How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 76

AAIIIEEEEEE!” Karin screams in horror.

After healing and saving the current Five Kage from the aftermath of their massacre at the hands of Madara. Gaara hurriedly rushes to the location of the final battle along with his fellow Kage and Orochimaru’s group; the Fifth Kazekage is carrying everyone with his sand through the night when they are shocked by the sensory ninja’s sudden outburst.

“Stop screaming! Why are you screaming?!!” Suigetsu asks, startled.

Karin detects Sasuke’s chakra along with other multiple powerful chakra signatures crashing into each other. The intensity of the conflict makes the young kunoichi tremble in fear; she worries for Sasuke’s safety.

“Karin--what do you sense?” Orochimaru queries.

The Five Kage listen intently as they too want to know what is happening.

“...I-I… I sense three scary strong chakras…” Karin explains, trying to compose herself. “They’re far too powerful to be human and…”

“And…?” A concerned Fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi, questions.

“And I-I… I think one of them is Jin. It feels a lot like his--only far stronger.”


Obito, you really have failed me… A dejected Madara broods.

Powerful shockwaves occur subsequent to a series of massive explosions going off in the distance; several ninja and fission beings are blown away by the gale force winds as they were too weak to weather them. The ground violently quakes and trembles as if the entire planet itself was shaking in fear.

The Ghost of the Uchiha however is unfazed by the mayhem caused by those three upstarts and writes it all off as an inconvenience. What begins to excite Madara is standing right before him; he and his best friend stare each other down as they have done many times prior a lifetime ago.

A deep blue aura of chakra erupts from Madara’s body, surrounding him. From within the aura, a spinal cord forms followed by a ribcage and skull; Madara’s Susano’o reaches its perfect form with fully functioning wings.

“Wood Style: Wood Golem Jutsu!” Undeterred, Hashirama weaves the snake hand sign.

From under the First Hokage sprouts a giant wooden man; the ground shakes as the humanoid statue lifts its caster to be eye level with Madara.

“Don’t you not see what is happening?!” Hashirama asks, exasperatedly. “Your ally is wreaking havoc on a scale never seen before. This conflict must end, Madara!”

“I know. Which is why I need to take another piece of you.” Madara’s Susano’o brandishes its sword.

The two historical legends charge at each other with all their might, their clash weakens the resolve of many Alliance ninja who can do nothing, but watch.


Shit. Father and Ayanami are so freaking cool! Mileena watches their battle with awe and admiration from afar.

Giddy as a schoolgirl, Mileena walks across the battlefield, stepping over the corpses of friend and foe alike. She feels the shockwaves coming from the fight against Menma, but isn’t hindered in the slightest as she uses her shapeshifting ability to her physical being to be in a semi-solid state; the ripples of air seamlessly pass through her body.

Still walking, Mileena drags the body of a fission clone across the battleground, leisurely; the creature is still alive, but all of its limbs have been chopped off with the stumps cauterized. The symbiote makes her way to the location of the Allied Shinobi Forces, she scans the crowd for the one she perceives as useful at the moment, Jin’s old teammate.

“Make way. Make way.” Mileena orders in a commanding voice.

Mileena forces her way through the crowd, weaving through the mob of background characters, still dragging the Ten-Tails clone. She does encounter a few supporting characters such as Hinata, Shikamaru, and Sakura, but she passes them by without a second thought as none of them are who she is searching for; as Mileena peers through the crowd, she notices the looks of fear some ninja give her, but she pays them no mind.

Jin’s will continues to search and search until she finally spots a tall, young man with spikey, bright orange hair and a purple cape; the one known as Sai happens to be near him. Catching eyes with him, Mileena happily struts over to him, amassing chakra in both of her eyes.

Suspicious, Sai approaches and breaks the ice with, “Your part of Jin’s team, yes? I know he agreed to exchange information and aid us for a full pardon, but I can’t help but feel there’s more he’s not lett–”

“Well, hello there! You’re Sasuke’s friend, Jugo, right?” Mileena greets the Taka member with her biggest, friendliest smile, completely ignoring Sai.

“Yes. And you are…?” Jugo asks.

“Oh, where are my manners? I am Mileena.” The symbiote politely bobs a curtsy while maintaining eye contact. “I have a question: Do my eyes look pretty?”


“Just… who… in the hell… are you? Stop getting in my way!!” Menma howls in outrage.

“We’ve got to do this…! If we don’t, who will?!” Ayanami snaps, deflecting an attack.

All three ninja violently spin and whirl like a raging tornado throughout the battleground, up in the air, and down in the dirt; they battled further away from the Alliance. Jin and Ayanami are striking and countering attacks from this creature of hate and death with everything they have; the surrounding area is being torn asunder by the sheer force behind the swinging of their weapons alone, sparks fly off each time their weapons clash.

Ayanami, do you read me?!” A frustrated Jin telepathically communicates with the Mind Transmission Jutsu.

W-What is it? I’m a little busy…!” Ayanami replies, sweat running down her brow.

