How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 92

92 – Rat Hole (10)

“…I guess I should tell the village chief to pay more attention.”

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay. That could happen. It happens sometimes in old churches.”

Sisela looked at the scene in silence for a moment, but she soon relaxed her expression and turned her body as if it was no big deal.

And not long after leaving the chapel, we were able to meet the chief of the village the group had brought.

“Is it a cross…? Oh my… I’ll replace it with a new one right away. I’m embarrassed to show this to the priests…”

“I’ll pay a little more attention next time. Every little thing like that is an arrangement for the future.”

“Oh, of course…I’m sorry…”

When the village chief heard Sisela’s words, he was shocked and covered her mouth.

Surprisingly, the village chief was a very young woman. Her orange short hair was flowing pleasantly, and the freckles on her cheeks hadn’t even disappeared.

“I talked to the carpenter, so the repairs will be done right before the next service. I’m really sorry…”

She immediately called a person and gave various instructions, and the person who heard her nodded her head and disappeared toward the chapel.

Sisela now seems more embarrassed by the village chief’s overly obedient attitude.

“It’s okay. That’s possible. Rather, Chief, I’d like to ask you a few things. Are you okay for a moment?”

“Oh my, my…”

I stepped forward on behalf of Sisella. When I took off my robe and spoke to him, the village chief suddenly opened his eyes wide.

“Oh…Of course. There are all these priests in the world. My name is Becky. I’m still embarrassed to hear the village chief at my age, so could you just call me by my first name?”



When I called her name, Becky’s mouth rose almost to her cheek. A look of bewilderment passed over Sisela’s face as she saw her jumping up and down in her place.

“You look very young. How did you end up in that position?”

“My late father was the former village chief, so I just took over. It was a bit difficult at first, but I’m doing well now… hehehe.”

No matter what question I asked, Becky answered without hesitation. Where is his house, how many people are in his family, when was the village founded, etc. He was ready to take out everything, including his liver and gallbladder, if he had to.

“I see. And I looked around the village, and everyone seemed very lively and in a good mood. Was there anything unfortunate going on in the village?”

“Something good happened. Not long ago, there was a huge epidemic in the village, and a pilgrim came and completely cured the residents. I guess that joy doesn’t subside easily.”

“A plague…?”

Becky just spoke happily and nonchalantly, but I felt like I was catching her a little by her passing words.

Of course, it could be a simple plague, but it is a clue that cannot be ignored at this point.

I know that the plague is one of the omens of demon summoning.

“What about that pilgrim? Is he still in this village?”

“After confirming that all his illnesses were cured, he suddenly left the village.”

“Are you just saying that?”

“Yes. We tried to repay you in a small way, but they all refused and just left. I was disappointed, but I thought that might be the case if you were a devout church member…”

There was nothing more to be gained from Becky’s words. She went off to do other things, and I started discussing things with Sicela.

“How does it look?”

“…It’s definitely a bit strange.”

Sisela listened to my question and was deep in thought.

“It’s almost the beginning of summer now. Are there any infectious diseases that circulate during this time?”

“I don’t know much, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a case…”

“And that pilgrim is also a bit strange. Laymen may not know this, but it is not the season for pilgrimage to the Holy Land, so there is no reason for there to be a pilgrim at a time like this. We are just disguised…”

“But if that pilgrim was a shaman who had planned this, there would be no need to treat the residents. What about the magic detector? Have you checked it?”

After hearing my question, Sisela shook her head lightly.

“I’ve already checked, and it’s very clean. If something unclean happened around here, there should be even the slightest trace of it…”

I tried it with others without a clear answer, but they also couldn’t come up with a clear inference.

Nothing was wrong when we took out magic detectors throughout the residence, and we did not find anything suspicious during questions and answers with residents.

Meanwhile, Dante, who joined last, hesitated and spoke to her.

“…Actually, I heard a strange noise on the way here earlier.”

“Sounds strange?”

“Yes. I was passing a warehouse-like building with a brown roof, and I heard something like the howling of an animal inside. It also sounded like a chain being dragged on the ground.”

“What if you say it’s an animal?”

When Sisella asked again, she gave Dan-tae an unconvinced look.

“It… Wasn’t clear. It looked like a pig, or like a dog growling low…”

“What is that? It could just be livestock being raised, right?”

