How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 88

88 – Rat Hole (6)

The chaotic atmosphere continued throughout, and the mansion was now surrounded by even tighter security.

She barely soothed Adele’s sadness by saying that she would buy her a new, bigger and nicer doll, but Adele didn’t leave me even more, as if it were a substitute for that. He didn’t even get off his lap when he was eating.

And his father also left Adele alone without saying anything. No one will be able to criticize Adele for her manners now that she has barely overcome such a big task that would have been too much for a child to handle.

I made a request to the therapist. Please never tell my father about my condition. What I’m saying is that I can’t add to your worries with something like that in this turbulent atmosphere.

The therapist looked troubled, but looking at my father’s reaction afterwards, I think he listened to my request. Since he was also a person from our territory, he must have understood what I meant when I said that.

Thanks to this, my father thinks I didn’t fall into a dream but was just an attempt. If my father had known that I was on the verge of death, it would be difficult to imagine what would happen after that.

I was worried that the matter would fall into a labyrinth, but surprisingly, the culprit was caught in a very short period of time.

“Count…Please kill me…I can’t live to face you…”

“It happened. Well, even if it wasn’t your fault.”

In the office, the maid Jean Roberta was sitting on her knees in front of her father’s desk. Even though her father gave her a troubled look and tried to dissuade her, Roberta did not even give in to her dreams.

The person who plotted was very close by. This is Sarah, Adele’s maid.

In view of various circumstances, it was concluded that this work was impossible without internal assistance, and intensive interrogation was conducted targeting the employees.

And the decisive testimony came from the mouth of one of the maids who shared the same room as Sarah.

Early that morning, Sarah quietly got up and left her room, but after a while she returned.

At the time, I thought she was just running errands, but after what happened, I realized there was something strange about it.

After hearing her testimony, a thorough search of the room was conducted, and traces of sleeping incense were soon found.

In addition, we learned that other people fell asleep easily that day, and that the maid who testified had trouble sleeping because her nose was blocked due to a cold and she could not smell properly. .

When the suspicious circumstances were discovered, Sarah was immediately arrested by the soldiers. She was at the laundry, patting her clothes as if nothing had happened, and when she saw the soldiers, she seemed resigned and did not offer any resistance.

And Sarah was now in the dungeon awaiting interrogation.

“Huh, really…”

As she looked at Roberta, who was still motionless, her father looked troubled again.

Sarah was a young maid who came to Reid for the first time in a long time to take charge of Adele.

Most of Reed’s employees had been working for a very long time, so there was quite a difference in age between them and Adele. Her father, who wanted to be able to look after Adele more closely, hired a new, younger maid for her.

And Roberta, who was moved by Sarah’s friendly and cheerful personality and her unfortunate family history, submitted her name to her father, and respecting the opinion of her maid, her father approved.

But the maid whom she had chosen had committed such a terrible thing, and that was the very reason why Roberta was asking for her own guilt.

“That’s it. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear what you said, so just leave.”

“Count…That can’t be possible…”

“Stop. I believe that someone as loyal as you would not disobey the master’s orders. You seem very tired, so rest today and return to work tomorrow. That’s an order, Hudson?”

“I understand. Roberta, please stand up. You must obey the Count’s orders…”

The deacon standing next to him lowered his head after hearing his father’s words. Then he approached Roberta, supported her, and left her office.

My father looked at that and shook his head as if his head was in pain.

“Tsu-tsu, Roberta is all good, but she’s too weak-hearted.”

“Uh, father…”


“It’s a bit odd to say this, but is it okay to not be suspicious of Roberta?”

It was a difficult question to ask after hesitation, but my father answered in an indifferent tone as if it was no big deal.

“What? I was wondering what else you were going to say…”

“Well, I’m sorry…”

“Don’t worry too much. Aside from our relationship over the past few decades, Roberta and Hudson are bound to us with the highest level master/slave contract. The same goes for Laurel and Russ. There’s no way they would feel that way, but even if they did, Even if you do, your head will explode at that moment.”

“…Isn’t that a bit harsh?”

“It’s so bad. I’m in charge, so I have to endure that much. It’s a standard contract for any large-scale family, and above all, if you don’t want it, you never sign a contract. This solves some of the doubts. Are you there?”

“Yes. Thank you…”

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“That’s it. How about Adele?”

“I don’t know why I had such a hard time trying not to leave… And I told Adele to strictly control what she said so that it wouldn’t reach Adele’s ears.”

Adele is probably buried in a mountain of strawberry cake and apple juice by now. The chef, who saw that I was in trouble, lured Adele with snacks, and Adele eventually gave in to the temptation.

“Good job. It would have been a big shock already, but it would be even harder to handle if he found out that the person who cared for him so much was the culprit. Goyan…How dare he show favor like that…”

My father nodded and his expression instantly became filled with anger. You seem to be getting angry when you think about Sarah. And I also feel the same way as my father.

“Father, then what do you plan to do with that maid?”

“Whatever. I have to make him pay the full price for what I did.”

My father exhaled a few times to calm his breathing and answered.

“It worked out better. I just received a call that Westford’s heresy inquisitors are arriving today, so let’s get their help and nip it all in the bud.”

“In Westford? All of a sudden?”

Although we were a little embarrassed, it certainly seemed like there was nothing bad going on for us. It will also be of great help in stabilizing public order.

