How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 302

The chaotic atmosphere on the outside of the store could be felt inside as well.

Everyone, except for me, was staring at the entrance with a perplexed look.

"What's going on? It's getting loud out there,"

"Is it a famous person or something?"


I didn't respond to the others' questions.

My body stiffened as I realized the source of the commotion.

I remembered the one-sided conversation I had earlier and considering the typical nature of the Angels, I knew it could only be one person.

A figure appeared at the entrance of the store.

Despite being the center of attention, the Angel remained expressionless, with snow-white clothes and an aura of mystery emanating from her body.

As I had suspected, it was Angel Ashmir.

"Is, is that person an Angel?"

"Why would an Angel suddenly come to a place like this?"

Sehe's eyes widened in surprise, and Jin stammered with a confused expression.

Ashmir looked around the store for a while before stopping her gaze on where I was sitting, and then walked towards me with a confident stride.

Taeho reacted urgently,

"What? Why is she coming this way?"

"Maybe we did something wrong? I heard that meeting an Angel in person is quite intimidating," Jin said.

I reassured them,

"Everyone, don't be so nervous. That Angel probably has business with me."

"What? With uncle Si?"

"Really, bro?"

Before I could explain the situation further, Ashmir arrived in front of us.

As usual, she ignored the three people and fixed her gaze on me as she opened her mouth.

"Long time no see, Mr. Sihyeon."

"Long time no see, Ms. Ashmir. Hmm… it's not that long since we last met at Ryan's office a while ago."

"Oh, I see. Recently, I've been so busy that it feels like a long time has passed."

Ignoring the current awkward atmosphere, I greeted Ashmir first.

Our first meeting had not been great, but now it was comfortable enough to exchange greetings.


As I greeted Ashmir normally, not only the three people sitting with me but also the other people in the store were surprised.

It was not easy for ordinary people to meet Angels, and here I was talking normally to one.

I pretended not to notice the reactions around me and continued the conversation with Ashmir.

"By the way, what brought you here all of a sudden?"

"I need your help, Sihyeon. Would you come with me?"

"Uh! Right now?"


Ashmir asked me to come with her.

I naturally frowned because it felt like she was interrupting a good time with my friends I hadn't seen in a while.

I knew very well that this was a characteristic of the Angels, but it still spoiled my mood.

I answered in a more assertive tone than before.

"I'm sorry, but I have a prior engagement. I don't think I can help you right now."

"Sihyeon, this is very important. Put off other appointments for a while…"

"This is also something important to me."


Feeling upset, my voice naturally raised.

Ashmir, noticing my strong attitude, trembled slightly and looked around at the three people with me.

"Are you talking about the prior engagement with these three people here?"

"Yes, they are my friends I haven't met in a while."

"Sihyeon, I'll make sure to give you and them sufficient compensation, so please put off your prior engagement."

‘Really, this Angel…’

At Ashmir's senseless attitude, I scowled.

Not only was I uncomfortable, but the three around me also felt ignored and irritated.

With a much more emotional voice, I scolded her.

"THAT'S ENOUGH. If you continue to behave impolitely, I don't want to speak with you anymore. Please leave now."


Ashmir looked flustered and her face hardened slightly. The three, Taeho, Sehe, and Jin, who were observing the scene, whispered to me cautiously.

"Uncle, we are fine."

"You don't have to worry about this, Uncle Si."

"Brother Si, let's at least hear what the Angel has to say…"

"I'm fine. You guys stay put."

I shot down their worried words and maintained my strong attitude.

I didn't particularly have any negative feelings toward the Angels.

I know now that they also have their own difficult circumstances.

But that doesn't mean they can forcibly drag other people around.

If they continue to behave impolitely, I don't want to help them at all.

"Ms. Ashmir, when you came to the farm last time, I said I would help you if I could. But I cannot help you with your one-sided and senseless demands."


I also understand the actions of the Angels, but I want them to at least show some consideration and respect.

