HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Hello hogsmeade

“Salazar thought it was the wrong route-he had an argument with Rowena, so their relationship quickly froze and broke, he left the castle and began the study of dark magic.”

“In the end he died from the backlash of black magic.” Jon nodded and continued. He had heard this story: “But what is the cause of Ravenclaw’s death?”

“I don’t know. Since Salazar left the castle, she has kept herself in the house all day long. The fact that Helena stole her crown has made her mental state less stable… Maybe you can Look for the answer on these glasses.”

“But this seems to be an ordinary pair of glasses, nothing special, and the magic wave is very weak, I can’t feel anything.”

“That’s not enough for your magical realm. Rowena’s things are still too advanced for you now.”

Jon: “…”

Well, he is too weak.

“Let’s put these glasses away first. When you get home from the holidays, we’re looking at what we can find.” Helga put away his sadness and watched Jon wrap his eyes in parchment paper. Inside the secret compartment on the ring: “Now, let’s see how your spells are practicing.”


Jon’s magic level has actually improved a lot. After studying diligently for a whole month at Hogwarts, there is always something to be gained.

“You are still a little unfamiliar with the magic spell, but you are at a good level with other spells. It may be that after I changed it for you, the difficulty of the magic spell is a bit more difficult. Do you want me to modify it?”

Helga’s kindness sounded uncomfortable, and Jon shook his head: “No, I haven’t practiced the Phantom Mantra for a long time. Maybe it’s because I don’t use it well because of the small number of applications. I might try to make it more proficient in the future.”

“It’s up to you, I really shouldn’t worry about this kind of thing so much.”

After watching Jon rehearse, Helga escaped back into the world of portraits after a few words. Jon raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already more than 12 o’clock in the middle of the night.

? Where has all this time been spent?

He didn’t notice anything.

Then he realized that he was late today, and at the beginning, it actually took a lot of time for him to open the drawer.

I was too focused when performing Transfiguration, and I didn’t notice that it took so long.

Thanks to Helga, he is still in the mood to watch him do such boring things.

stuffed everything back into the ring, and imposed a phantom spell on himself, Jon then left the study and walked down the stairs, his mind was thinking about jumping off, of course, it has nothing to do with the glasses he just got.

I feel that the legendary people I meet in my life are all women. For example, the ancestors of my own family who met in the wizarding world and the founder of his inheritance are all legendary witches, and the most respected queen in the Muggle world. She is a kind old lady who wanders in the gap of time…

Her Majesty the Queen is also a wizard, right?

Probably not, the blood of the royal family has been handed down many centuries ago. If they were all the blood of wizards, they would never be so cruel to the wizards of the Middle Ages.

Hmm… Actually, it’s hard to say, there is no shortage of cannibalism.

Hogwarts Castle was too quiet in the middle of the night. There were no students who went out to tour the castle at night. Even Filch, who was guarding the castle, went to bed, and the whole castle fell into silence.

Jon likes to be quiet. This is related to his character. The reason why he dreams of becoming a scholar rather than a powerful wizard is because powerful wizards like Dumbledore are always busy with various things, the only thing is that they don’t have time. The solution is your own business.

In a life like that, maybe Dumbledore is happy…just as he is happy instead of busy to relieve the guilt of someone in his heart, but Jon can’t do it.

It’s not that he can’t, but that he doesn’t want to.

There are many ways to want wonderful things in life, but these ways never include locking one’s own person on some things.

“That’s not life.” Jon stood on the stairs and said softly, “That’s self-imprisonment, it will be crazy.”

But do you want to go back to the dormitory at this time?

Of course not, take this opportunity to go to a place that is usually not easy to visit.

He still remembers that when Harry Potter was in the third grade, he couldn’t go to Hogsmeade because he couldn’t get the signature of his guardian, and he sneaked into Hogsmeade with the help of the invisibility cloak and secret path. Decun.

Now he has a powerful phantom spell, the map of the point of life is in his hand, and he probably remembers the location of the secret passage.

is a secret passage hidden behind a statue of a one-eyed witch. In the corridor on the fourth floor, behind the statue there is a secret passage leading to the Duke of Honey.

But the road conditions on the fourth floor are really not so good. There are dozens of up and down stairs and several stairs are still moving restlessly.

Fortunately, the live map is a treasure.

“Huh? Dumbledore is out of the office?”

Jon glanced at the location of the principal’s office on the map, but he wasn’t in the mood to check it out. He couldn’t enter the principal’s office again.

After a while, even with the assistance of a live spot map, Jon, who was still dizzy by the stairs, finally came to the front of the humpback witch statue.

He remembered the spell quite clearly, and Jon stretched out his wand and gently tapped on the statue of the humped witch.

“Separate left and right.”

The hunchback of the statue was immediately separated, and the opening was large enough for a thinner adult to enter. A child of Jon’s build would naturally not be difficult to get in.

With a sharp impact, the statue closed, Jon shook, and the one under his feet couldn’t stand firmly, and the whole person slid forward quickly.

I don’t know how long it took before Jon touched the damp ground.

He stood up and looked around.

There was pitch black all around, so Jon raised his wand and said: “Fluorescence flashes!”

Silver light burst out from Jon’s wand, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

This is a very narrow and low passage.

The air in the tunnel is very stuffy, and the dark surroundings make Jon a little uncomfortable. After all, the tunnels in Hufflepuff are warm and brief.

Jon walked in the tunnel for about an hour. If he hadn’t had enough magic power in his body, it is estimated that the fluorescent curse on the road would be difficult to maintain. The duration of the phantom body was only one hour, and it would have been long ago. .

reblessed himself with an illusion spell, Jon got out of the floor door, climbed the stairs, and then came to Honey Duke’s shop.

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