HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Ravenclaw’s legacy

Jon thought Helga was too humble.

His ancestor a thousand years ago—because I don’t know how many generations have passed, Jon really doesn’t know how to call Helga—has a magical knowledge that transcends time. Although the magic of the magical world is improving, Helga’s opinion It’s always so unique.

After explaining the initial cast of the phantom spell for Jon, Jon gave up the idea of ​​mastering this magic immediately.

—Compared to the manufacture of invisibility cloaks, the simple invisibility spell of Phantom Mantra was not practical at our time. At that time, the environment was quite harsh. If we only used such a simple spell, we would probably have been put to the torture a long time ago. The shelf burned to death.

After comparing some of the current spells with their spells back then, Helga said to Jon.

She took away some books of contemporary spells from Jon—the magic of the world of portraits can rub the text on the books and recondense them in the world of portraits—planning to modify the way these spells are cast for Jon, and only later Start training Jon’s magic.

Jon had no complaints about this. There was a legendary magician who tailored his power to modify the spell, which in itself was something he had never thought of before, and could not be expected.

—At least Meditation has been praised by Helga.

Since he cannot start practicing magic for the time being, he might as well explore this study room left by Ms. Ravenclaw.

There are not many books worth reading on the bookshelf. They are all outdated spell books and magic item manufacturing guides. At these levels, the current magic world has long since introduced new ones and achieved higher achievements.

Jon felt that Ravenclaw’s legacy would not be so simple, at least what the legendary witch usually uses should be quite extraordinary items.

Scanning the whole room, Jon put his gaze on Ravenclaw’s desk.

He sat straight on Ravenclaw’s chair, and then began to open the drawers on both sides of the desk one by one.

“Huh? Is it locked?”

Jon, who had not found anything in the previous three drawers, suddenly got up. The drawer locked by Ravenclaw would definitely not go anywhere.

He thought for a while, pointed the wand in his hand at the keyhole, and whispered: “Alaho hole opens.”

There is no response, the spell fails.

Jon didn’t think it was a problem with his spell, because he had practiced it many times at home, and this spell was one of the best spells he had mastered.

“You can’t do this. Although the spell’Arajo Cave Opens’ is very subtle, it can’t be used to unlock the anti-locking spell set by Roina.” Helga on the wall didn’t know when from the portrait world. Zhong returned to the surface: “She is the top master of spells I have ever seen.”

Jon waved his magic wand and poked his head with the tip of the wand: “But I can only use this kind of unlocking spell, and you just said that if you break it violently, you will probably be wounded by magic. To.”

“Of course, Rowena’s magic is too dangerous for you now. Even the backlash of an anti-locking spell will seriously hurt you, but why are you so obsessed with opening this drawer?”

“I just want to know what’s in it.”

Jon knocked on the large locked drawer. This is a scene that has not appeared in the original book. It is impossible to say that he is not curious: “It is definitely not a simple thing to be locked here by Ravenclaw. It may be the real legacy left by Ravenclaw.”

“Royna’s inheritance…then it is inappropriate for you to take it away? I think Royna’s heir is still in the castle. Maybe he won’t agree with you.”

“Helena has become a ghost, besides, she probably doesn’t know…”

Jon got stuck in the middle of talking because he missed his mouth.

has been born again for 11 years. This is the first time he has leaked. Fortunately, what he heard is not others, but his ancestors.

He raised his head and looked at the portrait. Helga in the portrait was also thoughtful and did not notice anything unusual.

Hey? Can’t you hear any mistakes or omissions?

He was about to jump over the incident quietly, and he heard Helga continue to say: “Is Helena a ghost still known to you? I said, the kid named Tom was unreliable at the time. The rhetoric and the identity of the descendant of the founder tricked Helena into telling the whereabouts of the crown, but in the end no one could find it.”


It’s not a good thing to say this kind of thing in front of my little child.

And it seems that the old lady still doesn’t know that Tom Riddle has become the Dark Lord Voldemort.

Jon looked at Helga in his own world, quietly not talking. Although Helga in the portrait looks very young, because of the legendary magic, he is essentially an old lady.

Moreover, it is a common feature of legendary wizards that it becomes a state of being left alone when thinking.

But Helga’s words also reminded Jon that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking.

What is the essence of the drawer that has cast the anti-locking curse?

is essentially a locked drawer.

Since there is a lock, there is naturally a key.

And then Tom Riddle got the Ravenclaw crown, UU reading www. How did uukanshu.com hide it?

The answer is that he found the House of Requirement, which is where Jon is now.

This is a room for all requests!

Jon knocked his head. Since receiving the notice from Hogwarts, his thoughts have been short-circuited by the real arrival of the wizarding world. Sometimes it is difficult to think of the joints in simple things. .

He put away his wand, stretched out a hand, and said in a low voice.

“I need the key to open this drawer.”

After a while, there was no sound.

The key didn’t appear out of thin air or dropped out of nowhere as Jon had guessed, which made him wonder.

“Couldn’t you have no keys, right?”

Jon tugged at the handle of the drawer, and he obviously felt the lock inside the bezel, so there must be a key.

The only possibility is that the key was taken away by Ravenclaw as a funeral.

Well, he still has another solution, but he can’t do it yet.

“If you can’t open it, don’t do it. I always think there should be nothing in it. It may just be some books in the collection of Rowena.” Helga said softly, “She always likes to study some strange magic.”

“Well, let it go first.”

Jon was thinking about some ways to unlock the lock, but without a locksmith, he would not have a key, so he could only keep this in mind first.

“I’ve been out for a long time. When there are more students in the castle, I don’t think I can avoid it, so now I have to go.” He said to the portrait of Helga: “Your portrait first Store it here. When this year’s holiday, I will take you home.”

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