Ashmir looked down with a regretful look, as if she was listening to my words.

After a moment of silence, she looked up and apologized sincerely.

"I'm sorry, Sihyeon. I was too hasty and didn't consider your position at all."

I looked at her and pretended to be calm, but I was actually quite surprised. I never expected her to admit her mistake so humbly.

"Will you accept my apology?"

"Uh… Sure, I'll accept your apology."

As I awkwardly cleared my throat, I accepted her apology. I could see the slight hint of a smile on her lips, despite my mixed feelings.

"Then, I'll ask again."



Before I could finish my sentence, a bright light burst out of Ashmir's surroundings, causing everyone in the store to reflexively cover their eyes.

As our eyes adjusted to the light, we saw the source of it – a pair of large wings sprouted from Ashmir's back, emitting a soft glow.

Everyone in the store was in shock, but Ashmir continued with an even more shocking action.



Ashmir folded her large wings tightly and lowered her posture with one hand on her chest.

Before I could react, she kneeled completely in front of me.

Everyone was shocked and surprised by her actions.

"Sihyeon Leffmer Cardis, an Ester and the owner of Cardis Estate recognized by the protector of Arkdan, I, Ashmir, earnestly beg of you, please grant me my request."

‘Sh*t, I didn't expect her to ask so grandly…’

I was lost for words at her action which was filled with respect and reverence.

"Is that angel kneeling before him?"

"What did she just say? Ester? Cardis?"

As the commotion around us grew louder, I finally came to my senses.

I quickly walked forward and helped the kneeling Ashmir to stand up.

"Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Please stand up."


Ashmir looked at me with a surprised expression, as if asking [You wanted me to do this, didn’t you?]

"Sorry, you seem to have misunderstood. I didn't mean for you to do this. But I do appreciate your respect and consideration."

"I apologize, my approach was wrong. I will try again."

As she was about to kneel down again, I panicked and stopped her.

"No, no, that's enough. I understand. Let's just talk about what you need first."

I looked around and saw that everyone in the store was staring at us. It was clear that we couldn't continue this conversation here.

I led Ashmir out of the store and headed outside.


"You guys too, come with me."

The three who were staring at me also hurriedly followed me.

We managed to get outside somehow, but there were already many onlookers in front of the store.

It seems that it would be difficult to talk here.

I think I need to find a quiet place somewhere …

While looking for a quiet place nearby, a place came to mind quickly.

Knowing that it was not far from here, I quickly led the group including Ashmir.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

"So you came here."

I said to Ryan with a look of resignation.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. This was the only place that came to mind at the moment."

"Hahaha! It's okay. Even if I knew the situation, I would have told you to come here."

Ryan gave me a cool smile.

"That being said, things have gotten a bit complicated."


In the place where Ryan's gaze turned, there were four people sitting awkwardly.

To be precise, three awkward humans and one expressionless Angel…

The three people who followed me here were glancing over this way hesitantly.

They seemed to be trying to be calm, but their faces were full of questions.

Ryan smiled slightly and asked for my opinion.

"What would you like to do? Should we make up a story that can explain things somehow, or do you want to tell the truth?"

He was leaving the decision to me.

It didn't take me long to find the answer to that question.

"I'll tell them the truth… as much as possible."

"You seem to be pretty close with them?"

"Well… They're a few friends I keep in touch with regularly in this world, and they already know most of my situation."

"Alright. Then I won't have to step in."

I nodded and headed towards the four people sitting.

First, I asked Ashmir for a moment of time and apologized, then I looked at the three people and began to speak.

"Um. First of all, I'm sorry. Because of me, all our plans for today have fallen apart."

"It's alright, Uncle Si."

"Yes, it’s fine."

"It's not like it was because of you anyways."

They all said it was alright almost simultaneously, and gave me a look that urged me to quickly move on to the next explanation.

"And about the part that you're curious about. Remember when I said I work on a farm? That… "

I slowly started telling the story of my encounter with the Demon farm.

(To be Continued)

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