HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 833

Chapter 813 I am pretty tired

Where did Dumbledore go?

What is he doing?

In the next few weeks, Harry only saw the headmaster twice.

Because he rarely shows up at dinner now, it seems that Hermione thinks that the principal is away for several days at a time is correct.

Did Dumbledore forget that he should teach himself alone?

Dumbledore said that those lessons were ultimately related to that prophecy.

Harry used to feel very encouraged and at ease, but now he feels a little abandoned.

In mid-October, they went to Hogsmeade for the first time this semester.

As the precautions around the school are getting stricter, Harry originally thought that they would not be allowed to go to Hogsmeade Village.

Now that he knows he still wants to go, he is very happy.

Leaving the castle to relax, even if only a few hours are pleasant.

The morning when I went to Hogsmeade, a strong wind blew outside. Harry woke up very early, and he flipped through the “Advanced Potions Making” to kill the time before breakfast.

Normally, of course he doesn’t lie in bed and read textbooks. Ron was right on this point. Except for Hermione, this kind of behavior is unsightly on anyone, and Hermione’s doing it just seems a bit unsightly. It’s weird.

But Harry felt that the Half-Blood Prince’s “Advanced Potions Making” could not be counted as a textbook at all.

The more Harry studied the book, the more he found it rich in content.

There are not only easy-to-operate hints and shortcuts-it is these that make Harry win Slughorn’s enthusiastic praise.

and there are many creative curses and magics in the blank space of the book.

Judging from the altered handwriting, Harry felt that these things were invented by the prince himself.

“Actually, you are a very smart wizard. Until now, I have never wanted to understand why you chose to join the Death Eaters team after graduation. If you don’t join their team, you can still become a very a famous person.”

“Becoming a Death Eater… was a wrong decision I made at the time. I was very young when I made this decision, and it was not a shameful thing to be a subordinate of Voldemort at that time. In the family of pure blood wizards There is a sense of accomplishment inside.”

Nothing happened tonight. Jon chose to have some tea with Snape and talk about the past. After all, he was actually quite curious about why Snape became a Death Eater.

“But you are not a pure-blood wizard, and you have a deep hatred with some people who came from a pure-blood wizard, or is it because of these hatreds that made you choose to join Voldemort’s team?”

“Actually, I don’t know, do I hate Potter so much? This is a mystery.

If he is still alive now, maybe there will be an answer, but he is dead, and so is Lily. I have always regretted not seeing him for the last time before death, but this matter cannot be solved with regret after all.

Dumbledore can be resurrected after death, but Lily is just a Muggle-born wizard. Although she is married to the Potter family, she does not have such a deep foundation and strong strength, not to mention that she has used the level of the sacrifice curse. Magic…A lot of times I think, is it really worth it for a child? ”

“Of course it is worth it. Why do you have a picture of your mother on your table?

For the sake of children, mothers can do many things, even if they sacrifice their lives, I never doubt that. ”

“Yes, mother can always do a lot of things, but unfortunately, she chose the wrong man, if she chooses…”

“Of course she would not choose you, you just think you two had a relationship in the past, so she should like you, but in this world, how can there be such a good thing?

People, always want to see what they want to see, but often ignore those things that happen but don’t want to see. ”


“Speaking of which, did you know that?”

Jon asked tentatively.

“Are you talking about Dumbledore’s arrangements for Harry?

I do know, but what use is it?

I couldn’t save his mother, and now I can’t change his destiny. ”

“Don’t worry, as time goes by, everything is back on track. You have to protect yourself. I’m still waiting. You become the president of my university.”

“Really? I will try my best.”

Snape put down his teacup and stood up.

“Speaking of which, our boy is learning the spells I left behind during the recent period. Are you sure you don’t interfere? These spells are not good spells anymore.”

“Our boy has grown up and always needs to learn to face the world by himself. It would be good for him to learn some methods in advance.”

Hearing Jon’s answer, Snape turned his head back and asked him one last question.

“Will you still save people?”


