How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 303

"The farm where Uncle works…… Is it in the Demon world?”

"Then Speranza, Akum, and Gyuri……?”

"Is that why you said you couldn't contact us when you went to work at the farm?"

The three people who heard my story each looked at me with a mixture of surprise and despondency.

They never expected it to be such a story.

"It's not an easy thing to say to people around me. That doesn't mean I’m doing anything bad. Most of the time, I work on the farm in Demon world.”

Now things have gotten bigger and I'm a lord, but…….

I didn't bother to bring up the story of the Cardis Estate.

They were quite surprised by my farm story.

Jin, who had been deep in thought, suddenly remembered something and asked me with a look of recollection on his face.

"Then does Yerin know about this, too?”

"Yes, she knows. She knew it even before I joined the guild.”

"I can't believe the two of you were keeping such a big secret from me… It feels like I've been blindsided."

As soon as Jin finished speaking, Sehe and Taeho both approached me, one on each side.

Sehe asked, "Uncle Si! Is there anything else you're hiding from us?"

Taeho added, "How is the Demon world? Aren't you scared of the Demons?"

I replied, "I have no more secrets. And the Demons are just like us. Some are scary, but there are also many kind ones. As for the farm, I mostly help with the daily tasks."

Sehe asked with excitement, "Can you take us to the Demon world too?"

The two of them kept asking questions as if they were full of regret.

I was starting to feel flustered, but Ryan intervened and handled the situation calmly.

"Now, now! I understand you have many questions, but we have urgent work that needs to be done, so can you please calm down for now?" he said with a gentle smile.

Ryan's words and tone had a calming effect on Sehe and Taeho and they retreated, acting like obedient children.

In the meantime, the two of them looked at Ryan with suspicious expressions, curious about his identity.

Ryan noticed their suspicious glances and his eyes curved into a crescent moon shape. And…


Suddenly, his eyes and hair turned purple, and small horns appeared on his head.

"Whoa! What's happening?"


"Haha, I didn't expect this coming…"

Taeho and Sehe were surprised and let out cries of shock, while Jin let out another despondent laugh.

Ryan smiled playfully, as if enjoying their reactions. He raised his index finger to his lips and gave a charming wink.

As the three of them were still in shock, Ryan and I turned to Ashmir, who had been waiting quietly.

"Ms. Ashmir, you came here to ask for Sihyeon's help, correct?" Ryan asked.

Ashmir nodded slightly, "That's right."

"I don't think Sihyeon has heard the details of your request yet. If you don't mind, can you explain it to him now?" Ryan said.

Ashmir nodded and began to explain, "We are searching for something important and we believe it is somewhere in this city. I want Sihyeon to help us find it."



There was a moment of silence between Ashmir and us as she did not provide any further explanation.

I looked at her with a puzzled expression and asked,

"Is that all? You're just looking for something in this city and you want me to help you find it?"

Ashmir simply nodded, "Yes, that's correct."

I found the request to be easy and simple. It wasn't a difficult task, but I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

I wondered why she had come to me for help and not the police. Ryan seemed to have similar doubts and spoke up.

"Ms. Ashmir, if you're just looking for something, you don't have to ask Sihyeon for help. There must be a reason why you came to him."

Ashmir replied, "There is a reason. But I think it would be better if you heard it from someone else who is involved in this matter."

Just as Ryan and I were pondering her words, we heard a noise from the entrance of the office.


Someone entered the office, opening the door roughly.

It was a boy who looked younger than Taeho or Sehe, and he was wearing a uniform similar to Ashmir's.

"Apprentice Urki has arrived," he announced.

Ashmir looked at the boy, an angel, with a frown and said, "You're late."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The road was confusing," he replied.

"I'll let this mistake go. Come here now," Ashmir said.

The angel boy quickly stood next to Ashmir.

I could see that he was quite nervous from his stiff posture and movements.

Except for the Arc Judge, I have always seen Angels that were robot-like and had no emotions, so I found it strange to see the angel boy's slightly clumsy appearance.

"This is Apprentice Urki. He's in charge of the Divine beast we're trying to find," Ashmir said.

"Divine beast?" I asked.

"It's a spiritual animal that exists in heaven. We call them ‘Divine beasts' because they inherit the power of God," Ashmir explained.