“But it didn’t look like a building at all. There were no haystacks, no cages, and there weren’t even any windows, so I couldn’t look inside at all.”

Dante protested as if it were unfair to Sicella’s scolding. Sisela grimaced as if her head hurt.

“It’s a pain in the ass. I have suspicions, but I can’t find anything definite.”

“First of all, we need to be careful. From now on, at least two people will stay together. And just in case, we will settle for the preserved food we brought for the time being.”

Everyone in the group nodded, agreeing with Dante’s words. Becky is seen again in the distance. It looked around, found us, and ran towards us in a month.

“Oh, everyone is here. Dinner is ready.”

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“I’m sorry, but we are currently fasting…”

Becky looked slightly surprised at Dante’s awkward refusal.

“What? I caught fresh fish after a long time…”

“hahahaha, share the meat among the villagers. It’s like celebrating a happy event. How could we covet such precious food?”

“…I’m sorry. I understand. I can’t help it, well…”

Despite his understanding, Becky was unable to hide his sullen expression. I asked Becky again to change the subject.

“But…No, Becky. May I ask what the building with the brown roof is used for?”

“Well…Why are you asking that…”

Contrary to the previous time when she was listing trivial facts, Becky trailed off and gave a vague answer.

“I passed by it earlier, and I thought I heard a strange noise inside. I could hear the howling of an animal, and the sound of a chain being dragged… Could it be a livestock pen?”


When Becky continued to fail to come up with her answer, this time her sister, Sisela, came forward and strongly urged her.

“You’d better be honest, ‘Chief’. If there’s anything suspicious going on inside, right now…”

“What a suspicious act! I never did anything like that…!”

Becky raised her voice and protested as if she felt unfair to Sisela’s interrogation. But when Sisella showed no sign of backing down, after a while she sighed and confessed her words.

“…Actually, the person in there is my younger brother…”

“Younger brother? And the howl of that beast?”

“Yes…My younger brother was also very seriously ill with the plague. Fortunately, the pilgrim cured him of the plague, but for some reason, he became a little strange after that…”

Becky seemed to have already thought that hiding it was wrong, and began to list out what had happened so far.

Her younger brother barely came back from the brink of death, but after that he behaved like an animal, walking on all fours and making strange noises.

Becky told the story to her pilgrim, who told her that he was not sick and that he had nothing to worry about.

However, he said that her younger brother needed some time to overcome the hardships, so he locked Becky’s younger brother in the warehouse and sealed the door.

And it is said that he left after strictly telling them not to be seen by others while the moon waxed twice.

“How could you do something like that? Who knew what would happen inside if you left someone like that alone!”

“…I was skeptical at first, but I could really feel my younger brother recovering!”

As Sisela shouted in shock, Becky raised her voice and protested again.

“You recovered from that condition?”

“…Yes. I go there twice a day to feed him porridge. As you saw earlier, he’s still like that during the day, but at night he’s coming back to his senses more and more… It’s a little bit, but we had a conversation yesterday…”

Becky turned her head towards me and answered quietly. Sisela’s face was filled with bewilderment at the enormous difference in her attitude from how she had just treated herself.

“Didn’t the pilgrim leave anything else?”

“My brother said he was anointed with oil. The reason he’s so sick right now is because he’s preparing his body for God’s grace. If you wait a little longer, he’ll come back healthier than before…”

“Sicella. What do you think?”

After listening to Becky’s explanation, I turned to Sisela and asked in a low whisper. Sisella, who heard my question, wrinkled her expression and answered.

“It’s nonsense. I’ve never even heard of things like anointing, God’s grace, and indwelling, even in my own country. Who on earth would dare say such nonsense…”

Becky’s explanation was over, but his questions only grew in intensity.

Even to me, who doesn’t know much about the doctrines of the Three Gods, the series of events is full of suspicious things.

A plague that comes suddenly, a person who suddenly walks on all fours and behaves like an animal. And the time when the moon waxes twice.

If you twist these circumstances and think about them again, you will hear them replaced with different words.

Plague is the aftermath of a demonic summoning circle,

A person walking on all fours means that there is a being in their body.

Two months is the time it takes for the devil to completely take over the body.

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