“I mean you will save people? It’s like saving Sirius, just come down and die later?”

“No way, unless there is a real need.”

Jon drank the last bit of tea in his cup and said flatly.

“I always save people because I have regrets in my heart, but these regrets will always fade with time. I actually don’t have such a strong feeling of regret anymore. Whether those people will die is nothing to me. Relationship, I don’t care much anymore.”

“Yeah, time will pass these things.” Snape snorted, “Welcome to the real world at last.”



Harry has tried several spells invented by the prince in the past two days.

One of the evil curses is to make people’s toes grow wildly. He secretly experimented with Crabbe in the corridor, and the effect was very interesting;

There is also a spell that glues a person’s tongue to the palate. The effect of this spell was experimented on Filch. At that time, Filch did not try to resist. He did not discover the existence of this spell. But when he told Jon about this, he reacted, and Harry had got the result he wanted, Jon was not doing anything;

Then, among those mantras, the most useful one is listening to mantras with earplugs closed. This mantra can fill the ears of everyone around with an unrecognizable buzzing sound, so that you can chat as you like in class. I am not afraid of being heard by others. Jon is very interesting about this curse, because he had always thought that this curse was a normal and inherited curse, and ignored this curse, which was originally created by Snape. of.

After all, he only used closed earplugs to listen to spells on the train back to Hogwarts, and never used this spell again. The appearance of the force field replaced most of his concealment magic. Who doesn’t like a force field that is quick and convenient, and can always exist when you use a magic wand to cast a magic?

As for Harry and the others, the only person who thinks these magics are not fun is Hermione. When Harry uses these magics, she always has a straight face and looks disapproving.

If Harry casts a closed ear curse on someone nearby, she would not say a word at all.

Because she doesn’t need to use these magics at all. To be honest, her ingenuity is not much worse than Snape, and if she wants to, she can create some magic by herself. It’s just a matter of time, so this time It may be a bit long, and in this case, she doesn’t have such time to spend on this kind of thing.

But even so, she can still ignore it.

And Harry is different.

Whether it’s Harry or Ron, neither of them are such smart people. You can see this from their grades. They don’t have this kind of brains. If they live in a different place, Hermione If it is a little wizard who was born in a family of pure-blood wizards, then there may be different results.

went back to the bedroom.

Harry sat on the bed and turned the textbook sideways to study a spell written in the scribbled handwriting. The prince seemed to have spent a lot of brains on this spell.

After countless erasures and alterations, in the corner of that page, these words were written squeezed side by side: 

Fuchsia (silent).

The wind was wrapped in sleet and hit the window mercilessly. Neville snored loudly and Harry stared at the two words in parentheses.

Silent… It must be a silent spell.

Harry didn’t know if he could successfully practice this particular spell, because it seemed a bit difficult.

He still couldn’t handle the Silent Spell, and Snape kept talking about it during the Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

Actually, the prince taught Harry a lot more than Snape.

Ha used the magic wand to point to a random place, flicked upward, and said silently in his mind: Fuchsia!

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

A bright light flashed, and the room became a mess.

Ron let out a scream and awakened everyone, and Harry threw away “Advanced Potions Making” in a panic.

Ron hung upside down in the air, as if an invisible hook caught his ankle and hung him upside down.

“I am sorry!”

Harry shouted, and Dean and Seamus laughed loudly. Neville just fell to the ground and is now slowly climbing up: “Wait—I will put you down—”

He touched the potions book and hurriedly flipped through the page just now.

finally found it, he recognized a few words crowded under the spell: Harry secretly prayed that this is to break the spell, then concentrated his mind, and said in his head: The golden clock has fallen!

There was another bright flash, and Ron fell on the bed and fell into a pile.

“I am sorry.”

Harry said softly again, and Dean and Seamus were still there laughing loudly.

“I hope you will be on the alarm clock tomorrow. If you come back so many times, I will be killed by you.”

The two of them got dressed, put on a few sweaters knitted by Mrs. Weasley, and took on the cloak, scarf and gloves.

