How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 89

89 – Rat Hole (7)

When the torture began, Russ pulled out all the fingernails from Sarah’s ten fingers without asking any questions. Then she brought her crude tongs to Sarah’s toes.

I left Sarah’s teeth alone, perhaps to hear her answer, but that wouldn’t be much of a consolation to Sarah.

Even though he was carrying out the heinous act calmly, Russ’s movements showed no personal emotion whatsoever. He occasionally furrowed his eyebrows, showing only the faintest hint of displeasure.

Sarah’s silence did not last long. Her violent movements caused her to remove the wad of cloth that Russ had stuffed in her mouth, and soon she was releasing everything she knew about her. She was about to have the big toenail on her left foot ripped out.

Unlike her usual bright face, Sarah had hidden hatred and darkness.

Sarah hid her true feelings and remained faithful to her role as a maid, but when the time came, she made her move. Just when I had just returned from the Academy.

During the day, while cleaning, he unlocked the window and applied an unidentified perfume to the door frame.

And at dawn, he blinked the torch twice in front of the large window in the hallway and came in.

But the plot failed when Adele tried to sleep with me, and one of her cold maids couldn’t smell her sleep, so she was caught too.

“Why didn’t you run away even though the job failed?”

“How long will it take for me to go… And if I run away, I will only be confessing to being the culprit…”

Sarah answered Russ’ question with a self-deprecating smile.

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Sarah was a nomad who was driven out of her hometown by the tyranny of a lord. Her father died of fire, and her mother, who was fair-haired, was forced to become the lord’s mistress. Her dispossessed younger siblings, along with her own, died on her streets.

Sarah was left alone and lived on the streets, but after a few years, she was lucky enough to be able to join a family as their maid. There she received a letter of recommendation, and she applied to our family, which was looking for a new maid.

And Roberta, who felt sorry for her ups and downs, welcomed her into her family.

Looking at Sarah’s regretful face, the past appears to be true, but looking at her now, Sarah seems to have used even that pain for her own purposes.

The name of the family that kicked out young Sarah was Mahlon, and the name of the family Sarah first entered as a maid was also Mahlon.

And not long after Sarah came into our family, she was also the name of the family whose lord’s family was wiped out due to an unknown cause.

“I’m sorry about your situation, but why are you taking your anger out on the wrong place? You should know better how good the Count treats his employees.”

“…It’s no different from giving a gift to a dog or a pig…”

Afterwards, Sarah spewed out everything she had done or knew, but she did not say a single word about the person who had instigated the affair.

However, no matter how you look at it, it was not something that one maid had planned, and in the end, Russ resumed torturing her.

And just before the last of her claws were removed from her little toe, Sarah finally opened her mouth with a resigned look on her face.

“…This is…Cough! Cough!!”

But at that moment. Sarah spit out her black blood from her mouth. The blood began to flow out without end.

A very dark black pattern was clearly visible on the tip of Sarah’s tongue, which was slightly visible between Sarah’s open mouth. A seal of silence of the highest rank, consisting of two intertwined snakes.

It’s not that Sarah didn’t say something, it’s that she couldn’t say it.

“What is this…Laurel! Give me some potion there!”

Russ quickly started treating Sarah, but no recovery potion was used on Sarah, who had broken her oath.

“…I hate you mana users…I hate you f*cking gods too…What is the grace of mana…Cough…!”

And Sarah died, spewing out her hatred for her world to the end.

At the end of the torture, all that was left was a bloody smell and an unpleasant feeling.


I felt like I had spent a very long time in the dungeon, but when I came out, a little over an hour had passed.

When I stumbled slightly at the top of the stairs, Russ supported me from behind.

“Master. Are you okay?”

“…Uh. It’s just because it’s dazzling…”

“Ugh, you don’t look fine at all…”

Russ’ words made me feel a little sick. It certainly wasn’t just because I was dazzled.

The fishy smell of iron and blood and Sarah’s screams still lingered within me.

Unlike me, Laurel and Russ are just peaceful. As if nothing had happened.

But even so, Laurel’s appearance was a refreshing shock in its own way. I can’t believe that such a ruthless nature was hidden behind that bright and smiling expression…

“Then why did you follow me to such a rough place? Didn’t I tell you that? I haven’t told you about that yet. At least graduate from the academy…!”

“Here we go again. Let’s go, Laurel. I have to report to the Count.”

When Laurel showed signs of turning her mouth, Russ, as usual, covered her mouth and dragged her away.

I walked in the courtyard for a while and tried to control my mind, but the questions that came to mind did not let me go easily.

Sarah’s work is not very special. Of course, there are people of noble status, but most devil worship spreads around those who are marginalized and despairing.

But who on earth was the one who instigated Sarah? Among the enemies I remember, were there any active in the South? Or a new person you don’t know at all?

