HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 There will never be a shortage of friend

What is in the drawer of Ravenclaw’s study? This incident touched Jon’s curiosity all the time. However, Jon is powerless at the moment. He still needs to find the key or a method to make the key.

“Let’s take one step and look at it one step at a time. This is only the first day of enrollment.”

Jon walked down the stairs. There were already active students in the castle. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already past seven.

“At this time, it is estimated that the lobby should have started serving breakfast.”

Putting the wand into the ring, Jon followed the route in his memory for a while, and finally returned to the lobby yesterday.

stood at the door and glanced a little, Jon saw Bella, Qiu Zhang, and a few Ravenclaw girls around Cedric, eating breakfast, turning his head and leaving.

It’s the weekend now. If Bella gets entangled in this time, you will definitely become the person between Bella and Cedric. That’s not a good choice.

Although he likes to beat the mandarin ducks, but currently he can’t beat his cousin.

Furthermore, Cedric obviously did not express his liking for Bella, so whether this “puppy love” can happen is still two different things.

Jon intends to go directly to the kitchen to get something and go back to the dormitory to eat.

No one is more familiar with the location of the kitchen than Hufflepuff’s students. The person who rescued and protected the house elves back then was his ancestor, and Hufflepuff’s golden cup was the first to assist the elves. We make magical vessels for food transportation.

Speaking of the golden cup, it should still be in Bellatrix’s vault now.

Jon didn’t have the idea of ​​bringing back the cup that had become a Horcrux, even though his identity had changed again and again, in just half a month, he became a pure-blood wizard and then a Hufflepuff. Descendants of, but his thoughts and goals are still in the original state.

Don’t make trouble!

Leave Voldemort to Harry? Potter, isn’t it okay?

In this world of magic that is gradually recovering towards the world of high magic, who knows if Voldemort, the former dark lord, will be blessed by the revival of magic elements in the world?

After murmuring a few words in his heart, Jon finally returned to the floor where the Hufflepuff common room was located. On the way, he nodded and greeted several Hufflepuff students who were coming out of the lounge—even though they didn’t know each other. .

Regarding the information about the location of the kitchen, Jon remembers better than the other facilities. Perhaps it was because he had only heard about it last night. He didn’t even bother to find a huge silver painting full of fruits. Portrait of bowl.

The kitchen is hidden behind the painting.

Jon stretched out a finger to poke the big green pear, and the pear moved, and then suddenly turned into a big green doorknob.

Jon grabbed the doorknob, opened the door and walked in.

The area of ​​the Hogwarts kitchen is basically the same size as the auditorium above. There are a lot of tableware on the cabinets, and four long wooden tables are placed in the hall. The locations of these tables are also the same as those in the auditorium above. The table is exactly the same.

At this time, the table was full of food. These were the breakfasts for the students. Jon saw that there were still many elves busy, and it seemed that he had made a lot of breakfast.

It seems that the elves are not too aware of the appetite of the new students.

“Hello, sir!”

An elf spotted Albert and ran towards him: “Do you have any needs?”

“Oh, it’s my roommate. He is sick and can’t go to the hall to eat. I think you should be able to take some food here. I need some porridge and pies. Can you get some for me?”

“Oh, of course, please wait a moment.”

The house-raised elf ran away in a hurry. After a while, several elf ran over. They were holding pies, pumpkin porridge and milk packed in paper bags and silver lunch boxes. The amount was enough for four people. Up.

“Thank you very much, these are enough, you have worked so hard, little guys.”

“It is always our honor and obligation to provide services to the offspring of Hufflepuff. You don’t have to thank you for this.”

Jon was taken aback and looked directly at the old house elf who was talking.

“Oh, you don’t have to be surprised.”

The old elf grinned: “We have a unique magic that can distinguish the descendants of Hufflepuff. It is an honor for all Hogwarts elves to serve a real Hufflepuff. ”

“Okay.” Jon also knows that house elves are very magical creatures, and their magic is better than wizards: “But I hope you can keep my identity secret for me, you know, I really don’t like it too much. Too much publicity.”

“Of course, your humility and low-key are the same as your ancestor, Ms. Hufflepuff. I, Trichy, promise you that all elves will obey your wishes and keep secrets for you.”

The old house elf Trichy bends down to salute Jon, and the other elves all bend down in a similar way.

“Oh, okay, okay, my name is Jon, Jon Smith, I’m studying at Hufflepuff College now, if I need it, I will definitely come to you for help.”

Surrounded by all the elves, Jon almost escaped and ran out of the kitchen, his hands and pockets under his robe were filled with the food the elves prepared for him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

“At least I gained the ‘friendship’ of the elves. It’s not too difficult to accept, but I don’t think I can go to the kitchen to get food in the future.”

These little elves are so enthusiastic for so many years.

Jon muttered in his heart and opened the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room, and at a glance he saw the portrait of Hufflepuff smiling at him in the lounge.

It’s hard to imagine how much prestige this gentle witch has left at Hogwarts?

Jon was about to say something to Helga while no one was in the lounge, but he didn’t expect that the barrel on the left side of the portrait suddenly opened and a boy got out of it.

It should be a freshman. Jon didn’t know him. At the sorting ceremony yesterday, he didn’t pay attention to who Hufflepuff’s freshmen were. He had no idea of ​​making friends with others.

Being too gregarious can easily affect the learning effect. Jon still remembers a sentence from his last life: not being gregarious means the beginning of your success.

It’s just that he intends to ignore this new student, but they didn’t let him off.

“Jon, good morning.”

The freshman came over to Jon: “Would you like to go to dinner together, I’m your roommate, Stephen Watson. You came back a bit late yesterday, and we didn’t have a word. Do you want to go to dinner together?” ”

“No.” Jon raised his arm, and he was embarrassed to refuse, but he turned into: “I just brought something to eat from the kitchen. Shall I eat together?”


Steven happily pulled Jon into the barrel, and behind them, Hufflepuff was still smiling on the portrait.

The words of the last life no longer apply. Here in Hufflepuff, the only rule is that you will never lack friends.

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