Ron has been relieved from the shock just now, thinking that Harry’s new spell is very interesting.

Actually, he thought the spell was too funny, and as soon as they sat down for breakfast, he couldn’t wait to tell Hermione about it.

“… Then there was another light flashing, and I fell back to the bed!”

Ron said with a grin, and started to get himself sausages.

Hermione listened, but there was no smile on her face, she turned to Harry with a frosty face.

Recently, her expressions have been very few, because Jon told her that a good politician should be a person who is inexhaustible in joy and anger and should not be known to others, even if it is a stern face and a cold expression. It has been maintained, and it is much better than all kinds of appearances.

Because some people are born with facial paralysis.

It’s just that beside the group of people she is familiar with, she still can’t achieve such a state, and she still needs to sharpen it.

But it has already begun. If necessary, she can still make the corresponding disguise and emotions. For example, she should be angry now, so she can express her aura.

“Perhaps, this spell is from your potions book again, right?”

Harry frowned at her.

“You always come to the worst conclusion all at once, don’t you?”

“Is it right?”

“Well…yes, so what?”

“You actually decided to experiment with a handwritten strange spell and see what happens?”

“How about handwritten?”

Harry deliberately avoids the important and does not answer other questions.

“Because this may be prohibited by the Ministry of Magic.”

When she saw Harry and Ron roll their eyes, she said, “Also, because I’m starting to think this guy named Prince is a bit unreliable.”

Harry and Ron called her to stop at the same time.

“That’s a joke!”

Ron poured a bottle of ketchup over his sausage and said, “It’s just a joke, Hermione, it’s no big deal, please don’t make such a fuss!”

“Hook the ankle and hang the person upside down?” Hermione asked, “Who would take the time and energy to make up such a spell?”

“Fred and George,” Ron said, shrugging his shoulders, “They love to do those things.

and, um—”

“My father.”

said Harry, which surprised his friends.

But he was actually quite surprised, he just remembered this.


Ron and Hermione asked at the same time.

“My dad used that spell.”

Harry said, “I—Lupin told me.”

The last sentence is not true.

Actually, Harry saw his father cast this magic on Snape with his own eyes, but he never told Ron and Hermione about his experience in the penis.

However, now he suddenly thought of a very strange possibility.

Will the Half-Blood Prince be–?

“Perhaps your dad used it, Harry,” Hermione said, “but your dad is not alone.

We have seen a lot of people using it, maybe you have forgotten it.

hangs people in the air, making them groggy and helpless to float on it. ”

Harry looked at her blankly. He also thought of what the Death Eaters did in the Quidditch World Cup, and couldn’t help sinking down. Ron came out to relieve him.

“That’s two different things.” He said carelessly. “They are abusing this magic. Harry and his dad are just playing around. Hermione, you don’t like the prince,” he said solemnly, pointing at Hermione with the sausage. It’s because he learns better than you in potions class—”

“It has nothing to do with that!” Hermione said, her cheeks turned red all of a sudden, “I just think that it is very irresponsible to use a magic without knowing what it is for. Yes, don’t take another bite of a’prince’, as if it were his title, I dare say that it is just a stupid nickname, and he doesn’t feel like a serious person to me!

“I don’t know where you got your impression.” Harry said excitedly. “If he were a minor Death Eater, he wouldn’t keep saying that he was’hybrid’, would he? ”

Harry said so, but in his heart he remembered that his father was pure-blood, but he drove the idea out of his mind and would consider it later…

“The Death Eaters…can’t be all pure-bloods, there are not many pure-blood wizards now.”

Hermione said stubbornly: “I guess most of them are mixed blood, but pretend to be pure blood.

They hate only people from Muggles, so they must be willing to let you and Ron join the team. ”

“Don’t want me to be a Death Eater!”

Ron said angrily. He waved the fork in his hand at Hermione. As a result, a small piece of sausage on the fork flew out and hit Ernie McMillan on the head: “Our whole family has betrayed our blood! From the eyes of the dead, this is as bad as Muggle origin!”

