HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 This is the new version of the ship’s

Jon woke up from his bed.

He raised his wrist, and the fluorescent watch hand indicated that it was past three o’clock in the middle of the night, and it was early morning in a while.

The mechanical watch on the wrist is considered to be a semi-magical item, with precision curses and diamagnetic curses attached to it to prevent the powerful magnetic field of Hogwarts from affecting this Muggle item.

Of course, this watch violates the “Prohibition of Muggle Abuse Act.”

But how can there be so many people in this world who have nothing to look for?

People who like to look for things and those who are looked for are either liked or hated.

Coincidentally, these two emotions have nothing to do with Jon.

Jon lay on the bed empty, the bed curtain cut off the breathing of others in the dormitory, making this small space extremely quiet.

He started to think.

Because he just saw Hufflepuff in his dream, he still feels unreal now.

If there is really a God, then this God, is he smiling at this moment?

Can God tell him why?

He has made up his mind to spend seven years of school life honestly, and now tells him that Helga Hufflepuff is his ancestor, he actually has a “mysterious” magical aura in him, and he is destined to have great achievements. , And then the ending may not end well?

What kind of a wise author can write this kind of plot where the protagonist’s road suddenly begins?

is a fan of NZND, MDZZ?

The more Jon thinks about it, the more his head hurts. He always feels that there is a pair of invisible hands in the dark, playing with all this, he can only act like a puppet, performing according to the established order.

“Of course, it may be just a dream, so don’t worry.”

He comforted himself so hard, tried to calm down, and cultivated the calmness in more than ten years, isn’t it just to face the current situation?

Tai landslide did not change his face in front of him. He couldn’t do it, but accepting the new information was just a small scene, so there is no need to be so surprised.

Tossed over and over on the bed to calm down, and when Jon felt that there was nothing wrong with him, he climbed out of the bed and saw that it was almost five o’clock.

took out the close-fitting underwear from the locker—these clothes exist for ease of movement, then put on the robe, touched the ring on his hand, and walked towards the common room.

The ghostly fat monk of Hufflepuff was sleeping on a chair in the common room. Jon did not disturb him lightly. When he passed the portrait of Hufflepuff, the smiling legendary witch was still facing him. Blinked.

Okay, now I can be sure that I was not dreaming last night.

Jon nodded politely, and then went out from the exit. Although it was still within the curfew, normal people should be sleeping soundly at this time. After all, Filch is a dumb gun and needs a rest.

Presumably, the Weasley twins are causing a headache to Mr. Administrator.

Jon didn’t mean to challenge the Hogwarts keeper. Living in the wizarding world of this kind of dumb gun is very painful, and there is no need to make it worse.

He followed Helga’s route and walked upstairs to the castle without hesitation.

Fortunately, today is not a “staircase holiday”. It took Jon a few minutes to run from the basement floor to the eighth floor of the castle, and then he found the wall opposite the tapestry of the giant stick and the silly Barnabas.

Behind this wall is Ms. Ravenclaw’s study, library, bedroom, bathroom… In short, Ms. Ravenclaw’s living room was here. After Ms. Ravenclaw’s death, the house was It has become a secret exploration place left by Hogwarts for students.

Powerful space magic, thousand-year-old concealment magic, and defensive magic integrated with Hogwarts… Jon originally yearned for this house. After hearing Helga’s words, this yearning became It’s more intense.

Of course he knew the way to open the House of Request, but with Helga’s guidance, that way seemed a bit troublesome.

He reached out his hand and drew the wand from the ring, pressed it against the wall in front of him, and said softly

“The most precious thing in the world is friendship.” (The most important thing in the world, isfriendship.)

The wall in front of him began to change. Instead of turning into a door, it turned into a light film like waves. With a little effort, Jon’s wand tipped in.

Jon didn’t hesitate, and walked directly into the light film, as if he had entered platform nine and three-quarters.

There is no special place in the house. Except for the outdated furnishings, the other places are very similar to Jon’s own study, bookshelves, desks, chairs, paintings on the wall, quill pens on the table and half used. Ink bottle, the ink in it has condensed into lumps…

Jon stroked the traces of these objects. A thousand years later, these objects are still well preserved, as if the original owner had just been there.

He turned around and saw the huge portrait hanging on the wall. The portrait of UU Reading www.uukānshu.com was very empty, but there was a young figure standing in the middle left, the purple dress like flowing water. Sprinkled on the ground, the golden thread on it outlines the mysterious honey badger coat of arms…

After so many years, she seems to have not changed anything, her smile is still, gentle and gentle.

Jon suddenly remembered the introduction of his ancestor from Hufflepuff College, and it said that she treated all students like her own children.

Someone who can be called a mother by students must have something special about her.

“Are these blank spaces the portraits of the three founders back then?”

Jon looked at the huge blank space on the screen and asked. The Hufflepuff in the portrait nodded. Here she was finally able to speak freely:

“In the beginning, it was Slytherin who left, and his portrait also left from here. Then Gryffindor and Ravenclaw died one after another. No one knew the portrait here. In fact, we all knew that entering Luo The password of Ina’s study, but no one really came in. It was not until I was casting magic on the eve of my death that I found such a portrait here.”

Helga’s voice is a little sad.

“A few of us used to be very good friends!”

Jon didn’t know how to continue. At this time, he couldn’t even empathize. This kind of friendship that had lasted for thousands of years became extremely heavy after time settled. He even said a few witty words to ease Helga’s Sadness can’t do it.

“Don’t feel sad because of me, it’s been so long, I have already looked away.”

Helga on the portrait said: “Didn’t you say that there is something you want to learn? You can ask now, but the magical world has developed for so long, I am afraid I can teach you not too much.”

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