HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 ?select

It’s not too early. The Duke of Honey, who is usually packed with Hogwarts students, has already fallen into a rest time, but Jon can still see a shelf in the store and a shelf filled with children. We will love all kinds of candies.

Pieces of peanut candy, various chocolates and puddings are neatly arranged on the shelf, and various drinks are placed on the opposite side.

It’s just that the door of this shop has been closed.

“If the door can’t go out, the windows are still okay.”

Jon glanced at the window that was blown open by the wind, wrapped his cloak, and turned out from the window sill.

is that he ignored that his height is not enough, and almost fell when he turned it out.

After a short two steps, Jon flashed to the back of a house, tapped his wand, and released the curse on him.

When he came out of the tunnel just now, he ignored the phantom spell he had lasted for an hour, and the magic in his body had already reached the bottom. The phantom spell just now almost made him fail to control his body when he turned the window.

“You should exercise, otherwise once the magic is overdrawn, the whole person will not be able to hold it.”

Jon shook his head to make his faintly painful head feel a little more comfortable. He just leaned against the damp wall, making his hands and feet cold.

“Oh… I miscalculated.”

touched the ring on his hand, took a mint candy from it and stuffed it into his mouth. The coolness from his mouth finally suppressed the cold on his body.

Jon then felt that he had regained some energy.

“It’s not a good way to fight poison with poison, so use it sparingly in the future.”

Jon leaned weakly against the wall, staring blankly at the shadow on the opposite side.

It was the first time he saw Hogsmeade Village. It was much more prosperous than the description in the book. Although it was already night, he could see that it was unusual in the daytime.

is worthy of being the most prosperous place in the wizarding world in the UK, next to top universities, economic conditions are much more convenient.

It’s good to do business next to the school, which is another common principle all over the world.

gathered up the wizard robe, Jon walked slowly along the wall on the street.

The quietness here is different from the quietness of Hogwarts Castle. The smoke and fire are much heavier, not as heavy as the academic atmosphere in the castle.

There is no curfew in Hogsmeade Village. If any dark wizards come here at this time, it is estimated that no one will be able to find out.

The buildings on both sides of the street, although the style is a bit old, are still Muggle architectural style, it is easy to make people feel like visiting a small town in the Middle Ages.

After all, wizards were born out of Muggles, but they are essentially humans.

Speaking of it, the economic war in the human world has already been fought, and the British wizarding world is still not moving at all. This is really a strange thing.

Jon doesn’t think his inference is wrong, he thinks there is a problem with the alertness of the British wizarding community.

If the war is about to start again, the German wizards who have absorbed the last experience will definitely choose to gather in the dark instead of being exposed.

Throughout Europe, after a war has already occurred, the victor of the last time will naturally become the target of the next war.

The high-level officials of the Ministry of Magic who had vegetarian meals and fantasizing about stability all day did not want to believe in the possibility of a war breaking out again, especially the newly appointed minister. His behavior was really hard to complain.

Jon shook his head. This has always been the case in this world. History is always surprisingly similar.

During the World War, British politics didn’t realize that war was inevitable until Churchill came to power.

In the original book, when Voldemort was reborn, the Ministry of Magic also didn’t believe it, and even engraved it on Harry’s arm—I can’t lie.

This is really a…boring game.

Jon likes magic, but he hates war. A scholar should stay in the laboratory and do his own knowledge, and leave professional things to professional people.

It’s like a very real problem that Jon thought about.

In his own world, he is the protagonist, and what he does is his own freedom.

But in the world of Harry Potter, Harry Potter is the protagonist.

In his previous life, he watched fan novels. Those protagonists who traveled to various worlds each took advantage of their own foresight of the plot to turn the world line into a completely different ending from the original plot.

The stories written by the authors are very interesting, but Jon disagrees with this approach.

Of course he can show his very good talents, and he can go to Gryffindor or Slytherin when he is sorted-of course it is possible that he will not meet his ancestors, but that does not affect anything, as long as he is good enough, This matter will be discovered sooner or later.

Then he can help Dumbledore change his progress, he doesn’t need Harry Potter to live so safely, and he doesn’t have to train him so much, as long as he destroys all the Horcruxes first, and then think of a way for Voldemort to use it. Harry’s blood resurrection, plus the guardian charm left by Lily Potter, so as long as Voldemort is not dead, Harry will not die. He can be cruel and turn Harry Potter into a tool. Gain fame, status, rights, etc.

As long as he wants it, as long as he is cruel, he can get it.

And being cruel, is it really that difficult for someone who has already died once?

not at all.

Jon knew very well that this question was not difficult at all, it was just a simple question of choice.

Choose one of the two questions, who wouldn’t choose?

Jon would, so he chose the latter.

Using advantages to do things is certainly a good choice. As long as this thing is done well to achieve a result that everyone wants, everyone is happy. Only Harry Potter who is used as a tool does not seem to be happy.

That’s what Jon cares about.

He used to like the story of “Harry Potter” quite a bit, he liked the people in these stories, he liked the protagonists and supporting characters, even the Slytherins who appeared as negative characters, he didn’t particularly dislike it.

People’s likes are very precious, and this sentiment is the connection between people and the world.

So Jon made plans for himself early in the morning. Since he can use his abilities to become the person he wants to be, there is no need to change the destiny of others, or even live in the lives of others.

Otherwise, what is his former liking for this story and the characters in these stories?

When returning to Hogwarts from the secret path of the Honey Duke, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Jon thought so.

He may change some small things through the prophet of this world, but he will never become a new “savior”.

Grace and grievances are handed over to Harry Potter, he Jon, just wants to be Jon himself.

This is his choice.

(Author’s note: The content of this chapter is not so much Jon’s choice, as it is my original intention. I often read a lot of fan fiction, the protagonists are very good, through my own golden fingers, change the look of the world, The protagonist in the original story was turned back to an obscure state by them. Is this really right? We like a story because we like the life the protagonist experiences. As a result, one day someone has the opportunity to become the protagonist in the world. People have to use their own understanding to destroy the life that originally belonged to the protagonist. Isn’t this ridiculous? I know that there are many readers who read books only for their own enjoyment, because I used to be such a person, but I’m writing From the very beginning of this book, I thought about what kind of story line should be arranged for the protagonist. It is certainly an easy task to replace the original protagonist. It is also easy to write. It is a wonderful thing to change the original plot. Then I gave up this idea, so Jon finally chose a new beginning, and the savior still went to save his world. If my readers are disappointed by this choice, then I want to say I’m sorry, After all, I’m just an ordinary person, it’s impossible to take into account the thoughts of all readers. It’s my fault to let everyone down, but I still hope that everyone likes this story. This passage is very important to me, so I posted it in the article. Rather than the author’s words, I hope readers everywhere can read this passage, and I hope everyone can be worthy of their likes, above.)

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