But in fact, his anger was unreasonable. Hermione glanced at him, and she only felt that Ron was still young. She suddenly remembered what Jon had said to her. Don’t worry about feelings, so in fact, this matter can be the same. Procrastinate later.

She can still study for a while, anyway, everyone is very young now.

There is no need to be bound to a person so early, is it?

But some dull people obviously didn’t notice that in this short moment, the girl next to him had undergone such a big change in attitude.

If he knows, do you regret his stupid behavior just now?

Perhaps, there is such a possibility.

And for the remaining nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, Hermione also knew the answer.

“But I think the Death Eaters are likely to want me.” At least Harry is better than Ron in terms of feeling emotions. Although he speaks in a sarcasm, he is really calming the atmosphere: ” If they don’t always want to kill me, maybe we will be good brothers now, right? These things are always hard to say, just like Snape, although everyone thinks he’s not very good. Popular, but I think if he is kind to us, someone should be willing to make friends with him.”

“I don’t think Snape would be happy to hear this, and,” Hermione looked around cautiously: “If he hears it, you will be locked up again.”

“Who is going to be locked up?”

Ginny’s head leaned from behind them, with doubts on her face.

“No, no one, we are just joking.”

Hermione explained, but the explanation seemed pale because of her expression.

But fortunately, Ginny doesn’t care about this, she is here to deliver the letter.

“Oh, Harry, this is for you.”

is a roll of parchment with the familiar thin, long, slanted font on it, with Harry’s name written on it.

“Thank you, Ginny…Dumbledore is going to teach me again!”

Harry said to Ron and Hermione again, unfolding the parchment and scanning it quickly.

“Monday night!”

Hermione looked at his expression, at least from his expression, it can be seen that Harry is very happy and relaxed now, not as worried as before.

And even his attitude and tone when talking to Ginny seemed a lot lighter.

“By the way, are you going to Hogsmeade with us, Ginny?”

“No, I will go with Dean-maybe I will see you there.”

After she finished speaking, she waved at them and turned away.

Today, Filch also stood at the oak gate as usual, checking the names of his classmates who were allowed to go to Hogsmeade Village one by one.

This time is longer than ever, because Filch used his Detector to test each person repeatedly.

“What does it matter if we sneak out the dark magic items?”

Ron stared at the long slender detector nervously, and asked, “I’m afraid you should check what we brought in, right?”

He spoke abusively, but was prodded a few more times by the detective. When they walked outside in the wind, rain and snow, he grinned in pain.

“Why don’t you have a good time with Filch? What good is it for you to provoke him?”

It seems that today is not going well, since they met Filch, they were very uncomfortable on the way to Hogsmeade Village on foot.

First of all, because of the cold weather, Hermione wrapped her face in a scarf like Harry did, but the exposed parts were quickly frozen and aching, and later became numb.

On the road leading to the entrance of the village, there are students everywhere bending forward against the wind.

This made the trio wonder more than once in their hearts that in such terrible weather, it would be more pleasant for them to stay in a warm common room.

When they finally reached the village of Hogsmeade, they saw that the Jokoh joke shop was sealed up with wooden boards, which Harry thought confirmed that this trip was destined to be no fun.

Ron pointed his thick gloved finger at the Duke Bee Candy Store. It was relaxing that the door was still open, so Harry and Hermione followed Ron staggeringly towards the crowded little shop. .

“Thank God,” Ron said shiveringly as the warm breath filled with the taffy fragrance came to his face, “Let’s stay here for an afternoon.”

But things always go against each other’s wishes. The three of them looked back and saw Professor Slughorn. He was wearing a huge plush hat and a coat with a matching plush collar. Holding a large bag of candied pineapple in his hand, he occupies at least a quarter of the space of this small shop.

“Harry, you have missed my three small dinner parties!”

Slughorn stab Harry in the chest affectionately: “That’s not good, boy, I’m determined to ask you to come! Miss Granger likes these parties very much, doesn’t it?”