I turned my head slightly toward Ryan and whispered, "Ryan, did you know about Divine beasts?"

Ryan whispered back, "I've never seen one in person, but I've heard about them. I heard that the Angels consider them as very precious beings."


Ashmir, who had paused for a moment, continued to explain,

"As I said before, the Divine beast is in this city now. We have to find it quickly because it is very important to the Angels."

I asked, "But why is such an important Divine beast here? Isn't it originally an animal from heaven?"

Ashmir replied, "It has its own reasons. Have you heard about the recent increase in unstable Rifts?"

I looked at the three Guardian guild members in surprise, as we had talked about this topic before coming here.

"Yes, I've heard of it. I talked about it with the members of my guild members sitting over there," I said.

Ashmir explained, "We found out that the problem was getting serious and decided to respond immediately. One of our responses is the Divine beast."

I asked, "Is the Divine beast one of the ways to respond to this problem?"

Ashmir nodded, "That's right. Divine beasts have many special abilities, one of which is to temporarily alleviate the imbalance of dimensions. Unstable Rifts can also be suppressed by the force of the Divine beast."

I was amazed inside, but soon realized something,

"Hold on a second, did you lose such an important Divine beast?"


As I asked that question, Apprentice Urki trembled greatly.

When I realized the gravity of the situation, my expression hardened a little.

Ryan also looked doubtful and asked,

"I still don't understand why you want to leave the job to Sihyeon. We know that nothing beats Angels when it comes to tracking someone down. Wouldn’t it be quicker to find the Divine beast yourselves?"

Ashmir replied, "We only pursue criminals who violate the rules of the dimension. And it's against the rules for Angels to pose any threat to Divine beasts or to use their abilities to find them."

Both Ryan and I were taken aback by the Angels' rigid way of thinking.

In the past, I would have been frustrated by their inflexible behavior, but now I understand that's just how they are, so I let it go.

Trying to change their minds in this situation is like talking to a wall.

"That's why you're asking me to find it," I said.

Ashmir nodded, "Yes. We understand that Sihyeon is quite an expert in this field."

I replied, "Well, I don't know if I'm an expert. I do know something about Demon beasts, but I've never encountered Divine beasts before…"

Ashmir implored, "Please help us."

Ashmir repeatedly asked for help, bowing. Although she had come out of the blue to the store and tried to take me away, after listening to her circumstances, I understood her behavior a bit more.

Since she said she brought the Divine beast to resolve the unstable rift problem, I was inclined to help immediately.

"Alright, I'll help you as much as I can," I said.

Ashmir's expression brightened slightly for the first time when I agreed to help.

I couldn't afford to relax anymore, so I asked about the Divine beast and where it had disappeared.

"Where was the last time you saw the Divine beast?" I asked.

"Apprentice Urki will explain that," Ashmir said.

Urki replied with a military look on his face,

"You may call me Urki."

"Then, Urki. Could you tell me where was the last place you saw the Divine beast?" I asked.

Urki had a little difficulty explaining, but I eventually found out where he last saw the Divine beast.

It wasn't too far from Ryan's office.

"Of course, you've looked around here, haven't you?" I asked.

"Yes. I knew it had disappeared, so I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find it," Urki replied.

"Can you explain what the Divine beast looks like? Or maybe show me a picture?" I asked.

Urki replied, "I don't have a picture… Would you lend me a pen and paper for a moment?"

Ryan quickly found a pen and paper at his desk and handed it to Urki.

"Thank you," Urki said.

Urki began to draw something with the pen and paper he received.

He moved the pen without hesitation, and the figure of the Divine beast quickly appeared on the empty paper.

"This is the Divine beast," Urki said.

The Divine beast drawn on the paper looked like a small animal overall.

Its chubby body, short arms and legs, and round eyes were very cute.

The most distinctive part was the large wings that grew on either side of the head.

I wasn't sure if they were ears or wings, but it was clear that they were quite noticeable.

If it looked this unique, I thought it would be easy to spot.

"Excuse me… Uncle?"

I heard Sehe calling me from behind.

When I turned my head, Sehe approached me carefully.

"I didn't mean to overhear…… You're looking for that, right?"

Sehe asked, pointing at the drawing.

"Yes, that's right," I replied.

"Isn't it this?"

Sehe held out her smartphone screen towards me, so I could see it clearly.

(To be Continued)

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