We need to coordinate our attacks with his movements and whittle away at his defenses–

We’ll create chinks in the armor and hammer at them away with everything we’ve got, right?

Right! Follow my lead!” Jin infuses more chakra. “Almighty Push!”

“Rotation!” Ayanami starts spinning at high speeds, releasing chakra from all of her chakra points.

The two shinobi flank Menma with their jutsu and force him back, the doppelganger skids on the ground, tearing it up in the process before finally recovering. Much to Jin and Ayanami’s shock and confusion, Menma lifts his sword over his head, and it morphs into a shield; one second later, the shield is coated in black flames.

“Ooh, looks like I get to take my friend’s eyes all over again.” Menma looks up in anticipation.

Ayanami and Jin do the same only to see Sasuke, flying in the sky, and in his CM2 form. With a flap of his wings, the Taka leader dives down at Menma, a purple aura of chakra erupts from Sasuke’s body, surrounding him. From within the aura, a spinal cord forms followed by a ribcage and skull; the rogue ninja’s Susano’o reaches its humanoid form with his curse mark pattern.

“Heh. So long old friend. Tailed Beast Bomb Rasen Ring!”

One of Menma’s Truth-Seeker Orbs transforms, converting into a Tailed Beast Bomb with a disc-like blade around the orb; Menma hurls the jutsu at the new arrival. Jin immediately takes off into the air.

“Dammit, Sasuke!” Jin mutters under his breath, annoyed.

At blinding speeds, the Onikage is able to blitz Menma’s jutsu and reach Sasuke first; Jin smashes through the Uchiha’s Susano’o like it is Styrofoam and has his Truth-Seeker orbs engulf him, transforming them into a protective barrier. To the Uzumaki’s horror, he turns around and sees the Rasen Ring is only a few feet away from him; a golden yellow ribcage forms around him in a panic.

…SHIT! OH, SHIT! OH, SHIT! OH, SHIT! OH, SHIT! Jin sweats with dread.

The moment, the very instant Menma’s jutsu collides with Jin’s Susano’o, it detonates; as the jutsu’s core lights up, Jin can see all of his second life flash before his eyes, he sees how he met Ayanami and Rito, he sees his time working under Orochimaru, he sees his time as a ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village. The explosion is massive and intense. It continues to expand and grow to the point that it appears as a bright, white sun to everyone on the ground.


“I hate to admit it… But you’re pretty impressive for scum! Hehe… Hahahaha! Hahahahaha…” Menma joyfully cackles, reveling in his victory.

To Menma’s surprise, Ayanami suddenly appears in a flash of cyan light; she has caught him off guard. The kunoichi reaches for the doppelganger’s right hand with her left and pulls him in close. She proceeds to jab at his side that is left wide open, she keeps punching and punching, the more she strikes the faster she throws them; Ayanami can feel Menma’s ribs crack against her knuckles. The Hyuga finishes her assault with a mighty uppercut to Menma’s jaw.


“You’re done for!!” Ayanami grits her teeth.

The kunoichi winds her arm back and throws a deadly right hook, throwing her whole body into it. However, Menma miraculously recovers and counters with a haymaker; Ayanami is forced to stop her punch mid-thrust and backflips, narrowly evading the counterattack. Now standing on her hands, the young Hyuga kicks him in the abdomen with both legs and follows-up by quickly pivoting her hands, swerving her whole body and landing a powerful roundhouse kick.

As Menma is sent flying away, Ayanami jumps onto her feet and channels lightning chakra into and around her right hand, concentrating it in the form of a razor-sharp blade. She even takes it a step further and applies Six Paths Sage chakra to the jutsu; the color of her jutsu changes from blue to black with violet outlines.

“Six Paths Sage Art: Lightning Blade!”

Ayanami takes a running start, sprinting faster than light; as she drags her jutsu along the floor, it makes deep tears in the ground and kicks up dust. As the Hyuga gets closer, she prepares herself to deliver the coup de gras.

Unfortunately, Menma has already recovered and is charging toward her, matching her pace. He holds out his hand and forms a Six Path Rasen Ring, multiple rings spin around its black and purple core.

“JUST DIE ALREADY!!” Menma roars.

“You first!” Ayanami yells back.

Both ninjas brace themselves and thrust their hands forward, their jutsu clash violently. Their collision makes the ground tremble, boulders and debris begin to float in the air. Sparks blast out of the point of impact; waves of chakra slowly swirl around the two adversaries and condense into a sphere of energy. The sphere emits a light that burns brighter and brighter with each passing second, waves of chakra slowly swirl around the two adversaries and condense into a black sphere of energy.

Unbeknownst to both shinobi, the storm clouds have become considerably thicker with more frequent bolts of lightning striking the ground; what is unusual is that every bolt originates from the same exact point in the sky.

The clouds grow brighter and brighter as something descends from the heavens, it is not a person, but an entity, a being of pure electricity. The creature just waits, watching the energy sphere, intently.

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