“Yes it is,”

Hermione didn’t really like it in her heart, but she had no choice but to say: “They do–”

“Then why don’t you come, Harry?” Slughorn asked.

“I want to participate in Quidditch training, professor.”

Indeed, every time Slughorn sends him a small invitation with purple ribbon, he deliberately arranges team training.

This strategy can ensure that Ron will not be left alone. They often imagined Hermione, McLagen, and Sabinee being locked up with Ginny, laughing with joy.

“Okay, training so hard, you will definitely win your first game!”

Slughorn said, “But there is no harm in occasional entertainment.

So, how about Monday night, you can’t train in this kind of weather…”

“No, professor, I—I made an appointment with Professor Dumbledore that night.”

“It’s a coincidence again!”

Professor Slughorn exaggeratedly yelled, “Ah, well…you can’t avoid me forever, Harry!”

He waved his hand and swaggered out of the candy store, ignoring Ron, as if he was just a pile of cockroaches on display in the store.

“I can’t believe it, I let you escape it again.”

Hermione shook her head and said, “Actually, the party was not that bad…sometimes it was fun…if you…”

She suddenly saw the expression on Ron’s face. Out of her tenderness to her friend, she immediately changed the subject: “Oh, look-they have high-end lollipop quill pens-can **** for hours!”

Harry was grateful that Hermione had changed the subject. He pretended to be particularly interested in this new super-large lollipop quill, but Ron still looked glum. When Hermione asked him where he wanted to go next, he just shrugged. shoulder.

“Let’s go to three broomsticks,” Harry said, “it must be warm there.”

They wrapped their faces in scarves again and left the candy store.

Just came out of the warm and sweet Duke Bee’s shop, and the cold wind blew on their faces like a knife.

The street is relatively deserted, no one stops to chat, everyone is rushing to the place where they are going.

The only exception was the two people in front of them. The two of them were standing outside of the three broomsticks. One of them was tall and thin. Harry looked at them, squinted his eyes, and recognized them through the rain-drenched glasses. He was the male waiter in the pig’s head bar, another bar in Hogsmeade.

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When Harry, Ron, and Hermione approached, the hostess wrapped his cloak around his neck, turned and walked away, leaving only the short man groping for something in his arms.

They were less than a step away from the man, and Harry suddenly recognized him.


The man with long **** hair was startled, with a messy head outside his legs, and an antique suitcase in his arms fell to the ground and bounced. The contents inside were all sorts of things, like an antique shop. The content in the window.

“Oh, hello, Harry,” Mondungus Fletcher pretended to be very brisk, but not at all like it: “Don’t let me delay your time.”

He squatted on the ground and fumbled and picked up the contents of the box, looking like he wanted to leave immediately.

“Are you selling these things?”

Harry asked as Mondungus grabbed a pile of all kinds of tattered things from the ground.

“Oh, there is no way, I have to find a way to stay alive.”

Mondungus pointed to something on the ground and said, “Give me that!”

Ron was crouching down and picking up a silverware.

“and many more,”

Ron said slowly: “This looks familiar–”

“Thank you!”

Mondongues said he snatched the goblet from Ron and stuffed it into the box: “Okay, see you later-oh!”

Harry grabbed Mondungus by the neck and pushed him against the wall outside the bar.

He pinched him tightly with one hand, and pulled out his wand with the other.


“You stole this thing from Sirius’s house,” Harry and Mondungus almost touched their noses, smelling the smell of stinky tobacco and spirits: “It has the coat of arms of the Black family.”

Mondongues stammered, his face slowly turning into pig liver color.

“What did you do?

On the night he died, did you ransack that place? ”

Harry was almost mad, even Hermione clenched her wand tightly. This kind of behavior is simply so irritating, what is this? It’s disgusting to get along with this kind of garbage.

But the reason she squeezed her wand tightly was because she wanted to keep Harry from killing Mondungus.

“Harry, you can’t kill him, don’t be so impulsive, once you kill him, you will be caught by the Ministry of Magic!”

