HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 ©Professor Sprout

The next day, when Jon appeared in the restaurant with a yawn, the three of Stephen no longer showed any surprises.

The fact that Jon went out at night, they found out when Jon got up one morning.

Then after several squatting, they discovered that Jon really often left quietly at night. At the beginning of this incident, Stephen and the others were still very surprised. After all, Hufflepuff’s students did not have the tradition of night tours of the castle. They also want to go out with Jon.

But they are self-aware, and after Jon asked them to learn the phantom spell, they gave up this idea.

Now, they have started to give Jon a good breakfast in the morning, who did not come back in the evening, so that Jon can take a little more rest.

“Where did you go yesterday? In the morning I saw that the robes in your dirty clothes basket were all wet.”

The group of four is habitually buried in a corner of the restaurant that no one cares about, discussing in a low voice.

“I said I went outside the school, do you believe it?”

“Really? We want to go too!”

When Fren said this, the little freckles on his face were beating. It was obviously not true, so Jon rolled his eyes directly: “As long as you learn the Phantom Charm earlier, I will take you to Hogsmeade Village. .”

“Are you really there?!”

Scully had heard of Hogsmeade a long time ago, but it is a pity that the first-year students cannot go, so his dream has not yet come true.

“What are you doing to lie to you?”

Steven stuffed Jon with a sandwich intimately, and then said in a penetrating tone: “It doesn’t matter whether he goes or not, the important thing is that we can’t go.”

He usually walks a little closer to Jon, so he can see through Jon’s thoughts. They have long been thrown away by Jon on the way to study, although he doesn’t know why Jon works so hard.

They also knew that Jon had a cousin in Ravenclaw, but the scope of Jon’s learning, this part of what they knew, was much higher than that of the first grade.

At least a few of them can’t catch up.

“It’s just that you don’t work hard.”

A sandwich was quickly wiped out by the hungry Jon, so Jon’s mouth was liberated again: “Believe it or not, if I spread this knowledge to the students in our college, there will be many people who can finish it early. Believe it or not?”

Scully usually doesn’t talk much, but one word is the key: “The premise is that you can pass it out and you won’t be locked up by the professors.”

Jon really thought about this question seriously.

“In the case of student clubs, professors should not be too restrictive.”

Jon recalled the plot in the original book. As for Dumbledore’s Army, there were not many professors who really restricted him. He only wanted two senior students and opened a school in the college that did not violate the school’s regulations and was just for academic research. The student clubs shouldn’t be difficult.

After all, Hogwarts does not need to submit any application.

Jon took this matter to heart, and planned to take some time to ask Professor Sprout.

If he can really be an academic type of club, his “super-class” curse can have a source.

When the three of Stephen saw Jon starting to think, they closed their mouths and concentrated on eating. As soon as Jon started thinking, it proved that something was going to happen next, and some things that usually started from Jon, The three of their roommates can generally get first-hand news-of course Jon’s feasibility test will follow.

“I feel like I just got into trouble.”

Scully said sullenly, “He is basically thinking about something big with this expression.”

“There is no major event, Jon’s major events generally don’t affect us.”

Fren comforted him, even though he was not very confident in his heart.

In contrast, Stephen is much calmer. They have firmly hugged Jon’s thigh anyway during their studies. They are usually in the academy, and other students have already grouped them together. The situation has already happened, and there is no other way to go, anyway, no matter what Jon does, they are the ones who are affected.

Since it is always affected, what are you worried about?

If Jon knows Stephen’s thoughts, he will definitely refresh his impression to a new level. This kind of easy-going mentality is that many adults may not be able to do it.

The breakfast is over and classes begin. Starting in October, the first-year students’ courses have also become tense. They have passed the initial adaptation period, followed by the intense learning rhythm of Hogwarts.

Jon adapts well to this learning rhythm. With his help and influence, his three roommates have also maintained a learning ability close to the course schedule-although they can’t learn the phantom spell, but some experience The simple spells that Helga revised, they learned pretty well.

So throughout October, the study and life of the four-member group was still very interesting The only problem was that Jon never found a suitable opportunity to talk to Professor Sprout about the club.

Of course, the main reason is that his schedule is too tight and he has no free time.

God knows why there are so many homework in the first-year course.

Before Halloween, the atmosphere in the college began to become cheerful, and the teachers stopped assigning many homework. Jon finally found an opportunity to find Professor Sprout.

Good luck, Professor Sprout happened to be taking care of a herb in the greenhouse that seemed to be withering soon.

“Professor, can I come in?”

Jon looked at Professor Sprout who was busy in the greenhouse and knocked gently on the door.

Professor Sprout didn’t seem to hear it. Jon’s voice was a little louder this time. You can’t make loud noises in the greenhouse, otherwise it will cause some wonderful plants. After all, it is still very dangerous here.

Fortunately, this time it finally attracted the attention of Professor Sprout.

Seeing that Jon was looking for her, Professor Sprout’s round face showed a slight smile.

The Hufflepuff Dean’s voice was very gentle. She took out a pair of earplugs from the pocket of the patched clothes she was wearing, and handed it to Jon at the door: “Of course, but you want Bring this first.”

Jon didn’t want to go in all of a sudden. When he took the earplugs, he had guessed what the seedling was being taken care of in the greenhouse-even if it was a dying mandela, it is not Jon who can resist now. living.

This thing is too dangerous.

But the arrow has to be sent on the string. Since Professor Sprout let him in, there should be no danger in it… right?

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