How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 93

93 – Rat Hole (11)

As if she was thinking the same thing as me, Sisela also muttered quietly with a serious expression on her face.

“I guess it won’t work. I need to check inside the warehouse right now…”

“What? No! I told you not to open it until it’s time!”

Before Sisela could finish speaking, Becky interrupted her and protested fiercely.

When Sisella lifted her finger while looking at Becky like that, the inquisitors approached Becky and tightly grabbed her arms.

Becky tried to resist, twisting her whole body, but there was no way she could handle the strength of two strong adult men.

“What are you doing? Let me go right now! What the hell is this…?”

“Stop. We are Westford’s Inquisitors. Based on the agreement between the Holy Kingdom and the Empire, we will now carry out forced execution.”

“Heresy Questioner…?”

Becky slowly stopped resisting Dante’s harsh words. Becky dropped to her knees, looking devastated, looking up at Sisela before her.

Sisella looks down at Becky and speaks calmly in her tone of voice.

“We came to this village following a trace of evil. And judging from the circumstances so far, it is clear that something in your brother is not the grace of God.”


“Don’t worry too much. We will check on your brother’s condition ourselves. But until then, you will have to stay with us for a while. And when everything is over, you will receive the punishment you deserve according to the severity of your crime. “In any case, I am guilty of allowing a blasphemous person to practice witchcraft and contributing to it even to a small extent.”

“A blasphemous person…A witchcraft…”

Becky muttered lowly, no longer resisting, but surrendered herself to the priests’ lead.

Leaving Becky behind, Sisela looks back at her group.

“I can’t help it. I have to divide the number of people. Dante. I’m protecting the chief well. Stefano and Enrico. I’m watching closely to make sure no one else comes around the warehouse. Antonio and Ernesta go to the warehouse with me. Edwin. You….”

Sisela looks at me and hesitates for a moment. Surely Sisella’s skill at these things cannot compare to mine, but this is our fiefdom and I am here as the lord’s representative.

She won’t be able to give me instructions like she can to her own companions.

And although it is almost certain that we will encounter something bad in the warehouse, I still have a duty to keep track of everything that happened in our territory.

“I’ll go in too.”

“…Are you okay?”

“My father is not here, so I need to take care of myself. It’s okay.”

Sisella narrowed her brows, giving a slight hint that she did not like it, but she eventually got her bearings and decided to respect my wishes.

Sisela approaches me with her sighing, and she places her hand gently on her chest.

“Just in case, I’ll put in some divine power for now. But keep in mind. You’re just watching. Even if something happens, you must never step forward.”

Sisella imbued me with divine power and then turned her body around. I looked around. Dante was restraining Becky, and the other two were each in charge of one direction, observing the surroundings.

Sisela, led by two priests, stands in front of the warehouse door. The door was securely locked with a thick, clunky lock.

Sisela took a small breath, and then she glanced at the priest next to her.


The priest held her hand close to her locks and recited her spell. A glowing line extended from his hand and crawled into the keyhole of the lock.

After a while, there was a rattling sound from the lock and it fell to the floor with a thud.

We entered the warehouse with the two priests at the front, Sisela at the back, and me at the back.

The first thing that greeted us was a terrible stench that stung our noses. The warehouse was completely windowless, with only darkness visible except near the open door.

A priest recited an incantation and the light came on, and soon the surrounding scenery began to come into our eyes little by little. And a look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the priests and Sisela.

Everywhere was full of filth, and the walls, ceiling, and the door we entered were covered in mysterious, ominous letters and grime engraved in red.

As I entered the warehouse, I began to feel the presence of a tingling demon energy that I had not felt outside.

However, the concentration was quite weak, and since Sisella had imbued it with her divine power, it does not seem to cause much harm.

“Antonio. Check it out.”

A priest who heard Sisela’s words approached the door. He looked at the letters and engravings there, then brought his nose close to smell it and frowned slightly.

“If you look at the faint smell of chicken manure, it looks like a barrier drawn with chicken blood. The text is not legible, but when you look at it in the form of Jin…”

“What on earth is this…”

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Just as Sisela was about to say something, a scratching sound came from a corner of the warehouse where the light had not yet reached.

As we sent light toward the point where the sound came from, the last unknown hidden in the darkness revealed itself before us. The person there was a girl who looked about 10 years old.

Just looking at the thin, haggard figure with a thick chain around its neck evokes pity and pity.

But the presence felt there far exceeded what a 10-year-old child could have. She said the child didn’t even blink and kept watching each and every one of us move.

As one of the priests carefully walked away from her, the child lowered her upper body and assumed a posture as if she was about to jump in.

A very low-pitched sound, like the growl of a wild animal, continued to flow from her throat.

Without taking her eyes off it, Sisela asked her priest beside her.

“As expected, the devil was settled in the possessed body. Ernesta. What are the results of the demonic energy measurement?”

“It is a second-tier species. However, no matter how much of a barrier there is, this level of magic should have already been observed in the village earlier… How on earth…”

Sisela looked around at the priest’s words. And then she noticed the presence of a sharp piece of ink-colored stone hanging around the child’s neck.

You can see the black air slightly swaying around the stone. Sisela glares at it and bites her lip.

“Obsidian… How on earth can a stone from the bottom of hell be here…?”

Here, obsidian is considered a by-product of hell.