Hermione said, it looked like Mondungus’ face had turned blue at this time.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, Harry felt his hands bounce off Mondungus’ neck.

Mondongues gasped, grabbed the box that had fallen on the ground, and then slapped it, and the apparition shifted.

Harry screamed, spinning around to see where Mondungus had gone.

“It’s no use, Harry.”

Tonks suddenly appeared out of nowhere, her gray-brown hair drenched in rain and snow.

“Mundungus has probably been in London by now, and it’s no use yelling.”

“He stole something from Sirius! He stole something!”

“Yes, but,”

Tonks seemed completely indifferent to the news, and seemed indifferent: “You shouldn’t stay here and get cold.”

Hermione glanced at her and guessed that Tonks is the one who knows the inside story.

After all, first of all Sirius was not dead. According to the news from Jon later, Sirius had abandoned the Black family house, leaving it to Harry, and giving up the contents.

Harry now thinks that those things are the sustenance left to him by Sirius, but in fact Sirius doesn’t care much about it, and he doesn’t lack this wealth. The Black family has accumulated wealth for many generations. In his hands, there is a treasury. How could he care about this?

Tonks didn’t know that Hermione already knew, and Hermione didn’t want Tonks to know that she already knew, so she didn’t say anything, and followed Harry and Ron into the door of Three Broomsticks.

It’s just that Harry yelled angrily as soon as he entered the bar: “He’s stealing something from Sirius!”

“I know, Harry, but please stop yelling, everyone is watching you.”

Hermione said in a low voice, “Go and sit down. I’ll bring you a drink.”

She has no other way, after all, she can’t tell Harry the words that Sirius is not dead.

A few minutes later, Hermione returned to their table with three bottles of Butterbeer, where Harry was still losing his temper.

“Can’t people in the society control Mondungus?”

Harry whispered angrily. Hermione and the others could only listen, but they couldn’t empathize with this emotion: “When he was in the headquarters, they couldn’t control him?

At least don’t let him steal all the things he can move! ”


Hermione said anxiously, checking if anyone around was eavesdropping.

The two wizards sitting nearby stared at Harry with great interest, and Shabini leaned lazily on a pillar not far away.

“Well, Harry, I know you are angry, I understand, I will be angry too, after all, we all know that he stole something from you—”

Harry took a bite of butter beer.

He forgot for a moment that he was already the owner of No.12 Grimmauld Place.

“Yes, it’s mine!”

He snorted coldly: “No wonder he saw me so guilty!

Hmph, I want to tell Dumbledore about this, and Mondungus is afraid of him alone. ”

“Good idea.” Hermione was obviously happy to see Harry finally calm down, so she had time to turn her gaze to the other side: “Ron, what are you staring at?”

“It’s nothing.”

Ron said hurriedly and looked away from the bar. Harry knew he was trying to attract the attention of that charming and charming proprietress, Mrs. Rosmerta. Ron had secretly liked her for a long time.

“is it?

I thought, your ‘Nothing’ is getting more Fire Whiskey in the back, right? ”

I don’t know why Hermione suddenly said such a bitter sentence, which she felt a little inappropriate after saying it.

But Ron naturally ignored the ridicule. He just drank the butterbeer slowly without saying a word, apparently thinking that his style was very noble and deep.

Harry was thinking about Sirius again. He remembered how much Sirius hated those silver goblets at the time.

Hermione tapped her fingers on the table, her eyes suddenly looked at Ron, and then at the bar.

She suddenly felt that such a life was so boring.

Because of a certain youthful emotion, I suddenly let the emotional control I practiced out of control. If the teacher knew her like this, I should be very disappointed.

She suddenly remembered that Jon had said before that she should not go to him during this period of time, but she still wants to talk to someone today.

So she began to quietly use magic power to pass a message to Jon in her notebook.

“Teacher, can I see you today?”

Jon happened to be fine. He thought Hermione should have something important. After all, he had just said to Hermione that he should not be looking for him for nothing.

Since there are important things, it’s not impossible to meet each other.


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