Somehow I remembered Lazarus, Westford’s senior heresy inquisitor. Even though he interrogated me, I don’t have any hard feelings towards him because he put in a lot of effort in the middle. Thanks to him, he received indulgence from the saint.

Maybe I can see him again?

“At that time, I responded to Your Majesty and made a request just in case. Luckily, it seems like you listened to my request. If they come, it will be easier to catch those who are still hiding. Just be patient.”

My father tapped my shoulder and said.


“Laurel. Where are you so busy?”


After leaving my father’s office, I ran into Laurel on the stone steps in front of the mansion. She is a beautiful woman with shiny blonde hair, but her personality and mouth are just as slutty.

Today is the first time I see Laurel again since we exchanged greetings on her first day at Maid Hedden. If I had to name the three busiest people right now, it would be my father, Russ, and Laurel.

“She goes to the dungeon. You know that, right? She’s the maid. She’s been ordered to destroy her backside by any means necessary.”

“Really? Then I’ll go with you.”


Laurel made a dumbfounded expression, as if she hadn’t expected what I said at all. Her always smiling face is a very rare expression on her.

But that was only for a moment as Laurel shook her head and expressed her refusal.

“No. She said she was ordered to throw her back. Don’t you know what that means?”

Laurel’s words mean her torture. Although I didn’t really feel like it, I still felt that it was a necessary process.

“I don’t know what I don’t know. Am I stupid?”

“No, how can someone with no experience see that?”

“I also want to hear for myself. Why did they do this to us?”

“I really…”

“I’ll tell your father, so don’t worry about him. That’s it, then? Let’s go.”

Laurel furrowed her eyebrows and looked perplexed for a moment, but she did not repeat the same stubborn refusal.

Actually, that kind of loyalty doesn’t really suit Laurel. Just as I thought, Laurel was already looking at me with half-interested eyes.

She walked for a while with Laurel in front, and eventually arrived in front of a small castle. Heavily armed soldiers see Laurel and try to salute her, but are startled when they see me behind her.

But even for a moment, they exchanged glances among themselves, then bowed with a restrained gesture and opened the door to the fortress.

Right in front of the door were stairs leading down to the basement, and I followed Laurel down the stairs.

I only passed through one door, but the air suddenly changed. What fills this place now is the fishy smell of blood and iron.

After going down the stairs, I saw a stone floor that was weakly lit by torches and a passage leading along it.

“Laurel. Why are you so late… Master?!”

And this time I found a familiar face again.

Russ, who was about to beat up Laurel, saw me and her eyes widened.

“Bachelor! Why are you here…Laurel? You’re telling me again…!”

Russ seemed to think that Laurel had instigated me to come here. Laurel shrugged his shoulders and looked at me silently. As if he were asking me to defend myself.

“Russ. I came here because I wanted to. Laurel wasn’t at fault this time. Instead, she stopped me.”


As I stepped forward, Russ was about to say something when she closed her mouth.

“… How can we break your will? However, I wonder if you will be shocked both physically and mentally after seeing such a cruel scene… You came with that level of mental preparation, right?”

“It’s okay. I should know what I know now.”

After hearing my answer, Russ sighed and turned her body.

“I understand. However, just in case something goes wrong, it would be best for you to avoid showing your presence as much as possible. Have you learned how to hide?”

“I know low-level stealth. Maybe it’s not enough?”

“It’s dark here and visibility is limited, so that’s enough. Set up stealth now.”

As I went into hiding, Russ and Laurel took the lead. I followed them and went down one more flight of stairs.

When we reached the deepest prison, we saw a woman there with her limbs bound.


Even though she saw us, the woman made only a slight gesture and did not offer any resistance. She seems to have already resigned herself to her fate.

Laurel did not move away from me, as if preparing for her eventuality. Russ opens the prison door alone and Sarah enters the cell where she is tied up.

She then took out a small glass bottle from her arms, and waved it gently in front of Sarah. A bright golden liquid sloshed lightly inside the bottle.

“Since spitting it all out isn’t enough, we’ll have to resort to harsh methods. Please blame yourself.”

After she finished speaking, Russ opened the cap of her bottle. She then grabbed Sarah by the rim of her chin and forced her mouth open, and she poured it right into it.

“Knock…Kkkkk! Kkulk!”

“It’s too much for you. Drink it properly without spilling a single drop.”

“…Cough! What on earth is this…?”

As if Sarah had stopped by, Sarah coughed violently. She glared at Russ at his words, but couldn’t quite finish with the wad of cloth in her mouth.

A fear that cannot be hidden faintly leaks from her eyes.

“It is a top-class amplification potion used by the most experienced trackers. It makes the entire body’s senses as sensitive as possible. Originally, the concentration was adjusted by diluting it with water or alcohol, but what you just drank was the undiluted solution.”

Russ continued her conversation calmly, taking something of her own from the toolbox next to her.

The rugged and huge tongs made of cast iron revealed themselves in full.

She said as Russ placed her tongs on the tip of Sarah’s finger.

“There will be no pressure to answer now. Soon you will want it yourself.”


Russ’s actions were accomplished in an instant. Before Sarah could even comprehend the situation, she heard a sound as if a tree root was being pulled from her fingers.

“uuu!! uuu!! uuu!! uuu!!”

Sarah’s silent screams of pain echo throughout the dungeon.

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