...You okay?”

Ayanami quietly and angrily replies, “I just watched three of my friends die. What do you think?”


“Aren’t you supposed to be a brilliant tactician and strategist? C’mon, think of a way to beat me.” A grinning Menma mocks Shikamaru.

The doppelganger holds the next head of the Nara clan up by his throat; Shikamaru is struggling to break free, but Menma’s grip is just too strong. The young Nara cries blood as the doppelganger had gouged out his right eye a little earlier. With his other hand, Menma holds the next Yamanaka clan head, Ino, by her hair; she is still alive, but is barely even conscious, motionless and covered in bruises. A battered and unconscious Choji is on the ground under Menma’s foot with both his right arm and left leg broken.

“Mmf! …Aaf! Hmmf!” The reanimated Minato muffles.

The Fourth Hokage, Minato, can only watch helplessly. Menma pinned him to the ground with several chakra receivers; not only are the rods preventing the reanimation from using his chakra, but they are also each impaling key points of articulation. He can’t even speak as one of the receivers is pinned straight down his skull and through his jaw.

“You aren’t going to do anything? Then you can just die!”

Menma proceeds to squeeze Shikamaru’s through. The young strategist fights for his life; he desperately punches and kicks Menma, but the doppelganger doesn’t react to any of it.

“STOP IT!!” Shouts a man’s voice.

Naruto charges in a mad dash in order to save his friends; Menma throws Shikamaru and the Hero of the Leaf and takes advantage of the opening and kicks both of them away.

“I have had ENOUGH of you!” Offended by Naruto’s audacity, Menma fires one of his Truth-Seeker orbs.

The black sphere of chakra races toward Naruto who braces himself and attempts to shield Shikamaru with his own body in the process. As the orb is only a foot away, the young hero shuts his eyes and waits for oblivion. However, the moment--the instant before the ball can even make contact, Jin suddenly appears and kicks it away; the orb crashes into the ground, leaving a small crater.

“NO MORE!” Screams a woman’s voice.

Ayanami suddenly comes rocketing in from out of thin air and connects a stinging haymaker to the doppelganger's face; the kunoichi can feel his nose break on her knuckles. The young Hyuga’s punch is so mighty that Menma releases Ino on reflex as he is sent flying away. Ayanami catches her friend and sets her down gently by Choji.

While Ayanami makes sure her fellow leaf shinobi are okay, Jin pulls the black rods out of Minato. Just from touching them, Jin can tell that these receivers would adversely affect anyone who doesn’t possess six paths chakra. As the Onikage pulls the final one out, Minato springs back up like nothing happened. Flames of orange chakra engulf the Fourth Hokage due to him reactivating his KCM2 form; his light illuminates the surrounding area.

“Naruto, get everyone to run a safe distance away.” Ayanami orders.

Naruto rises, arguing, “What? You can’t fight this guy alone! We need to work to–”

“Listen to the lady, Naruto. As you are now, you simply can’t keep up.” Jin firmly agrees with Ayanami.

Ayanami looks back at her blonde friend with a reassuring smile, her eyes pulsate with chakra and change; her ordinarily featureless white Byakugan gain blue pupils filled with what resemble overlapping white flower patterns. Naruto looks at her with awe, he can sense both her and Jin’s power rising exponentially by the second.

“Trust us.”

“Okay...” A frustrated Naruto replies in defeat.


Menma grits his teeth, his body flails through the air as he is sent back. Ayanami had put enough power behind her attack to send the doppelganger back to where the Ten-Tails was pinned down. He comes to a sudden stop due to crashing into one of Hashirama’s leftover Deity Gates.

A crater is formed where Menma crashed along with a few cracks. More cracks begin to form, the cracks grow and spread all throughout the structure until it shatters completely. The evil Naruto falls to the ground with pieces of debris and rubble of varying sizes falling on top of him.

As Menma pulls himself out of the pile of rubble, he senses two powerful chakra signatures; one is in front of him while the other is behind him. The doppelganger looks up and sees Ayanami staring down at him with a cold, hateful gaze. Behind Menma stands Jin, the evil twin doesn’t detect any hatred per say, but a strong objective bloodlust coming from him.

“I’ll admit you two are powerful, but I have ascended to godhood. You are no match for me.” Menma briefly monologues, picking himself up.

Ayanami and Jin slowly start pacing around Menma, they walk around him in a circle with intensely watchful eyes. Tension in the air skyrockets as all three ninja begin infusing vast amounts of their chakra; as a result, the ground sets about trembling, it is as if the very earth they walk on is afraid. The air becomes so rich with their chakra that everyone in the distance takes a few steps back on instinct as to not suffocate from it.

“Ascension, Menma? This is bad comedy.” Jin scoffs with a smug tone. Courage. Courage, Jin… You CAN do this!

Jin goes ahead and releases his transformation, revealing his true form with all ten of his Truth-Seeker Orbs floating closely behind his back; one of which travels to his right hand, quickly morphing into a scythe.

Sensing Jin and Ayanami’s clear killing intent, Menma while still holding his spiked boned whip, summons one of his own Truth-Seeker Orbs to his free hand. The instant the doppelganger grips the sphere it changes, morphing into a katana in the blink of an eye.

This is for Kiba, Akamaru, and Tenten…! Cyan flames flicker all over Ayanami’s body. “You’re a monster, Menma. And we’re gonna stop you.”

The kunoichi activates her Tenseigan Chakra Mode, a cyan-colored chakra shroud with six magatama markings appear on her collar, dark markings over her eyebrows and lower eyelids. Her own Truth-Seeker Orbs hover closely behind her, poised to move.

“You two stop ME? HA! You underestimate my prowess, little girl. I have the Ten-Tails’ power. I have multiple kekkei genkai. You are NOTH–”

“Enough talk… It’s time for war!” Jin interrupts, holding aloft his scythe.

The Onikage swiftly charges at Menma, nimbly leaping high into the air. As Jin descends upon the doppelganger, he performs an acrobatic flip before bringing down his weapon with great force.

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