The South was a region that barely appeared in Eugene’s stories, and of course, only a small portion of my knowledge was about the South.

What is certain is that I can return to the academy in peace only if I catch the guy who is currently messing with Maidhead.

But can I figure out what is behind it with just some of that and my original knowledge? My head hurts just thinking about it.

“I found it!”

As I was continuing to worry about no answer, someone suddenly approached me and tapped me on the back. It seemed like he mustered all his strength, but it was not enough to make me stumble.

Voice of a young woman… It’s not Adele, but who is it?

When she turns her body, she sees dull gray hair and faded sky blue eyes in front of her.



A foreign student from Seongguk suddenly appeared in the south.


Although the bitterness of her first meeting had long since been resolved, her relationship with Sisela was still ambiguous. She is not a complete stranger, and she is not very close either.

Therefore, although she exchanged deep regrets about her separation with Elina Selene, she did not have such emotional exchanges with Sisela at all.

She simply waved her hand and said goodbye lightly on the day of the closing ceremony.

Just like now, Sisela was just smiling back then.

“…Why are you here?”

“Isn’t it a bit sad to ask such a question? Where in the world is there a person who calls you and asks why you are here?”

“What? Wait. Then…”

Actually, my father said that today is the day the Inquisitors will come.

However, she wondered if Lazarus might come, but she was met by Sisela Rani who came out of nowhere.

“Sisela. Were you an Inquisitor?”

“Well? I’m not a Heretic Questioner, but should I say something similar…”

Without losing her smile, Sisela hesitated without giving a proper answer.

She went back to the main house of her mansion with Sisela, and there were five strange people standing there. If she had not known her identity in advance, she would have looked like a pilgrim wearing shabby robes.

A person who seemed to be a senior member of the group approached us, as if he had heard that we were popular.

“This is Dante from the Westford Prison. You are Prince Edwin Reed, right? It’s a pleasure to meet you here.”

“You had a hard time coming a long way. By the way… Are you okay? You look quite tired…”

Contrary to the warm greeting, Dante’s face was clearly full of fatigue. There are deep dark circles under his eyes.

“hahahaha, this much is okay. It’s because Sicela hastened her pace a little…”

When he looked at Sisela, she looked away and turned her head. Now that I think about it, Dante’s attitude toward Sicella is strange.

Her face was full of embarrassment, but she never lost her excessive politeness throughout her dealings with her.

What on earth…

“Sisela. Are you from a high-ranking family in the Holy Kingdom?”

“Ugh. What’s so high? It’s just ordinary.”

Sisela waved her hand lightly and she trembled jokingly. The moment the word ‘normal’ came out of her mouth, I felt like Dante’s body flinched slightly.

“So what is it really?”


“That’s why you came to our territory. You said you weren’t even a Heretic Questioner.”

“Originally, this is the basic principle for the children of the Holy Kingdom. You have to accumulate experience in such activities in your spare time so that you can reach a high position later. Dante, right?”

“Yes…? Ah, yes! What Sicella said is correct. It happens often…hahahaha…”

“…Did you hear that? But then I saw that there was a request for help, and it happened to be my ‘friend’s’ territory. So I thought it was good and came.”

Sisela glared at Dante lightly, and then she spoke indifferently as if it was nothing special. She thought about what her father said last time. Archbishop Timothy also worked as an inquisitor in the past. Sicela’s behavior is probably in a similar vein.

“But it’s a bit hard to say this, but our territory isn’t very peaceful right now. In your words…Was he a blasphemer? We might have to deal with those guys. Would that be okay…?”

Sisela answered my cautious question with a puzzled expression.

“What are you worrying about? Dante. Please tell me for me.”

“Huh? hahahaha, that’s right. Prince Edwin. You can trust what Sisella says. If this person is here, we will be able to weed out those people more easily.”

As soon as Sisela finished speaking, she answered, sweating profusely, as if Dante were her spokesperson.

“Um…But you two…”

“Ugh. I told you when I came here. We’re very close friends. Dante. How do you think we look?”

“What are you doing?”

In front of Dante, who was perplexed, Sisella suddenly grabbed my arm lightly. She asked, turning her head towards Dante.

When Sicella did something like that, Dante’s face suddenly turned white.


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“Dante. I said you don’t have to worry about all this…”


Just as Sisella was about to shoot something at Dante, she suddenly heard a sound from behind her, as if her glass was breaking.

When she turned around, Adele was standing there still, looking at us with a devastated expression.

A glass filled with a drink fell and was lying around at Adele’s feet, as if she was trying to bring it to me.

“Oh my, she’s cute. Edwin. Who is this girl…”


The moment Sisela was about to approach Adele, a sad cry suddenly filled the courtyard.

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