It is said that those who have been baptized with evil always wear it to hide their demonic energy due to its unique ability to absorb demonic energy. It seems that if you defeat those people, they drop a necklace.

It is no wonder that Sisela is so surprised. Obsidian has been discarded by the church wherever it is found, and as a result, it is now known as a stone that is difficult to obtain.

If you look at the current situation, it doesn’t seem particularly strange that there was no sign from the village.

An obsidian stone that absorbs magical energy was hung around the possessed body’s neck, and as if that wasn’t enough, a barrier was drawn in the warehouse to prevent even the faintest magical energy from leaking out.

As we opened the door and entered, the barrier was broken, but thanks to the presence of the necklace, we can still only feel a little bit of demonic energy.

If the pilgrim was the shaman who planned this incident, then the words anointing oil and God’s grace would not be far wrong from his point of view.

If you can find a possessed body with resistance that can withstand the demonic energy while the devil settles in, it will be nothing short of God’s grace for them.

Fortunately, we succeeded in finding traces of the devil before he completely finished his adaptation period, so we cannot say that the current situation is the worst.

If it is a 2nd tier species, it is more powerful than the 3rd tier species that was summoned to the Academy last time, but while it is summoned and has an adaptation period, the demon is in a state similar to a chrysalis.

In the meantime, it becomes quite vulnerable to external attacks, so it is not impossible to eradicate it, although it cannot be said to be very easy. This is especially true considering the abilities of Sisella that we have seen so far.

Sisella must have thought about that too, and now she seems to have subsided from her initial embarrassment and regained some of her composure.


“Sisela! It’s dangerous if you go alone like that! This is your first time in combat…”

Sisella began to move towards her child. The beast’s growls became more intense. Although her priests were embarrassed and tried to stop her, Sisela did not listen and went even closer to her child.

“It’s okay. Is the thing inside a vicious animal? I guess that’s why the chains were put on it? I don’t know who did this, but it’ll make things a little easier…”




Just as Sisela was about to reply to her priests, her child suddenly rushed at Sisela. Sisela responded by moving back to her very seat, and her child could not get any closer to the chains that bound him.


“It’s okay. Hmm…What happened to such a cute child…”

Her priests were in contemplation, but Sisela sat down with a blink of an eye and raised her hand to stop them.

And without avoiding the gaze of the child glaring at her, or more precisely, the thing occupying her body, she struck back.

Not long after, Sisella muttered as if she had reached her conclusion.

“I think I can still turn things around at this level. Although it is weak, I can still feel the warmth of my soul. The will to live.”

Sisela stood in front of her child and began to recite an unusually long sermon. After a while, a bright white line began to be drawn on her floor around her child.

Her line curved and rotated, and soon she bit her own tail, forming a circular formation.

-Krrr… Wow! Keck…

When her circle was drawn, the child sat down and couldn’t control her body. It was as if something was pressing down on her.

Sisela stopped reciting her sermon and approached her child. She then gently places her own hand on her little head.

“You, you monster from the bottom, crawled up after stepping on the black stone. In the name of the goddess, I command you to return to the bottom where you belong.”

And the next moment, through Sisella’s hand touching her child, an enormous divine power is injected into the child’s body. In the process, only a small amount of light leaked out, making the surrounding area bright as if it were daytime.

-Crumbling! Kehehehe! Kehehehe!

The growl it let out got even worse. All the time the light was on, the sounds of various animals screaming in pain mixed together and vomited from the child’s throat. Sisela doesn’t bat an eyelid.

As time passed, the screams gradually died down, and a shadow-like figure emerged from the child’s body and disappeared into thin air.

Sisela let go of her child and grabbed the obsidian necklace that was hanging around her neck. She put a little pressure on her hand, and with a snap, her necklace came into her hand.

As Sisella carefully held her child, soon her child trembled her eyelids and cautiously opened her own eyes.

“…Who are you…?”

“The person who restored your peace.”

“Where is this? Heaven…?”

“I’m sorry, but it seems it’s still too early to go to heaven. This is the village where you were born and raised.”

“I had a dream… My whole body was being torn apart by dogs with two heads and three eyes… No matter how hard I tried to run away, I couldn’t escape… It was so painful that I kept crying…”

“Rest assured. I have chased away all the beasts that were bothering you. No one will hurt you anymore.”

Sisela stood up, still holding her child. Then she came towards me and stretched out her arms containing her child to me.

“Ugh, it’s hard. Edwin. Can you listen to this kid for a moment?”

Despite her harsh appearance, Sisela still seemed very relaxed. It was hard to believe that she was the one who had just poured out her divine power like that.

She was worried that there might be a rebound due to the large amount, but it seems that she was worried for no reason.

I was willingly handed to Sisela her child. And while stroking her child’s head, she asked:

“Can I ask your name?”

“…I’m Mona…”

“That’s a pretty name. It’s okay. It’s all over now. Your sister was very worried about you. Let’s see her again soon.”


“Yes. Your sister Becky is waiting right out there.”

After hearing what I said, Mona tilted her head and carefully questioned my words.

And the moment she heard the next words come out of that small mouth, goosebumps ran down her back.

“…I don’t have a sister…I don’t even know who Becky is…”

Her child shook her head and buried her face in her arms.


“Whoosh…!! Whoosh…!”

She reflexively turned her head toward the sudden coughing sound.

“What is this…?”

The next moment, what unfolded before me was the image of Sisela, staring in despair at the blood on her hand covering her mouth.

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