HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Advice from Professor McGonagall

Sunday passed quickly and easily, especially when there was no daylight in the dormitory. When Jon was forced to meet his roommate again, it turned out to be noon.

“Speaking of which, tomorrow is the first day of class, Jon, do you have any previews?”

Preview? Jon shook his head: “No, have you previewed?”

“of course not.”

Steven chuckled, “It’s just that you heard that you cast the Fluorescent Charm when you enrolled yesterday. Everyone thought you learned it in advance.”

“Oh, I was taught by family members when I was at home.”

“It’s great.” said a little boy with freckles on his face. He is Fren Deslay, Jon’s roommate, and a wizard from a Muggle family: “I really envy your children from a pure blood wizard family. ”

“There is nothing to envy about, Fren.”

Sitting on Fren’s right is Scully Ranch. He is a child of a mixed family with big eyes.

“You know, wizard parents are always very strict with you. They think you have to go to Slytherin or Gryffindor. That’s where the pureblood wizard should go. Speaking of, Jon, why did you go to Hell Where’s Chipach?”

“Uh…Actually, my parents don’t care about me, they let me decide everything.”


The three little boys looked surprised. They could hardly imagine what kind of parents would let their children make their own decisions.

“This matter is a long story, I will tell you if I have a chance in the future.”

Strangely speaking, whether Jon volunteered or not, he had three friends on the first day of school. This fact was beyond his expectation.

Because of the lack of information in the original work, he really never thought that Hufflepuff’s students are so keen to make friends.

Forget it, it’s not a bad thing to have a few friends, maybe sometimes I can help him cover or something.

It’s not just this incident that surprised Jon, and since arriving at Hogwarts, Bella hadn’t come to him, as if he didn’t have his brother at all.

This woman, he still feels a little warm because of him!

Monday came very quickly. In the morning, three roommates were excitedly dragged from his small room. If Jon had not been in the habit of putting on clothes to sleep, he would have been watched by these three guys.

The first class of Hogwarts every day starts at nine o’clock. When they come after breakfast, there is no one in the door of the classroom.

“I said, you don’t use it so early. Class starts at nine o’clock. It’s less than eight o’clock. Transfiguration does not require preview.”

Jon was dragged onto his seat by Stephen. Now there is no cat on the podium. It seems that Professor McGonagall hasn’t arrived yet.

“Come early to get a good position. I heard that Gryffindor students will come early. Professor McGonagall is their dean. If we come earlier than them, we might get extra points.”

Fren and Scully are sitting on the same table, just behind Jon and Stephen.

“Adding points is not that simple. The conditions are very strict. If points can be added because they come early, Hufflepuff will not always be at the bottom of the college cup.”

Jon opened his “Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration” casually and looked around randomly.

“Jon, I don’t appreciate your attitude. Why can’t we win the Academy Cup?”

Forren obviously didn’t know the history of Hufflepuff, and said somewhat dissatisfied.

His words gained the pity of Stephen and Scully’s attention, but they didn’t want to blow Fren’s enthusiasm, so they had to change the subject.

“I heard that Professor McGonagall is a powerful Animagus. I really want to know how far he has practiced Transfiguration before he can master this magic.”

“Don’t think about it, I heard that this magic can only be learned by geniuses among pure-blood wizards, and it takes a lot of time and energy. It seems that our academy has never practiced this magic.”

Jon listened to them silently, but he had different opinions, some opinions on the magic principle of Animagus, but unfortunately this kind of opinions cannot be said in the class of transformation, otherwise McGonagall The professor will definitely hate him.

And this transformation magic is with Jon, it involves a very dangerous conjecture, he will not say it casually until there is not enough corroboration.

“Yes, this magic is too difficult.”

Jon said casually, thinking of other things in his mind.

He should order a copy of the “Daily Prophet”, and the UK will never be peaceful. The original book of “Harry Potter” didn’t write anything about what happened at that time, but Jon knew it.

Just as Jon was brainstorming, the first-year freshmen had already arrived one after another.

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff took a transformation class together. The two academies have never had any contradictions, and the relationship between them is still very harmonious.

I don’t know when, there is already a cat standing on the podium.

Animagus can also use magic after transforming. Hogwarts castle does not allow wizards to apparate. However, magic of this level is not difficult for Professor McGonagall. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At nine o’clock, Professor McGonagall suddenly appeared, and the students in the room were shocked.

“I think staying vigilant should be the first lesson for wizards. At least don’t be so surprised. This will make you lose your demeanor.”

Professor McGonagall is indeed a resolute female professor. She simply said a few words and then started teaching the transformation class.

Minerva McGonagall, as the vice-principal of Hogwarts, her own magical level is quite outstanding, at least she is extremely accomplished in transfiguration, and a set of demonstrations, which directly mobilizes the students’ enthusiasm for learning Up.

This also includes Jon, but his attention is a bit biased, wondering if he can use Transfiguration to conjure a key.

Well, it seems that the principle is not difficult. Just make a ball of plasticine first, then put the plasticine into the keyhole, and use the transformation technique to harden the soft nature of the plasticine… This idea continues until the transformation surgery get out of class is over, Joe Yeah still didn’t turn the match into a needle.

“You have no problem with your magic talent, and your technique is very precise.”

Before get out of class ended, Professor McGonagall stared straight at Jon, making Jon nervous for no reason. His mind had begun to construct a series of complicated mathematical formulas in an attempt to avoid contemplation.

But Professor McGonagall was obviously not as scary as Jon thought. She just stared at Jon with scrutiny for a while, and said in a disappointed tone: “Mr. Smith, you are not focused enough. I hope you are using magic. Stay focused enough at the time so that you won’t waste the powerful magic that you are a descendant of a pure-blood family. Although you are classified in Hufflepuff, there is one thing I want you to remember. A very powerful academy, and its founder is also a great legendary witch.”

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