HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 787

Chapter 774 Snape: Sit back and relax

“Don’t you understand what I mean?

Thanks to Dumbledore’s protection, I was not locked in Azkaban!

Do you think I killed his proud disciple, he won’t turn against me?

But things are much more complicated than this. I might as well remind you that when Potter first entered Hogwarts, there were still many rumors about him, saying that he himself was a great dark wizard, so he could learn from the Dark Lord. Escaped from the attack.

Indeed, many followers of the Dark Lord in the past believed that Potter could become a banner, and we could unite around him again.

I admit that when he stepped into the castle, I was very curious and never thought of murdering him.

Of course, I soon discovered that he has no extraordinary talents at all.

He only managed to get rid of many predicaments by relying on luck and friends who were more talented than him.

He was mediocre to the extreme, yet he was as smug and annoying as his father.

I tried every means to get him out of Hogwarts. I don’t think he deserves to come in at all. As for killing him, or letting him die in front of me?

Only a fool would take this risk, because Dumbledore was nearby. ”

“Based on what you said, we should believe that Dumbledore never doubted you?”

Bellatrix asked, “He doesn’t know who you are actually loyal to? He still trusts you unreservedly?”

“My role played very well.”

Snape said, “You have overlooked one of Dumbledore’s greatest weakness: He always thinks of others for the good.

When I just left the Death Eater and joined his faculty, I made up a remorseful lie to tell him, and then he welcomed me with open arms—but he did his best to keep me away from black magic.

Dumbledore was once a great wizard—the Dark Lord also admitted this.

However, what makes me happy is that Dumbledore is old.

The battle with the Dark Lord last month left him very stunned.

He was seriously injured because his reaction was slower than before.

But over the years, he has never stopped trusting Severus Snape, which makes me very valuable to the Dark Lord. ”

Bellatrix still looked very upset, but seemed uncertain how to attack Snape next would be the most effective. Snape took advantage of her silence and turned to her sister.

“Alright… Narcissa, are you here to ask for my help?”

Narcissa looked up at him with a desperate expression on her face.

“Yes, Severus. I—I think, only you can help me. I am desperate now.

Lucius is in prison, and…”

She closed her eyes, and two big teardrops leaked from under her eyelids.

“The Dark Lord doesn’t allow me to talk about it,”

Narcissa continued, eyes still closed, “He doesn’t want anyone to know the plan. It’s…very confidential.


“Since he doesn’t allow you to say it, you shouldn’t say it.” Snape said immediately, “The Dark Lord’s words are the law.”

Narcissa gasped, as if being poured cold water on his head.

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Bellatrix had a satisfied look on his face for the first time since he stepped into the house.


She proudly said to her sister, “Even Snape said the same.

Since you are not allowed to say it, just keep silent! ”

But Snape had stood up, strode to the small window, looked at the desolate street through the curtains, and then drew the curtains abruptly.

He turned to face Narcissa, frowning.

“I happen to know that plan.”

He lowered his voice and said, “The Dark Lord revealed the plan to a few people, and I am one of them.

However, if I didn’t know the secret, Narcissa, you would commit a serious crime of betraying the Dark Lord. ”

“I guess you know it!”

Narcissa said, breathing more easily,

“He trusts you so much, Severus…”

“Do you know the plan?” Bellatrix said, and the expression of satisfaction quickly changed to a full face of anger. “Will you know?”

“Of course.” Snape said, “but what help do you need, Narcissa? If you fantasize that I can persuade the Dark Lord to change his mind, I’m afraid that is hopeless, there is no hope at all.”


Narcissa said, tears rolling down her pale cheeks, “My son…my only son…”

“Draco should be proud,” Bellatrix said coldly. “The Dark Lord gave him a great honor. And I want to say for Draco: He didn’t shrink from the responsibility, he seemed very Glad to have the opportunity to prove his abilities, he is very excited about what is about to happen—”

Narcissa cried sadly, staring at Snape beggingly.

“That’s because he is only sixteen years old, and he doesn’t know what is waiting for him!

Why, Snape?

Why is it my son?

Too dangerous! This is in revenge for Lucius’ mistakes, I know! ”

Snape said nothing. He avoided her gaze and did not look at her tears. He seemed to think it was unsightly, but he couldn’t pretend that he didn’t hear her.

“That’s why he chose Draco , isn’t it?” she demanded, “just to punish Lucius, isn’t it?”

“If Draco succeeds,” Snape said, still looking away, “he would get a higher honor than everyone else.”

“But he won’t succeed!” Narcissa cried, “How could he be possible, even the Dark Lord himself–”

Bellatrix gasped for an instant, and Narcissa suddenly lost her courage.

“I mean… since no one has ever succeeded… Severus… please… you have always been and are now Draco’s favorite teacher… you are an old friend of Lucius… …I beg you…You are the most proud of the Dark Lord’s confidant and the most trusted advisor…Can you talk to him and convince him–”

“The Dark Lord is impossible to be persuaded. I will not be stupid enough to try this.”

Snape said dryly, “I can’t pretend to say that the Dark Lord is not angry with Lucius. Lucius should have been there at the time, but he was caught himself and caught so many people, and The prophecy ball was not retrieved either. Yes, the Dark Lord is very angry, Narcissa, indeed very angry.”

“It seems I’m right. He chose Draco for revenge!” Narcissa choked and said, “He doesn’t want him to succeed at all, he just wants him to die!”

Seeing Snape not speaking, Narcissa seemed to have lost the last bit of self-control.

She stood up, walked to Snape staggeringly, grabbed the front of his robe, and brought her face close to his, tears rolling down his chest.

She gasped and said, “You can do it. Draco can’t do it, you can do it, Severus. You will succeed, you will surely succeed, and his reward will exceed all of us. People—”

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