HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 786

Chapter 773 Snape: With ease

“Yes, yes, good spirits.”

Snape said in a dry voice,

“Of course, you are in jail and it is not of much use to him, but this posture is undoubtedly very good—”


She screamed, and she looked a little crazy in anger.

“When I was tortured by the dementors, you hid in Hogwarts and played Dumbledore’s darling comfortably!”

“Not at all,” Snape said calmly. “He wouldn’t give me the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts, you know.

He seemed to think that it would make me fall again… tempted me to go back the same way. ”

“That’s the sacrifice you made for the Dark Lord? Can’t you teach your favorite subject?”

She sneered, “Why have you stayed there, Snape? Still watching Dumbledore in secret, for a master you believe is dead?”

“Maybe not,”

Snape said, “But the Dark Lord is very happy that I haven’t given up my teaching position: when he returns, I can provide him with information about Dumbledore for sixteen years, rather than endless recollection of Azkaban’s tragic situation. Come, this is a more valuable meeting gift…”

“But you stayed–”

“Yes, Bellatrix, I stayed.”

Snape said, showing impatience for the first time.

“I have a comfortable job, why go to Azkaban and go to jail?

You know, they were rounding up the Death Eaters.

Dumbledore’s protection saved me from prison, and such convenient conditions, I don’t have to use it in vain.

I repeat it again: The Dark Lord didn’t complain about me for staying, I don’t understand why you make irresponsible remarks.

I think the next thing you want to know is,”

He pressed harder and raised his voice slightly, because Bellatrix had made it obvious to interrupt him.

“Why do I prevent the Dark Lord from getting the Sorcerer’s Stone? This question is easy to answer.

He doesn’t know if he can believe me. Like you, he thought I had gone from a faithful Death Eater to Dumbledore’s running dog.

He was in a pitiful situation, very weak, and shared a body with a mediocre wizard.

He dared not expose himself to a former supporter, what if that supporter reported him to Dumbledore or the Ministry of Magic?

He didn’t believe me, I feel very sorry.

Otherwise, he could make a comeback three years earlier.

At that time, all I saw was the greedy and incompetent Quirrell trying to steal the Philosopher’s Stone. I confessed that I tried my best to stop him. ”

I want to announce that [\mi\mi\reading\app\\] is really good, it’s worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read aloud offline!

Bellatrix’s lips twitched, as if swallowing a particularly unpalatable dose.

“But when he came back, you didn’t come back immediately, and when you felt the black mark burning, you didn’t rush to him—”

“Yes. I went back two hours later. I went back at Dumbledore’s orders.”

“Listen to Dumbledore—”

“think about it!”

Snape showed his impatience again.

“Think about it! After waiting for two hours, in just two hours, I promised that I could continue to stay at Hogwarts as a spy!

I made Dumbledore think that when I returned to the Dark Lord, I did so by following his orders, so that I could keep reporting on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix!

Think about it, Bellatrix: In those months, the Dark Mark became clearer and clearer, and I knew he was going to make a comeback, and all the Death Eaters knew about it!

I have enough time to think about where I am going and plan what I should do next, such as fleeing like Karkaroff, don’t I?

“I explained to the Dark Lord that I have always been loyal to him, even though Dumbledore thought I was his.

After listening to my explanation, the dissatisfaction of the Dark Lord because of my late departure disappeared without a trace.

Yes, the Dark Lord thought I would leave him forever, but he was wrong. ”

“But what role did you play?”

Bellatrix asked sarcastically, “What useful information have we got from you?”

“My information was passed directly to the Dark Lord,” Snape said, “Since he didn’t tell you about them—”

“He will tell me everything!”

Bellatrix was furious: “He said I was his most loyal and reliable—”

“Really?” Snape said, changing his tone slightly, expressing his disbelief. “After the failure of the Ministry of Magic, does he still say that?”

“It’s not my fault!” Bellatrix said blushing. “In the past, the Dark Lord left his most precious things to me for safekeeping–if it wasn’t for Lucius–”

“How dare you—how dare you say that it’s my husband’s fault!”

Narcissa said in a low, vicious voice, looking up at her sister.

“It’s no use investigating who was at fault,” Snape said quietly. “What should have been done has been done.”

“But you didn’t do anything!” Bellatrix said angrily. “Yes, the rest of us are risking life and death, but you are not here again, haven’t you, Snape?”

“The order I got was to stay behind.”

Snape said, “Do you disagree with the idea of ​​the Dark Lord, do you think If I join the camp of the Death Eaters and fight the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore will be unaware?

And-please forgive-you said risking… Actually you are only dealing with six teenagers, don’t you? ”

“You obviously know that soon half of the people from the Order of the Phoenix will join in!”

Bellatrix roared,

“Also, since talking about the Order of the Phoenix, you still claim that you can’t reveal where their headquarters is, can you?”

“I’m not a confidential person, and I can’t name that place.

I think you should understand how that magic works, right? The Dark Lord was very satisfied with the information I passed to him in the Order of the Phoenix.

As you probably guessed, my intelligence led to the recent arrest and killing of Emileen Vance, and undoubtedly helped to solve Sirius Black, but in the end, the credit for his life was none other than you. ”

He tilted his head and raised his glass to greet her. Her expression didn’t ease in the slightest.

“You are avoiding my last question, Snape.

Harry Potter, you can put him to death at any time in the past five years. You didn’t do it, why? ”

“Have you discussed this with the Dark Lord?”

“He…recently, we…I asked you, Snape!”

“If I kill Harry. Potter, the Dark Lord cannot use his blood to regenerate himself and make himself invincible—”

“Dare you say you foresaw that he was going to take advantage of that boy?”

“I didn’t say that. I don’t know anything about his plan. I just said frankly that I thought the Dark Lord was dead.

I just want to explain why the Dark Lord did not regret seeing Potter alive, at least until a year ago…”

“But why did you let him live?”

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